wow -- former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens says: Repeal the Second Amendment

Liberals are only following what their globalist masters want.
And thats to disarm the population so we cant fight back.

How long do you think you’ll be able to hold out when the government comes around to take your guns?

What guns? Them what I sold?

I had a terrible canoe accident.

Yeah, I got a tackle box and some other shot at the bottom of the trinity. Sucks.
The 'gunners' brought this on us. Extreme intransigence and insensitivity have driven the issue beyond debate.

Bullshit, the debate was over.

The gun control crowd consistently fails to present a compelling prima facie case for gun control based on the FACTS.

They always and forever resort to Appeal to emotion - Wikipedia

You lack empathy! To claim there are no facts is belied by the number of funerals.

Sociopaths lack empathy, sadly there is no cure for that malady.

I have empathy for those slain silly. The fact is, if people want to commit suicide, they will find a way.

You just aren't addressing the facts. Like I said, you haven't addressed prima facie case for gun control. You seem to only be focused on striping law abiding citizens of their right to bear arms.

Mass Shootings Are A Bad Way To Understand Gun Violence

Gun Deaths In America
The first amendment has restrictions. The second amendment has no restrictions. These weapons are not in the hands of “well-regulated” militias. The changes the people are demanding do not desecrate the second amendment, they just make it a safe addition to our constitution.
1. Well regulated militias: The 2nd Amendment afford "all" citizens the right to bear arms so that should a "well regulated citizens militia be needed," they would have their own weapons to provide for that militia.
2. The concept when the 2nd Amendment was enacted, was so that the citizenry would be "similarly" armed against a tyrannical government, including our own, should it become tyrannical. Thus, the weapons like the AR-15, while not fully-automatic, are close to a military rifle and to be kept by the citizens, should our own government, or a foreign government, try to impose its oppressive will upon the people.
More Proof That the Constitution Was Written by Lawyers for the 1%

The l8th Century plutocracy was too cheap to fund a standing army. The scare story about "tyrannical government" is one they planted. As proven in the Civil War, federal soldiers would feel their first loyalty to the people they had grown up with, not to the service, especially if they had been drafted.
The tyrannical government they considered, at that time when mentioning such, happened to be the oppressive one they were struggling against.......England and King George. Aside form the oppressive taxation without representation issue, they also recognized that people were sailing in from other nations to escape their own oppressive governments. What I cited about the 2nd Amendment, remains the correct interpretation as to its meaning, whether you disagree with it or not.
Ya, and since Harvy there is no chance of ever recovering them. Damn. I also lost like 500 rounds of 62 gr lake city.
That was money well lost.

That's like the time I had 1000 rounds of steel-cased 7.62x39 fall into a campfire out at Possum Kingdom. I am lucky to be alive.
The first amendment has restrictions. The second amendment has no restrictions. These weapons are not in the hands of “well-regulated” militias. The changes the people are demanding do not desecrate the second amendment, they just make it a safe addition to our constitution.
1. Well regulated militias: The 2nd Amendment afford "all" citizens the right to bear arms so that should a "well regulated citizens militia be needed," they would have their own weapons to provide for that militia.
2. The concept when the 2nd Amendment was enacted, was so that the citizenry would be "similarly" armed against a tyrannical government, including our own, should it become tyrannical. Thus, the weapons like the AR-15, while not fully-automatic, are close to a military rifle and to be kept by the citizens, should our own government, or a foreign government, try to impose its oppressive will upon the people.
More Proof That the Constitution Was Written by Lawyers for the 1%

The l8th Century plutocracy was too cheap to fund a standing army. The scare story about "tyrannical government" is one they planted. As proven in the Civil War, federal soldiers would feel their first loyalty to the people they had grown up with, not to the service, especially if they had been drafted.
The tyrannical government they considered, at that time when mentioning such, happened to be the oppressive one they were struggling against.......England and King George. Aside form the oppressive taxation without representation issue, they also recognized that people were sailing in from other nations to escape their own oppressive governments. What I cited about the 2nd Amendment, remains the correct interpretation as to its meaning, whether you disagree with it or not.

One more point on #2. The military rifles are typically very easy to learn to use and maintain as ignorance of firearms are kind of engineered into them.
Ya, and since Harvy there is no chance of ever recovering them. Damn. I also lost like 500 rounds of 62 gr lake city.
That was money well lost.

That's like the time I had 1000 rounds of steel-cased 7.62x39 fall into a campfire out at Possum Kingdom. I am lucky to be alive.

But I bet the acoustics were awesome! That place echos down by the lake. Best steak I ever had was at Opossem kingdom.
He says in his article that he wants the 2nd amendment repealed because it will allow for more gun control. He is correct. That’s why we won’t repeal it.
One more point on #2. The military rifles are typically very easy to learn to use and maintain as ignorance of firearms are kind of engineered into them.
Banning user-friendly or reliable firearms is inherently a safety issue that poses a much greater threat to lives than the .00000352% of people killed in mass shootings with said arms.
One more point on #2. The military rifles are typically very easy to learn to use and maintain as ignorance of firearms are kind of engineered into them.
Banning user-friendly or reliable firearms is inherently a safety issue that poses a much greater threat to lives than the .00000352% of people killed in mass shootings with said arms.

Don’t get more user friendly then an M16/AR15.
Don’t get more user friendly then an M16/AR15.
Pretty much. That AK variant that I lost on the Sabine was pretty damn user friendly and certainly had the AR platform beat on reliability. I could soak it in mud and it would fire like it was freshly field striped, cleaned, and oiled.

Tragic that I lost that gun.

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