wow -- former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens says: Repeal the Second Amendment

I will leave to the experts - not the dilettantes who dominate gun threads - on what is a defensive firearm, and what is an offensive one, as well as other issues such as concealed carry.

A defensive arm is one that you can shoot well enough to hit what you're aming out. An offensve arm is one that's so powerful you close your eyes and hit innocent bystanders instead of the bad guy.
Yes, it certainly is "a relic of the 18th century." It's confusing and obsolete. It's actually embarrassing.
But, rather than go through the amendment process, the left just sits around and bitches about it.

Tough shit. Follow procedure or go home....or appoint a crook like John Paul Stevens to the Court and you can "interpret" your way around the Constitution. That's the leftist commie MO.
Yes, it certainly is "a relic of the 18th century." It's confusing and obsolete. It's actually embarrassing.
Well, shit, we might as well throw out free speech, and free assembly too, those are relics as well.

Hell, let's just throw out freedom, such an antiquated notion. A big socialist government of elites that know what is best for us all would be much preferable.

Anyone that doesn't like it, we'll just call them racist Nazi's, punch them, and send 'em off for re-education.

Try to focus. We're just talking about the 2nd Amendment.
Yes, it certainly is "a relic of the 18th century." It's confusing and obsolete. It's actually embarrassing.

But, rather than go through the amendment process, the left just sits around and bitches about it.

Tough shit. Follow procedure or go home....or appoint a crook like John Paul Stevens to the Court and you can "interpret" your way around the Constitution. That's the leftist commie MO.

He's a crook!?? Really, what did he do?

IMO anyone who uses the term crook without evidence is a liar, and anyone who uses the phrase "leftist commie" to describe someone who simply holds an opinion which they do not agree with is ignorant and a jerk.
The 'gunners' brought this on us. Extreme intransigence and insensitivity have driven the issue beyond debate.

Bullshit, the debate was over.

The gun control crowd consistently fails to present a compelling prima facie case for gun control based on the FACTS.

They always and forever resort to Appeal to emotion - Wikipedia

You lack empathy! To claim there are no facts is belied by the number of funerals.

Sociopaths lack empathy, sadly there is no cure for that malady.
Amending the Constitution is a "simple process"? I doubt if anyone has ever seen a former Justice of the S.C. openly criticize a majority opinion of the Supreme Court and criticize the Chief Justice. Thank God the 97 year old relic is retired. Too bad we can't wake up Justice Ginzburg long enough to retire.
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True. The National Guard is military and already organized - and mobilized when needed.

Stormy kicked ass, Betty was totally defensive and clearly provided more evidence that Trump fills his cabinet with incompetents (likely he does not want anyone competent to show him up).
He's a crook!?? Really, what did he do?

IMO anyone who uses the term crook without evidence is a liar, and anyone who uses the phrase "leftist commie" to describe someone who simply holds an opinion which they do not agree with is ignorant and a jerk.
He designed his opinions in accordance with the outcome he wanted, rather than being doing what a justice is require to do--let the law and facts guide the conclusions and holdings.

Stevens helped circumvent the amendment process of the constitution in multiple holdings. He was completely dishonest.

I call dishonest people crooks. Maybe there is a better word I could use.
Yes, it certainly is "a relic of the 18th century." It's confusing and obsolete. It's actually embarrassing.
Well, shit, we might as well throw out free speech, and free assembly too, those are relics as well.

Hell, let's just throw out freedom, such an antiquated notion. A big socialist government of elites that know what is best for us all would be much preferable.

Anyone that doesn't like it, we'll just call them racist Nazi's, punch them, and send 'em off for re-education.

Try to focus. We're just talking about the 2nd Amendment.

W/O the second Amendment guaranteeing the rights of the citizens, the others just become privileges given and taken at the whim of the governing elites.

The End of America, starring Donald Trump
If you love your country, read "The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot" by Naomi Wolf and wise up about Trumplandia.
The End of America, starring Donald Trump

"No, Wolf doesn't believe that America will be facing any dramatic coups or massacres anytime soon. "But certain threads are emerging that have connections to the past," she writes.
"I am calling your attention to important lessons from history about how fragile civil liberties are and how quickly freedom can be lost. I ask you to quiet your understandable aversion long enough to walk with me though the material I have to show you."

