WOW: Mass white anarchist riots/protests...cops are nice; Not militarized like Ferguson/Baltimore

I personally have had my ass kicked by a Austin Cop, and deserved it, and I am white.

Got drunk, flipped the cop off, and then attempted to do push-up with the cop on my back and his gun draw.

I am lucky the only I got was a broken arm out of it and not a bullet to the head like i should have gotten for that stupidity...

Damn! Did you complete the pushup???

Yes, and I remember laughing and he whop the crap out of me for doing what I did.

As I wrote I deserved what i got and was lucky as hell he did not pull that trigger that night.

I had a friend that is a minority and we got pulled over outside Vidor, Texas after coming back from Lake Charles, and a state trooper pulled us over because the front headlight was out.

Well my friend forgot to inform me his license was suspended in California so the Trooper was asking him a few questions and one was he ever in jail, and my friend reply that he was and the officer ask for what?

And he replied I worked in the County Jail in California... That officer got pissed, and walked over to me and ask me if it were true, and I said yes, and he told me to get that boy out here before he get himself in trouble.

My friend was clueless why the cop was upset until I explained to him that he was asking if you were in jail like I was, and he then realized how stupid his comment sounded and realized he almost got his ass kicked.

They let him go without a ticket because I had my license on me and it was not suspended...

So yeah I do know how the police are and realize most of the times it is the individual stupidity that get them into trouble with the officer...

That's all you got??

You all are saying cops treat white protesters different. I'm showing evidence they dont. They treat urban protests vs rural protests different.

No you havent, you're showing incidents where cops got cant show MACRO results unless you use stats. Which wont turn out well for you.

That's all you got??

You all are saying cops treat white protesters different. I'm showing evidence they dont. They treat urban protests vs rural protests different.

No you havent, you're showing incidents where cops got cant show MACRO results unless you use stats. Which wont turn out well for you.

Then show me.

You want MACRO stats? Ok. Blacks commit FAR more violent crime compared to their % of the population, and more overall in just raw net numbers. So inevitably....they'll have more violent encounters with cops. Right?

If blacks are statistically far more likely to be violent towards their neighbor...then isn't it safe to assume they're more likely to be violent towards cops too? Yeah.....let's have this conversation!!!
Thats alright, I dont feel like playing this game with you where you just go "same thing" no matter what the differences are.

Whites and blacks are treated the same everybody. Har Har, good one. Since no one ever claimed whites DONT GET Tear gassed or Beaten your videos are just videos proving nothing.
Thats alright, I dont feel like playing this game with you where you just go "same thing" no matter what the differences are.

Whites and blacks are treated the same everybody. Har Har, good one. Since no one ever claimed whites DONT GET Tear gassed or Beaten your videos are just videos proving nothing.

DAMN!!! Everyone....look at MY last post. Then read ClosedCaptions.

He bailed out of this thread like Goose out of an F-14!!!!
Mmmm. They say "when whites protest the cops don't bring SWAT and get rough".

Well....that's obviously a lie.

As long as you forget stuff like proportional instances then yeah.

I think you believe that if something happens anytime then that means its just like everytime

I'm providing examples. You should do.

When whites act like animals...the police don't hesitate to treat them that way.

I'm not gonna lie....watching Seattle SWAT put a beat down on those anarchists put a smile on my face.

The protests in seattle were against globalization, American workers having to compete with cheap foreign labor and products. Why were you smiling? If they protest the TPP, forced on us by international corporations, will you cheer the cops on also? Ultimately, the police powers always serve the ownership class who do whats best for their bottom line and the people/workers don't matter.
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Think our police are rough I watched the Korean Nation Police beat the hell out of protesters in South Korea they don't use the clubs our police do they have 4 foot long sticks. It was brutal.
Mmmm. They say "when whites protest the cops don't bring SWAT and get rough".

Well....that's obviously a lie.

As long as you forget stuff like proportional instances then yeah.

I think you believe that if something happens anytime then that means its just like everytime
Is a proportional instance like when the #1 cause of death for young black men is being shot by other young black men? Is that a proportional instance? 100 percent of black murders are inflicted by black men despite the fact that they aren't 100 percent of the overall population?
Mmmm. They say "when whites protest the cops don't bring SWAT and get rough".

Well....that's obviously a lie.

