WOW.....James Clapper tells the obvious about Trump.....

Since you know nothing about law, let me explain. Someone pleading guilty in itself means nothing.

Thank you for admitting that, for admitting you are a liar ... and / or just plain stupid.

Please Cite the exact case number - and provide a link - of the trial in which Flynn, according to you, was 'Convicted'.

Please cite the name of the judge - and provide a link - who oversaw the case, ruled the plea was legally binding and declared Flynn to be guilty.

Please cite the exact punishment Flynn got after being 'CONVICTED'...and don't forget to provide the link to prove it.

..and until you do those things, you are still a liar.

...also, until then....

Based on the evidence that the Flynn plea is tainted by a proven biased criminal extremist who should never have been working on the case and based on the fact that Strzok committed several proven crimes by protecting Hillary, Abdein, and mills - the last 2 from the same crime he charged Flynn with - his plea will be thrown out. He will serve no jail time. There will be no 'conviction'. Mueller's case against Flynn is built on the work of a proven biased extremist partisan.
Sounds like someone didn't get the memo that the Cold War is over.
Who says it's over? Sure WE said it was over, but then again "we" said the earth was flat at one time too, didn't make it true. Has communism been extinguished? How about capitalism? No? Well, then to folks like Putin, it never ended, it just went into a new, and shadowy, phase. I would tend to agree, and it should be heating back up. Unfortunately, most, if not all, of our leaders (USA) have forgotten (or never knew) how this sort of thing works, how it happens, and what the consequences of losing would be. No, the cold war is NOT over. If it was, why would Putin be working so hard to "covertly" undermine trust in democracy?
You have still presented ZERO evidence, no link, etc. I would ask you to provide me a link to the news article reporting on how Flynn is going to jail, but I can see I am never going to get that, either. Bwuhahaha.....

Cya, snowflake. have a good time spewing your opinion about a tainted plea that will be dropped based on Mueller's criminal / tainted investigation. :p
Since you know nothing about law, let me explain. Someone pleading guilty in itself means nothing.

Thank you for admitting that, for admitting you are a liar ... and / or just plain stupid.

Please Cite the exact case number - and provide a link - of the trial in which Flynn, according to you, was 'Convicted'.

I already did. You failed to read.

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Case 1:17-cr-00232-RC Document 1 Filed 11/30/17 Page 1 of 2



-Violation: 18 U.S.C. 1001 (False

.- Statements)



Case: 1:17_cr_00232
Assigned To Judge Contreras, Rudolph
Sounds like someone didn't get the memo that the Cold War is over.
Who says it's over? Sure WE said it was over, but then again "we" said the earth was flat at one time too, didn't make it true. Has communism been extinguished? How about capitalism? No? Well, then to folks like Putin, it never ended, it just went into a new, and shadowy, phase. I would tend to agree, and it should be heating back up. Unfortunately, most, if not all, of our leaders (USA) have forgotten (or never knew) how this sort of thing works, how it happens, and what the consequences of losing would be. No, the cold war is NOT over. If it was, why would Putin be working so hard to "covertly" undermine trust in democracy?

I guess conning snowflakes into organizing and marching for them is not part of a 'Cold War....

I guess Putin paying liberal groups like Antifa, the Black Fist, and BLM to spread false racial hate and division around for them is not part of any 'Cold War'...

I guess Putin - acknowledged by Obama - running a military / political PsyOp here in the United states was not / is not part of a 'Cold War' against the US

I guess Russia trying to hack into Senior US govt officials' servers / e-mails - which Comey and Obama knew about but did nothing - was not part of a 'Cold War'...

Since you know nothing about law, let me explain. Someone pleading guilty in itself means nothing.

Thank you for admitting that, for admitting you are a liar ... and / or just plain stupid.

Please Cite the exact case number - and provide a link - of the trial in which Flynn, according to you, was 'Convicted'.

I already did. You failed to read.

