Wreck of Christopher Columbus' flagship Santa Maria found off Haiti?


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
One of the most significant ships in U.S. history, and maybe in all of world history.


Exclusive: Found after 500 years, the wreck of Christopher Columbus?s flagship the Santa Maria - Archaeology - Science - The Independent

Exclusive: Found after 500 years, the wreck of Christopher Columbus’s flagship the Santa Maria
Shipwreck found off coast of Haiti thought to be one of the most significant underwater discoveries in history

David Keys
Archaeology correspondent
Tuesday 13 May 2014

More than five centuries after Christopher Columbus’s flagship, the Santa Maria, was wrecked in the Caribbean, archaeological investigators think they may have discovered the vessel’s long-lost remains – lying at the bottom of the sea off the north coast of Haiti. It’s likely to be one of the world’s most important underwater archaeological discoveries.

“All the geographical, underwater topography and archaeological evidence strongly suggests that this wreck is Columbus’ famous flagship, the Santa Maria,” said the leader of a recent reconnaissance expedition to the site, one of America’s top underwater archaeological investigators, Barry Clifford.
yeah I saw that, that's awesome. Chris Columbus was a great man and any artifacts of his should be studied.
Ditto the neat...but not exactly U.S. history.....and not exactly a Politics topic. Just sayin'

There's no way (assuming this is the real deal) the ship remains could be brought to the U.S. The Liberals and their media lap dogs would have a field day. After all, they view Columbus as nothing but a slaughterer of indigenous peoples.

There... Now it's political. :D
Ditto the neat...but not exactly U.S. history.....and not exactly a Politics topic. Just sayin'

There's no way (assuming this is the real deal) the ship remains could be brought to the U.S. The Liberals and their media lap dogs would have a field day. After all, they view Columbus as nothing but a slaughterer of indigenous peoples.

There... Now it's political. :D

Those were just his hobbies
Interesting, but I wonder why folks are still gaga over Columbus. The Vikings were in North America 500 years before Columbus, not to mention the Chinese, Polynesians, Basques, Arabs and more.
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Ditto the neat...but not exactly U.S. history.....and not exactly a Politics topic. Just sayin'

There's no way (assuming this is the real deal) the ship remains could be brought to the U.S. The Liberals and their media lap dogs would have a field day. After all, they view Columbus as nothing but a slaughterer of indigenous peoples.

There... Now it's political. :D

I know, can you imagine ? American libs would want the remains burned !

Reminds me of a former (thank god) coworker, who if you even mentioned, say, Columbus Day, he would get the biggest scowl on his face you've ever seen.
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