WOW Fox News really powerful..75% of Americans want IRS special prosecutor!

The topic of this thread is a poll. The topic of this thread depends on the value of polling to make an argument. The consensus on the Right at USMB is that the 90+% in the polls for universal background checks was of NO value as an argument.

All I'm asking is, why is this different? ...why is this different other than the obvious reason that it's different because it's a poll you people like?

Show the consensus. Plenty of people on the right did not argue with the basis of the other polls.

Since this thread is about this poll, do you think it's meaningless?

Ok, just to shut you up, I have said about a thousand times on this forum that I consider polls, especially averages of multiple polls, to be reasonably accurate snapshots of public opinion at that time,

assuming the poll does not have some demonstrable flaw in methodology.

You know, Eric Holder would appoint the special prosecutor. What do you think then happens if that appointment does not cause enough high-up Democratic heads to roll?

...the rightwing propaganda machine that is in full cry for that appointment would then write him or her off as just some handpicked lackey of the administration who was in on the whole scheme,

and away we'd go again.

You don't think this is a scandal do you?
Your random combination of words is incomprehensible.

Do you believe that the 90+% support in the polls for universal background checks was a good argument for action on that issue? Can you remind us of your position on that?

There's nothing random about it... you said this:

Anyone think that for some reason we should let the USMB conservatives determine which polls we should consider important, and which ones we should reject as meaningless?

To which I responded in kind.

Now, as for your question, nothing to remind you of as I never took a position, but since you asked...

I don't think we run this country on CNN or Fox News polls... with that said, hey, float a bill.. see what the people say... there's your real polling data.

Once a special prosecutor is appointed, if he doesn't get the kind of results you want, you'll be right back here bitching about him and claiming the whole process was just one more administration scam.

Wow, thanks for the heads up on the future there Nostradamus.
Show the consensus. Plenty of people on the right did not argue with the basis of the other polls.

Since this thread is about this poll, do you think it's meaningless?

Ok, just to shut you up, I have said about a thousand times on this forum that I consider polls, especially averages of multiple polls, to be reasonably accurate snapshots of public opinion at that time,

assuming the poll does not have some demonstrable flaw in methodology.

You know, Eric Holder would appoint the special prosecutor. What do you think then happens if that appointment does not cause enough high-up Democratic heads to roll?

...the rightwing propaganda machine that is in full cry for that appointment would then write him or her off as just some handpicked lackey of the administration who was in on the whole scheme,

and away we'd go again.

You don't think this is a scandal do you?

Of course not.. Conservatives are inherently evil, bad people who need to be destroyed by any means necessary.

It's all good.
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Three-quarters (75%) of U.S. voters want a special prosecutor to investigate the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of Tea Party groups, according to a poll that showed a drop in President Barack Obama’s approval and trust ratings.
In the survey released today by Hamden, Connecticut-based Quinnipiac University, registered voters favored a special prosecutor by 76 percent to 17 percent.
Those backing such a move included 63 percent of Democrats.

Special IRS Prosecutor Favored as Obama Support Drops - Bloomberg

I was under the impression that fox viewers are generally just really really stupid. No?

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