WOW! HHS finally recommends downgrading Cannabis from a Schedule 1 to a Schedule III narcotic!

I haven't heard if they have upgraded Fentanyl from Schedule II to Schedule I yet. They probably need to see another hundred thousand US citizens die from it first. However you feel about Pot, and it does have negative properties, it is an effective pain killer and a dozen people a day aren't dying from it. The only reason it was Schedule I for so long was to protect Big Pharma pain pill sales.

Originally it was the alcohol producers that put the fix in on weed. But ya for past thirty years pharma and the beer companies. Recreational legalization is on the ballot in my state this year.I hope it passes not that it will effect me much I get drug tested by the coat guard. Would not effect me if I fully retired I don't have much use for it and I would be concerned about getting an OMVI charge out of it as it stays in your system a month. Do not have to be actually driving under influence to get popped for it. Hopefully the pain pills available in Europe will become available here and it helps drop opiate addiction lower.
I don't believe that.

I think those people already had that problem and it may have been exacerbated or even triggered by the THC, but somewhere along the way they had/have an issue that needs to be addressed regardless of THC.

It's time for total deregulation. It's just a fuckin plant. If you commit a crime in relation to it, that's one thing. Otherwise it's not worth the time and effort for federal agents to be paid to throw people in jail for.
Wrong. THC causes these brain issues. Medical FACT.
Lawsuits against states and the pot industry are underway.
You won’t hear about it because of the influence and corruption of the pot industry.
Cannabis is the new asbestos.
I think you might want to brush up on your training. It's been Schedule I for over 50 years.
Perhaps technically but the federal government has had no objection to medical marijuana so it treats it like Schedule II.
Does anyone really think pot heads get high to kill the pain? Marijuana is a freaking weed and contains more tar and junk than cigarettes with the added effect of a mild mental disorder. Do you really want them selling the stuff to your kids?
Does anyone really think pot heads get high to kill the pain? Marijuana is a freaking weed and contains more tar and junk than cigarettes with the added effect of a mild mental disorder. Do you really want them selling the stuff to your kids?
Speaking of mental disorders…..
So why is nicotine legal?..Or alcohol? Yes it is all bad for us, there are medicinal.reasons for.some though and there.are.edible options as I understand.
Yes I have lost loved ones to lung and other cancers that probably would not have occurred had they not been tobacco smokers. I have lost loved ones to alcoholism and drug abuse as well. I hope the health and fitness trend continues though to lessen the likelihood of more people taking up either habit.

I am not saying cannabis should be illegal in all cases and it may not need to be Section I. But it sincerely is not a harmless drug either and I do question whether taking it down to a Section III is the right thing to do.
You don't have to smoke to get THC today. You can get edibles and use it in a vape pen.
You misunderstood the analogy.
It’s about the propensity of damage caused by asbestos compared with the propensity of damage caused by pot. The pot damage is to the brain (though smoking a joint per lung damage is equivalent to smoking seven cigarettes) and the damage caused by asbestos is to the lungs.
To be honest, that stuff has always made me as crazy as a road lizard. I've done some pretty stupid shit while I was high: alienated friends, lost jobs, wasted money, had dumb ideas that sounded great at the time I was high.

I was always the one the other pot smokers told "You don't need to be smoking that." Haven't had a single whiff of it since 2007, and I first started smoking it it 1968.
Straight or stoned, an asshole is an asshole no matter what.
I will just say what I always say on this topic…

It will NEVER be legal or acceptable in my home or my car, on my property, or anywhere else I have dominion over. If found with it, or under the influence of it, you will be expelled, by force if necessary, and banned from any further interaction with me and my family.
I will just say what I always say on this topic…

It will NEVER be legal or acceptable in my home or my car, on my property, or anywhere else I have dominion over. If found with it, or under the influence of it, you will be expelled, by force if necessary, and banned from any further interaction with me and my family.
Good for you. I’m on board with that. It’s just tougher when you have to deal with mass ignorance.
I don't want it to be legal purely because of the people on the whole that smoke pot.

The community surrounding pot are mostly young people that are useless pieces of shit that serve society no purpose at all and they make their lifestyle. And allowing them even easier access to weed is only going to make them worse and create more of them. We need less useless people in this country. Pot lovers certainly have a demographic and that demographic are mostly shitty people.

If the previous generation had rasied a better generation of kids with some basic morals, standards, values and sense of responsibility then I wouldn't care if weed is legal because the majority would treat it like alcohol, and while some abuse alcohol most do not.

So, you don't like freedom then?

Are you suggesting that getting rid of pot will get rid of the "useless pieces of shit that serve society no purpose"?

The reality is that this won't change anything. If they can't get pot, they'll get alcohol, what's the difference?

You want most people to be productive members of society, then politicians are going to have to change, society is going to have to change (and not to what the Reps or Dems want right now).
There are many highly successful people who use it to relax. And many conservatives worship those people.
Good for you. I’m on board with that. It’s just tougher when you have to deal with mass ignorance
Thank you. I generally get attacked mercilessly for that stance.

Especially since I have never and will never use the product myself, in any form. Even though I suffer from three conditions (epilepsy, glaucoma, and anxiety/PTSD) which it is routinely prescribed for.

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