So, Little Red Roadster is the fastest car in the world:

0-60 Speed — 2.1 seconds
0-100 Speed — 2.4 seconds
0- 10,848 Speed:— 180.13 seconds
Final Speed for Heliocentric Orbit — 26,600 km/h So FAR!


coolest thing ever!
How do you figure it set us back decades? The fleet was old and the technology for the future required larger rockets with more payload if we were get to the Moon and establish a base for further exploration - to Mars and the Asteroid Belt.

Because the work force needed to keep the shuttle program going was scattered to the four winds. There were decades of institutional memory that were lost.
Wry is correct. There is no arguing his point.
My phone has more technology than the shuttles had.

That's the wonderful thing about technology, it can be upgraded. Did you know that the B-52 bombers that are still in the inventory started life much different than they are today? Amazingly enough the airframes are the same as when they were built in the 1950's and '60's, but the avionics (the electronic bits) are vastly different than what the aircraft was built with.

The same go's for the Shuttles. The airframes were still in good order, all that needed to be done was upgrade the electronics suite.

How much payload could they carry? How many flights to the moon to build a base camp for further space exploration?

I don't claim to be a rocket scientist, but what I saw yesterday was impressive and how I see the future. You're not stupid WW, but you seem to see the world by your ideology, thus a mind close to new things, new ideas and change.

They could carry 30 tons to LEO, and 4 tons to a Geostationary Transfer Orbit. I think it was 12 tons to the ISS. Space X Heavy, is not a new idea. I am happy that they are up and running, but there is nothing revolutionary about it. The technology to return the boosters to Earth for reuse is nice, but it is not revolutionary, it is evolutionary.

I don't think or believe you are a rocket scientist. My impression remains that you are captious. Calling Space X evolutionary is absurd, unless one believes what we saw yesterday was nothing more than making the sketches made by Leonardo da Vinci come to life.

What I saw was the future, not some relic from the past. I suspect you might even argue that a Conestoga Wagon was as good as the Transcontinental R.R.
This is a message for " Humanity" not AI.......... how many heads will this go over?

It will go right over the heads of zombies what message Elon was sending Look at the car, look at the astronaught in the car look at where it's going and what this launch meant as well as what it did.
Yeah it's just fantastic that we have essentially went back 50 years in technology concerning space.
Since NASA was slashed out of existence....we instead have a $billionaire playing in space.
America has had nothing but a few L.E.O. launches the past decade.
There is nothing to be excited about here. The 2010's is a lost decade, let's hope it doesn't lead to another lost decade. But it probably will.
We couldn't do this 50 years ago

Say what?
Intended to orbit around Mars, a miscalculation of burn time sent Elon Musk’s SpaceX on the wrong course to the asteroid belt as it blasted David Bowie’s “Life on Mars” from the radio of his failed Tesla Roadster perched atop the rocket with a dummy in the driver’s seat. But even though the off-course space flight is a perfect picture of his failed Tesla “auto-pilot”, Musk spun it as a “successful” burn. The King of Crony Capitalism, the 21st Century version of PT Barnum, is still held in awe by his fan-boys.

If we are serious about our environment, then we should already be mining H3 on the moon.
Because America dumped our space program indefinitely, it will be China. Who is well on their way to having first moon habitats by 2040, and mining for H3 by 2050 or sooner. H3 is purported to be worth 100's of $Trillions and be an enormous benefit to the environment since it is the only real chance of replacing coal and other fossil fuels.
But hey....let's ooh and ahh over a single rocket.

There is still time for our nation to once again lead the race to space. It cannot happen unless We the People elect a proactive Congress, and those members of Congress are well educated in Science and not solely in law.

We desperately need a dynamic leader in the White House, one with a wide range of knowledge, curiosity and a desire to put our planet and its people as job #1. One who is motivated to putting together the resources of our nation with the technical genius we saw today in the private sector.

And yet, last election we put up perhaps one of the most corrupt politicians in Washington, and a Real Estate Billionaire.
Obama isn't a billionaire but he certainly is corrupt as proven by the Grassley/Graham memo released today. Maybe the Brown Turd will be going to jail. How priceless is that? Hah!
How priceless is that comment does not belong in this thread, how priceless is that? You are an asshole for putting it here. Go away.
Because the work force needed to keep the shuttle program going was scattered to the four winds. There were decades of institutional memory that were lost.
Wry is correct. There is no arguing his point.
My phone has more technology than the shuttles had.

That's the wonderful thing about technology, it can be upgraded. Did you know that the B-52 bombers that are still in the inventory started life much different than they are today? Amazingly enough the airframes are the same as when they were built in the 1950's and '60's, but the avionics (the electronic bits) are vastly different than what the aircraft was built with.

The same go's for the Shuttles. The airframes were still in good order, all that needed to be done was upgrade the electronics suite.

How much payload could they carry? How many flights to the moon to build a base camp for further space exploration?

I don't claim to be a rocket scientist, but what I saw yesterday was impressive and how I see the future. You're not stupid WW, but you seem to see the world by your ideology, thus a mind close to new things, new ideas and change.

