Wow, this paintig is going to drive libs just NUTS

I did use a search engine and this is what I found.

Justice for Harlan Crow - The Daily Beast

I've had the privilege of visiting Harlan Crow's collection of historical artifacts. This vast assembly of books and documents mostly emphasizes Americana of great rarity and value, including handwritten letters by Abraham Lincoln. The Crow collection is professionally curated, beautifully displayed, and will (I have little doubt) someday form a great public amenity, much like the Morgan Library.

To suggest that Crow somehow endorses Nazism because he has juxtaposed paintings by Churchill, Eisenhower, and Hitler is not to understand what collectors do or why collections exist. Great collections preserve and display the physical record of the past, and that record includes much evil. To record is not to endorse. You'd think that would be obvious, but apparently not.

You didn't even mention his garden:

Outside, should Romney get an opportunity to wander the grounds, is a garden of tyrants. Crow has collected busts and statues of famous dictators of the past, which he displays with a certain elan on the lawn. There’s a head of Stalin, a rare statue of Fidel Castro, a towering Lenin and various other bad guys expropriated from their countries of origin.

Churchill. Roosevelt and Hitler, oh my! Welcome to Texas, Mitt Romney

Can you imagine if Obama sat under paintings of "Hitler" and wandered a garden filled with statues of Lenin and Stalin and Castro?

Seriously. Can you imagine the right wing. They would go bonkers and nuts. But when their people do it, it's "contemplating art".


Right wingers can get away with anything. The base will support them no matter what.

Oh well, if there is a problem, you can always call 211.
A painting by a theocrat is basically just that.

A painting by a theocrat.
Ratio of necon flame threads to liberal flame threads on this site is like 9000 - 10.

It is HILARIOUS! :lol:

sure it is......there is like 85,000 just between TM's and Dean.....and thats hilarious.....

I don't "flame". I don't have to. Republicans provide me with all the material I will ever need.

Let him die
feed the poor and they'll breed

The "hits" just keep on coming.
A painting by a theocrat is basically just that.

A painting by a theocrat.

Unless Obama was sitting next to it. Then it would become a terrorist act by a Marxist black man born in Kenya who has a deep seated hatred for white people and wants to see the end of capitalism.
I did use a search engine and this is what I found.

Justice for Harlan Crow - The Daily Beast

I've had the privilege of visiting Harlan Crow's collection of historical artifacts. This vast assembly of books and documents mostly emphasizes Americana of great rarity and value, including handwritten letters by Abraham Lincoln. The Crow collection is professionally curated, beautifully displayed, and will (I have little doubt) someday form a great public amenity, much like the Morgan Library.

To suggest that Crow somehow endorses Nazism because he has juxtaposed paintings by Churchill, Eisenhower, and Hitler is not to understand what collectors do or why collections exist. Great collections preserve and display the physical record of the past, and that record includes much evil. To record is not to endorse. You'd think that would be obvious, but apparently not.

You didn't even mention his garden:

Outside, should Romney get an opportunity to wander the grounds, is a garden of tyrants. Crow has collected busts and statues of famous dictators of the past, which he displays with a certain elan on the lawn. There’s a head of Stalin, a rare statue of Fidel Castro, a towering Lenin and various other bad guys expropriated from their countries of origin.

Churchill. Roosevelt and Hitler, oh my! Welcome to Texas, Mitt Romney

Can you imagine if Obama sat under paintings of "Hitler" and wandered a garden filled with statues of Lenin and Stalin and Castro?

Seriously. Can you imagine the right wing. They would go bonkers and nuts. But when their people do it, it's "contemplating art".


Right wingers can get away with anything. The base will support them no matter what.

Oh well, if there is a problem, you can always call 211.
The base will support them no matter what.

geezus support the left no matter what.....what the fuck is the difference?....your just as much of a drone as they are.....
Ratio of necon flame threads to liberal flame threads on this site is like 9000 - 10.

It is HILARIOUS! :lol:

sure it is......there is like 85,000 just between TM's and Dean.....and thats hilarious.....

I don't "flame". I don't have to. Republicans provide me with all the material I will ever need.

Let him die
feed the poor and they'll breed

The "hits" just keep on coming.

sure you dont Dean....if you say have a plethora of threads started by you that provides all the material any righty here needs.....geezus talk about delusional....
Seriously, though, what's with Mitt Romney clutching the wad of money? What's the "artist" trying to say with that image?

