WOW.....James Clapper tells the obvious about Trump.....

It's a simple concept, your propaganda won't work forever, they know the mulatto messiah didn't do a damn thing for them. Trump did better than Romney with minorities and if their lot in life continues to improve, a greater percentage will go with him next time.


Like they did in Alabama, for Trumps candidate?
It's a simple concept, your propaganda won't work forever, they know the mulatto messiah didn't do a damn thing for them. Trump did better than Romney with minorities and if their lot in life continues to improve, a greater percentage will go with him next time.


Like they did in Alabama, for Trumps candidate?

Strange was Trumps candidate, not Moore. Trump just didn't want to lose the seat to a commiecrat. If you think Moore was an accurate barometer, you're delusional.

If you think Moore was an accurate barometer, you're delusional.

Except black people voted against Moore in about the same percentages they always vote Democrat. And similar surges of black voters happened in Virginia and Iowa. Was Roy Moore running in Virginia and Iowa?


Well maybe there is something to be learned there, after all. Gotta actually open your eyes to see it, though. ;)
Strange was Trumps candidate, not Moore. Trump just didn't want to lose the seat to a commiecrat. If you think Moore was an accurate barometer, you're delusional.


Trump made a special trip down to the Florida panhandle, aka LA (lower alabama) to stump for Roy Moore.
So every candidate Trump supported in Alabama LOST. Thanks for sharing.
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Sounds like someone didn't get the memo that the Cold War is over.

No it's not. It was just two years ago that Russians hacked into the Pentagon, and the hack was moving so fast through the joint chiefs of staffs emails they had to shut it down for two weeks to replace hardware and software.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

The Dept of Homeland Security sends out warnings on Russian hacks often. Especially to electric infracstructure that supplies power to U.S. military bases and other critical security services that protect this nation.
Russian hackers infiltrated many US critical infrastructure

In fact your ASS CLOWN is so stupid he was at the G-20 summitt and suggested to Vladimir Putin that we form a joint cyber security unit.

President Trump said Sunday that he and Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed the creation of a “Cyber Security” unit to prevent future Election Day meddling — a proposal quickly slammed by both sides of the political aisle as dangerous and premature. “Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things will be guarded and safe,” he said.
Three top Republicans, Sens. John McCain (Ariz.), Lindsey Graham (SC) and Marco Rubio (Fla.), scoffed at the proposal.“It’s not the dumbest idea I have ever heard, but it’s pretty close,” Graham told NBC’s “Meet the Press.”
Trump appears to back off joint 'Cyber Security unit' with Russia after criticism


Hillary Clinton was right--Trump is Putin's puppet.

You saw it throughout the campaign and voted for it anyway.

James Clapper is right when he said that Vladimir Putin has a valuable "intelligence" asset in Donald Trump.

None of us will forget Trump meeting in the Oval office with the Russians. Kicking out American media letting Russian media in. There were only 3 other Americans in that room. They were H.R. McMaster, National Security adviser, Dina Powell, Deputy National Security adviser, and Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State. So which one of these 3 leaked to the Washington Post that Trump gave the Russians classified information that hadn't gone through the process of being declassified?
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
Who was in Trump's meeting with the Russians? - CNNPolitics


U.S. intelligence had warned Isreali intelligence not to give Trump sensitive information, citing he is compromised by the Russians.
The source of the intel Trump shared with Russia reportedly was warned months ago not to give it to him
US spies 'warned Israel not to share intelligence with Trump'

The greatest SECURITY THREAT to this nation is Donald Trump.

Is the Orange Clown just that stupid or is he a traitor? Only his orange hair dresser knows!
If you think Moore was an accurate barometer, you're delusional.

Except black people voted against Moore in about the same percentages they always vote Democrat. And similar surges of black voters happened in Virginia and Iowa. Was Roy Moore running in Virginia and Iowa?


Well maybe there is something to be learned there, after all. Gotta actually open your eyes to see it, though. ;)

The RWers really enjoy the view from under the sand.
If you think Moore was an accurate barometer, you're delusional.

Except black people voted against Moore in about the same percentages they always vote Democrat. And similar surges of black voters happened in Virginia and Iowa. Was Roy Moore running in Virginia and Iowa?


