
it was incredible! just awesome!

I didn't watch it but I am impressed how much vision and tax payer money musk can do ...

He is another Trump Jr.
LOL Put all the vision that all the Trump's have, and they would still not have 1 % of the vision of Elon Musk. They are idiots that have committed treason to attain the Presidency. Musk is a man that has established new paradigms in business and technology.
Almost perfect.

SpaceX confirms it lost the center core of the Falcon Heavy

It's been suspected that the core was lost since just after the other two rockets landed successfully. The video feed from the center core cut out, and we didn't hear anything official in the intervening three-plus hours. Audio from an unpublished YouTube video also seemed to confirm the loss of the center core; "we lost the center core" can be clearly heard on the recording. Without any context, though, it was hard to know for certain if they were talking about communications or the rocket itself.

Unhappy peoples....
Almost perfect.

SpaceX confirms it lost the center core of the Falcon Heavy

It's been suspected that the core was lost since just after the other two rockets landed successfully. The video feed from the center core cut out, and we didn't hear anything official in the intervening three-plus hours. Audio from an unpublished YouTube video also seemed to confirm the loss of the center core; "we lost the center core" can be clearly heard on the recording. Without any context, though, it was hard to know for certain if they were talking about communications or the rocket itself.

Unhappy peoples....

So know you think the private sector is more important then government?

Who knew according to you?
It was still spectacular....!!!!! he was saying there was a 50% to 75% that it would not blow up.....

so.... I was nearly tearing I was praying so hard that it would not blow up by the time it took off!!!! :eek:
Almost perfect.

SpaceX confirms it lost the center core of the Falcon Heavy

It's been suspected that the core was lost since just after the other two rockets landed successfully. The video feed from the center core cut out, and we didn't hear anything official in the intervening three-plus hours. Audio from an unpublished YouTube video also seemed to confirm the loss of the center core; "we lost the center core" can be clearly heard on the recording. Without any context, though, it was hard to know for certain if they were talking about communications or the rocket itself.

Unhappy peoples....

So know you think the private sector is more important then government?

Who knew according to you?

Nope. We need NASA. These Billionaires can fly too.
The Last thang I want is Aliens 1-4 type commercial space projects for profits killing us all.
The US used to rely on Russian Booster rockets for large payloads because we did not have any big rockets that could carry 6-12 Sats at once. Now we don't need to rely on the Russians. The biggest fear when launching multiple Sats at once was if there was a blow up----then you loose a lot of hardware in one big fire bomb and launch insurance goes up for everyone.
Reality: since the end of nationalistic ePeen waving government has had little to no real incentive to improve on existing tech, that's regardless of which government.

Another reality: there are millions, maybe even billions, to be made in the transportation of items and "tourists" into orbit/space. Businesses have caught the bug and I have little doubt that these reusable rockets, once made public, will create a boom of not only tourism/satellites etc, but also start the brain storming for things like mining and perhaps even colonization - it'll probably be a while yet though.
Yeah it's just fantastic that we have essentially went back 50 years in technology concerning space.
Since NASA was slashed out of existence....we instead have a $billionaire playing in space.
America has had nothing but a few L.E.O. launches the past decade.
There is nothing to be excited about here. The 2010's is a lost decade, let's hope it doesn't lead to another lost decade. But it probably will.
We couldn't do this 50 years ago
Yeah it's just fantastic that we have essentially went back 50 years in technology concerning space.
Since NASA was slashed out of existence....we instead have a $billionaire playing in space.
America has had nothing but a few L.E.O. launches the past decade.
There is nothing to be excited about here. The 2010's is a lost decade, let's hope it doesn't lead to another lost decade. But it probably will.

A bit of a cynical response ^^^ to what was amazing. But, did you watch the launch and how the two side rockets returned to the exact landing spot at nearly the same time?
I would have watched it had you provided a link to the launch.
If we are serious about our environment, then we should already be mining H3 on the moon.
Because America dumped our space program indefinitely, it will be China. Who is well on their way to having first moon habitats by 2040, and mining for H3 by 2050 or sooner. H3 is purported to be worth 100's of $Trillions and be an enormous benefit to the environment since it is the only real chance of replacing coal and other fossil fuels.
But hey....let's ooh and ahh over a single rocket.

There is still time for our nation to once again lead the race to space. It cannot happen unless We the People elect a proactive Congress, and those members of Congress are well educated in Science and not solely in law.

We desperately need a dynamic leader in the White House, one with a wide range of knowledge, curiosity and a desire to put our planet and its people as job #1. One who is motivated to putting together the resources of our nation with the technical genius we saw today in the private sector.

And yet, last election we put up perhaps one of the most corrupt politicians in Washington, and a Real Estate Billionaire.
Obama isn't a billionaire but he certainly is corrupt as proven by the Grassley/Graham memo released today. Maybe the Brown Turd will be going to jail. How priceless is that? Hah!
Yeah it's just fantastic that we have essentially went back 50 years in technology concerning space.
Since NASA was slashed out of existence....we instead have a $billionaire playing in space.
America has had nothing but a few L.E.O. launches the past decade.
There is nothing to be excited about here. The 2010's is a lost decade, let's hope it doesn't lead to another lost decade. But it probably will.

Yep. People can do amazing things without government. And it pisses you off???
Yeah it's just fantastic that we have essentially went back 50 years in technology concerning space.
Since NASA was slashed out of existence....we instead have a $billionaire playing in space.
America has had nothing but a few L.E.O. launches the past decade.
There is nothing to be excited about here. The 2010's is a lost decade, let's hope it doesn't lead to another lost decade. But it probably will.
Do you mean that the government should be paying for developing space exploration?
I thought they fucked everything up and relying on private enterprise was the only proper way to develop new markets and technologies.

It's so hard to keep up.
If we are serious about our environment, then we should already be mining H3 on the moon.
Because America dumped our space program indefinitely, it will be China. Who is well on their way to having first moon habitats by 2040, and mining for H3 by 2050 or sooner. H3 is purported to be worth 100's of $Trillions and be an enormous benefit to the environment since it is the only real chance of replacing coal and other fossil fuels.
But hey....let's ooh and ahh over a single rocket.

There is still time for our nation to once again lead the race to space. It cannot happen unless We the People elect a proactive Congress, and those members of Congress are well educated in Science and not solely in law (or in keeping their own job).

We desperately need a dynamic leader in the White House, one with a wide range of knowledge, curiosity and a desire to put our planet and its people as job #1. One who is motivated to putting together the resources of our nation with the technical genius we saw today in the private sector.

You forget, it was obama that killed the Space Shuttle system years before they were due to be retired. That set the space program back decades.
Bush Cancels Shuttle

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