Wow! Gonna Be Hard To Spin This One


Jun 2, 2011
AP: At large bombing suspect is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19.

Apparently, the sole surviving Boston Marathon Bombing suspect is "Caucasian"... and I mean, "literally".

Posts read at Facebook : "CHECHEN, the CAUCASOIDS, you say. . . not gonna be so easy for the white supremacist, hetero-patriarchal, bible-beating, airwave-hogging, GOVERNMENT-STEALING American "patriots" to find a way to blame THIS ONE on the BLACK MAN from CHICAGO!!! Rant over - may i please borrow your gun to shoot my tv NOW?! "- A.C.D

"Naaaah, Islam is the predominant religion in Chechnya. So WE get to return to our previously scheduled hate rhetoric." - L.V.S.

But kudos to law enforcement for tracking the suspects down from grainy photographs, in a relatively short time. Hats off !
Background to Chechnyan War...
Russia's Chechnya has seen decades of war, terror
Apr 19,`13 -- The two brothers suspected in the Boston Marathon bombings have their ethnic roots in Chechnya, a part of the Caucasus Mountains that has spawned decades of violence - from separatist wars to suicide attacks, blood feuds and hostage sieges.
Authorities have not linked Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to any insurgent groups, and the Kremlin-backed strongman who now leads Chechnya says the brothers got their inspiration in the U.S., not the troubled region in southern Russia. "They weren't living here. They were living, studying and growing up in America," Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov said in an interview on Russian television. "They have been educated there, not here." The families of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the 26-year-old killed in a gun battle with police in Massachusetts overnight, and his 19-year-old brother, Dzhokhar, left Chechnya long ago and moved to Central Asia, according to the Chechen government. Before arriving in the United States a decade ago, the brothers lived briefly in Makhachkala, the capital of Dagestan, a neighboring, violence-wracked Russian province where their father resides.

The conflict in Chechnya began in 1994 as a separatist war, but became an Islamic insurgency dedicated to forming an Islamic state in the Caucasus. Dagestan has since become the epicenter of the insurgency. Russian troops withdrew from Chechnya in 1996 after the first Chechen war, leaving it de-facto independent and largely lawless, but then rolled back three years later following apartment building explosions in Moscow and other cities blamed on the rebels. Kadyrov has Moscow's carte blanche to stabilize Chechnya with his feared security services, which are accused of killings, torture and other rampant human rights abuses. The Tsarnaev brothers lived in the region only briefly as children, but appeared to have maintained a strong Chechen identity. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's first name is the same as Chechnya's first separatist president, who was killed in a Russian airstrike. The suspects' uncle, Ruslan Tsarni of Montgomery Village, Md., urged Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to turn himself in, saying: "He put a shame on our family, the Tsarnaev family. He put a shame on the entire Chechen ethnicity."

In the interview on Russian TV, Kadyrov offered his condolences to the Boston Marathon victims, but placed the blame squarely on the United States. He added on Instagram that "the roots of this evil are to be found in America," but offered no explanation. He also criticized U.S. authorities for failing to capture the older brother alive. Russia has relied on Kadyrov, a ruthless former rebel, to bring a degree of stability to Chechnya in recent years. But the Islamic insurgency has spread to neighboring provinces, with Dagestan - sandwiched between Chechnya and the Caspian Sea - now seeing the worst of the violence. Militants launch daily attacks against police and other authorities. Militants from Chechnya and neighboring provinces have carried out a series of terrorist attacks in Russia, including a 2002 raid on a Moscow theater, in which 129 hostages died, most of them from the effects of narcotics gas that Russian special forces pumped into the building to incapacitate the attackers.

In 2004, militants from Chechnya took more than 1,000 people hostage at a school in Beslan, and the siege ended when gunfire erupted after explosions tore through the gym. More than half of the 330 people who died were children. There also have been numerous bombings in Moscow and other cities. The Obama administration placed Chechen warlord Doku Umarov on a list of terrorist leaders after he claimed responsibility for 2010 suicide bombings on Moscow's subway that killed 40 people and a 2009 train bombing that claimed 26 lives. Russia faced strong international criticism for its indiscriminate use of force against civilians and other rights abuses in Chechnya. The two separatist wars killed an estimated 100,000 people, and Russian bombing reduced most of Chechnya's capital, Grozny, and many other towns and villages to rubble, sending tens of thousands fleeing.


See also:

Gov't sources: Boston bomb suspect went to Russia
Apr 19,`13 WASHINGTON (AP) -- Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev traveled to Russia last year and returned to the U.S. six months later, government officials told The Associated Press.
Investigators believe that Tsarneaev and his brother Dzhokhar are responsible for the deadly Boston Marathon attack that killed three people and wounded more than 180 others. The 26-year-old Tsarnaev died in a police shootout overnight. Dzhokhar is still being sought.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they couldn't talk publicly about an investigation in progress. Tsarnaev traveled from John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, according to one of the officials.

