WOW, if R-W'ers are so pissed after just 1 night of the DNC convention.....

.......just imagine how rabid they'll be on Firday morning.....and when the polling comes out next week.

There may be shortages of antacid meds...........LOL
In case you haven't noticed, here in realityland right winger are too busy laughing to get angry.

Therefore, I think you are talking about yourself.
In case you haven't figured it out yet, Nat...hackers have emails from Clinton and the DNC and they're going to release them at times when they think doing so will hurt Clinton the most. I doubt that this is over yet for Clinton. Right now she and her people are shitting themselves wondering when the other shoe will drop!
Pissed??? Are you seriously suggesting any Conservative is pissed about the CLUSTERFUCK that the Corrupt Democrat Party is and your CIRCUS Sideshow in Philly??? LMFAO I can assure you that literally every Conservative I know is laughing their ass off. I almost feel like I need to pay one of you useful idiots for the Comedic relief but I'm relatively certain you can get by on your EBT card..

......and yet, here you are on this thread for your daily share of abuse......Go figure.....LOL
Hey Dumbfuck, this is a forum.... that's what it's for. Perhaps you think you're here for a different reason? Do inform us.
Maybe we should just ignore her for 30 days?
Hey Dumbfuck, this is a forum.... that's what it's for. Perhaps you think you're here for a different reason? Do inform us.

My apologies....I thought that you and your fellow conservatives were having a laughing party at your trailer park....but we do appreciate your taking the time out from that party and stopping by at this forum to share your frustration.....Very admirable.
Pissed about what? A bunch of Hollywood Hoochies, a two bit comedian turned Senator, Mooch and an oddly sedate Lizzy Pale Squaw. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Gee, you forgot to ALSO insuly blacks and Latinos......Fox will be pissed at you. LOL
Ah, you forgot...
'We trusted you!': Elizabeth Warren repeatedly heckled, booed during DNC speech

Warren could NOT sell her either. BOOED off the stage!
OMG I spit my gum across the room laughing.. That old sellout FRAUD got what was coming to her.. I think a lot of true Progressives are in shock tonight realizing that their leftist heroes are LIARS, CORRUPT, SELL OUTS.. I feel bad for them.. We know what that feels like - to be betrayed by the Establishment.. we did something about it and stood our ground.. I hope they will too.
Good grief...the apologists for one clusterfuck are pointing and laughing at the other clusterfuck...
What a state of affairs.
Just imagine what they'll be like in November!
Dancing on the rooftop baby.. Hanging the Moon, chasing stars.. :) Your corrupt party is DEAD and you last hanger-on's, ie Zombie Squad are sooo clueless. The Bernie faction/ my generation be it Conservative or TRUE Progressive, are the future of both parties.. You fucking dinosaurs are dead in the water.
How old are you?
Hey Dumbfuck, this is a forum.... that's what it's for. Perhaps you think you're here for a different reason? Do inform us.

My apologies....I thought that you and your fellow conservatives were having a laughing party at your trailer park....but we do appreciate your taking the time out from that party and stopping by at this forum to share your frustration.....Very admirable.

I live in an oceanfront cottage on the Outer Banks in North Carolina goatfucker... but keep dreaming.. By looking at the numerous bagladies at your Convention tonight, I'd say most liberals get their clothing from Thrift stores .. "We?" LMAO You don't own this fucking forum moron.
In case you haven't figured it out yet, Nat...hackers have emails from Clinton and the DNC and they're going to release them at times whe...that might help your cause.n they think doing so will hurt Clinton the most. I doubt that this is over yet for Clinton. Right now she and her people are shitting themselves wondering when the other shoe will drop!

Indeed, your best hope is to get some help from good ol' Vlad Putin, the spirit of Gaddafi and Assange......Light some candles too to help your cause.
Near as I can figure .... they had two welfare queens, a drunk, two liars, and a socialist up there tonight.

We're not upset ... we're laughing our ass off.

What a joke!
It was late here so I shut it off about an hour and a half in.

Fucking minstrel show it was.
Just imagine what they'll be like in November!
Dancing on the rooftop baby.. Hanging the Moon, chasing stars.. :) Your corrupt party is DEAD and you last hanger-on's, ie Zombie Squad are sooo clueless. The Bernie faction/ my generation be it Conservative or TRUE Progressive, are the future of both parties.. You fucking dinosaurs are dead in the water.
How old are you?

Old enough to drink and have a daughter in elementary school, you?
Hey Dumbfuck, this is a forum.... that's what it's for. Perhaps you think you're here for a different reason? Do inform us.

My apologies....I thought that you and your fellow conservatives were having a laughing party at your trailer park....but we do appreciate your taking the time out from that party and stopping by at this forum to share your frustration.....Very admirable.
There are far more honest liberal posters on this board than you. {Damn I wrote that?} Anyway good bye 30 days.
Just imagine what they'll be like in November!
Dancing on the rooftop baby.. Hanging the Moon, chasing stars.. :) Your corrupt party is DEAD and you last hanger-on's, ie Zombie Squad are sooo clueless. The Bernie faction/ my generation be it Conservative or TRUE Progressive, are the future of both parties.. You fucking dinosaurs are dead in the water.
How old are you?

Old enough to drink and have a daughter in elementary school, you?

I wish I had kids...
Just imagine what they'll be like in November!
Dancing on the rooftop baby.. Hanging the Moon, chasing stars.. :) Your corrupt party is DEAD and you last hanger-on's, ie Zombie Squad are sooo clueless. The Bernie faction/ my generation be it Conservative or TRUE Progressive, are the future of both parties.. You fucking dinosaurs are dead in the water.
How old are you?

Old enough to drink and have a daughter in elementary school, you?

I wish I had kids...
I'm a single mom from day 1... She's my life.. the sun sets and rises on her sweet face.
Angry? Laughing my ass off would be closer to true. Watching some old man sell out 13 MILLION people on national television.
Emails showing corruption at the highest levels.

Angry? Sh#t, I could take two weeks at this rate!
So DarkFury , you are trying hard not to think about this being the 4th major national election in a row where the GOP has nominated a candidate who is UN-electable then ?!

- Inept McCain

- Robber Baron Romney

- Donald Duck Trump The Chump
Un-electable? You must live in an alternate reality. In case you haven't noticed...

Election poll: Donald Trump bounces into the lead -

Oh and Assange says he's got a lot more damning e-mails to release. I bet Hillary wishes she never would have called for his prosecution now. The wistleblower is getting his revenge.
Putin probably has her emails...potentially so do a lot of other people! She kept confidential information on unsecured servers! She's an idiot! Now her fat ass is hanging out in the breeze because she did things she knows that she shouldn't have done. Debbie Wasserman Shultz is headed back to Florida because SHE did things she knows that she shouldn't have done! I'm not a big believer in "karma" but you could sure make the case that Hillary and Debbie are getting a good dose of the bad karma they put out right back at them!
There are far more honest liberal posters on this board than you. {Damn I wrote that?} Anyway good bye 30 days.

Can you not place me on ignore long enough for me to THANK YOU ???? .................LOL

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