That's the wonderful thing about technology, it can be upgraded. Did you know that the B-52 bombers that are still in the inventory started life much different than they are today? Amazingly enough the airframes are the same as when they were built in the 1950's and '60's, but the avionics (the electronic bits) are vastly different than what the aircraft was built with.

The same go's for the Shuttles. The airframes were still in good order, all that needed to be done was upgrade the electronics suite.

How much payload could they carry? How many flights to the moon to build a base camp for further space exploration?

I don't claim to be a rocket scientist, but what I saw yesterday was impressive and how I see the future. You're not stupid WW, but you seem to see the world by your ideology, thus a mind close to new things, new ideas and change.
Elon Musk isn't going to piss away good money for a moon stopover base. Let NASA piss away that money. Elon is going straight to Mars.
Two points.

1. The moon has an abundance of valuable resources and most important of them are the required ingredients for ROCKET FUEL.

2. This rocket is off course and going to miss mars lol


Fail? What part of "test flight" confuses you? Musk himself estimated the chances of just successfully launching to be 50/50. I'm pretty sure everyone involved was thrilled that it went so well.
Test flights can not fail? Hahaha

He ment to get into mars orbit. He failed to get in mars orbit.

A successful launch but a mission failure
I have faith in American ingenuity. Those kids will get Starman in a Mars orbit one way or another.
From the very foundation of NASA, I don't think anyone doubted that one day its mission would be taken over by private companies.

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