The ethnic Chechen brothers lived in Dagestan, which neighbors the Chechnya region in southern Russia. They lived near Boston and had been in the U.S. for about a decade, one of their uncles said. There are no known ties at this point to Chechen extremist groups, one of the officials said.

AP: At large bombing suspect is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19.

Apparently, the sole surviving Boston Marathon Bombing suspect is "Caucasian"... and I mean, "literally".

Posts read at Facebook : "CHECHEN, the CAUCASOIDS, you say. . . not gonna be so easy for the white supremacist, hetero-patriarchal, bible-beating, airwave-hogging, GOVERNMENT-STEALING American "patriots" to find a way to blame THIS ONE on the BLACK MAN from CHICAGO!!! Rant over - may i please borrow your gun to shoot my tv NOW?! "- A.C.D

"Naaaah, Islam is the predominant religion in Chechnya. So WE get to return to our previously scheduled hate rhetoric." - L.V.S.

But kudos to law enforcement for tracking the suspects down from grainy photographs, in a relatively short time. Hats off !
Spin what bigot? I don't recall anyone saying one way or the other about hoping or stating they hope it was a person of color.

It does appear to be an Islamic extremist....or kids radicalized by one.

Who knows. Maybe they were acting out the Bill Ayers 12 step program to becoming a well respected Professor of a major University.

I think they may have skipped pages 4 through 95....don't you? Oh, btw. Bil Ayers is a white person too.
AP: At large bombing suspect is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19.

Apparently, the sole surviving Boston Marathon Bombing suspect is "Caucasian"... and I mean, "literally".

Posts read at Facebook : "CHECHEN, the CAUCASOIDS, you say. . . not gonna be so easy for the white supremacist, hetero-patriarchal, bible-beating, airwave-hogging, GOVERNMENT-STEALING American "patriots" to find a way to blame THIS ONE on the BLACK MAN from CHICAGO!!! Rant over - may i please borrow your gun to shoot my tv NOW?! "- A.C.D

"Naaaah, Islam is the predominant religion in Chechnya. So WE get to return to our previously scheduled hate rhetoric." - L.V.S.

But kudos to law enforcement for tracking the suspects down from grainy photographs, in a relatively short time. Hats off !
Spin what bigot? I don't recall anyone saying one way or the other about hoping or stating they hope it was a person of color.

It does appear to be an Islamic extremist....or kids radicalized by one.

Who knows. Maybe they were acting out the Bill Ayers 12 step program to becoming a well respected Professor of a major University.

I think they may have skipped pages 4 through 95....don't you? Oh, btw. Bil Ayers is a white person too.[/QUOTE

i doubt anyone wonders why poet ends up in the flame zone

AP: At large bombing suspect is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19.

Apparently, the sole surviving Boston Marathon Bombing suspect is "Caucasian"... and I mean, "literally".

Posts read at Facebook : "CHECHEN, the CAUCASOIDS, you say. . . not gonna be so easy for the white supremacist, hetero-patriarchal, bible-beating, airwave-hogging, GOVERNMENT-STEALING American "patriots" to find a way to blame THIS ONE on the BLACK MAN from CHICAGO!!! Rant over - may i please borrow your gun to shoot my tv NOW?! "- A.C.D

"Naaaah, Islam is the predominant religion in Chechnya. So WE get to return to our previously scheduled hate rhetoric." - L.V.S.

But kudos to law enforcement for tracking the suspects down from grainy photographs, in a relatively short time. Hats off !
Spin what bigot? I don't recall anyone saying one way or the other about hoping or stating they hope it was a person of color.

It does appear to be an Islamic extremist....or kids radicalized by one.

Who knows. Maybe they were acting out the Bill Ayers 12 step program to becoming a well respected Professor of a major University.

I think they may have skipped pages 4 through 95....don't you? Oh, btw. Bil Ayers is a white person too.

LOL who told you that? Glenn Beck?
It does appear to be an Islamic extremist....or kids radicalized by one.
Does it?

Because that is the opposite of what most media I'm reading seem to be saying.
You should read more and listen less. I also don't listen to Glenn Beck.... me to something credible I can read that says these guys were Islamic extremists.
You should read more and listen less.

But Ruslan Tsarni, an uncle of the suspects who lives in Maryland, said he was "ashamed" at his nephews' alleged role in the bombings.

Asked what the bombers' motives may have been, he replied: "Being losers, hating everyone around them."