Since you're too stupid to click on a link, let me spoon-feed you:

McNaughton Fine Art
As Romney has come forth as the Republican candidate for President of the United States, Barack Obama has settled in on his own election strategy. Since he cannot run on his economic record, he has venomously attacked Romney from every angle. First he appealed to pet lovers when the news was released that Romney once traveled with the family dog and his kennel strapped to the top of the car. This didn’t hold well when the public was reminded the Obama ate dog as a child. Then it was the attacks on Romney for running Bain Capital, a venture capital firm whose work it was to save failing businesses and make a profit for the shareholders. The purpose of which was to only incite class warfare. As of recently the Obama Campaign is focused on compelling Romney to release more of his tax records even asserting that he has not paid taxes and thus is a liar; and all without a shred of evidence. All these tactics have been a ruse to distract the public from the true issues, the economy and pending war with Iran. Romney holds the dollar in his hand to imply—lets talk about saving our economy!

Root: Obama

The doggy wars: GOP hits Obama for eating dog as a child - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Romney slams Obama

And Romney clutching a wad of cash is supposed to make me think he's the man to fix the economy? Thanks for clearing that up, asswipe.

McNaughton Fine Art

And the reason is, it's accurate.

BTW, that's not a depiction of 9/11 as I originally assumed as I first looked at the painting. That's Airforce One flying past the UN. Don't believe me, go to the link and click on it, and there's an immediate explanation of each part of the painting.

It reminds me of a velvet Elvis painting. Or Dogs Playing Poker.

Ratio of necon flame threads to liberal flame threads on this site is like 9000 - 10.

It is HILARIOUS! :lol:

sure it is......there is like 85,000 just between TM's and Dean.....and thats hilarious.....

I don't "flame". I don't have to. Republicans provide me with all the material I will ever need.

Let him die
feed the poor and they'll breed

The "hits" just keep on coming.
Look at that polluted Texas river that's really in China.

Oh, wait -- YOU said that.
Seriously, though, what's with Mitt Romney clutching the wad of money? What's the "artist" trying to say with that image?

Since you're too stupid to click on a link, let me spoon-feed you:

McNaughton Fine Art
As Romney has come forth as the Republican candidate for President of the United States, Barack Obama has settled in on his own election strategy. Since he cannot run on his economic record, he has venomously attacked Romney from every angle. First he appealed to pet lovers when the news was released that Romney once traveled with the family dog and his kennel strapped to the top of the car. This didn’t hold well when the public was reminded the Obama ate dog as a child. Then it was the attacks on Romney for running Bain Capital, a venture capital firm whose work it was to save failing businesses and make a profit for the shareholders. The purpose of which was to only incite class warfare. As of recently the Obama Campaign is focused on compelling Romney to release more of his tax records even asserting that he has not paid taxes and thus is a liar; and all without a shred of evidence. All these tactics have been a ruse to distract the public from the true issues, the economy and pending war with Iran. Romney holds the dollar in his hand to imply—lets talk about saving our economy!

Root: Obama

The doggy wars: GOP hits Obama for eating dog as a child - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Romney slams Obama

And Romney clutching a wad of cash is supposed to make me think he's the man to fix the economy? Thanks for clearing that up, asswipe.

Are you that stupid on purpose, or is it natural?

Too dumb to click a link.

Too dumb to read.

And WAY too dumb to think.

McNaughton Fine Art

And the reason is, it's accurate.

BTW, that's not a depiction of 9/11 as I originally assumed as I first looked at the painting. That's Airforce One flying past the UN. Don't believe me, go to the link and click on it, and there's an immediate explanation of each part of the painting.

It reminds me of a velvet Elvis painting. Or Dogs Playing Poker.


Those jokes weren't that funny the first time they were posted.
For only $1250, you conservative patrons of the arts can get a signed limited edition Giclee canvas print. Just think of how your guests will react when they see your proudly framed collection of McNaughton artwork. Imagine all the happy hours you'll spend lecturing your guests about all that super amazing symbolism!

As far as an investment goes, this could have even more potential than Thomas Kincade paintings. For that reason alone, all the conservatives here should be forking over their cash. I'd buy into it too, but I don't want to deprive any conservatives of their chance to have this fine art.

My only suggestion for improvement is that the artist should put out a black velvet version. That would really bring in the conservative patrons.
It's okay. I mean, it's not the favorite of liberal art patrons like “Jim and Tom, Sausalito, 1977” by Mapplethorpe is, but it's okay.

You have a copy of that one framed in your living room, right?

Probably has the black velvet version.
well you guys don't want the workers or the cops to have unions, so in that painting they are grieved after losing all thier wages and retirement to the Kotch brothers mentality.