Well maybe there is something to be learned there, after all. Gotta actually open your eyes to see it, though. ;)

VA is controlled by beltway bureaucrats, I'm not familiar with what you're talking about Iowa. But as minorities continue to see their lives improving, greater numbers will leave your little dependence plantation. You can take that to the bank.

Sounds like someone didn't get the memo that the Cold War is over.

Sounds like someone didn't bother to take two seconds to read the OP.

It's about how intelligence (spies) works -- not a "cold war".

Yes. I read the op. HIs position on the issue, reflects a Cold War mentality.

That was my point. OBVIOUSLY.

Are you really that dense, or was that just pretend for the purpose of trying to get is a zinger?

You’re wrong. The Cold War was all about nuclear threats. The Russians are now using the internet to plant false propaganda and promote their positions.

But you should know that. Anybody posting 10,000 times a year to a political forum has an agenda.

The Cold War was far more than just nuclear weapons.

His reflexive hostility to a nation on the far side of the world, with no conflict of interests with US, and that is no threat to US, is Cold War thinking.

He has not internalized the changes to the Balance of Power, since the Fall of the Soviet Union.

Neither has Putin. VP is obsessed with restoring the Soviet Empire to distract the Russian people from their own economic woes. In much the same way that Hitler distracted Weimar Germany with his Aryan Supremacy lies.

That seems unreasonably harsh. He is certainly pursuing Russian interests, but nothing worthy of a Godwin.

By focusing the Russian people on their great history, and restoring “historically” Russian territory, they ignore the lack of Russian jobs and the low price of oil.

The low price of oil is not Putin's fault. My understanding is that restoring historically Russian territory, especially full of russians, is pretty popular with the Russian People.

I don’t think it’s an accident that Trump alienated the Arab League en masse with his Jerusalem announcement a week before Putin made his grand tour of the Middle East offering trade and goodies to Egypt and the Syrians.

Israel and Russia are both regular countries now. Trump was right to stop pandering to the arabs regarding Jerusalem, and Russia is going to want Trade with them. You were just talking about Putin/Russia's issue with jobs.

This isn't the Cold War, where the Soviets wanted to overthrow their governments and commit genocide on their people and bring them into the Evil Empire.

Trump is emboldening China and Russia by alienating American allies and trading partners alike. Saying it’s part of his America First strategy makes it sound like he’s trying the block the Chinese and Russians from gaining influence, but in fact, Trump is opening up the field to them by withdrawing from American alliances and deals.

The US has been emboldening China for decades by shipping them massive portions of our manufacturing base. If you didn't want that, you should have said something to the last 7 Presidents.

If our allies are alienated by the simple fact of US having policies to benefit our citizens, then they are not our allies.

You can’t lead from behind. Trump can’t be a world leader without participation in world organizations and accords. He is not leading the world, he is leaving it. The rest of the world is moving on without America.

You bring Trump some accords that don't boil down to FUCK AMERICA, and you might be surprised how reasonable he can be.
Sounds like someone didn't get the memo that the Cold War is over.
Who says it's over? Sure WE said it was over, but then again "we" said the earth was flat at one time too, didn't make it true. Has communism been extinguished? How about capitalism? No? Well, then to folks like Putin, it never ended, it just went into a new, and shadowy, phase. I would tend to agree, and it should be heating back up. Unfortunately, most, if not all, of our leaders (USA) have forgotten (or never knew) how this sort of thing works, how it happens, and what the consequences of losing would be. No, the cold war is NOT over. If it was, why would Putin be working so hard to "covertly" undermine trust in democracy?

The Cold War was about the threat from the Soviet Union and communism to the world.

Russia is not a threat to the world. They might be a threat to the Ukraine. That is not worth a Cold War.

Russia is not a communist nation any more. They do not have an ideology of world conquest, nor an ideology that would enable them to easily assimilate conquered nations.

THey have far more pressing matters than US, if we would stop fucking with them.
VA is controlled by beltway bureaucrats, I'm not familiar with what you're talking about Iowa.
Embarrassing dodge. The fact on the table is the surge of minority voting.

