WOW!!! City of LA surrenders to OCCUPY!!! Offers them free housing, farmland, office!

What the fuck do "morals" have to do with this?

I'm not "outraged" about this because giving free office space in an empty building doesn't cost the taxpayers nearly a trillion dollars. "Morals" don't come into play here.

This is too small for me to care about. It's nothing, and affects NO ONE.

Killing 1 person is morally as bad as killing 100, right? Moral consistency. I didn't expect you to grasp that concept.
"Moral Consistency"?

That's fucking hilarious.

And, no. Killing 100 people is significantly worse than killing one person.

If you don't believe me, try it. See how many years in prison you get for each.
It affects plenty of people. The fact that you dont grasp that also does not shock me.
Like who?

So you morally are not pissed about the bailouts I'd assume? What about if we gave 100 office buildings, in each of America's 50 biggest cities? 5000 office buildings to OWS protestors? Would that piss you off? Would you care?
"Morally" is a completely meaningless term. So, no, I'm not "morally" pissed about the bailouts, I'm pissed about the bailouts because the government wrote a trillion dollar check of taxpayer money to Wall Street.

And I'm not going to respond to nonsense hypotheticals. Would you be "outraged" if Michelle Bachmann pulled off her mask during a press conference to reveal herself to be an alien?

I'm talking morality, not scale. 100 is worse in scale, not in morality. Courts charge people 1st on the basis of morality, that being that an act is criminal. They sentence them based on scale. Again, not shocked you dont get this.

Who does it affect? It's gonna affect taxpayers of LA for one. You think it'll stop with 1 building and some land? Of course not. And, it emboldened the hordes of occupiers in other cities. They smell blood now. LA caved. What ELSE can they get out of their whining?

The fact that you said "morally" is a completely meaningless term should end this debate, as you have no moral core. So, you can't hold such a high brow debate. But, against my own judgement, I'll keep it up. You say you ARE pissed about the bailouts, but not the LA gift? Well, how much money did LA citizens pay for that 10,000 sq/f building and farmland? THAT check is now gone, as OWS is getting both for free. Agains, "something for nothing". Morally, its the same as giving Wall Street a bailout. In scale, its not. In principle and morality, they are the same. It's kinda like if you said you are pissed about the guy who killed 100 people, but "dont care" about the guy who killed 1. Scale vs morality.

Dont worry. I dont expect much in respone. My expectations are quite low for you.

And a Bachman Alien would be freaking awesome.
Occupy L.A. receives offer to decamp -

What in the holy hell is this!!! What cowards!!! The City of Los Angeles offered OCCUPY LA a 10,000 sq/f building for $1 a year, yes, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, and farmland to farm on, and offered housing for the homeless among them, if they would agree to leave the City Hall property. Just shocking. The 2nd largest city in this great country just blinked. They surrendered to a bunch of spoiled, smelly, whiny entitled hippy college kids.

I'm not gonna use the term "Don't negotiate with terrorists". I dont think that fits, in all fairness. They are morons, and sometimes violent. But "terrorists"? No.

However, I'll bring up the old Southern grandma's quote: "If you feed the cat once, you better be ready to feed it's family forever."

How true. The signs that say "DO NOT FEED WILDLIFE" are there not just to protect the person, but to keep dangerous wildlife away!! Dont feed the bears. Dont feed the gators.

The City of LA just put out a giant batch of red meat outside the tents, and the bears will never go away now.

I truly hope Occupy takes the deal. And in 10 years, lets see what condition, and what progress, has been made of that 10,000 sq/f building and farmland.

Just unbelievable. LA surrenders. What a bunch of cowards running that sad once-great city.

What good will it do them to march out in some farmland. The OWSers have to make things uncomfortable in order to get anything accomplished. Remember when the teapartiers crashed into speaking events and shouted everyone down? You all were applauding that.

Same thing here. If any city doesn't like OWS being there, they need to cooperate.

Those were public forums where everyone was openly invited and welcomed. And those people spoke their verbal protest, then went home. Funny.....police never had to pepper spary TP'ers, and never got bottles thrown at them.

"Need to cooperate" you say. Or WHAT? The city is just the embodiment of the taxpayers as a whole. So, if WE dont cooperate, then WHAT exactly is OWS gonna do about it? Keep "Occupying" empty space? Big fucking deal. Screw 'em. Let weather sort 'em out. Winter is coming. If that doesn't work, the summer heat will. If that doesnt work, just wait longer. Hunger or disease will.

Yeah that pepper spraying thing kind of backfired and is bringing more attention and sympathy to the OWSers. It is all over the internet and people are furious. Those students were just sitting there and the cops just let them have it.

It's like the police brutality that's been recorded over the years. That fat cop is the one who is done. Not OWS.
Killing 1 person is morally as bad as killing 100, right? Moral consistency. I didn't expect you to grasp that concept.
"Moral Consistency"?

That's fucking hilarious.

And, no. Killing 100 people is significantly worse than killing one person.

