How much payload could they carry? How many flights to the moon to build a base camp for further space exploration?

I don't claim to be a rocket scientist, but what I saw yesterday was impressive and how I see the future. You're not stupid WW, but you seem to see the world by your ideology, thus a mind close to new things, new ideas and change.
Elon Musk isn't going to piss away good money for a moon stopover base. Let NASA piss away that money. Elon is going straight to Mars.
Two points.

1. The moon has an abundance of valuable resources and most important of them are the required ingredients for ROCKET FUEL.

2. This rocket is off course and going to miss mars lol


Fail? What part of "test flight" confuses you? Musk himself estimated the chances of just successfully launching to be 50/50. I'm pretty sure everyone involved was thrilled that it went so well.
Test flights can not fail? Hahaha

Yes. A test is a failure if it fails to provide any useful feedback. Pretty sure that wasn't the case here.

A successful launch but a mission failure

Well, since there was no 'mission', not sure what you mean. It was a test. Problems were expected - that's why he launched his fucking car instead of a real payload or passengers. But you go ahead and party on the "failure". If it's fun for ya.
You really should seek attention for your willingness to defy reality.

The mission AS STATED BY SPACE X was to get the car into mars orbit. The car is now headed for the asteroid belt. Mars is not in the asteroid belt. THAT is a major fuck up.
All in all, and I really wasn't trying to be an ass in my remarks in this thread, the space program since the 1980's has been pathetic. And this launch was an exclamation mark to that point.
In 10 freaking years, the United States went from highly undeveloped rocketry to having men walking around on the moon. And this was done without computerization and robotics. (Compared to today's computerization the technology in the Apollo's were prehistoric)
Just think what we could accomplish in 10 years today if we put our minds to it. We would certainly have habitats on the moon to support H3 mining and have it figured out how to get it here affordably. No doubt we could do this in 10 years with a sense of urgency.
And then once we have a moon base, farther travel becomes much cheaper and easier.
But instead. NASA has been budgeted out of existence, and it will be China that mines the moon. And reaps the projected $100's Trillions of revenue from it. And not us..
SpaceX has only been around since 2002. In a mere decade he's designed this thing, it's quite an accomplishment, and a shit ton more innovative than the US government (or any other nations space program) has really been. Private industry will bring space travel related shit into the realm of public consumption, something the government barely only considered via palm greasing by big business. SpaceX will provide a new "phase" of services to businesses and individuals, tour companies and cell phone companies, cable TV providers, music providers, etc.

Personally I foresee some astounding price drops on many, many things coming quite soon. SpaceX will no doubt soon start marketing orbital launches in order to continue his research and development - and if his ultimate goal is to colonize Mars, he'll need funds for that as well. I believe they've already started selling tourism launches for $10m a ticket?
You really should seek attention for your willingness to defy reality.

The mission AS STATED BY SPACE X was to get the car into mars orbit. The car is now headed for the asteroid belt. Mars is not in the asteroid belt. THAT is a major fuck up.
The day of the launch they said it wasn't to go into actual mars orbit, but to swing by. Its final destination was always the asteroid belt.

This was the path the day of the launch

You really should seek attention for your willingness to defy reality.

The mission AS STATED BY SPACE X was to get the car into mars orbit. The car is now headed for the asteroid belt. Mars is not in the asteroid belt. THAT is a major fuck up.
The day of the launch they said it wasn't to go into actual mars orbit, but to swing by. Its final destination was always the asteroid belt.

This was the path the day of the launch

Unimportant. Do you want to sue somebody or do you just want to whine about something meaningless?
i dont know if that will ever happen Wry....i dont know why the all the countries with a space program dont team up and get there together instead of everyone competing with each other......

Because people aren't ants.
wow that was a intelligent response....thanks black ....

You're welcome. But it kinda sounds like you didn't get it. Shall I spell it out?

The reason we don't all join hands and sing along is that we all have different ideas about what we should be singing. Competing sorts out the good ideas from the bad.
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SpaceX has only been around since 2002. In a mere decade he's designed this thing, it's quite an accomplishment, and a shit ton more innovative than the US government (or any other nations space program) has really been. Private industry will bring space travel related shit into the realm of public consumption, something the government barely only considered via palm greasing by big business. SpaceX will provide a new "phase" of services to businesses and individuals, tour companies and cell phone companies, cable TV providers, music providers, etc.

Personally I foresee some astounding price drops on many, many things coming quite soon. SpaceX will no doubt soon start marketing orbital launches in order to continue his research and development - and if his ultimate goal is to colonize Mars, he'll need funds for that as well. I believe they've already started selling tourism launches for $10m a ticket?

