WOW.....James Clapper tells the obvious about Trump.....

Because you say so, snowflake? Holder - 1st US Presidential Cabinet member In History to be CENSURED ... by a bipartisan Congress.

Michael Flynn, first national security adviser to be convicted of a felony committed while in office.
Michael Flynn, first national security adviser to be convicted of a felony committed while in office.
Please send me the link to the article stating Flynn has been PROSECUTED, liar.

You have 11 days for him to be convicted or proven to be a 'Pants on Fire' LIAR!
Michael Flynn, first national security adviser to be convicted of a felony committed while in office.
Please send me the link to the article stating Flynn has been PROSECUTED, liar.

You have 11 days for him to be convicted or proven to be a 'Pants on Fire' LIAR!

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

Flynn pleaded guilty in D.C. federal district court at a 10:30 a.m. hearing. The special counsel's office has released a charging document, a statement of the offense, and a plea agreement. Flynn has released a statement. All documents are below.
Holder was never charged, and never convicted of any crime. Your charges are specious. .
We know, snowflake - you keep repeating that over and over, as if in hopes that it will make any more difference than it did last time. The Criminal Obama protected his criminal US AG, as he did many other of his Criminal Cabinet ... but after Holder was caught RED-HANDED committing Felony Perjury and Obama openly refused to allow Holder to be indicted / charged, EVEN DEMOCRATS joined Republicans in Censuring Holder for his crime, making him the 1st Cabinet member in US history to be CENSURED.

Embrace the fact / suck, buttercup. :p
Defending Eric Holder is like defending Hillary....

Just keep shouting 'em down...
Oh, so not only are you stupid, but you can't READ, either?!

You claimed Flynn would be prosecuted in 2017 - 11 more days to go, and you think Mueller is going to get a conviction in 11 days. Bwuhahahaha!

You then LIED, claiming Flynn had already been PROSECUTED. I asked you for a link showing he had been. You FAILED, buttercup. You are a LIAR!

So much for YOUR credibility. I think I may start referring to you as 'CNN'. :p
Holder was never charged, and never convicted of any crime. Your charges are specious. .
We know, snowflake - you keep repeating that over and over,
So why do you keep making unproven claims?

Clinton is guilty
Holder is guilty
Obama is guilty
Everybody is guilty

Except the people from the Trump administration who were actually convicted of felonies.
You claimed Flynn would be prosecuted in 2017 - 11 more days to go, and you think Mueller is going to get a conviction in 11 days. Bwuhahahaha!

Stop playing stupid. Here's FLynn describing his 2017 conviction.

Statement by Michael Flynn

After over 33 years of military service to our country, including nearly five years in combat away from my family, and then my decision to continue to serve the United States, it has been extraordinarily painful to endure these many months of false accusations of "treason" and other outrageous acts. Such false accusations are contrary to everything I have ever done and stood for. But I recognize that the actions I acknowledged in court today were wrong, and, through my faith in God, I am working to set things right. My guilty plea and agreement to cooperate with the Special Counsel's Office reflect a decision I made in the best interests of my family and of our country. I accept full responsibility for my actions.

December 1, 2017
Do you think the Clintons are innocent high character representatives of the Democrat Party?
Flynn pleaded guilty in D.C. federal district court at a 10:30 a.m. hearing.

That was BEFORE it was revealed that the interviewer who questioned Flynn, resulting in his indictment, is the same CRIMINAL / disgraced FBI agent:

-- Who tampered with evidence / changed the final report on Hillary's server investigation thereby protecting her from criminal indictment for 'Gross Negligence'

-- Who - as evidence shows - protected Hillary aides Huma Abedin and Sheryl Mills from being indicted for perpetrating the same crimes of 'lying to the FBI' that he would later file against Flynn

-- Who was having an adulterous affair with another FBI agent also fired from Mueller's stacked Counsel after both were exposed as flaming anti-Trump Pro-Hillary extremists who were part of the proven seditious FBI's 'Insurance Plan' against Trump becoming President.

Flynn is so going to walk ... just like those other people Mueller and Rosenstein unethically / illegally sent to jail despite their innocence KNOWN TO BOTH MUELLER AND ROSENSTIEN.
That was BEFORE it was revealed that the interviewer who questioned Flynn, resulting in his indictment, is the same CRIMINAL / disgraced FBI agent:.