They could carry 30 tons to LEO, and 4 tons to a Geostationary Transfer Orbit. I think it was 12 tons to the ISS. Space X Heavy, is not a new idea. I am happy that they are up and running, but there is nothing revolutionary about it. The technology to return the boosters to Earth for reuse is nice, but it is not revolutionary, it is evolutionary.

I don't think or believe you are a rocket scientist. My impression remains that you are captious. Calling Space X evolutionary is absurd, unless one believes what we saw yesterday was nothing more than making the sketches made by Leonardo da Vinci come to life.

What I saw was the future, not some relic from the past. I suspect you might even argue that a Conestoga Wagon was as good as the Transcontinental R.R.

The only difference between the Falcon Heavy and the Saturn V from the 1960's (in other words 50+ years ago) is the Saturn V was far more powerful, but the Falcon can return its boosters for reuse. The Saturn V had no boosters, so obviously that is a non starter. So yes, the Falcon is evolutionary. That's not a bad thing as you seem to think, but it is still a rocket, lifting off from a gantry.
If we are serious about our environment, then we should already be mining H3 on the moon.
Because America dumped our space program indefinitely, it will be China. Who is well on their way to having first moon habitats by 2040, and mining for H3 by 2050 or sooner. H3 is purported to be worth 100's of $Trillions and be an enormous benefit to the environment since it is the only real chance of replacing coal and other fossil fuels.
But hey....let's ooh and ahh over a single rocket.

There is still time for our nation to once again lead the race to space. It cannot happen unless We the People elect a proactive Congress, and those members of Congress are well educated in Science and not solely in law (or in keeping their own job).

We desperately need a dynamic leader in the White House, one with a wide range of knowledge, curiosity and a desire to put our planet and its people as job #1. One who is motivated to putting together the resources of our nation with the technical genius we saw today in the private sector.

Interesting read into this, considering this is a case to just let corporations handle it, as it seems they are getting the hang of it pretty quick.
You forget, it was obama that killed the Space Shuttle system years before they were due to be retired. That set the space program back decades.

How do you figure it set us back decades? The fleet was old and the technology for the future required larger rockets with more payload if we were get to the Moon and establish a base for further exploration - to Mars and the Asteroid Belt.

Because the work force needed to keep the shuttle program going was scattered to the four winds. There were decades of institutional memory that were lost.
Wry is correct. There is no arguing his point.
My phone has more technology than the shuttles had.

That's the wonderful thing about technology, it can be upgraded. Did you know that the B-52 bombers that are still in the inventory started life much different than they are today? Amazingly enough the airframes are the same as when they were built in the 1950's and '60's, but the avionics (the electronic bits) are vastly different than what the aircraft was built with.

The same go's for the Shuttles. The airframes were still in good order, all that needed to be done was upgrade the electronics suite.

How much payload could they carry? How many flights to the moon to build a base camp for further space exploration?

I don't claim to be a rocket scientist, but what I saw yesterday was impressive and how I see the future. You're not stupid WW, but you seem to see the world by your ideology, thus a mind close to new things, new ideas and change.
Elon Musk isn't going to piss away good money for a moon stopover base. Let NASA piss away that money. Elon is going straight to Mars.
How do you figure it set us back decades? The fleet was old and the technology for the future required larger rockets with more payload if we were get to the Moon and establish a base for further exploration - to Mars and the Asteroid Belt.

Because the work force needed to keep the shuttle program going was scattered to the four winds. There were decades of institutional memory that were lost.
Wry is correct. There is no arguing his point.
My phone has more technology than the shuttles had.

That's the wonderful thing about technology, it can be upgraded. Did you know that the B-52 bombers that are still in the inventory started life much different than they are today? Amazingly enough the airframes are the same as when they were built in the 1950's and '60's, but the avionics (the electronic bits) are vastly different than what the aircraft was built with.

The same go's for the Shuttles. The airframes were still in good order, all that needed to be done was upgrade the electronics suite.

How much payload could they carry? How many flights to the moon to build a base camp for further space exploration?

I don't claim to be a rocket scientist, but what I saw yesterday was impressive and how I see the future. You're not stupid WW, but you seem to see the world by your ideology, thus a mind close to new things, new ideas and change.
Elon Musk isn't going to piss away good money for a moon stopover base. Let NASA piss away that money. Elon is going straight to Mars.
Two points.

1. The moon has an abundance of valuable resources and most important of them are the required ingredients for ROCKET FUEL.

2. This rocket is off course and going to miss mars lol

If we are serious about our environment, then we should already be mining H3 on the moon.
Because America dumped our space program indefinitely, it will be China. Who is well on their way to having first moon habitats by 2040, and mining for H3 by 2050 or sooner. H3 is purported to be worth 100's of $Trillions and be an enormous benefit to the environment since it is the only real chance of replacing coal and other fossil fuels.
But hey....let's ooh and ahh over a single rocket.

There is still time for our nation to once again lead the race to space. It cannot happen unless We the People elect a proactive Congress, and those members of Congress are well educated in Science and not solely in law.

We desperately need a dynamic leader in the White House, one with a wide range of knowledge, curiosity and a desire to put our planet and its people as job #1. One who is motivated to putting together the resources of our nation with the technical genius we saw today in the private sector.