As long as you forget stuff like proportional instances then yeah.

I think you believe that if something happens anytime then that means its just like everytime

I'm providing examples. You should do.

When whites act like animals...the police don't hesitate to treat them that way.

I'm not gonna lie....watching Seattle SWAT put a beat down on those anarchists put a smile on my face.

The protests in seattle were against globalization, American workers having to compete with cheap foreign labor and products. Why were you smiling? If they protest the TPP, forced on us by international corporations, will you cheer the cops on also? Ultimately, the police powers always serve the ownership class who do whats best for their bottom line and the people/workers don't matter.

Because I hate liberal commies and liberal anarchists. And seeing Seattle PD lay down ass kickings on then was pleasant to watch.
Mmmm. They say "when whites protest the cops don't bring SWAT and get rough".

Well....that's obviously a lie.

As long as you forget stuff like proportional instances then yeah.

I think you believe that if something happens anytime then that means its just like everytime

I'm providing examples. You should do.

When whites act like animals...the police don't hesitate to treat them that way.

I'm not gonna lie....watching Seattle SWAT put a beat down on those anarchists put a smile on my face.

The protests in seattle were against globalization, American workers having to compete with cheap foreign labor and products. Why were you smiling? If they protest the TPP, forced on us by international corporations, will you cheer the cops on also? Ultimately, the police powers always serve the ownership class who do whats best for their bottom line and the people/workers don't matter.

Because I hate liberal commies and liberal anarchists. And seeing Seattle PD lay down ass kickings on then was pleasant to watch.

Liberal commies fighting globalization. Who's side would you have been on during the Boston Tea Party? King George maybe? Seems your allegiance is on the side of those in power, which is the side the cops will always take. The WTO plan the libs were fighting was a plan to bury the American worker and put him in competition with low wage, third worlders. That plan is working, too.
Mmmm. They say "when whites protest the cops don't bring SWAT and get rough".

Well....that's obviously a lie.

As long as you forget stuff like proportional instances then yeah.

I think you believe that if something happens anytime then that means its just like everytime

I'm providing examples. You should do.

When whites act like animals...the police don't hesitate to treat them that way.

I'm not gonna lie....watching Seattle SWAT put a beat down on those anarchists put a smile on my face.

The protests in seattle were against globalization, American workers having to compete with cheap foreign labor and products. Why were you smiling? If they protest the TPP, forced on us by international corporations, will you cheer the cops on also? Ultimately, the police powers always serve the ownership class who do whats best for their bottom line and the people/workers don't matter.

Because I hate liberal commies and liberal anarchists. And seeing Seattle PD lay down ass kickings on then was pleasant to watch.

Liberal commies fighting globalization. Who's side would you have been on during the Boston Tea Party? King George maybe? Seems your allegiance is on the side of those in power, which is the side the cops will always take. The WTO plan the libs were fighting was a plan to bury the American worker and put him in competition with low wage, third worlders. That plan is working, too.

Liberal commies want more rules and laws, not less. So....the Tea Party.
As long as you forget stuff like proportional instances then yeah.

I think you believe that if something happens anytime then that means its just like everytime

I'm providing examples. You should do.

When whites act like animals...the police don't hesitate to treat them that way.

I'm not gonna lie....watching Seattle SWAT put a beat down on those anarchists put a smile on my face.

The protests in seattle were against globalization, American workers having to compete with cheap foreign labor and products. Why were you smiling? If they protest the TPP, forced on us by international corporations, will you cheer the cops on also? Ultimately, the police powers always serve the ownership class who do whats best for their bottom line and the people/workers don't matter.

Because I hate liberal commies and liberal anarchists. And seeing Seattle PD lay down ass kickings on then was pleasant to watch.

Liberal commies fighting globalization. Who's side would you have been on during the Boston Tea Party? King George maybe? Seems your allegiance is on the side of those in power, which is the side the cops will always take. The WTO plan the libs were fighting was a plan to bury the American worker and put him in competition with low wage, third worlders. That plan is working, too.

Liberal commies want more rules and laws, not less. So....the Tea Party.

Doesn't answer the question why you hate liberals or whatever they were for protesting in seattle. There was some violence on the part of lefties maybe, but those people could have easy been plants put in there by the police or some other pro globalization entity.

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