Wow! Just Wow about meat!

Please take the time to watch this video. This guy is SO knowledgable, and soundly refutes the lies or misconceptions that are flung against the wall every so often. :rolleyes:

This information is SO good. If only the 1% who want to fight on this issue would actually spend time listening rather than trying to defend their pet idea baby.

I tried to reach them with God's DESIRE for Man. I thought a few would understand (God intended Man NOT kill, but eat the FOOD He provided). Even the "Christians" want what they want and stop up their ears.

So now I hope a FEW will care about their health and listen to what folks like Marcus are saying. Maybe the 1% will.

There are three I hope people will listen to:
Dr Joel Fuhrman
Dr Michael Greger

Look them up. You will learn something
I went keto to help lower my blood sugar and it is working well, I don’t eat over processed breads and grain. Mostly proteins and fat and by doing so, I lost weight, brought my blood sugar under control.

Be sure to consult a physician.
Keto will destroy your body's natural ability to process carbs. You will do great damage if you keep it up
This information is SO good. If only the 1% who want to fight on this issue would actually spend time listening rather than trying to defend their pet idea baby.

I tried to reach them with God's DESIRE for Man. I thought a few would understand (God intended Man NOT kill, but eat a he FOOD He provided). Even the "Christians" want what they want and stop up their ears.

So now I hope a FEW will care about their health and listen to what folks like Marcus are saying. Maybe the 1% will.

There are three I hope people will listen to:
Dr Joel Fuhrman
Dr Michael Greger

Look them up. You will learn something

Well said.

Again, people love hearing what their itching ears want to hear.

I mean, it makes perfect sense when you think about it. When people WANT to do something so badly, they will latch on to anyone or anything that endorses what they want to do and run with it. Well, I shouldn't say all people are like that. Just some who put their carnal desires first above all else, including truth, facts and logic.

I understand people saying that they want to eat meat and don't think it'd bad. But posts like #30? That to me is where it starts getting surreal and truly insane. But this is a messed up, upside-down world so I guess it shouldn't be surprising.

If someone has no sensitivities to any of those toxins, cool!

I have a very painful condition that worsens if I eat a lot of oxalic acid, so I must avoid the "healthiest" of all vegetables -- beets, spinach, chard and other greens, as well as nuts and grains and legumes.

Since adopting diet heavy in animal protein and fats, my cholesterol is normal! I can eat a few vegetables and fruits and the only thing I feel deprived of is the pain of the condition that's exacerbated by oxalates.

PS -- If you tend towards those very painful kidney stones, they are very likely calcium oxalate stones and you might be advised by your doctor to avoid oxalates.

After dehydrating myself to near fatal levels several times a week for around five months every year for four+ years, I now grow stones like mushrooms in a forest. After the last set of stones were removed, the doc recommended less spinach and more beer. I really like spinach, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
Well said.

Again, people love hearing what their itching ears want to hear.

I mean, it makes perfect sense when you think about it. When people WANT to do something so badly, they will latch on to anyone or anything that endorses what they want to do and run with it. Well, I shouldn't say all people are like that. Just some who put their carnal desires first above all else, including truth, facts and logic.

I understand people saying that they want to eat meat and don't think it'd bad. But posts like #30? That to me is where it starts getting surreal and truly insane. But this is a messed up, upside-down world so I guess it shouldn't be surprising.

'We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge to you, and you did not mourn.'
So now I hope a FEW will care about their health and listen to what folks like Marcus are saying. Maybe the 1% will.

There are three I hope people will listen to:
Dr Joel Fuhrman
Dr Michael Greger

Look them up. You will learn something

Markus is a truly extraordinary person. I'm amazed at how much knowledge and wisdom he has. (Especially for someone who isn't even a believer. :p)

Not only have I learned a lot from his channel, but he and Cara are SO inspiring! They have totally inspired me, even in the short amount of time I've been subscribed to his channel.
Not according to my doctor

Most doctors know very little about nutrition.

The thing about Keto is that it DOES often have good SHORT-term benefits.

Why? It's not about what you're eating, but about what you're NOT eating.

When you cut out processed food, and sweets and other things that are bad for you, of course you're going to feel better, and have good short-term results.

But eating lots of meat and animal products is horrible for your body in the long-run. It often takes years for the effects of that kind of diet to show up. But get back to us 10 or 20 years from now, and we'll see about it then. If you haven't died of a heart attack or colon cancer before then.

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