Wray lied under oath - Feds, UC's, CI's, all at J6

Got a list?
Durham was going to get all the Democrats sent to the Gulag.

Obama wasn't born in the USA.

There was massive vote fraud in the 2020 election.

TheClintons/Democrats killed Epstein, Vince Foster and Seth Rich.

Biden was taking money from Ukraine/China

The DeepState has secret pedo chambers in pizza parlors.

"Globalists" (that is, jews) control everything

The Democrats spied on Trump.

The media is liberal.

Hunter Biden's laptop showed evidence of ... something.

COVID was a deadly Chinese bioweapon, while simultaneously being no more harmful than a cold.

Global warming is really a globalist hoax.

Masks and vaccines don't work, but horse paste does.

Should I keep going?

No, Trump cult losers, you don't look like insane conspiracy nuts. Really you don't. The way you act is all totally normal. Really it is.
Hmmm, methinks you doth protest too much. You sound a little worried.
Durham was going to get all the Democrats sent to the Gulag.

Obama wasn't born in the USA.

There was massive vote fraud in the 2020 election.

TheClintons/Democrats killed Epstein, Vince Foster and Seth Rich.

Biden was taking money from Ukraine/China

The DeepState has secret pedo chambers in pizza parlors.

"Globalists" (that is, jews) control everything

The Democrats spied on Trump.

The media is liberal.

Hunter Biden's laptop showed evidence of ... something.

COVID was a deadly Chinese bioweapon, while simultaneously being no more harmful than a cold.

Global warming is really a globalist hoax.

Masks and vaccines don't work, but horse paste does.

Should I keep going?
You forgot about jade helm.

Remember? Repubs thought Obama was going to lead a military strike using secret underground tunnels to take over Texas. Even the governor believed it if I remember right.

I can honestly picture Putin getting an intelligence report where an officer tells Putin that it appears a large number of Republicans actually believe in a federal takeover of Texas and that Democrats eat children in the basement if a pizza place with no basement.

Putin looking up with a gleam in his eye and saying something like, I think we can use this to tear America apart.

Modern day trumpers are the result.
The usual Libtrolls show up when Democrats are caught dead to rights. Wray should be FIRED, not impeached. But with Dem Stooge Merrick Garland head of the DOJ we all know that will never happen,.
Private d0gbreath reporting for duty Sir!

Now I should say something intelligent: Matt Gaetz is wrong as usual.
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You forgot about jade helm.

Remember? Repubs thought Obama was going to lead a military strike using secret underground tunnels to take over Texas. Even the governor believed it if I remember right.

I can honestly picture Putin getting an intelligence report where an officer tells Putin that it appears a large number of Republicans actually believe in a federal takeover of Texas and that Democrats eat children in the basement if a pizza place with no basement.

Putin looking up with a gleam in his eye and saying something like, I think we can use this to tear America apart.

Modern day trumpers are the result.

You remember wrong.
Why are republicans not charging Wray like democrats charged Bannon? Have Capital police arrest Wray and hold him or whatever.
Wow... this thread got all the NWO shillbots and NPCs.

Notice how the "it's just a weather balloon" crowd defend corrupt politicians?

Soon we'll find out what the spooks were doing at Jan 6th.
We already know what they doing. Committing sedition.
It's the humiliation you suffered with the Durham thing, isn't it. That's what's making you all even crankier and crazier than usual.

There's a way out of your depression. Just walk away from your fascist loser cult. No one's forcing you to stay there and be miserable. Your misery is self-inflicted. You can simply choose to not be miserable.
I'm a happy guy as my numerous posts on many different subjects proves. You by contrast are a seething mess as your numerous posts also proves. I've never seen you post anything other than a nasty personal attack. I feel sorry for you and your cat.
Durham was going to get all the Democrats sent to the Gulag.

Obama wasn't born in the USA.

There was massive vote fraud in the 2020 election.

TheClintons/Democrats killed Epstein, Vince Foster and Seth Rich.

Biden was taking money from Ukraine/China

The DeepState has secret pedo chambers in pizza parlors.

"Globalists" (that is, jews) control everything

The Democrats spied on Trump.

The media is liberal.

Hunter Biden's laptop showed evidence of ... something.

COVID was a deadly Chinese bioweapon, while simultaneously being no more harmful than a cold.

Global warming is really a globalist hoax.

Masks and vaccines don't work, but horse paste does.

Should I keep going?
Attribute your attacks directly to my postings.
I'm a happy guy as my numerous posts on many different subjects proves.




Oh my.

Go on, pull the other one.

Okay, you're right. Staying glued to the TV and computer all day and whining on every conspiracy theory thread shows how full of joy all the conservatives are.
Did you listen to the video of sworn congressional testimony?
No, they just stand there holding their hands over their ears saying na na na na na na nooooo it can't be, na na na na na nooooooooo, and then bam break out into triggered leftist syndrome. Eeeeekkkk yaaaahhhhhhh eeeeekkkk... ROTFLMBO 🤣

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