America in less than that 16 years, 50 years ago, went from ridiculously underdeveloped rocketry with barely any computerization and no robotics - had men walking around on the moon... six times, in less time.
This firm, having the rocketry technology already known, computerization and trajectory already understood...with hired experts already possessing knowledge... and we got a launch from a rocket not much more advanced than the Saturn rockets...and oh...they can be reused.
Here is my impressed look.... :20:

By now we should have habitats on the moon mining and reaping $trillions with clean energy to boot.
i dont know if that will ever happen Wry....i dont know why the all the countries with a space program dont team up and get there together instead of everyone competing with each other......

Because people aren't ants.
wow that was a intelligent response....thanks black ....

You're welcome. But it kinda sounds like you didn't get it. Shall I spell it out?

The reason we don't all join hands and sing along is that we all have different ideas about what we should be singing. Competing sorts out the good ideas from the bad.
we all have different ideas?....then how come most of the countries that have a space program are cooperating with the space station?..... if they can do it there they can do it to get to the moon....shall i spell this out?.....maybe you aint as smart as you think you are....
i dont know if that will ever happen Wry....i dont know why the all the countries with a space program dont team up and get there together instead of everyone competing with each other......

Because people aren't ants.
wow that was a intelligent response....thanks black ....

You're welcome. But it kinda sounds like you didn't get it. Shall I spell it out?

The reason we don't all join hands and sing along is that we all have different ideas about what we should be singing. Competing sorts out the good ideas from the bad.
we all have different ideas?....then how come most of the countries that have a space program are cooperating with the space station?..... if they can do it there they can do it to get to the moon....shall i spell this out?.....maybe you aint as smart as you think you are....

The space station is an amazing place to conduct experiments of value to all nations. Those who participate get a good return for their money.

It also lends an air of cooperation that doesn't exist here on earth.
i dont know if that will ever happen Wry....i dont know why the all the countries with a space program dont team up and get there together instead of everyone competing with each other......

Because people aren't ants.
wow that was a intelligent response....thanks black ....

You're welcome. But it kinda sounds like you didn't get it. Shall I spell it out?

The reason we don't all join hands and sing along is that we all have different ideas about what we should be singing. Competing sorts out the good ideas from the bad.
we all have different ideas?....then how come most of the countries that have a space program are cooperating with the space station?..... if they can do it there they can do it to get to the moon....shall i spell this out?.....maybe you aint as smart as you think you are....

The space station is an amazing place to conduct experiments of value to all nations. Those who participate get a good return for their money.

It also lends an air of cooperation that doesn't exist here on earth.
so it just may work going to the moon.....
SpaceX has only been around since 2002. In a mere decade he's designed this thing, it's quite an accomplishment, and a shit ton more innovative than the US government (or any other nations space program) has really been. Private industry will bring space travel related shit into the realm of public consumption, something the government barely only considered via palm greasing by big business. SpaceX will provide a new "phase" of services to businesses and individuals, tour companies and cell phone companies, cable TV providers, music providers, etc.

Personally I foresee some astounding price drops on many, many things coming quite soon. SpaceX will no doubt soon start marketing orbital launches in order to continue his research and development - and if his ultimate goal is to colonize Mars, he'll need funds for that as well. I believe they've already started selling tourism launches for $10m a ticket?

America in less than that 16 years, 50 years ago, went from ridiculously underdeveloped rocketry with barely any computerization and no robotics - had men walking around on the moon... six times, in less time.
This firm, having the rocketry technology already known, computerization and trajectory already understood...with hired experts already possessing knowledge... and we got a launch from a rocket not much more advanced than the Saturn rockets...and oh...they can be reused.
Here is my impressed look.... :20:

By now we should have habitats on the moon mining and reaping $trillions with clean energy to boot.

Hey that shits expensive. It had to wait until there was a billionaire willing to buy into it. As much as you like to think we were "moving forward" or something when the gov was dicking around with this stuff, we were not, the US government did not really progress past "landing on the moon" [as far as rockets, payload, etc.] because none of the other presidents have really provided NASA with both the direction "go do X" AND the funding necessary to make it actually happen. NASA was basically treading water, not making progress - it's part of why a lot of American's were fine with cutting it's budget so deeply.
SpaceX has only been around since 2002. In a mere decade he's designed this thing, it's quite an accomplishment, and a shit ton more innovative than the US government (or any other nations space program) has really been. Private industry will bring space travel related shit into the realm of public consumption, something the government barely only considered via palm greasing by big business. SpaceX will provide a new "phase" of services to businesses and individuals, tour companies and cell phone companies, cable TV providers, music providers, etc.