If you don't believe me, try it. See how many years in prison you get for each.

Like who?

So you morally are not pissed about the bailouts I'd assume? What about if we gave 100 office buildings, in each of America's 50 biggest cities? 5000 office buildings to OWS protestors? Would that piss you off? Would you care?
"Morally" is a completely meaningless term. So, no, I'm not "morally" pissed about the bailouts, I'm pissed about the bailouts because the government wrote a trillion dollar check of taxpayer money to Wall Street.

And I'm not going to respond to nonsense hypotheticals. Would you be "outraged" if Michelle Bachmann pulled off her mask during a press conference to reveal herself to be an alien?

I'm talking morality, not scale. 100 is worse in scale, not in morality.
"Morality" is subjective, therefore completely irrelevant to my point.
Courts charge people 1st on the basis of morality, that being that an act is criminal. They sentence them based on scale. Again, not shocked you dont get this

Who does it affect? It's gonna affect taxpayers of LA for one.
Market rent for 10,000 sq of office space in downtown LA - around $2,000 a month.

So if they stay there and occupy the building for 500,000 years, then they'll be comparable to the bailouts.
You think it'll stop with 1 building and some land? Of course not. And, it emboldened the hordes of occupiers in other cities. They smell blood now. LA caved. What ELSE can they get out of their whining?
Don't take it personally, but your predictions of what is going to happen are almost as ridiculous as your claims to be able to know what I really think.

Sorry, Great Swami.

The fact that you said "morally" is a completely meaningless term should end this debate, as you have no moral core.
If you want to debate "morals", there's a religion forum for that.
So, you can't hold such a high brow debate.
Vague claims of "morality" and whining about how it's not fair is what passes for "high brow debate" now? We live in sorry times.
But, against my own judgement, I'll keep it up. You say you ARE pissed about the bailouts, but not the LA gift? Well, how much money did LA citizens pay for that 10,000 sq/f building and farmland?
They didn't "give" the building to anyone. They're offering a lease.
THAT check is now gone, as OWS is getting both for free. Agains, "something for nothing". Morally, its the same as giving Wall Street a bailout. In scale, its not. In principle and morality, they are the same. It's kinda like if you said you are pissed about the guy who killed 100 people, but "dont care" about the guy who killed 1. Scale vs morality.
You keep falling back on this "morality".

But what I consider "moral" isn't the same as you, or anyone else I've ever met. So, making claims of being more "moral" than I am is a pretty ridiculous attempt at a personal attack (not "high brow debate").

Dont worry. I dont expect much in respone. My expectations are quite low for you.
That's a very "moral" and "high brow" personal attack, right there.
It's kinda like if you said you are pissed about the guy who killed 100 people, but "dont care" about the guy who killed 1. Scale vs morality.

A more accurate analogy would be that you are claiming that Joseph Stalin killing 10 million people is equally "morally wrong" as a drunk driver who kills someone.
It's kinda like if you said you are pissed about the guy who killed 100 people, but "dont care" about the guy who killed 1. Scale vs morality.

A more accurate analogy would be that you are claiming that Joseph Stalin killing 10 million people is equally "morally wrong" as a drunk driver who kills someone.

It's not. You forget "intent". Both are wrong. Both immoral. But Stalin killing 10 million people is NOT more wrong, morally, than what the prick at Virginia Tech did. The scale is massively different, but morally it is not.

Your logic would compare a man who rapes a woman, to a man who has consentual sex outside of marriage. Intent is different.

I didn't bother with your previous post. That jibberish made absolutely no sense. A free handout is a free handout, regardless of scale. You are either against it, or not. You, obviously, dont mind it. So, to be consistent, you didn't mind the bailouts either. Both gov't handouts to a group demanding something.
It may be news to "bucs90," but alot of Americans are finally coming to the realization that they are victims in a "war," and the real enemy in their lives is not the Iranians, North Koreans or even Islamic terrorists - but the top 1%.

Perhaps LA realizes that this offer is probably "cost efficient" in the long-run if it reduces the police presence required to guard city hall.
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It may be news to "bucs90," but alot of Americans are finally realizing that they are caught in a "class war" and the enemy is the top 1%.

LA realizes that this offer is probably "cost efficient" in the long-run if it reduces the police presence required to guard city hall.


Let me catch my breathe...................:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Oh man....."the enemy" hired me and pays me the money that I bought my home with. And I feed myself and girlfriend and dog with. And pay my bills with. My boss isn't the nicest guy....but whatever, it's a fair workplace and I do what they say for 8 hours to get the payday.

I'm more concerned about how my taxmoney is gonna have to support the hordes of these morons in OWS in future years, especially the ones who will have even MORE trouble getting a job due to that arrest on their record!!!
I'll tell you what is "cost efficient": PEPPER SPRAY HAHA!!
It may be news to "bucs90," but alot of Americans are finally realizing that they are caught in a "class war" and the enemy is the top 1%.

LA realizes that this offer is probably "cost efficient" in the long-run if it reduces the police presence required to guard city hall.


