wow -- former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens says: Repeal the Second Amendment

Don’t get more user friendly then an M16/AR15.
Pretty much. That AK variant that I lost on the Sabine was pretty damn user friendly and certainly had the AR platform beat on reliability. I could soak it in mud and it would fire like it was freshly field striped, cleaned, and oiled.

Tragic that I lost that gun.
How do you lose an AR-15?
Yes, it certainly is "a relic of the 18th century." It's confusing and obsolete. It's actually embarrassing.
Ok Lakota, hopefully this don't happen, but say you have a sister, and she is being abused by her husband who is POcrap. You tell her over and over again that you wished she would leave him, but she tells you it will be OK. She begs you to not say anything, and you don't. The guy is bigger, stronger, and meaner than you ever could imagine in life.

You notify the law secretly, but they tell you over and over again that she will have to notify them, and they can't intervene.

Then one night you hear a bad ruckus next door, and it's your mean brother & law beating your sister, and your nephew tries to intervene, but he turns on him next, you call 9-11 but know that if you don't distract the brother & law quickly one of your family members might die. So you take a shovel and try to scare him with it to buy some time, but he takes the shovel from you, and then kills you with it, and then in his rage he kills your sister next, and then the cops arrive with his shovel in the air again (shoot him dead), saving your nephew.

Or you could have called 9-11, took your gun, and confronted him with it, causing him to shut down because he was a coward who was used to bullying people, but was scared to death to lose his own life when push came to shove, and you all then waited for the law to arrive as your family members were saved that day by a good man with an equalizer in this case a gun.
Are you in a militia? A well-regulated militia?


The soldier on the right looking at the picture (if led by a super corrupt government like the one Hitler created), then yes hopefully the guy with hundreds of thousands more of his fellow Americans will stand up and say "I don't think so". Funny you picked the fat out of shape citizen to make your fun at, and to make your point, but then y'all complain when see someone on the right making fun of anyone in the same way. Can we say hypocrite much ?
He's a crook!?? Really, what did he do?

IMO anyone who uses the term crook without evidence is a liar, and anyone who uses the phrase "leftist commie" to describe someone who simply holds an opinion which they do not agree with is ignorant and a jerk.
He designed his opinions in accordance with the outcome he wanted, rather than being doing what a justice is require to do--let the law and facts guide the conclusions and holdings.

Stevens helped circumvent the amendment process of the constitution in multiple holdings. He was completely dishonest.

I call dishonest people crooks. Maybe there is a better word I could use.

The same can be said for most every Justice, they are human. Scalia*** spent pages trying to justify the 2nd A., he who went shooting with Dick Cheney and once said,

On the war on terror: "War is war, and it has never been the case that when you capture a combatant, you have to give him a jury trial in your civil courts. It's a crazy idea to me. … If he was captured by my army on the battlefield that is where he belongs. I had a son on that battlefield and they were shooting at my son. And I am not about to give this man -- captured in war -- a full jury trial, that is just crazy."
You lack empathy! To claim there are no facts is belied by the number of funerals.

Obviously you are not worried about body count. You only focus on the minuscule gun violence that fits your narrative and ignore the inconvenient facts.

That is untrue, lacks evidence and is your usual biased bullshit. As Dick Cheney once said to a US Senator, "go fuck yourself".
Liberals: "We don't want to take all the guns away! Just assault weapons!!"'

Okay, define "assault weapon."

Easy, it's a weapon through design, function, or origin, was designed for modern warfare,. And usually doesn't have the design or functions of those made for hunting or sporting purposes. Ex: You wouldn't use an AR-15 to hunt elk. And without a heavy barrel, you wouldn't use it to go varmint hunting, or target shooting,

And in all of those cases, you wouldn't need anything more than a 15 shot clip,

Hilarious post! You just outed yourself as a gun grabbing dumbass!
The first amendment has restrictions. The second amendment has no restrictions. These weapons are not in the hands of “well-regulated” militias. The changes the people are demanding do not desecrate the second amendment, they just make it a safe addition to our constitution.

Fuck off, Poseur.

I don't trust anybody who needs a gun bigger than a .470 weatherby,.

Do you know the caliber of the AR-15?
Are you in a militia? A well-regulated militia?



Only problem with your meme is the guy on the right is on our side.

The gun grabbers believe they are going to send a bunch of boys from Texas and Alabama (the guy on the right) to take guns away from the guy on the left. A more likely scenario is that he frags his commanding officer, who is a tranny from Berkeley.
The first amendment has restrictions. The second amendment has no restrictions. These weapons are not in the hands of “well-regulated” militias. The changes the people are demanding do not desecrate the second amendment, they just make it a safe addition to our constitution.

Define the militia at the time the amendment was passed.
The first amendment has restrictions. The second amendment has no restrictions. These weapons are not in the hands of “well-regulated” militias. The changes the people are demanding do not desecrate the second amendment, they just make it a safe addition to our constitution.

Fuck off, Poseur.

I don't trust anybody who needs a gun bigger than a .470 weatherby,.

Do you know the caliber of the AR-15?
Um, 15? Arrr arrr
Are you in a militia? A well-regulated militia?



Well now, that is what a coward would say, yes.

I take it you will only fight for your freedom and liberty if you are assured you can win?

Need a safe space? The world scarein` you puddin` pie?
And in your version of Utopia once you've gotten control, you'll implement the gulags, camps and gas chambers to eliminate the remaining "racists, rednecks, hillbillies...and anyone who disagrees with Dear Leader.
Just like the rest of the developed nations.
1. Well regulated militias: The 2nd Amendment afford "all" citizens the right to bear arms so that should a "well regulated citizens militia be needed," they would have their own weapons to provide for that militia.
The 2nd says a militia is needed and that's why the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. Nothing about self defence in there.
And in your version of Utopia once you've gotten control, you'll implement the gulags, camps and gas chambers to eliminate the remaining "racists, rednecks, hillbillies...and anyone who disagrees with Dear Leader.
Just like the rest of the developed nations.

Oh, I understand you now. You're one of those sad little brain washed millennials who was taught that the U.S. invented slavery.

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