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Case 1:17-cr-00232-RC Document 1 Filed 11/30/17 Page 1 of 2



-Violation: 18 U.S.C. 1001 (False

.- Statements)



Case: 1:17_cr_00232
Assigned To Judge Contreras, Rudolph

Oh I read it snowflake. I even read your bold highlighted words calling what YOU say was a 'conviction' being called a 'PLEA', which is not the same thing.

Let me know when Flynn goes to jail (I am betting Mueller might go to jail before Flynn does at this point... :p )
Case: 1:17_cr_00232
Assigned To Judge Contreras, Rudolph

Oh I read it snowflake. I even read your bold highlighted words calling what YOU say was a 'conviction' being called a 'PLEA', which is not the same thing.

Judge warns Mike Flynn to cooperate with prosecutors for lighter sentence

U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras accepted Flynn's guilty plea to a single felony count for lying to the FBI about two contacts with Russian officials and told Flynn he faces a maximum five years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

“The plea of guilty is accepted and I find you guilty as charged,” Contreras told Flynn, who had agreed to waive various rights, including to a jury trial and against self-incrimination.
Since you know nothing about law, let me explain. Someone pleading guilty in itself means nothing. A jury finding somebody guilty in itself means nothing. A crimninal conviction is a ruling by a judge, who takes either the persons guilty plea, or jury verdict and uses that as a basis for convicting the accused.
So a conviction is a judicial act. Flynn was convicted by the judge.


U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras accepted Flynn's guilty plea

“The plea of guilty is accepted and I find you guilty as charged,” Contreras told Flynn,

Criminal conviction
The outcome of a criminal prosecution which concludes in a judgment that the defendant is guilty of the crime charged.

The terms conviction and convicted refer to the finaljudgment on a verdict of guilty, a plea of guilty, or a plea ofnolo contendere.
Last edited:
Copy that - thank you. I admit when I am wrong...once provided solid evidence. I still say, sorta like in the case when Rosenstein and Mueller sent innocent people to jail, Flynn won't spend a sentence in jail, his plea will be overturned due to the criminal activity by Strzok.
Copy that - thank you. I admit when I am wrong...once provided solid evidence.

I still say, ... his plea will be overturned due to the criminal activity by Strzok.

FLynns plea is MOOT, the judge rendered his judgement, which is all that counts.

U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras accepted Flynn's guilty plea

“The plea of guilty is accepted and I find you guilty as charged,” Contreras told Flynn,
FLynns plea is MOOT, the judge rendered his judgement, which is all that counts.

Sorry, you are wrong there. In previous cases, as mentioned, innocent people were sent to jail because Rosenstein / Mueller withheld evidence and created false / fake crimes against them. Several had been 'bullied' into making pleas for the purpose of getting lighter sentences. When Rosenstein's and Mueller's criminal acts were exposed the convictions were overturned and the people released from jail after approx. 1 year.

Based on Flynn's indictment being connected to the actions of Strzok, again, I am betting Flynn walks.....
Copy that - thank you. I admit when I am wrong...once provided solid evidence.

I still say, ... his plea will be overturned due to the criminal activity by Strzok.

FLynns plea is MOOT, the judge rendered his judgement, which is all that counts.

U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras accepted Flynn's guilty plea

“The plea of guilty is accepted and I find you guilty as charged,” Contreras told Flynn,

What is he talking about. There was nothing criminal done bf Strzok and Flynn isn't challenging the pleas.

The lies they spew are beyond belief. :cuckoo:
Sorry, you are wrong there. In previous cases, as mentioned, innocent people were sent to jail because Rosenstein / Mueller withheld evidence and created false / fake crimes against them. Several had been 'bullied' into making pleas for the purpose of getting lighter sentences. When Rosenstein's and Mueller's criminal acts were exposed the convictions were overturned and the people released from jail after approx. 1 year.

Citation ? I can't find any such acts from Mueller or from Rosenstein.
Sounds like someone didn't get the memo that the Cold War is over.