And yet, last election we put up perhaps one of the most corrupt politicians in Washington, and a Real Estate Billionaire.
Obama isn't a billionaire but he certainly is corrupt as proven by the Grassley/Graham memo released today. Maybe the Brown Turd will be going to jail. How priceless is that? Hah!
How priceless is that comment does not belong in this thread, how priceless is that? You are an asshole for putting it here. Go away.
Did you respond in kind to the person I was responding too for this statement?

And yet, last election we put up perhaps one of the most corrupt politicians in Washington, and a Real Estate Billionaire
Because the work force needed to keep the shuttle program going was scattered to the four winds. There were decades of institutional memory that were lost.
Wry is correct. There is no arguing his point.
My phone has more technology than the shuttles had.

That's the wonderful thing about technology, it can be upgraded. Did you know that the B-52 bombers that are still in the inventory started life much different than they are today? Amazingly enough the airframes are the same as when they were built in the 1950's and '60's, but the avionics (the electronic bits) are vastly different than what the aircraft was built with.

The same go's for the Shuttles. The airframes were still in good order, all that needed to be done was upgrade the electronics suite.

How much payload could they carry? How many flights to the moon to build a base camp for further space exploration?

I don't claim to be a rocket scientist, but what I saw yesterday was impressive and how I see the future. You're not stupid WW, but you seem to see the world by your ideology, thus a mind close to new things, new ideas and change.
Elon Musk isn't going to piss away good money for a moon stopover base. Let NASA piss away that money. Elon is going straight to Mars.
Two points.

1. The moon has an abundance of valuable resources and most important of them are the required ingredients for ROCKET FUEL.

2. This rocket is off course and going to miss mars lol


Fail? What part of "test flight" confuses you? Musk himself estimated the chances of just successfully launching to be 50/50. I'm pretty sure everyone involved was thrilled that it went so well.
We desperately need a dynamic leader in the White House, one with a wide range of knowledge, curiosity and a desire to put our planet and its people as job #1. One who is motivated to putting together the resources of our nation with the technical genius we saw today in the private sector.

Couldn't disagree more. We need government to get the hell out of the way.
i dont know if that will ever happen Wry....i dont know why the all the countries with a space program dont team up and get there together instead of everyone competing with each other......

Because people aren't ants.
Wry is correct. There is no arguing his point.
My phone has more technology than the shuttles had.

That's the wonderful thing about technology, it can be upgraded. Did you know that the B-52 bombers that are still in the inventory started life much different than they are today? Amazingly enough the airframes are the same as when they were built in the 1950's and '60's, but the avionics (the electronic bits) are vastly different than what the aircraft was built with.

The same go's for the Shuttles. The airframes were still in good order, all that needed to be done was upgrade the electronics suite.

How much payload could they carry? How many flights to the moon to build a base camp for further space exploration?

I don't claim to be a rocket scientist, but what I saw yesterday was impressive and how I see the future. You're not stupid WW, but you seem to see the world by your ideology, thus a mind close to new things, new ideas and change.
Elon Musk isn't going to piss away good money for a moon stopover base. Let NASA piss away that money. Elon is going straight to Mars.
Two points.

1. The moon has an abundance of valuable resources and most important of them are the required ingredients for ROCKET FUEL.

2. This rocket is off course and going to miss mars lol


Fail? What part of "test flight" confuses you? Musk himself estimated the chances of just successfully launching to be 50/50. I'm pretty sure everyone involved was thrilled that it went so well.
Test flights can not fail? Hahaha

He ment to get into mars orbit. He failed to get in mars orbit.

A successful launch but a mission failure
That's the wonderful thing about technology, it can be upgraded. Did you know that the B-52 bombers that are still in the inventory started life much different than they are today? Amazingly enough the airframes are the same as when they were built in the 1950's and '60's, but the avionics (the electronic bits) are vastly different than what the aircraft was built with.

The same go's for the Shuttles. The airframes were still in good order, all that needed to be done was upgrade the electronics suite.

How much payload could they carry? How many flights to the moon to build a base camp for further space exploration?

I don't claim to be a rocket scientist, but what I saw yesterday was impressive and how I see the future. You're not stupid WW, but you seem to see the world by your ideology, thus a mind close to new things, new ideas and change.
Elon Musk isn't going to piss away good money for a moon stopover base. Let NASA piss away that money. Elon is going straight to Mars.
Two points.

1. The moon has an abundance of valuable resources and most important of them are the required ingredients for ROCKET FUEL.

2. This rocket is off course and going to miss mars lol


Fail? What part of "test flight" confuses you? Musk himself estimated the chances of just successfully launching to be 50/50. I'm pretty sure everyone involved was thrilled that it went so well.
Test flights can not fail? Hahaha

Yes. A test is a failure if it fails to provide any useful feedback. Pretty sure that wasn't the case here.

A successful launch but a mission failure

Well, since there was no 'mission', not sure what you mean. It was a test. Problems were expected - that's why he launched his fucking car instead of a real payload or passengers. But you go ahead and party on the "failure". If it's fun for ya.

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