WOW.....James Clapper tells the obvious about Trump.....

after she 'bought' the DNC, illegally bought and used a fake document filled with Russian propaganda from a foreign agent through a company that was working for the Russians...

More than half the dossier has been verified. IN fact, the dossier documented meetings that it took Mueller six months to uncover.
On the other hand, Donald Trump, who promised to release his taxes....

Obama set a new U.S. Record for criminal non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act, refusing to release documents he is required by law to release....and, as I said earlier, snowflakes like you saw no problem with it. At the same time, you go bat-shit crazy because someone does not give you access to documents you have no legal right to.


after she 'bought' the DNC, illegally bought and used a fake document filled with Russian propaganda from a foreign agent through a company that was working for the Russians...

More than half the dossier has been verified. IN fact, the dossier documented meetings that it took Mueller six months to uncover.
BS! Nice Try.

That still does not take away from the FACT that Hillary Clinton - the DNC Candidate, the DNC she 'owned'. the Director of the FBI, and the President of the United States ILLEGALLY bought and used a fake news document filled with Russian-generated propaganda from a FOREIGN AGENT through a company who was working for the Russians during an election. THEY COMMITTED A CRIME!
Obama set a new U.S. Record for criminal non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act,
Criminal non-compliance?

Then why isn't anybody from the obama administration going to jail, like Trump administration/campaign people are.
That still does not take away from the FACT that Hillary Clinton - the DNC Candidate, the DNC she 'owned'. the Director of the FBI, and the President of the United States ILLEGALLY bought and used a fake news document filled with Russian-generated propaganda from a FOREIGN AGENT through a company who was working for the Russians during an election. THEY COMMITTED A CRIME!

Lock her up
Lock her up - Michael Flynn 2016

Lock him up
Lock him up - Crowd chanting to Michael Flynn after his felony conviction 2017
You know that Mueller had the transition emails while he questioned the people in the white house.

Yes, and that is why much of the 'evidence' he claims to have and the indictments he has maid will be dropped - stripped - due to his criminal collection of and use of privileged information. (The exact law covering that privilege was posted / presented yesterday.)

His evidence against Manafort was potentially obtained, as reported, through the illegal execution of a warrant - collecting things not specified in the warrant, which means his indictment will be forfeit if that is confirmed to be true.

Flynn is breathing a lot easier, knowing the indictment against him will be dropped due to the fact that the man responsible for his indictment has been exposed as a disgraced anti-Trump Pro-Hillary extremist FBI Agent, fired from Mueller's staff, who tampered with evidence to hide Hillary's crime of 'Gross Negligence', protected her, Huma Abedin, and Sherry; Mills from indictment / criminal charges - the same criminal charges he helped be filed against Flynn.

Mueller has a proven history of investigative and prosecutorial misconduct that has resulted in innocent people going to jail, convictions overturned, and cases lost. The media has exposed that he is doing the same exact thing in this case. Hell, Mueller should be under investigation for protecting the Russians by hiding their crimes in 2009.

The proverbial jig is up - the entire investigation, team, tactics, etc has been exposed as a criminal farce.

Thanks for helping point that out.
Criminal non-compliance?Then why isn't anybody from the obama administration going to jail, like Trump administration/campaign people are.
You have tried this childish theatrical routine countless times in the past, and it still comes across as childish and dumb as hell.

AS YOU ALREADY KNOW, there is no risk of indictment / charges when you OWN the DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, DHS, etc....

Holder was busted for Felony Perjury covering for Obama. Obama protected him from criminal charges. A bi-partisan Congress pissed on his parade / attempt to get Holder off 'scott-free', though, by Censuring Holder for his crimes....making him the 1st Cabinet Member in US history to be Censured....and making the Obama administration the most CRIMINAL administration in US history.
Yes, and that is why much of the 'evidence' he claims to have and the indictments he has maid will be dropped - stripped - due to his criminal collection of and use of privileged information. (The exact law covering that privilege was posted / presented yesterday.)

Mueller already has two felony convictions which in their information (guilty plea) stated they gave up all rights of appeal, and that the conviction is FINAL.

Signed off by both Flynn and hiss lawyers.

An dnow Flynn is singing for his super. Think of the song the caged bird sings.
Flynn is breathing a lot easier, knowing the indictment against him will be dropped due to the fact that the man responsible for his indictment has been exposed as a disgraced anti-Trump Pro-Hillary extremist FBI Agent, fired from Mueller's staff,.

Maybe you know nothing about law. The indictment is MOOT, Flynn was convicted.
Holder was busted for Felony Perjury covering for Obama. Obama protected him from criminal charges.

Why repeat baseless charges for which no charges were brought to the grand jury, or indictments had. They're just rumors, not worth the pixels you expend talking about it.
Mueller already has two felony convictions which in their information (guilty plea) stated they gave up all rights of appeal, and that the conviction is FINAL.

A year after Rosenstein and Mueller sent innocent people off to jail because they hid evidence that would have prevented them from going to jail and after creating false crimes that sent innocent people to jail, a Judge freed those convicted / sentenced / jailed people....and reamed the $HIT out of Rosenstein / Mueller for criminal prosecutorial misconduct. I have no doubt, based on their records / resumes, Manafort and Flynn will not go to jail / will not be there long if they do go to jail.
A year after Rosenstein and Mueller sent innocent people off to jail because they hid evidence that would have prevented them from going to jail and after creating false crimes that sent innocent people to jail, a Judge freed those convicted / sentenced / jailed people....and reamed the $HIT out of Rosenstein / Mueller for criminal prosecutorial misconduct.

Those people didn't sign a full confession, and plead guilty.

Nice try.
Holder was busted for Felony Perjury covering for Obama. Obama protected him from criminal charges.
Why repeat baseless charges for which no charges were brought to the grand jury, or indictments had. They're just rumors, not worth the pixels you expend talking about it.

Again, dumbass, Holder was caught red-handed LYING - committing Felony Perjury in an attempt to cover for Obama regarding fast and Furious. The ONLY reason he was not charged / sent to prison like Scooter Libby was because Obama owned the DOJ and refused to allow charges to be pressed. A Bipartisan Congress cited al lof this and Censured Holder.

WHTY, when proven wrong, must you attempt to lie / spin so much? It's documented, slick.

Nice impersonation of Holder under oath, though! :p

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