But as minorities continue to see their lives improving, greater numbers will leave your little dependence plantation

Yes, good, let the dog whistle racism flow through you. Now, be sure to get a puzzled look on your face, scratch your head, and wonder aloud repeatedly why minorities dont vote alongside people like you and for peolle who talk like you.

And yes, to be sure, you are delusional. Minorities are going to turn out, and it certainly wont be for the party of 1950. When they surge in 2018, it will be AGAINST people like you.
VA is controlled by beltway bureaucrats, I'm not familiar with what you're talking about Iowa.
Embarrassing dodge. The fact on the table is the surge of minority voting.

But as minorities continue to see their lives improving, greater numbers will leave your little dependence plantation

Yes, good, let the dog whistle racism flow through you. Now, be sure to get a puzzled look on your face, scratch your head, and wonder aloud repeatedly why minorities dont vote alongside people like you and for peolle who talk like you.

And yes, to be sure, you are delusional. Minorities are going to turn out, and it certainly wont be for the party of 1950. When they surge in 2018, it will be AGAINST people like you.

So you think you have brainwashed them thoroughly enough to keep them voting against their own interest? That just proves you learned nothing form the last election.

If you think Moore was an accurate barometer, you're delusional.

Except black people voted against Moore in about the same percentages they always vote Democrat. And similar surges of black voters happened in Virginia and Iowa. Was Roy Moore running in Virginia and Iowa?


Well maybe there is something to be learned there, after all. Gotta actually open your eyes to see it, though. ;)

VA is controlled by beltway bureaucrats, I'm not familiar with what you're talking about Iowa. But as minorities continue to see their lives improving, greater numbers will leave your little dependence plantation. You can take that to the bank.


"Improving?" Improving how bub? Where are you getting this crap from?

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If you think Moore was an accurate barometer, you're delusional.

Except black people voted against Moore in about the same percentages they always vote Democrat. And similar surges of black voters happened in Virginia and Iowa. Was Roy Moore running in Virginia and Iowa?


Well maybe there is something to be learned there, after all. Gotta actually open your eyes to see it, though. ;)

VA is controlled by beltway bureaucrats, I'm not familiar with what you're talking about Iowa. But as minorities continue to see their lives improving, greater numbers will leave your little dependence plantation. You can take that to the bank.


"Improving?" Improving how bub? Where are you getting this crap from?

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

I posted a link earlier in the thread, feel free to look it up, the fact is blacks are getting jobs at a 40% higher rate than under your dear leader and he started with a much higher unemployment rate. Right now it's about 30,000 a month and it will only get better.

So you think you have brainwashed them thoroughly enough to keep them voting against their own interest
No, because I believe they would not be voting in their own interests to vote Republican. That was a desperate swipe on your part. You also blew the dog whistle again, implying they vote as a mindless monolith.

Last election? They went 88% Hillary. And they have since realized that was too low, as the polling shows.'re delusional.
Putin continues to play chess while the Dump plays checkers.
The Dump’s so stupid he has no idea he’s being played..
I doubt it. He's kissing his hand (and other things) for every move. And not playing against him.
Sounds like someone didn't get the memo that the Cold War is over.
Who says it's over? Sure WE said it was over, but then again "we" said the earth was flat at one time too, didn't make it true. Has communism been extinguished? How about capitalism? No? Well, then to folks like Putin, it never ended, it just went into a new, and shadowy, phase. I would tend to agree, and it should be heating back up. Unfortunately, most, if not all, of our leaders (USA) have forgotten (or never knew) how this sort of thing works, how it happens, and what the consequences of losing would be. No, the cold war is NOT over. If it was, why would Putin be working so hard to "covertly" undermine trust in democracy?

The Cold War was about the threat from the Soviet Union and communism to the world.

Russia is not a threat to the world. They might be a threat to the Ukraine. That is not worth a Cold War.

Russia is not a communist nation any more. They do not have an ideology of world conquest, nor an ideology that would enable them to easily assimilate conquered nations.

THey have far more pressing matters than US, if we would stop fucking with them.
The MLK family was for Trump, because they got sick of O and Hillary celebrating LBJ, the man they now credit for the assassination of MLK jr

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