WOW.....James Clapper tells the obvious about Trump.....

I'd say Russia has been more of a 'dick' than our allies to us.

Russia didn't do 911, Israel did.

Russia, Putin in particular, told the world that truth 2 days after, and our Israeli owned "US" media censored that.
Isreal did 911? Another crazy person! LOL

Crazy Crazy Crazy!!!!

If you do not agree you are CRAZY!!!!

Grow up, 3 year old leftist!!!

israel did 911 - Google Search

I know, right? They called Charles Manson crazy too.
There is just one word for people who defend Trump and who defend Putin: Crazy.
Trump did not take $100+ million from the KGB Bank...Hillary did.

Trump did not commit the crimes of 'Gross Negligence', 'Illegal Handling of classified', Illegal destruction of classified information, obstruction, etc... Hillary did.

There is existing evidence of crimes committed by Hillary, Mueller, Holder, Comey, Lynch, Obama....there is still NONE regarding Trump.

There are 4 words to describe people who continue to defend these seditious criminals: 'Threats to our Democracy'

'Those who refuse to accept the results of elections are 'THREATS TO OUR DEMOCRACY'.
- 2-Time Loser Hillary Clinton
I'd say Russia has been more of a 'dick' than our allies to us.

Russia didn't do 911, Israel did.

Russia, Putin in particular, told the world that truth 2 days after, and our Israeli owned "US" media censored that.

Which '911'? The one perpetrated on US Soil or the one in Benghazi perpetrated by Obama's buddies - Al Qaida, who he helped kill Qadaffi and take over their own country - Libya?!

No he ea\
1. We have no moral high ground here, considering our previous, unprovoked actions against them.

2. Sanctions is an escalation, on the path to Cold War. What good do you expect from them?

3. Russia is not a threat to our relationship with our allies. Our allies are a threat to that relationship, by being utter dicks. Fuck them.

4. Let the conflict die down. Give peace a chance.

Give Russia a chance and fuck our allies?

And yes, we're not perfect but at least until recently we had the moral high ground over Russia, just ask any other democracy in the world.

1. Not when our actions after the end of the Cold War were so actively hostile to Russian interests. That was stupid of US.

You mean the Soviet Union that had and went on to kill millions of it's own citizens? And you want to put the United States on the same level?

No, I mean what I said. Russia, AFTER THE FALL OF THE SOVIET UNION. We pursued strong policies designed to harm their interests.

Why? The reasons for the Cold War was gone. We should have been looking for ways to avoid restarting any conflict.

Instead we were stupid.

Our actions then, imo, give Russia the moral high ground EVEN if they did take propaganda steps against US.

Our policy should be one of conciliation.

2. Give Peace a Chance. What part of that is confusing to you?

3. Yes, fuck our allies. THey are being utter dicks. What part of that is confusing to you?

I'd say Russia has been more of a 'dick' than our allies to us.

Give peace a chance, I'm sure that's what Russia wants while trying to get back some of it's missing pieces from the past. Russia isn't doing us any favors, no reason to fold for them.

My expectations from my supposed allies is different than from a former enemy.

I would not expect an ALLY to actively engage in trade policies to crush Boeing for one example.

Russia? As long as they are no threat to US or the world balance of power, I am happy for them to not do US favors.

I don't require favors. Just being left alone is good.
Fix your post, everything above is all screwed up.

BTW, Putin has been more harmful to Russia by him and other oligarchs ripping off the Russian people and limiting their civil liberties and free press. He's a tyrant and the only peace he wants is if it's on his own terms.

There I fixed it for you.

Putin's treatment of Russians is not an issue of mine. The Cold War was not about the Commies treatment of soviet citizens.

But instead the threat they posed to US.

Russia is not a threat to the US.
Trump did not take $100+ million from the KGB Bank...Hillary did.

"Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.’ I‘Oh, yeah. We’ve got some guys that really, really love golf, and they’re really invested in our programs. We just go there all the time."

Eric Trump......
Trump did not take $100+ million from the KGB Bank...Hillary did.

"Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.’ I‘Oh, yeah. We’ve got some guys that really, really love golf, and they’re really invested in our programs. We just go there all the time."

Eric Trump......
I am so sorry for your handicap, the inability to tell the difference between an international business mogul conducting business deals and a career criminal Influence Peddler taking over $100 million in bribes from the KGB Bank - the leading financier for the Russians' attempt to buy the Uranium One Bank - while Hillary sits on and has influence n the committee responsible for approving or denying the sale ... at the same time Mueller is sitting on evidence the Russians were 'buying' politicians and agency officials .

(Yeah, all those other people who took money from the KGB Bank were guilty of taking Bribes...but Hillary taking $100+ million from the KGB Bank at the same time was not 'taking a bribe'. :p )
Trump did not take $100+ million from the KGB Bank...Hillary did.

"Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.’ I‘Oh, yeah. We’ve got some guys that really, really love golf, and they’re really invested in our programs. We just go there all the time."

Eric Trump......
I am so sorry for your handicap, the inability to tell the difference between an international business mogul conducting business deals and a career criminal Influence Peddler taking over $100 million in bribes from the KGB Bank - the leading financier for the Russians' attempt to buy the Uranium One Bank - while Hillary sits on and has influence n the committee responsible for approving or denying the sale ... at the same time Mueller is sitting on evidence the Russians were 'buying' politicians and agency officials .

(Yeah, all those other people who took money from the KGB Bank were guilty of taking Bribes...but Hillary taking $100+ million from the KGB Bank at the same time was not 'taking a bribe'. :p )

Now,WHO could ever argue with Queasy IMPECCABLE and WELL-DOCUMENTED proof of Clinton's guilt and Trump's innocence???

Now,WHO could ever argue with Queasy IMPECCABLE and WELL-DOCUMENTED proof of Clinton's guilt and Trump's innocence???

YOU sure as hell can't. You were an avid and eager participant in that thread...and every single one of your myths, excuses, lies, justifications, personal attacks, etc were completely and utterly DESTROYED with facts, specific listed / cited government laws, rules, regs.

If you need a reminder / refresher feel free to find the thread in my profile and read up on it again.
I am so sorry for your handicap, the inability to tell the difference between an international business mogul conducting business deals and a career criminal Influence Peddler taking over $100 million in bribes from the KGB Bank - the leading financier for the Russians' attempt to buy the Uranium One Bank - while Hillary sits on and has influence n the committee responsible for approving or denying the sale ... at the same time Mueller is sitting on evidence the Russians were 'buying' politicians and agency officials

Trump "I don't have any russian investments" Trump owes millions to a bank convicted of russian money laundering. Trump also pursued a moscow real estate deal while claiming he wasn't trying to do business in russia.

Mueller will follow the money, which is why Trump is scared shitless.
Trump "I don't have any russian investments" Trump owes millions to a bank convicted of russian money laundering. Trump also pursued a moscow real estate deal while claiming he wasn't trying to do business in russia. Mueller will follow the money, which is why Trump is scared shitless.

Mueller is going to continue his witch hunt as long as he can, hoping that he will be able to stretch it out until the Democrats take over Congress....because if his witch hunt ever stops, the distraction ends, and the GOP is still in charge and get the opportunity to go after the REAL seditious, colluding, law-breakers - the Democrats, to include himself - based on the only existing evidence of crimes, which all points to them, they are screwed....possibly going to jail.
YOU sure as hell can't. You were an avid and eager participant in that thread...and every single one of your myths, excuses, lies, justifications, personal attacks, etc were completely and utterly DESTROYED with facts, specific listed / cited government laws, rules, regs..

How do I know Clinton didn't get a dime from the russians. Simple, look at her taxes, her financial statements, and those of the Clinton foundation. They're all public, and people have been going through them for years, and found not a penny landed in the Clintons pockets.

