wow -- former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens says: Repeal the Second Amendment

The first amendment has restrictions. The second amendment has no restrictions. These weapons are not in the hands of “well-regulated” militias. The changes the people are demanding do not desecrate the second amendment, they just make it a safe addition to our constitution.
Beware of Judges' Selective Arguments

It may not be needed for militias, but the governing phrase is "necessary for the security of a free state." Defenseless victims are neither secure nor free.
2. The concept when the 2nd Amendment was enacted, was so that the citizenry would be "similarly" armed against a tyrannical government, including our own, should it become tyrannical. Thus, the weapons like the AR-15, while not fully-automatic, are close to a military rifle and to be kept by the citizens, should our own government, or a foreign government, try to impose its oppressive will upon the people.

The NRA blew it. They should have stuck to the we are the militia, so that the early USSC decision 1930's said people were part of the militia, and had a right to military type weapons. Today that would mean full auto M-16's.
The 'gunners' brought this on us. Extreme intransigence and insensitivity have driven the issue beyond debate.
The 'gunners' brought this on us. Extreme intransigence and insensitivity have driven the issue beyond debate.

It is beyond debate that the right is an individual right that is reserved to the People, but anti-gun folks still try.

Who on this thread belongs to a "well regulated" militia? That's what the entire 2nd Amendment hinges on. Other than the military - who would regulate a militia? What militia were the founding fathers referring to?

Regarding that pesky “well regulated Militia” in the 2nd amendment, what exactly did it mean?
You organize one in case of war.
Liberals: "We don't want to take all the guns away! Just assault weapons!!"'

Okay, define "assault weapon."

Easy, it's a weapon through design, function, or origin, was designed for modern warfare,. And usually doesn't have the design or functions of those made for hunting or sporting purposes. Ex: You wouldn't use an AR-15 to hunt elk. And without a heavy barrel, you wouldn't use it to go varmint hunting, or target shooting,

And in all of those cases, you wouldn't need anything more than a 15 shot clip,
Bokomore Nevermore

Storeowners, at least, need them to mow down a mob of looters during a riot.

Who on this thread belongs to a "well regulated" militia? That's what the entire 2nd Amendment hinges on. Other than the military - who would regulate a militia? What militia were the founding fathers referring to?

Regarding that pesky “well regulated Militia” in the 2nd amendment, what exactly did it mean?
You organize one in case of war.

When was the last time a civilian one was "organized" in case of war?
When was the last time we were attacked in our homes?
Yes, it certainly is "a relic of the 18th century." It's confusing and obsolete. It's actually embarrassing.
Well, shit, we might as well throw out free speech, and free assembly too, those are relics as well.

Hell, let's just throw out freedom, such an antiquated notion. A big socialist government of elites that know what is best for us all would be much preferable.

Anyone that doesn't like it, we'll just call them racist Nazi's, punch them, and send 'em off for re-education.
ya still think they're not comin for your guns?!

Opinion | John Paul Stevens: Repeal the Second Amendment

Whose to blame if you're correct and if Ret. Justice Stevens gets his way?

For years, since Columbine, I've posted why the 2nd A. will come under attack; a massive attack on the NRA was launched on Saturday last. The culpable party is the NRA, and their no new gun laws policy.

The good news is the Republican Party seems to have bet on the wrong horse. That is not to say the Democrats, if they are able to win the H. or Rep., and the Senate will win both. but If they do, one must hope they will not overreach.

Many Democrats agree sane, sober, and law abiding citizens have the right to own, possess and have in their custody and control a DEFENSIVE firearm.

I will leave to the experts - not the dilettantes who dominate gun threads - on what is a defensive firearm, and what is an offensive one, as well as other issues such as concealed carry.
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The first amendment has restrictions. The second amendment has no restrictions. These weapons are not in the hands of “well-regulated” militias. The changes the people are demanding do not desecrate the second amendment, they just make it a safe addition to our constitution.
1. Well regulated militias: The 2nd Amendment afford "all" citizens the right to bear arms so that should a "well regulated citizens militia be needed," they would have their own weapons to provide for that militia.
2. The concept when the 2nd Amendment was enacted, was so that the citizenry would be "similarly" armed against a tyrannical government, including our own, should it become tyrannical. Thus, the weapons like the AR-15, while not fully-automatic, are close to a military rifle and to be kept by the citizens, should our own government, or a foreign government, try to impose its oppressive will upon the people.
More Proof That the Constitution Was Written by Lawyers for the 1%

The l8th Century plutocracy was too cheap to fund a standing army. The scare story about "tyrannical government" is one they planted. As proven in the Civil War, federal soldiers would feel their first loyalty to the people they had grown up with, not to the service, especially if they had been drafted.
ya still think they're not comin for your guns?!

Opinion | John Paul Stevens: Repeal the Second Amendment

Ford selected him. No wonder he turned out to be such a disaster.

Ford was a member of the CFR.

All CFR politicians are the same, they are all against the Bill of Rights.

In fact, most of the elites that wrote the Constitution were not for the Bill of Rights. That was the compromise with the People that fought the revolution to have their oligarchy adopted in the first place.

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