It's not clear to me exactly why the "second American century" Chris Christie spoke of requires the United States to replicate the air quality and wage scale of China.

We achieved the first American century by winning the race to the top, not the bottom.

Do you people really not get who that dipshit Obama is? Really???? Dumb ass 15 -18 year olds I can kind of understand but adults? Really?
What's most amazing is you clowns are so fucking condescending and you're all a bunch of naive twits......I'm embarrassed for you imbeciles. All of you asshole can fuck off which is probably the only thing you know anything about...........incredible!
This was done by a good friend of mine, one of the best portrait artists I've ever met. This was a little quickie he did to blow off a little steam. What more and more successful artists are finding is that conservatives tend to have real money to buy their art and they have seen the light. Libs go to art openings to drink the cheap free wine and steal the finger food, conservatives actually open their wallets and buy. Of course they will only buy the good stuff, the kind of art that actually takes talent to create not the bull shit Yoko Ono garbage. The Michael Parkes and Ray Harris Chings.

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So we finally have the answer to the question nobody ever asked: How do you get an ignorant shitkicker interested in art without using nudity?
Since you're too stupid to click on a link, let me spoon-feed you:

McNaughton Fine Art
As Romney has come forth as the Republican candidate for President of the United States, Barack Obama has settled in on his own election strategy. Since he cannot run on his economic record, he has venomously attacked Romney from every angle. First he appealed to pet lovers when the news was released that Romney once traveled with the family dog and his kennel strapped to the top of the car. This didn’t hold well when the public was reminded the Obama ate dog as a child. Then it was the attacks on Romney for running Bain Capital, a venture capital firm whose work it was to save failing businesses and make a profit for the shareholders. The purpose of which was to only incite class warfare. As of recently the Obama Campaign is focused on compelling Romney to release more of his tax records even asserting that he has not paid taxes and thus is a liar; and all without a shred of evidence. All these tactics have been a ruse to distract the public from the true issues, the economy and pending war with Iran. Romney holds the dollar in his hand to imply—lets talk about saving our economy!

Root: Obama

The doggy wars: GOP hits Obama for eating dog as a child - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Romney slams Obama

And Romney clutching a wad of cash is supposed to make me think he's the man to fix the economy? Thanks for clearing that up, asswipe.

Are you that stupid on purpose, or is it natural?

Too dumb to click a link.

Too dumb to read.

And WAY too dumb to think.

I read the explanation, Braveman, but the image doesn't portray to me what the "artist" intended it to mean. Romney clutching a wad of cash just reminds me that he's a super-rich guy who's out of touch with the common man. And having him standing right behind the desk looks to me like he's in line awaiting his turn as the next rich guy to be POTUS.

Sorry, asswipe, but "art" is open to interpretation. I don't need to be spoon-fed whatever propaganda the "artist" wants me to believe. Unlike your dumbass, I can come up with my own interpretations.

BTW, you're awfully touchy over this painting. Trying to justify the money you spent on it? :lol:
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This was done by a good friend of mine, one of the best portrait artists I've ever met. This was a little quickie he did to blow off a little steam.

Yeah, I think I see the cum stains on it. He looks like a great caricature artist. I'm sure he makes the kiddies very happy down at the fair.
What more and more successful artists are finding is that conservatives tend to have real money to buy their art and they have seen the light. Libs go to art openings to drink the cheap free wine and steal the finger food, conservatives actually open their wallets and buy.

What artists like that are doing is selling to a target audience. As soon as a Republican gets in the White House, they'll start targeting dumb liberals with garbage propaganda pieces. Only I don't know any liberals dumb enough to pay a grand for a tacky piece of crap, let alone hang it on their wall and brag about it.
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And Romney clutching a wad of cash is supposed to make me think he's the man to fix the economy? Thanks for clearing that up, asswipe.

Are you that stupid on purpose, or is it natural?

Too dumb to click a link.

Too dumb to read.

And WAY too dumb to think.

I read the explanation, Braveman, but the image doesn't portray to me what the "artist" intended it to mean. Romney clutching a wad of cash just reminds me that he's a super-rich guy who's out of touch with the common man. And having him standing right behind the desk looks to me like he's in line awaiting his turn as the next rich guy to be POTUS.

Sorry, asswipe, but "art" is open to interpretation. I don't need to be spoon-fed whatever propaganda the "artist" wants me to believe. Unlike your dumbass, I can come up with my own interpretations.

BTW, you're awfully touchy over this painting. Trying to justify the money you spent on it? :lol:
Like most leftists, you believe your opinion is fact.

How's that working out for you? :lol:

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