On the other hand, Donald Trump, who promised to release his taxes, but who Donald Jr famously said if they ever became public Trump sr would never be elected. And by firing Comey, and hiring Mueller, it started the long march finally looking at Trumps taxes. The question of who has russian money will be answered.
Mueller is going to continue his witch hunt as long as he can, hoping that he will be able to stretch it out until the Democrats take over Congress....because if his witch hunt ever stops, the distraction ends,

You know that Mueller had the transition emails while he questioned the people in the white house. That's why Trumps lawyers are screaming to congress (and not the courts) about Mueller having them.

I bet Mueller already has another half dozen 18 USC 1001 indictments in the works. And although Trump promised to pay their legal bills, Trump hasn't coughed up a dime, and these folks are looking at felonies, and paying for their own lawyers. Can you say "lets make a deal"
If Mueller was investigating Bill Clinton, the hate the Left would spew at him would be greater by 10 fold than what Mueller is facing today...

and that is the LEFT's standard.... 100% pure partisanship with zero truth allowed.
How do I know Clinton didn't get a dime from the russians. Simple, look at her taxes, her financial statements, and those of the Clinton foundation. They're all public, and people have been going through them for years, and found not a penny landed in the Clintons pockets.

Great argument. You can tell Hillary took no bribe money from the KGB Bank in 2009 because she did not list it on her tax returns / claim the money.

The woman illegally possessed classified, illegally handled classified, illegally stored classified, illegally gave access to TS/SCI classified information to people who had no clearance, made it possible for Russian hackers to access TS/SCI info that would be 'gravely damaging to the US if accessed by anyone not authorized to have it', broke the FOIA and Federal Records Act over 15,000 times each, was guilty of Gross Negligence, endangered National Security, committed the crime of 'Espionage', committed obstruction crimes in an attempt to hide files / her crimes, illegally took bribe money from the Russians, violated campaign finance laws by using money intended for other candidate on her own campaign after she 'bought' the DNC, illegally bought and used a fake document filled with Russian propaganda from a foreign agent through a company that was working for the Russians.....after committing all those crimes, the one thing Hillary would do is NOT cheat / lie / hide shit from the IRS. She would have claimed that $100+ million bribe money from the Russians.

If Mueller was investigating Bill Clinton, the hate the Left would spew at him would be greater by 10 fold than what Mueller is facing today...

and that is the LEFT's standard.... 100% pure partisanship with zero truth allowed.

Ken Starr was a republican going after a democrat, Mueller is a republican.

P{lus while Mueller kicked out people with even a perception of anti-Trump feelings, Ken Starr hired anti-Clinton lawyers.

THE PRESIDENT'S TRIAL: THE LAWSUIT; Quietly, a Team of Lawyers Kept Paula Jones's Case Alive

While cloaking their roles, the lawyers were deeply involved -- to an extent not previously known -- for nearly five years in the Paula Jones sexual misconduct lawsuit. They then helped push the case into the criminal arena and into the office of the independent counsel, Kenneth W. Starr.

The group's leader was Jerome M. Marcus, a 39-year-old associate at the Philadelphia law firm of Berger & Montague

Mr. Marcus recruited others to assist his efforts, including several friends from the University of Chicago Law School. One of those who was approached, Paul Rosenzweig, briefly considered doing work for Ms. Jones in 1994,

Mr. Rosenzweig joined Mr. Starr's office, where he and Mr. Marcus had several telephone conversations about the Jones case.

It was Mr. Rosenzweig who fielded a ''heads-up'' phone call from Mr. Marcus on Jan. 8, 1998, that first tipped off Mr. Starr's office about Monica S. Lewinsky and Linda R. Tripp. The tip was not mentioned in the Starr report

In their arguments before the Senate this week, the President's lawyers said that there was collusion between Mr. Starr's office, Mrs. Tripp and the lawyers for Ms. Jones in the weeks leading up to the President's deposition last January.
Putin keeps Crooked Donnie as his lap dog

Stroke him once in a while, throw him a bone....then order him what to do

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Mueller is a republican.


So is Peter King....

What does "Republican" mean today?

It means you care 100% about ISRAEL and 0% about the US.

Mueller is a 911 Traitor. He wants Trump out before he himself gets outed for lying about 911...

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