Personally I foresee some astounding price drops on many, many things coming quite soon. SpaceX will no doubt soon start marketing orbital launches in order to continue his research and development - and if his ultimate goal is to colonize Mars, he'll need funds for that as well. I believe they've already started selling tourism launches for $10m a ticket?

America in less than that 16 years, 50 years ago, went from ridiculously underdeveloped rocketry with barely any computerization and no robotics - had men walking around on the moon... six times, in less time.
This firm, having the rocketry technology already known, computerization and trajectory already understood...with hired experts already possessing knowledge... and we got a launch from a rocket not much more advanced than the Saturn rockets...and oh...they can be reused.
Here is my impressed look.... :20:

By now we should have habitats on the moon mining and reaping $trillions with clean energy to boot.

Hey that shits expensive. It had to wait until there was a billionaire willing to buy into it. As much as you like to think we were "moving forward" or something when the gov was dicking around with this stuff, we were not, the US government did not really progress past "landing on the moon" [as far as rockets, payload, etc.] because none of the other presidents have really provided NASA with both the direction "go do X" AND the funding necessary to make it actually happen. NASA was basically treading water, not making progress - it's part of why a lot of American's were fine with cutting it's budget so deeply.

Oh there is no doubt NASA lacked vision, but at the same time corporatism came along. And with that came the rule of the stockholder. The stockholder era. Which of course we are still in. And with that comes the demand to make money now. Long term, decade-long investment both in time and money fell of the plate. Investors have no interest in waiting 20 years before they get a payoff. And that friend, is why it takes a government. I am a conservative, but I acknowledge that there are some things that only a government can do, a good government that is.
Which we certainly don't have now.
SpaceX has only been around since 2002. In a mere decade he's designed this thing, it's quite an accomplishment, and a shit ton more innovative than the US government (or any other nations space program) has really been. Private industry will bring space travel related shit into the realm of public consumption, something the government barely only considered via palm greasing by big business. SpaceX will provide a new "phase" of services to businesses and individuals, tour companies and cell phone companies, cable TV providers, music providers, etc.

Personally I foresee some astounding price drops on many, many things coming quite soon. SpaceX will no doubt soon start marketing orbital launches in order to continue his research and development - and if his ultimate goal is to colonize Mars, he'll need funds for that as well. I believe they've already started selling tourism launches for $10m a ticket?

America in less than that 16 years, 50 years ago, went from ridiculously underdeveloped rocketry with barely any computerization and no robotics - had men walking around on the moon... six times, in less time.
This firm, having the rocketry technology already known, computerization and trajectory already understood...with hired experts already possessing knowledge... and we got a launch from a rocket not much more advanced than the Saturn rockets...and oh...they can be reused.
Here is my impressed look.... :20:

By now we should have habitats on the moon mining and reaping $trillions with clean energy to boot.

Hey that shits expensive. It had to wait until there was a billionaire willing to buy into it. As much as you like to think we were "moving forward" or something when the gov was dicking around with this stuff, we were not, the US government did not really progress past "landing on the moon" [as far as rockets, payload, etc.] because none of the other presidents have really provided NASA with both the direction "go do X" AND the funding necessary to make it actually happen. NASA was basically treading water, not making progress - it's part of why a lot of American's were fine with cutting it's budget so deeply.

Oh there is no doubt NASA lacked vision, but at the same time corporatism came along. And with that came the rule of the stockholder. The stockholder era. Which of course we are still in. And with that comes the demand to make money now. Long term, decade-long investment both in time and money fell of the plate. Investors have no interest in waiting 20 years before they get a payoff. And that friend, is why it takes a government. I am a conservative, but I acknowledge that there are some things that only a government can do, a good government that is.
Which we certainly don't have now.

I don't think the facts bear out your assumption. A single question actually defies it:

Why did Elon Musk start Space X?
Hey that shits expensive. It had to wait until there was a billionaire willing to buy into it. As much as you like to think we were "moving forward" or something when the gov was dicking around with this stuff, we were not, the US government did not really progress past "landing on the moon" [as far as rockets, payload, etc.] because none of the other presidents have really provided NASA with both the direction "go do X" AND the funding necessary to make it actually happen. NASA was basically treading water, not making progress - it's part of why a lot of American's were fine with cutting it's budget so deeply.
NASA has sent a lot of unmanned probes into space, put up the Hubble telescope and now it is enabling private corporations to enter space through sharing technical know-how.

NASA has still been moving the ball forward, but it has just been less visible, less dramatic.

I think unleashing private enterprise on space is the best move we have made yet.
SpaceX has only been around since 2002. In a mere decade he's designed this thing, it's quite an accomplishment, and a shit ton more innovative than the US government (or any other nations space program) has really been. Private industry will bring space travel related shit into the realm of public consumption, something the government barely only considered via palm greasing by big business. SpaceX will provide a new "phase" of services to businesses and individuals, tour companies and cell phone companies, cable TV providers, music providers, etc.

