WOW! Herman Cain Speaks, No Stuttering, No Pausing, And No Teleprompter !


Marc..... I have NEVER lied to you or anyone on this board (I promise).

I have NO reason to.

I wasn't calling you a liar Infidel, I was calling Herb a liar.
I was asking you what will it take for you to see him as such.
And his behavior has been one of a seedy, deceptive shyster.
His words...even worse. The story changed daily and hourly.

He began his presser today by saying "I've chosen to address this matter directly, instead of making media statements or speaking through others."

When that's EXACTLY what he's been doing up until today when he had no choice BUT to directly address this manner.

Am I lying?

BTW, like yourself...I don't, nor have I ever, lied to anyone on this board as well.


Now isn't this what we all want in a leader? Herman never paused, just gave straight honest answers.
Can you imagine Obama in the same situation? " Well ahh,,,and uhh, she was acting stupidly, and uh,,,um,,,and he would take 5 minutes to answer a simple question !!!

Herman Cain displayed what a great speaker he is. It so sad that for the last three years we have all had to listen to a "Stuttering President". guess Obama will need a teleprompter for 2012 debates.

:rofl: yeah... we want pokemon guy as president.

cause it's not like it's important that the president of the U.S. know how to say Uzbekisan, much less who the leader of that country is, and it's unforgivable that someone who wants this job doesn't know china has nukes.

i guess to rightwingnut trolls the street theatre is amusing. to anyone who cares about the country, not so much.
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Marc, will you please provide a link to the above "He said he never saw the woman before yesterday. There's photos of them together...bad look." I want to see the photo before I make a decision on Mr. Cain's ability to lead the country.

So if and/or when I, or someone else, presents such a photo...then what? You'll finally agree that he's a certified lying and has been lying from the onset about this matter?


Marc..... I have NEVER lied to you or anyone on this board (I promise).

I have NO reason to.

I wasn't calling you a liar Infidel, I was calling Herb a liar.
I was asking you what will it take for you to see him as such.
And his behavior has been one of a seedy, deceptive shyster.
His words...even worse. The story changed daily and hourly.

He began his presser today by saying "I've chosen to address this matter directly, instead of making media statements or speaking through others."

When that's EXACTLY what he's been doing up until today when he had no choice BUT to directly address this manner.

Am I lying?

BTW, like yourself...I don't, nor have I ever, lied to anyone on this board as well.

All I can say is.... I dont see Herman Cain in the same way as you do.

And I believe you. I dont think you would lie. You dont strike me in that way, and I thank you
There is no reason to. Its a silly message board.


Now isn't this what we all want in a leader? Herman never paused, just gave straight honest answers.
Can you imagine Obama in the same situation? " Well ahh,,,and uhh, she was acting stupidly, and uh,,,um,,,and he would take 5 minutes to answer a simple question !!!

Herman Cain displayed what a great speaker he is. It so sad that for the last three years we have all had to listen to a "Stuttering President". guess Obama will need a teleprompter for 2012 debates.

Oh, that's right. The Teleprompter is something only used by Obama. :lol::lol::lol:
Eric Holder needed a teleprompter today when admitting he never apologized to the family of the murdered agent.
Marc, will you please provide a link to the above "He said he never saw the woman before yesterday. There's photos of them together...bad look." I want to see the photo before I make a decision on Mr. Cain's ability to lead the country.

So if and/or when I, or someone else, presents such a photo...then what? You'll finally agree that he's a certified lying and has been lying from the onset about this matter?
Marc, I do not make instant judgments on either good or bad people.

I want to see this picture of Mr. Cain with his accuser, who claimed misconduct on his part, that's all.

If you don't have one, I know a lot of times we hear things but unless we can see it, it's a little hard to make up our minds.

FWIW, sexual harassment is a serious breach of social etiquette, imho, and if he actually did anything of which he is accused, a proof will turn up.

If it doesn't, and someone has procured the services of professional grifters to smear a political opponent, that, too will come out.

I'm not from Missouri, but I have to see proof.


Now isn't this what we all want in a leader? Herman never paused, just gave straight honest answers.
Can you imagine Obama in the same situation? " Well ahh,,,and uhh, she was acting stupidly, and uh,,,um,,,and he would take 5 minutes to answer a simple question !!!

Herman Cain displayed what a great speaker he is. It so sad that for the last three years we have all had to listen to a "Stuttering President". guess Obama will need a teleprompter for 2012 debates.

:rofl: yeah... we want pokemon guy as president.

cause it's not like it's important that the president of the U.S. know how to say Uzbekisan, much less who the leader of that country is, and it's unforgivable that someone who wants this job doesn't know china has nukes.

i guess to rightwingnut trolls the street theatre is amusing. to anyone who cares about the country, not so much.

Stick to the issue Jillie.... dont make yourself irrelevant.



and isnt it amazing how so many latino's can speak at a rate of 65MPH without a stammer? have u ever heard latino's high on caffine have a conversation? how do they keep up with themselves? and yet we have a president who needs a teleprompter just to speak to a group of 6th graders. Obama probably brings his mini-prompter when he goes out to dinner.
How is Obama gonna speak at the debates? I can just picture 7 people holding up cue cards all around him.

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