"These are the only reasons I can imagine of. Anything else, anything else to do with religion, with Islam, it's a fraud, it's a fake."

There had never been any apparent sign of "hatred toward the US" or else he would have turned them over to the police himself, he added.

BBC News - Boston marathon bombs suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev captured
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Also on BBC:

According to a photo slideshow featuring Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the 26-year-old was an amateur boxer who had taken a semester off from the Bunker Hill Community College in Boston to train for a big competition.

In the accompanying captions, he tells the photographer that he is hoping to win enough fights to be selected for the US Olympic team and be a naturalised American. Tamerlan also says that unless Chechnya becomes independent, he would rather compete for the United States than for Russia.

Obviously Islamic extremism is a possibility here, but I'm curious as to why Darkwind says it "seems to be" the reason.
You should read more and listen less.

But Ruslan Tsarni, an uncle of the suspects who lives in Maryland, said he was "ashamed" at his nephews' alleged role in the bombings.

Asked what the bombers' motives may have been, he replied: "Being losers, hating everyone around them."

"These are the only reasons I can imagine of. Anything else, anything else to do with religion, with Islam, it's a fraud, it's a fake."

There had never been any apparent sign of "hatred toward the US" or else he would have turned them over to the police himself, he added.

BBC News - Boston marathon bombs suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev captured
Yes, and the boy's parents are planning on suing the BPD for the wrongful deaths of their sons. Their aunt says they are good boys and couldn't possibly have done what they are accused of doing....

There is a major discord going on here. One that will take days and weeks to unravel.

But I will give you a hint. Research the country that the perps family resided in and then get back to Me. Lets see if you find the information as interesting as I did.
Also on BBC:

According to a photo slideshow featuring Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the 26-year-old was an amateur boxer who had taken a semester off from the Bunker Hill Community College in Boston to train for a big competition.

In the accompanying captions, he tells the photographer that he is hoping to win enough fights to be selected for the US Olympic team and be a naturalised American. Tamerlan also says that unless Chechnya becomes independent, he would rather compete for the United States than for Russia.

Obviously Islamic extremism is a possibility here, but I'm curious as to why Darkwind says it "seems to be" the reason.
Your point? They lived in America and were Americanized. Until very the research.
Darkwind -

Research the country that the perps family resided in and then get back to Me

I didn't realised you knew the Caucasus area - when were you last there?

I haven't been in Chechenya, but know the region very well, having travelled extensively in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia and NKH. I have read a lot of material on the conflict....did you like the Steavenson more, or the Griffin?

One that will take days and weeks to unravel.

I agree. And yet here you are already claiming it is Islamic extremism. I don't think we know that yet.
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I'll give you a hint.....Start here:

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, ethnically Chechnyan, born in Kyrgyzstan.

Chechnya: 1.5 million people, tribal, Muslim, in north Caucasus.

Declared independence from the just-dead Soviet Union; after two Chechen wars with Moscow, which refused to allow liberty to Chechens, an enraged people turned to Islamism.
I am not saying it is 100% certain that is is Islamic Extremism. I am saying that it should be taken seriously that it may be involved. The separatist movement is equally likely, but the separatists don't' have the beef with the US that they do with the Russians so it becomes less likely.

I will not rule out Islam. There is much much more...but its late and I'm tired and I don't like doing research for other people.
Chechnya, and to a lesser extent Dagestan, have periodically rebelled against Moscow in a sometimes-violent effort to secure independence

Wow, have they really?

So do you think that has anything to do with the fact that Moscow has been ethnically cleansing them off their own land for 150 years?

Did you support the communist oppression of all peoples they enslaved, or only the Chechans?

I am amazed that people google something, C&P it off a blog, and then claim expertise and demand others do research.

Somehow I think travelling in the region and reading actual books is somehow a little more useful.
AP: At large bombing suspect is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19.

Apparently, the sole surviving Boston Marathon Bombing suspect is "Caucasian"... and I mean, "literally".

Posts read at Facebook : "CHECHEN, the CAUCASOIDS, you say. . . not gonna be so easy for the white supremacist, hetero-patriarchal, bible-beating, airwave-hogging, GOVERNMENT-STEALING American "patriots" to find a way to blame THIS ONE on the BLACK MAN from CHICAGO!!! Rant over - may i please borrow your gun to shoot my tv NOW?! "- A.C.D

"Naaaah, Islam is the predominant religion in Chechnya. So WE get to return to our previously scheduled hate rhetoric." - L.V.S.

But kudos to law enforcement for tracking the suspects down from grainy photographs, in a relatively short time. Hats off !

it doesn't matter if he is green with purple spots.

he is still a muslim.

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