Wow...I FINALLY agree with something marjoree t green said......

"I want to tell you about Karl Rove," Greene opined. "Karl Rove's wing of the party is the failure part of our party. They're very much the operating component that led us into neverending foreign wars that killed American soldiers, brought them home with missing limbs, gave them PTSD, gave them addiction to narcotics and medications that led to addiction to meth, that led to addiction to heroin."Their wing of the party led us into this massive debt that we're in," Greene charged. "Their wing of the party sent our jobs overseas. Their wing of the party is the complete failure that exists here in this town, Matt, and nobody cares what Karl Rove has to say."
Of course, this is all vapid verbal diarrhea from a low IQ moron. She is just having a little hissy because Karl Rove criticized her for being the abject moron she is.
your Lying ConMan LOST the Popular Vote TWICE

make sure you run that piece of human garbage again!!
There are 435 members of congress. Why is Ms. Green's opinion so important to the left when the freaking president can't even put a sentence together? Something ain't right with lefties these days (pun intended).
Especially with the freak show of Prog politicians up there. To say that some of them belong in a carnival based on American Horror Story would not be a stretch. The comments and actions of many of them over the years make MTG look like a beginner. And many of these Prog politicians have been around for many decades with the young uns gearing up to surpass them.
"Their wing of the party led us into this massive debt that we're in," Greene charged. "Their wing of the party sent our jobs overseas. Their wing of the party is the complete failure that exists here in this town"

"I want to tell you about Karl Rove," Greene opined. "Karl Rove's wing of the party is the failure part of our party. They're very much the operating component that led us into neverending foreign wars that killed American soldiers, brought them home with missing limbs, gave them PTSD, gave them addiction to narcotics and medications that led to addiction to meth, that led to addiction to heroin."Their wing of the party led us into this massive debt that we're in," Greene charged. "Their wing of the party sent our jobs overseas. Their wing of the party is the complete failure that exists here in this town, Matt, and nobody cares what Karl Rove has to say."
And all the people that stood in line and cheered the Rove policies are now standing in line to vote for Trump or Trump lite
Nah, Trump did not murder innocent people like Bush did.
As bad as Trump was, he was 10 times better than Bush.
And we also have to remember how bad Hillary was, with her "Arab Spring" plots to murder Qaddafi, Assad, Morsi, etc.
Trump and Bush are like Syphilis and Chlomedia - it is hard to say which is worse, and both did nothing but harm.
There are 435 members of congress. Why is Ms. Green's opinion so important to the left when the freaking president can't even put a sentence together? Something ain't right with lefties these days (pun intended).
Cause she is stupid and can't remember the day she call the new 1776. Mostly because she cheerleader for Putin
"I want to tell you about Karl Rove," Greene opined. "Karl Rove's wing of the party is the failure part of our party. They're very much the operating component that led us into neverending foreign wars that killed American soldiers, brought them home with missing limbs, gave them PTSD, gave them addiction to narcotics and medications that led to addiction to meth, that led to addiction to heroin."Their wing of the party led us into this massive debt that we're in," Greene charged. "Their wing of the party sent our jobs overseas. Their wing of the party is the complete failure that exists here in this town, Matt, and nobody cares what Karl Rove has to say."

This from the bitch who says joining the military is throwing your life away.

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