Let me catch my breathe...................:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Oh man....."the enemy" hired me and pays me the money that I bought my home with. And I feed myself and girlfriend and dog with. And pay my bills with. My boss isn't the nicest guy....but whatever, it's a fair workplace and I do what they say for 8 hours to get the payday.

I'm more concerned about how my taxmoney is gonna have to support the hordes of these morons in OWS in future years, especially the ones who will have even MORE trouble getting a job due to that arrest on their record!!!
That's 20thC thinking - millions of middle-class Americans who "played by the rules" now find themselves without jobs, no benefits, facing bankruptcy, losing their home, etc.

All Americans have to do is look around and follow the "money trail" to realize that the wealthy is the only class that has prospered over the last decade. The middle-class know they have been been working harder and harder over that period of time, only to receive less in return.

If the average American had any illusions that the top 1% had the best interests of the country at heart, they lost it in the fall of 2008. Perhaps it was for times like this that the Founding Fathers provided the other 99% with the 2nd Amendment.
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Occupy L.A. receives offer to decamp -

What in the holy hell is this!!! What cowards!!! The City of Los Angeles offered OCCUPY LA a 10,000 sq/f building for $1 a year, yes, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, and farmland to farm on, and offered housing for the homeless among them, if they would agree to leave the City Hall property. Just shocking. The 2nd largest city in this great country just blinked. They surrendered to a bunch of spoiled, smelly, whiny entitled hippy college kids.

I'm not gonna use the term "Don't negotiate with terrorists". I dont think that fits, in all fairness. They are morons, and sometimes violent. But "terrorists"? No.

However, I'll bring up the old Southern grandma's quote: "If you feed the cat once, you better be ready to feed it's family forever."

How true. The signs that say "DO NOT FEED WILDLIFE" are there not just to protect the person, but to keep dangerous wildlife away!! Dont feed the bears. Dont feed the gators.

The City of LA just put out a giant batch of red meat outside the tents, and the bears will never go away now.

I truly hope Occupy takes the deal. And in 10 years, lets see what condition, and what progress, has been made of that 10,000 sq/f building and farmland.

Just unbelievable. LA surrenders. What a bunch of cowards running that sad once-great city.

What good will it do them to march out in some farmland. The OWSers have to make things uncomfortable in order to get anything accomplished. Remember when the teapartiers crashed into speaking events and shouted everyone down? You all were applauding that.

Same thing here. If any city doesn't like OWS being there, they need to cooperate.

So what 'free stuff' were the TEA Partiers demanding?

Were they setting up camps anywhere?

Were they disrupting the lives or businesses of other Americans?

Did they break any laws?


Why should the city 'need' to cooperate? Explain to me why one group should get handed shit that does not belong to them? That land, buildings, etc... that belongs to the people of LA. Why should one group have it and another group not?

Think it through, G. Seriously, is the government supposed to give everyone free land now?
Jeez Bus you're a chump over zealous, sound-bite inspired chump...
What a generous offer.

However how does Occupy LA decide who takes advantage of this largess? For that matter who decided WHO IS Occupy LA to make them this offer?

And even if there is a central authority to Occupy LA, and even if they do take avbantage of this, how does that change anything relevant to the issues that Occupy LA are addressing?

This generous offer really doesn't nothing to speak to the issues that matter.
how does a municipal body offer public lands for control by any group without RFP from any intrested party ?
Look what they have now:

1 large empty commercial building
1 large lot of farmland
1 offer of free housing for the homeless

They can farm the land, buy a cheap business license, and open an organic grocery store in that building. It can be similar to Whole Foods. Whole Foods was founded with the same small things.

OWS has a chance to do it now. Will they? Hell no. They'll see that its HARD WORK to found and operate a business.

More than likely that 10,000 sq/f building will be "occupied" by drug addicts, college losers playing "Dungeons and Dragons" card games, dumbasses with guitars and drums, and people sitting around how great they would be if only someone would give them what they deserve.

This is gonna be fun to watch.

it wont be similar to whole foods....those people could not afford to buy stuff from that store......but WF's is one of the only places around here that sells Bison Rib Eye there is a piece of Meat....:eusa_angel:
So what is your opinion on what LA did?

I don't really have one. Who cares if LA gives an empty building to OWS?

I doubt it would actually happen.

They already offered it. It's up to OWS to accept the offer. Which blows my mind. The City of LA offering free land and a large building to a group of people for nothing more than beggin them to stop camping out on City Hall's lawn.

You do have one. You just know it would sound bad to say that you support OWS'ers being given free shit because deep down, you think it should be on a much more massive scale of giving from those who have to those who, supposedly, do not.

Buc....what did you expect?....they fucking give Illegals a lot of stuff too.....and then Villaraigosa will get up and say the city is going to have to cut back on services due to Budget Constraints....
Can we just give the whole state iof California to Mexico?

Maybe strike a deal, close all borders with the rest of the us, give them California and close the Eastern California border as well. Then we can bus all illegals to California.

I like it.

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