Apparntly you don't know how the law works. Flynn pled guilty, that plea was accepted and he was convicted of a felony on Dec 1 2017, Part of his plea agreement was that he gave up all rights to appeal his conviction.

Flynn is a convicted felony, and only a presidential pardon will change that.

And a pardon doesn't erase the conviction, just the punishment.
Sounds like someone didn't get the memo that the Cold War is over.

Sounds like someone didn't bother to take two seconds to read the OP.

It's about how intelligence (spies) works -- not a "cold war".

Yes. I read the op. HIs position on the issue, reflects a Cold War mentality.

That was my point. OBVIOUSLY.

Are you really that dense, or was that just pretend for the purpose of trying to get is a zinger?

You’re wrong. The Cold War was all about nuclear threats. The Russians are now using the internet to plant false propaganda and promote their positions.

But you should know that. Anybody posting 10,000 times a year to a political forum has an agenda.

The Cold War was far more than just nuclear weapons.

His reflexive hostility to a nation on the far side of the world, with no conflict of interests with US, and that is no threat to US, is Cold War thinking.

He has not internalized the changes to the Balance of Power, since the Fall of the Soviet Union.

Neither has Putin. VP is obsessed with restoring the Soviet Empire to distract the Russian people from their own economic woes. In much the same way that Hitler distracted Weimar Germany with his Aryan Supremacy lies.

By focusing the Russian people on their great history, and restoring “historically” Russian territory, they ignore the lack of Russian jobs and the low price of oil.

I don’t think it’s an accident that Trump alienated the Arab League en masse with his Jerusalem announcement a week before Putin made his grand tour of the Middle East offering trade and goodies to Egypt and the Syrians.

Trump is emboldening China and Russia by alienating American allies and trading partners alike. Saying it’s part of his America First strategy makes it sound like he’s trying the block the Chinese and Russians from gaining influence, but in fact, Trump is opening up the field to them by withdrawing from American alliances and deals.

You can’t lead from behind. Trump can’t be a world leader without participation in world organizations and accords. He is not leading the world, he is leaving it. The rest of the world is moving on without America.
Stop playing stupid. Here's FLynn describing his 2017 conviction.

Statement by Michael Flynn

After over 33 years of military service to our country, including nearly five years in combat away from my family, and then my decision to continue to serve the United States, it has been extraordinarily painful to endure these many months of false accusations of "treason" and other outrageous acts. Such false accusations are contrary to everything I have ever done and stood for. But I recognize that the actions I acknowledged in court today were wrong, and, through my faith in God, I am working to set things right. My guilty plea and agreement to cooperate with the Special Counsel's Office reflect a decision I made in the best interests of my family and of our country. I accept full responsibility for my actions.

December 1, 2017

Thank you for continuing to prove your complete and utter stupidity.


You just proved me correct and that you are a liar and / or are just plain stupid, not knowing those 2 things are NOT the same!

Bwuhahahahaha!!!! :lmao:
That was BEFORE it was revealed that the interviewer who questioned Flynn, resulting in his indictment, is the same CRIMINAL / disgraced FBI agent:.

Apparntly you don't know how the law works. Flynn pled guilty, that plea was accepted and he was convicted of a felony on Dec 1 2017, Part of his plea agreement was that he gave up all rights to appeal his conviction.

Flynn is a convicted felony, and only a presidential pardon will change that.

Apparently YOU do not know the difference between a PLEA and a CONVICTION!



You just proved me correct and that you are a liar and / or are just plain stupid, not knowing those 2 things are NOT the same!

Bwuhahahahaha!!!! :lmao:

Since you know nothing about law, let me explain. Someone pleading guilty in itself means nothing. A jury finding somebody guilty in itself means nothing. A crimninal conviction is a ruling by a judge, who takes either the persons guilty plea, or jury verdict and uses that as a basis for convicting the accused.
A judge can also set aside a plea or a jury verdict and not convict the accused.

So a conviction is a judicial act. Flynn was convicted by the judge.

Apparently YOU do not know the difference between a PLEA and a CONVICTION!


Flynn was convicted by the judge on Dec 1 2017, based on the judge accepting Flynns guilty plea.

Learn the law, or take your head out of your ass.

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