WOW! HHS finally recommends downgrading Cannabis from a Schedule 1 to a Schedule III narcotic!


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
I haven't heard if they have upgraded Fentanyl from Schedule II to Schedule I yet. They probably need to see another hundred thousand US citizens die from it first. However you feel about Pot, and it does have negative properties, it is an effective pain killer and a dozen people a day aren't dying from it. The only reason it was Schedule I for so long was to protect Big Pharma pain pill sales.

Hemp was soon to overtake wood pulp as the main source of fiber for paper, rope, and a wide range of other fiber uses. The major newspapers had all recently invested millions in timber operations, so they published countless articles demonizing the use of hemp.
This is so long overdue as to be laughable, we have had over 10 years of proof since Colorado was the first to legalize that marijuana is harmless and a much safer alternative than alcohol. I sure hope the DEA does not fuck this up, and I'm glad that Trump is not President, because this would stay Schedule I with the rednecks he had in charge.
I haven't heard if they have upgraded Fentanyl from Schedule II to Schedule I yet. They probably need to see another hundred thousand US citizens die from it first. However you feel about Pot, and it does have negative properties, it is an effective pain killer and a dozen people a day aren't dying from it. The only reason it was Schedule I for so long was to protect Big Pharma pain pill sales.

Big Pharma is catching a lot of flak for their opiods lately. The HHS decision could also be a roundabout way for Big Pharma to do a legitimate hostile takeover of the pot industry for themselves. If there's money to be made, you know damned well they'd want to get in on the action. Once they do that, it's all over for independent producers of marijuana.

I mean how often have you ever seen common over the counter or prescription drugs manufactured by anyone other than a pharmaceutical company?
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Big Pharma is catching a lot of flak for their opiods lately. The HHS decision could also be a roundabout way for Big Pharma to do a legitimate hostile takeover of the pot industry for themselves. If there's money to be made, you know damned well they'd want to get in on the action.
That means they'd want to clamp the law down on it.

DuPont is who made pot illegal.

I guess there were hemp stockings and he was selling nylon stockings, so pot had to be made illegal because..bribery and the US government.
What pisses me off about DuPont is the outlawing of R12.

I had just learned the 12 parts of a refrigeration system, was about to buy a full auto bb gun you could hook a can of R12 to

for propellant, and this motherfucker got R12 banned by the government talking 'bout some "hole in the ozone layer" which was total

absolute bullshit. That motherfucker did it for profits. So now, (back then) there ain't no propellant for that bb gun I wanted, and I can't

fix the neighbor's cars AC for a little cash or anything like that anymore. What a dick!

And that bullshit has been compounded upon to this very day! 5x over probably.

Naw, naw, everybody could have good refrigeration and car AC and everything if not for that motherfucker.

And none of it was necessary except for making DuPont profits.

That motherfucker needs to be called out. Hole in the ozone was the "climate change" of those days.

It was all total absolute bullshit! Lies!
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Who told you that?

The Reefer Madness movie? What the actual fuck?! None of that is true.

Who told you that?

The Reefer Madness movie? What the actual fuck?! None of that is true.

To be honest, that stuff has always made me as crazy as a road lizard. I've done some pretty stupid shit while I was high: alienated friends, lost jobs, wasted money, had dumb ideas that sounded great at the time I was high.

I was always the one the other pot smokers told "You don't need to be smoking that." Haven't had a single whiff of it since 2007, and I first started smoking it it 1968.
To be honest, that stuff has always made me as crazy as a road lizard. I've done some pretty stupid shit while I was high: alienated friends, lost jobs, wasted money, had dumb ideas that sounded great at the time I was high.

I was always the one the other pot smokers told "You don't need to be smoking that." Haven't had a single whiff of it since 2007, and I first started smoking it it 1968.
You probably shouldn't mess with it then. I don't mess with liquor, because I know.

I don't wanna wake up lookin out with angry sheriffs lookin' at me like I done cussed they mama.

I can smoke pot. Not drink liquor.
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Yeah, ya know, I'm more inclined to take my uh.. observations of weed effects as to how they effected this ol' Vietnam
vet dude I knew. It helped him pretty good.
Cannabis causes psychosis, psychotic episodes, anxiety disorders, depersonalization disorders, clinical depression and cannaboid hyperemesis, etc.
HHS getting really stupid at the wrong time.
Anyone hitting the laugh button about this post is ignorant to the highest degree and deserves to be exposed to asbestos. After all, most people don’t develop lung disease from asbestos. That’s just asbestos madness.
Anyone hitting the laugh button about this post is ignorant to the highest degree and deserves to be exposed to asbestos. After all, most people don’t develop lung disease from asbestos. That’s just asbestos madness.
Asbestos is more dangerous than cannabis.

Go take some Valium or summin', brah.

Y U wanna wish asbestos on your fellow human being?
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I haven't heard if they have upgraded Fentanyl from Schedule II to Schedule I yet. They probably need to see another hundred thousand US citizens die from it first. However you feel about Pot, and it does have negative properties, it is an effective pain killer and a dozen people a day aren't dying from it. The only reason it was Schedule I for so long was to protect Big Pharma pain pill sales.

Pot really shouldn't be illegal... if alcohol is legal, why shouldn't pot be? I think a lot of people are seeing that this is a logical situation,
You probably shouldn't mess with it then. I don't mess with liquor, because I know.

I don't wanna wake up lookin out with angry sheriffs lookin' at me like I done cussed they mama.

I can smoke pot. Not drink liquor.

Been that done there too. I have learned to control my drinking so I don't get to the point of stupid, and only drink when I'm at home. But one good hit of weed and I'm gonzo for 6-8 hours. It's body chemistry, I guess. The stuff never made me sleepy either, I always got wide awake and wanted to do things and go places.
Been that done there too. I have learned to control my drinking so I don't get to the point of stupid, and only drink when I'm at home. But one good hit of weed and I'm gonzo for 6-8 hours. It's body chemistry, I guess. The stuff never made me sleepy either, I always got wide awake and wanted to do things and go places.
Things affect people differently, that's cool. It is what it is. I can't drink liquor. well.. maybe a couple easy hits of it.

After that I'm gone and chances of incarceration go up 700%. I reckon I get wild.
Things affect people differently, that's cool. It is what it is.

It's basically a drug-induced psychosis. Most people can handle it but I never could hide the fact that I was stoned.
It's basically a drug-induced psychosis. Most people can handle it but I never could hide the fact that I was stoned.
It's OK to be stoned. I dreamed last night I was with a friend and there was no need to hide it. There never was in reality.

He was trying to do some hard drug stuff on the side and that was a factor in the dream.
With that Fentanyl stuff, fuck all that. That's a hard pass.

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