Personally I foresee some astounding price drops on many, many things coming quite soon. SpaceX will no doubt soon start marketing orbital launches in order to continue his research and development - and if his ultimate goal is to colonize Mars, he'll need funds for that as well. I believe they've already started selling tourism launches for $10m a ticket?

America in less than that 16 years, 50 years ago, went from ridiculously underdeveloped rocketry with barely any computerization and no robotics - had men walking around on the moon... six times, in less time.
This firm, having the rocketry technology already known, computerization and trajectory already understood...with hired experts already possessing knowledge... and we got a launch from a rocket not much more advanced than the Saturn rockets...and oh...they can be reused.
Here is my impressed look.... :20:

By now we should have habitats on the moon mining and reaping $trillions with clean energy to boot.

Hey that shits expensive. It had to wait until there was a billionaire willing to buy into it. As much as you like to think we were "moving forward" or something when the gov was dicking around with this stuff, we were not, the US government did not really progress past "landing on the moon" [as far as rockets, payload, etc.] because none of the other presidents have really provided NASA with both the direction "go do X" AND the funding necessary to make it actually happen. NASA was basically treading water, not making progress - it's part of why a lot of American's were fine with cutting it's budget so deeply.

Oh there is no doubt NASA lacked vision, but at the same time corporatism came along. And with that came the rule of the stockholder. The stockholder era. Which of course we are still in. And with that comes the demand to make money now. Long term, decade-long investment both in time and money fell of the plate. Investors have no interest in waiting 20 years before they get a payoff. And that friend, is why it takes a government. I am a conservative, but I acknowledge that there are some things that only a government can do, a good government that is.
Which we certainly don't have now.

I don't think the facts bear out your assumption. A single question actually defies it:

Why did Elon Musk start Space X?
Because he has an ego the same size as his wallet
i dont know if that will ever happen Wry....i dont know why the all the countries with a space program dont team up and get there together instead of everyone competing with each other......

Because people aren't ants.
wow that was a intelligent response....thanks black ....

You're welcome. But it kinda sounds like you didn't get it. Shall I spell it out?

The reason we don't all join hands and sing along is that we all have different ideas about what we should be singing. Competing sorts out the good ideas from the bad.
we all have different ideas?....then how come most of the countries that have a space program are cooperating with the space station?..... if they can do it there they can do it to get to the moon....shall i spell this out?.....maybe you aint as smart as you think you are....

The space station is an amazing place to conduct experiments of value to all nations. Those who participate get a good return for their money.

It also lends an air of cooperation that doesn't exist here on earth.

^^^ Or in the Congress, but I digress. Water on the moon* will provide a source of energy and drinking water.

*It's Official: Water Found on the Moon
If you look at the timeline for that payload to get to the asteroid belt, you will note that it is a bit quicker than anything we have sent out there previously. Were that payload to be an ion rocket with cameras, it could maneuver among the asteroids and we would learn a great deal more about our solar system. On the whole, this was a very successful test of a new system, one that ushers in a much cheaper era of exploration. That alone earns Musk kudu's from anyone interested in the exploration of our solar system. I simply cannot understand the sour grapes of some of the people on this board.
I appreciate all that NASA had/has done to forward science, but that's NOT the same as what Space X is doing. NASA was focused on learning about space, Space X is focused on commercializing it.

It's not Musk's ego, it's his business sense, that drove him to improve the rockets, to lower the costs of launches, and at the same time working to his "personal goal" of colonizing Mars. Without SpaceX frankly it'd never happen. Once he works the bugs out of the launches and trajectory, I guarantee you that businesses all over the globe will be heavily interested in the "services" he'll be able to provide them. He has investors already; just for the novelty of space tourism, on the "promise" of cheaper launches into orbit, etc. There is no way that say big energy isn't interested in space resources, no way they're not seriously looking at orbital energy, etc. Communications companies are going to be seriously interested in his launches vs expensive government launches (bigger payloads = less satellites required for coverage.) He's also going to have to get some medical research folks on board if he's going to colonize Mars - something that the gov would only dick around with as they bat the costs to tax payers back and forth, Musk on the other hand has the "control" of money to do it and the "dream" of making it happen.

Letting private/corporate business take over the "heavy lifting" (pun intended) is going to be way better for everyone, including NASA's long-standing lean toward more educational fields, be that with or without gov grant money.

It's my personal hope that the nations govs & businesses will also all chip in to help clean up the mess we put up there; scooping up the debris and shit is becoming a critical problem for everyone.

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