wow -- former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens says: Repeal the Second Amendment

Are you in a militia? A well-regulated militia?



Only problem with your meme is the guy on the right is on our side.

Says who?

Anyone with half a brain knows this.....aaaah I see the problem.
Liberals don't have the stones to go after the 2nd amendment and even if they did we'd stomp their ass.
Liberals: "We don't want to take all the guns away! Just assault weapons!!"'

Okay, define "assault weapon."

Liberals: "Uhhhhh ummmmmm yeah so uhhh it's a ummm"

Liberals: "FINE!!! Repeal the Second Amendment!!!"
It will happen. Once all the racists, rednecks, hillbillies are less.... this country will reach its senses and join the free decelopes world.
In the mean time we will keep hearing.
Workplace shootings
A man shot and killed his entire family
Politicians getting shot
Church shootings
Road rage shootings
Kids as young as 2 gunners down. Etc.....
While all you idiots argue about what the 2nd Amendment or militia means, here you have a former Leftist Activist Supreme Court Justice, whose job was the highest office to INTERPRET and APPLY the law (in other words, defend, protect and uphold the laws of the land) reveals to the world the true problem at hand--- --- a problem shared by all of the Left-leaning Justices on the SCOTUS, in that they are uncloaked activists trying to MAKE LAW rather than interpret it. How can you expect a Justice to fairly apply a law that he doesn't even believe in and feels ought to be repealed? This is why it was so important that Trump put Gorsuch on the bench to replace Scalia.

Stevens should just STFU. It was entirely irresponsible for him to come out with this no matter what he thinks. This is a clear case with the likes of high profile figures like Stevens, Holder and Obama floating around that they are 100% going after the jugular not to just restrict gun sales, but to put gun makers out of business, make bullets unavailable, make carry permits unobtainable, stack a million restrictions against lawful gun owners so that they can't make a move without breaking a law, so that they can attack, vilify and arrest gun owners left and right, to eventually try to virtually eliminate firearms from lawful use and nix the 2nd Amendment.

And they will ride the coattails of the poor, frightened school children they helped frighten all the way until they can cash in on the gullible idiots of this land.

And while the fools here applaud this action, they never stop to think that if the government can do THIS, next time it will be something they value. In the end, this is a massive power grab by a government hell bent on taking total control of people's lives in a country founded on the DIAMETRIC OPPOSITE------ the principle of a free, self-governed society, and this will only lead to greater lawlessness, violence and crime by the criminals which will only give the government the excuse they want for total martial law, and in the end, we all lose, our children lose, for we will see an end to our freedoms as the new socialist oligarchy rises, and if the idiots on the Left think this will give rise to a new and better world with more of the things they value, won't they be surprised when they wake up one day too late to find out how wrong they really were.
Liberals: "We don't want to take all the guns away! Just assault weapons!!"'

Okay, define "assault weapon."

Easy, it's a weapon through design, function, or origin, was designed for modern warfare,. And usually doesn't have the design or functions of those made for hunting or sporting purposes. Ex: You wouldn't use an AR-15 to hunt elk. And without a heavy barrel, you wouldn't use it to go varmint hunting, or target shooting,

And in all of those cases, you wouldn't need anything more than a 15 shot clip,
Why are you campaigning to have RIGHTS removed from you?

Mark my words this will blow up in their face. If the idiot liberals open this can of worms allowing the 2nd amendment to be amended, our rights will be carved into granite eliminating any ambiguity, instantly nullifying existing gun control laws as unconstitutional.
ya still think they're not comin for your guns?!

Opinion | John Paul Stevens: Repeal the Second Amendment
Well, I've always said the ultimate aim of the lever-pullers in the gun control movement was the repeal of the Second.

It's out in the open now.

Don't repeal the 2nd amendment,

Like Obamacarem, repeal and replace. We need a 2nd amendment, but one that takes modern weapons and modern times into consideration,

Such as, you have the right to have a gun to defend yourself from the other animals walking the streets, You need to be able to carry it exept in a few places, like airports.
You wouldn't leave you kids where you couldn't keep an eye on them. Why leave a loaded firearm where kids can get at them. It should be a 50 state law, that guns should be treated like Crooked Hillary,. Lock 'em up,
Liberals want to repeal the first and second amendments to the Constitution and eliminate the electoral college.

They really don't want the country to exist at all.

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