WOW! HHS finally recommends downgrading Cannabis from a Schedule 1 to a Schedule III narcotic!


I haven't heard if they have upgraded Fentanyl from Schedule II to Schedule I yet. They probably need to see another hundred thousand US citizens die from it first. However you feel about Pot, and it does have negative properties, it is an effective pain killer and a dozen people a day aren't dying from it. The only reason it was Schedule I for so long was to protect Big Pharma pain pill sales.

I have some training in this area and I honestly don't know if cannabis should remain a Schedule II drug or if it should be in Schedule III since significantly fewer people become addicted to it than with most Schedule II narcotics. But it does have some symptoms for most people who use it that merits making it a controlled substance, certainly to the degree alcohol is.

And when you see somebody who is hopelessly addicted to cannabis, it isn't pretty. I have a relative who has such heavy scarring on her lungs from chain smoking pot, she likely won't see many more birthdays. But she can't stop and so far refuses to get help to break her addiction.
I haven't heard if they have upgraded Fentanyl from Schedule II to Schedule I yet. They probably need to see another hundred thousand US citizens die from it first. However you feel about Pot, and it does have negative properties, it is an effective pain killer and a dozen people a day aren't dying from it. The only reason it was Schedule I for so long was to protect Big Pharma pain pill sales.

It's funny you mention this as I was just thinking, as I awake with yet another migraine, that maybe such options would help wth my pain. How is this such a serious issue in the U.S? Amsterdam made an industry out of this plant since the 1980s!
I have some training in this area and I honestly don't know if cannabis should remain a Schedule II drug or if it should be in Schedule III since significantly fewer people become addicted to it than with most Schedule II narcotics. But it does have some symptoms for most people who use it that merits making it a controlled substance, certainly to the degree alcohol is.

And when you see somebody who is hopelessly addicted to cannabis, it isn't pretty. I have a relative who has such heavy scarring on her lungs from chain smoking pot, she likely won't see many more birthdays. But she can't stop and so far refuses to get help to break her addiction.
So why is nicotine legal?..Or alcohol? Yes it is all bad for us, there are medicinal.reasons for.some though and there.are.edible options as I understand.
Having been a drug and alcohol connoisseur for 15 years of my early life, I can attest to a few things:

1) Pot is far less dangerous (at least in my case and opinion) than booze.
2) Pot does make you dumb, but it also makes you docile.
3) Reefer can be a good painkiller, and it can relax your mind after a stressful day.
4) But pot can also make you paranoid, and it can lead to lung issues.
5) Outside of “edibles” (which I've never tried), I don't believe you can overdose on pot.
6) I don't personally drink or do drugs currently, but if I had to choose a mind-altering chemical, I'd choose marijuana.
7) Though hemp is a close relative to pot, it can't get you the same, intense “buzz.” Hemp has lots of benefits and shouldn't be confused with the standard definition of “weed.”
I haven't heard if they have upgraded Fentanyl from Schedule II to Schedule I yet. They probably need to see another hundred thousand US citizens die from it first. However you feel about Pot, and it does have negative properties, it is an effective pain killer and a dozen people a day aren't dying from it. The only reason it was Schedule I for so long was to protect Big Pharma pain pill sales.

I'm just here for the narcotics

To be honest, that stuff has always made me as crazy as a road lizard. I've done some pretty stupid shit while I was high: alienated friends, lost jobs, wasted money, had dumb ideas that sounded great at the time I was high.

I was always the one the other pot smokers told "You don't need to be smoking that." Haven't had a single whiff of it since 2007, and I first started smoking it it 1968.
You should have been thrown in prison for all of that drug use.......

Or is that only for those "others"
You should have been thrown in prison for all of that drug use.......

Or is that only for those "others"

That depends a lot on who the prosecutor is. But if you were black and you got this one prosecuting your case, you might as well kiss your black ass goodbye...

Cannabis causes psychosis, psychotic episodes, anxiety disorders, depersonalization disorders, clinical depression and cannaboid hyperemesis, etc.
HHS getting really stupid at the wrong time.
I don't believe that.

I think those people already had that problem and it may have been exacerbated or even triggered by the THC, but somewhere along the way they had/have an issue that needs to be addressed regardless of THC.

It's time for total deregulation. It's just a fuckin plant. If you commit a crime in relation to it, that's one thing. Otherwise it's not worth the time and effort for federal agents to be paid to throw people in jail for.
This is so long overdue as to be laughable, we have had over 10 years of proof since Colorado was the first to legalize that marijuana is harmless and a much safer alternative than alcohol. I sure hope the DEA does not fuck this up, and I'm glad that Trump is not President, because this would stay Schedule I with the rednecks he had in charge.
what a fucking idiot statement, I know 3 people that have died due to others lack of judgement after using
Pot really shouldn't be illegal... if alcohol is legal, why shouldn't pot be? I think a lot of people are seeing that this is a logical situation,

I don't want it to be legal purely because of the people on the whole that smoke pot.

The community surrounding pot are mostly young people that are useless pieces of shit that serve society no purpose at all and they make their lifestyle. And allowing them even easier access to weed is only going to make them worse and create more of them. We need less useless people in this country. Pot lovers certainly have a demographic and that demographic are mostly shitty people.

If the previous generation had rasied a better generation of kids with some basic morals, standards, values and sense of responsibility then I wouldn't care if weed is legal because the majority would treat it like alcohol, and while some abuse alcohol most do not.
To be honest, that stuff has always made me as crazy as a road lizard. I've done some pretty stupid shit while I was high: alienated friends, lost jobs, wasted money, had dumb ideas that sounded great at the time I was high.

I was always the one the other pot smokers told "You don't need to be smoking that." Haven't had a single whiff of it since 2007, and I first started smoking it it 1968.
It just turned me into a vegetable. I forget shit, lose shit, always late. I could feel the retardation.

I can't use it and be a productive adult.

Some of this Delta8 stuff helps me sleep though.

No matter what though, drug prohibition is stupid. Let idiots take themselves out with fentanyl. It's a self correcting problem if you stand back and wait to clean up the bodies.
I have some training in this area and I honestly don't know if cannabis should remain a Schedule II drug or if it should be in Schedule III since significantly fewer people become addicted to it than with most Schedule II narcotics.
I think you might want to brush up on your training. It's been Schedule I for over 50 years.
The community surrounding pot are mostly young people that are useless pieces of shit that serve society no purpose at all and they make their lifestyle. And allowing them even easier access to weed is only going to make them worse and create more of them. We need less useless people in this country. Pot lovers certainly have a demographic and that demographic are mostly shitty people.
LOL....what a douche.

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