Wow- Facebook ask Users if Adults Should be Able to Ask Children for Sexual Pictures


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
You can't make this stuff up.

I'm at a loss of words


Facebook asked users if pedophiles should be able to ask kids for 'sexual pictures'

SAN FRANCISCO — Facebook is under fire for asking users whether pedophiles should be able to proposition underage girls for sexually explicit photographs on the giant social network.

The survey is the latest in a series of missteps by the Silicon Valley company, which has been criticized for allowing content that exploits children.

Facebook asked users if pedophiles should be able to ask kids for 'sexual pictures'
Facebook asks users: Should we allow men to ask children for sexual images?
Tuesday, March 6, 2018 · 9:41 pm ·
“Facebook has admitted it was a ‘mistake’ to ask users whether pedophiles requesting sexual pictures from children should be allowed on its website,” Alex Hern reports for The Guardian. “On Sunday, the social network ran a survey for some users asking how they thought the company should handle grooming behavior. ‘There are a wide range of topics and behaviours that appear on Facebook,’ one question began. ‘In thinking about an ideal world where you could set Facebook’s policies, how would you handle the following: a private message in which an adult man asks a 14-year-old girl for sexual picture

Facebook asks users: Should we allow men to ask children for sexual images? – MacDailyNews - Welcome Home
Any adult man asking a 14 year old girl for a sexual pic needs to be beaten upon and around his ears with re bar until he bleeds
Holy Cow.
Indeed this boggles the mind.
Facebook says "it was a mistake"... not good enough.
This was a well thought out "mistake". No way questions like this when up without considerable discussion in more than one meeting with multiple people involved, and certainly way up the ladder.
You have to wonder what bubble do these people live in where they thought for a half second that this would be acceptable.
Holy Cow.
Indeed this boggles the mind.
Facebook says "it was a mistake"... not good enough.
This was a well thought out "mistake". No way questions like this when up without considerable discussion in more than one meeting with multiple people involved, and certainly way up the ladder.
You have to wonder what bubble do these people live in where they thought for a half second that this would be acceptable.

I agree. This is everything wrong with America. Much like painting the White House in faggot colors after SCOTUS screwed the pooch

I heard about this on the news and got the idea it was to raise the age of which it is illegal. Probably over 12, or whatever the pedophile statutes are now.
You know, this country is kinda screwy. When it comes to sex, we're all about putting our kids in a box and not letting the sordid world touch them with as many laws and bans as necessary. That's probably a very good thing.
And yet, on another thread just a few minutes ago, folks on this "side" are ridiculing banning graphic human on human violence in entertainment that enters our homes and is increasingly accessible by our children. It condones violence.

“You can't talk about fucking in America, people say you're dirty. But if you talk about killing somebody, that's cool.” ― Richard Pryor
I think it has to do with a company have the freedom of what to publish.
Yesterday I was seeing if my grand daughter had posted anything from her trip she took and I saw an ad that pretty much sums up a lot of facebook users IMO.

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I think it has to do with a company have the freedom of what to publish.
I remember when they didn't. When The Naked and the Dead had to be reprinted with the word "fug" instead of fck, giving the impression that every character was walking around with a nasty head cold through the entire novel.
When Henry Miller and Anais Nin were banned here.
When The Last Tango in Paris was so X-rated they actually DID card you. Now it might not even be "R."
I think the SC made a big mistake on that decision. There are things that don't need to be floated around. I loved Henry Miller, but the interpretation went too far in allowing mainstream freedom of speech to carry smut, disrespect for life and plain old fashioned tasteless trash to come into our homes. When I was a kid you wouldn't have to worry about your kid hearing "shithole" on the 6 o'clock news. Not even "ass." You can blame educators all you want, but the real dissolution of civility began with that damned "defense" of our right to freedom of speech.
Any adult man asking a 14 year old girl for a sexual pic needs to be beaten upon and around his ears with re bar until he bleeds
No, Facefuck needs to be beaten upon and around their right to practice business until they bleed. The FCC has power you know...and it's under the direct control of POTUS. This violates the MANN act as it crosses state boundaries.

That goes for any media source that softens or abets the act of child sex trafficking/exposure across state boundaries. Sorry leftie-stronghold, but you have to follow the law like the rest of us, no matter how vogue your sex cult likes to push new deviance across the threshold of tolerance of decent law abiding citizens and states.
I'm surprised that Face Book is still up and going if the people in charge are guilty of such filth.

God bless you always!!!

You can see we have double standards for lib scum. Look at what the politicians get away with. Look at the sheriffs office in Broward accountability for them hiding while people were murdered.

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