wow -- former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens says: Repeal the Second Amendment

1. Well regulated militias: The 2nd Amendment afford "all" citizens the right to bear arms so that should a "well regulated citizens militia be needed," they would have their own weapons to provide for that militia.
The 2nd says a militia is needed and that's why the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. Nothing about self defence in there.

It doesn't say that, dumbass. Try learning to understand basic English sentences.
And in your version of Utopia once you've gotten control, you'll implement the gulags, camps and gas chambers to eliminate the remaining "racists, rednecks, hillbillies...and anyone who disagrees with Dear Leader.
Just like the rest of the developed nations.
You mean the ones who don't have freedom of speech and are infested with Muslim rape gangs?
Only problem with your meme is the guy on the right is on our side.
So the guy on the left doesn't need an AR.
Yes he does, because he is the last line of defense if the guy on the right fails. You are thinking that we as a nation will never fail, and so you are attempting to place all our eggs into one basket. Now how many have jumped from buildings because they did that in the past ? Diversifying your portfolio is a winners strategy, and you of all people should know this right ??
Are you in a militia? A well-regulated militia?


The second amendment wasn't written to arm the militias, it was written to arm the people, in case a militia was needed to be formed.
The 2nd says a militia is needed and that's why the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. Nothing about self defence in there.
Read it again.

It says that militias are necessary to secure states, therefore, Congress will not infringe on the right. It's a limit on Congressional power. Nothing more.
The second amendment wasn't written to arm the militias, it was written to arm the people, in case a militia was needed to be formed.
While I agree that the purpose was to make sure people were armed, the intent was to limit Congressional power. Nothing more. It did nothing but tie the hands of Congress. No grant of rights. No arming the people. It did nothing in the affirmative. It is a prohibition.
...and if the 2nd Amendment intended to limit Congressional Power and reserve it to the States, what does that say about all federal gun laws?

The first amendment has restrictions. The second amendment has no restrictions. These weapons are not in the hands of “well-regulated” militias. The changes the people are demanding do not desecrate the second amendment, they just make it a safe addition to our constitution.

Define the militia at the time the amendment was passed.

The best way to understand the Militia in the mid to late 18th century is to read biographies of our founders. Chief Justice John Marshall was a Cap't in the Militia who recruited farmers and shop keepers and regularly trained them.

See in the linked, the table of contents the number of our founders and signers of COTUS here:

Soldier-Statesmen of the Constitution

The seem to put in question Scalia's argument in Heller that the 2nd A. was not in any manner related to membership in the militia.
ya still think they're not comin for your guns?!

Opinion | John Paul Stevens: Repeal the Second Amendment

Well, the guns are coming for you...... the murder rate is on the rise again, the number of kids getting killed in schools is ridiculous, the number of mass shootings is up....

Maybe it's time you people started looking at voting in a govt that works for you, rather than a bad one which you say "well, I've got my guns".
The first amendment has restrictions. The second amendment has no restrictions. These weapons are not in the hands of “well-regulated” militias. The changes the people are demanding do not desecrate the second amendment, they just make it a safe addition to our constitution.

The Heller decision of the Supreme Court disagrees with your assessment of "well regulated". "Finally, the adjective "well regulated" implies nothing more the imposition of proper discipline and training."

That makes it the law of the land, and not open to your opinion.
The first amendment has restrictions. The second amendment has no restrictions. These weapons are not in the hands of “well-regulated” militias. The changes the people are demanding do not desecrate the second amendment, they just make it a safe addition to our constitution.

Define the militia at the time the amendment was passed.

The best way to understand the Militia in the mid to late 18th century is to read biographies of our founders. Chief Justice John Marshall was a Cap't in the Militia who recruited farmers and shop keepers and regularly trained them.

See in the linked, the table of contents the number of our founders and signers of COTUS here:

Soldier-Statesmen of the Constitution

The seem to put in question Scalia's argument in Heller that the 2nd A. was not in any manner related to membership in the militia.
. You said recruited farmers and shop keepers, and then he trained them. Well this day and age we are already trained up, so no training is nessesary.
Liberals want to repeal the first and second amendments to the Constitution and eliminate the electoral college.

They really don't want the country to exist at all.

Liberals use the 1st amendment as a crutch. They want to repeal the second because they're more afraid of the big bad guns, then the big bad people.

For the electoral college, it is something whose time has expired. It was like the colt peacemaker, a way of equalizing big and small states.

It is still a way of equalizing big and small states. We are a republic, not a democracy, and we need to keep it that way.

Who on this thread belongs to a "well regulated" militia? That's what the entire 2nd Amendment hinges on. Other than the military - who would regulate a militia? What militia were the founding fathers referring to?

Regarding that pesky “well regulated Militia” in the 2nd amendment, what exactly did it mean?

The militia that the founding fathers referred to was every White male over the age of 18 and under the age of 45, who were able bodied and not exempted.

"Finally, the adjective "well regulated" implies nothing more than the imposition of proper discipline and training." USSC Heller decision.
The first amendment has restrictions. The second amendment has no restrictions. These weapons are not in the hands of “well-regulated” militias. The changes the people are demanding do not desecrate the second amendment, they just make it a safe addition to our constitution.

Could you please tell me what a semi-automatic is? This is what they want banned. So, please let me know what they are wanting to ban.

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