No it's not. It was just two years ago that Russians hacked into the Pentagon, and the hack was moving so fast through the joint chiefs of staffs emails they had to shut it down for two weeks to replace hardware and software.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

The Dept of Homeland Security sends out warnings on Russian hacks often. Especially to electric infracstructure that supplies power to U.S. military bases and other critical security services that protect this nation.
Russian hackers infiltrated many US critical infrastructure

In fact your ASS CLOWN is so stupid he was at the G-20 summitt and suggested to Vladimir Putin that we form a joint cyber security unit.

President Trump said Sunday that he and Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed the creation of a “Cyber Security” unit to prevent future Election Day meddling — a proposal quickly slammed by both sides of the political aisle as dangerous and premature. “Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things will be guarded and safe,” he said.
Three top Republicans, Sens. John McCain (Ariz.), Lindsey Graham (SC) and Marco Rubio (Fla.), scoffed at the proposal.“It’s not the dumbest idea I have ever heard, but it’s pretty close,” Graham told NBC’s “Meet the Press.”
Trump appears to back off joint 'Cyber Security unit' with Russia after criticism


Hillary Clinton was right--Trump is Putin's puppet.

You saw it throughout the campaign and voted for it anyway.

James Clapper is right when he said that Vladimir Putin has a valuable "intelligence" asset in Donald Trump.

None of us will forget Trump meeting in the Oval office with the Russians. Kicking out American media letting Russian media in. There were only 3 other Americans in that room. They were H.R. McMaster, National Security adviser, Dina Powell, Deputy National Security adviser, and Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State. So which one of these 3 leaked to the Washington Post that Trump gave the Russians classified information that hadn't gone through the process of being declassified?
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
Who was in Trump's meeting with the Russians? - CNNPolitics


U.S. intelligence had warned Isreali intelligence not to give Trump sensitive information, citing he is compromised by the Russians.
The source of the intel Trump shared with Russia reportedly was warned months ago not to give it to him
US spies 'warned Israel not to share intelligence with Trump'

The greatest SECURITY THREAT to this nation is Donald Trump.

Off the topic but this picture reminds us --- how come Rump talks about his penis on national prime time TV, assures the audience there's "no problem" ---- and then every day wears a tie that literally runs down and points at it?

I think the extra long tie is to give the illusion that he's not as fat as he is--:badgrin: Make him look thiner.
Compel, no. Maybe get them thinking, yep.
On what basis? You say unemployment among blacks is lowest since 2000...did blacks vote GOP in 2000, then? Nope, and not in any other year with similarly low unemployment, either. In a nutshell, you're dreaming.
Based on the evidence that the Flynn plea is tainted by a proven biased criminal extremist who should never have been working on the case and based on the fact that Strzok committed several proven crimes by protecting Hillary, Abdein, and mills - the last 2 from the same crime he charged Flynn with - his plea will be thrown out. He will serve no jail time. There will be no 'conviction'. Mueller's case against Flynn is built on the work of a proven biased extremist partisan.
Haha, you might be the most delusional person in this thread. Even Dale Smith is blushing.
Based on the evidence that the Flynn plea is tainted by a proven biased criminal extremist who should never have been working on the case and based on the fact that Strzok committed several proven crimes by protecting Hillary, Abdein, and mills - the last 2 from the same crime he charged Flynn with - his plea will be thrown out. He will serve no jail time. There will be no 'conviction'. Mueller's case against Flynn is built on the work of a proven biased extremist partisan.
Haha, you might be the most delusional person in this thread. Even Dale Smith is blushing.

I think he's conflating Michael Flynn with Cliven Bundy
Compel, no. Maybe get them thinking, yep.
On what basis? You say unemployment among blacks is lowest since 2000...did blacks vote GOP in 2000, then? Nope, and not in any other year with similarly low unemployment, either. In a nutshell, you're dreaming.

It's a simple concept, your propaganda won't work forever, they know the mulatto messiah didn't do a damn thing for them. Trump did better than Romney with minorities and if their lot in life continues to improve, a greater percentage will go with him next time.


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