WOW: Latest Newsweek Cover has Michelle Obama Posing With Apple With Carl Marx Image

First it was the Mao Christmas Tree Ornaments and Now this on the Cover of a National Publication called Newsweek. As of earlier this morning Newsweek has cropped the picture as the image is being scrubbed everywhere. This is more evidence that we have devoted Communist occupying the White House and proof the media are in the pockets of them. What do you think.

See for Yourself:
Why is there a picture of Karl Marx hidden on this apple in the latest Newsweek cover of our fashion icon First Lady? HillBuzz

See cropped Pic:
Michelle Obama: Why I'm Fighting Childhood Obesity -

Just curious why you didn't post this in the conspiracy theory forum where you can get support from the other nutters. Perhaps a kindly mod could move it for you. :eusa_whistle:
I thought I had moved this thread to conspiracy already? Guess I messed up the first time?
First it was the Mao Christmas Tree Ornaments and Now this on the Cover of a National Publication called Newsweek. As of earlier this morning Newsweek has cropped the picture as the image is being scrubbed everywhere. This is more evidence that we have devoted Communist occupying the White House and proof the media are in the pockets of them. What do you think.

I think you have the capacity to recognize all kinds of conspiracies if you can consider that, which is something I probably would not consider unless presented to me.

The fact is that we do not know everything about the human mind and its potential for conspiracy. Therefore I'm open to it. Time will tell.
That's not Karl Marx on the apple.

It's Andrew Weil...DUH!


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