Do yourself a big favor and read The End of America. But start with the preface, then skip over to Chapter Nine: "Restrict The Press." In less than nineteen pages, Wolf walks you though what Trump has been doing and, more importantly, tells you WHY he's doing it — a tactic that's been eluding too many experts these days.

Too many reporters, commentators, and pundits still don't get it. They're not connecting the dots between fake news and lies and propaganda. Wolf does, and she makes it easy to understand without "dumbing down" and insulting readers:

"Propaganda is part of both fascist and democratic advocacy: American political ads, for instance, are a form of propaganda. But, while exaggeration and 'spin' are part of democracy's playbook, flat-out lies and false documents are not.

"Dictatorships specialize in faking news and falsifying documents. Hitler wrote that 'all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand'…"

Hmmm… harping on the same things, the same slogans? Kind of like what Trump's doing with Obama now. First he harped about how Obama left him a "big mess," then how Obamacare was a "disaster," and now, how Obama wiretapped his Trump Tower. Suddenly, all this brouhaha about fake news is beginning to make sense. Here are more of Wolf's insights on the significance of lying when it comes to fake news:
"After a certain point in a fascist shift, it doesn't matter whether most people believe the faked news or not — eventually they simply don't have access to enough good information to assess what is real and what is not…"

Fascist America, in 10 easy steps

Naomi Wolf
Naomi Wolf: Fascist America, in 10 easy steps

"Right now, only a handful of patriots are trying to hold back the tide of tyranny for the rest of us - staff at the Center for Constitutional Rights, who faced death threats for representing the detainees yet persisted all the way to the Supreme Court; activists at the American Civil Liberties Union; and prominent conservatives trying to roll back the corrosive new laws, under the banner of a new group called the American Freedom Agenda. This small, disparate collection of people needs everybody's help, including that of Europeans and others internationally who are willing to put pressure on the administration because they can see what a US unrestrained by real democracy at home can mean for the rest of the world.

We need to look at history and face the "what ifs". For if we keep going down this road, the "end of America" could come for each of us in a different way, at a different moment; each of us might have a different moment when we feel forced to look back and think: that is how it was before - and this is the way it is now.

"The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands ... is the definition of tyranny," wrote James Madison. We still have the choice to stop going down this road; we can stand our ground and fight for our nation, and take up the banner the founders asked us to carry."

Steven's apparent embarrassment at being in the minority of a decision and possibly his hard feelings toward the Chief Justice (was he forced out?) combined with an incoherent hatred of a lobbying group has caused his 97 year old intellect to seize up like an old Model A (same era) engine.
Remington should switch over to making security blankets. They'd sell like hotcakes to the gun licks.

LOL! And start a Linus Patrol.

Soon the cry would be 'the gubmint is going to take your blankies away'! They'll have a pic of Charleton Heston holding up a blanket "from my cold dead hand, well it won't be cold because I have the blanket, but you know what I meant".

Ya/ we should also not let black people or women talk anymore other then to say “Yessir!”. Let’s just get rid of that pesky 1st amendment and that stupid 14th as well. Last thing we need is foreign people expressing an opinion. Dumb motherfuckers.
ya still think they're not comin for your guns?!

Opinion | John Paul Stevens: Repeal the Second Amendment
The Black Robes Darken Their Souls

A Republican president, Gerald Ford, got Stevens on SCROTUS. So much for the campaign slogan about Court appointees.
it's what happens when the constitution law doesn't matter to a SCOTUS anymore.

Fuck’em. I hope he strokes out and dies in his own piss. He is old as hell. Only a matter of time till the reaper comes to take his ass to hell. Mayhap the good Judge and John McTumor will got to hell together? They die in 3’s you know.
Liberals want to repeal the first and second amendments to the Constitution and eliminate the electoral college.

They really don't want the country to exist at all.

Liberals use the 1st amendment as a crutch. They want to repeal the second because they're more afraid of the big bad guns, then the big bad people.

For the electoral college, it is something whose time has expired. It was like the colt peacemaker, a way of equalizing big and small states.

Liberals are only following what their globalist masters want.
And thats to disarm the population so we cant fight back.

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