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Wshington Post: Obama The Most Polarizing President Ever...

lol! Lots of predictable replies on this thread. When a Democrat polarizes, it's not his or her fault. But when a Republican polarizes, it's definitely all his or her fault. Funny stuff. :)

exactly. all you can do is laugh
The OP wrongly assumes that the president, or any president, causes the polarization.

His "Tax the rich" rhetoric is polarizing.

So was his insult about "Teabaggers".

His Homeland Defense Department decided that returning war vets should be suspected terrorists.

I don't see anything Obama is doing that is bringing us together.

The problem is you Obama backers are so defensive about anything bad that's said about him you refuse to listen anymore. You cannot face reality about him.

How do you come together with people who aren't even capable (for example) of giving him an honest, unqualified, uncontaminated congratulation for killing Osama Bin Laden?

THOSE are the kind of people he has to deal with. People who are so pathologically afflicted with partisan hatred that they can't overcome it for ONE moment.
The OP wrongly assumes that the president, or any president, causes the polarization.

His "Tax the rich" rhetoric is polarizing.

So was his insult about "Teabaggers".

His Homeland Defense Department decided that returning war vets should be suspected terrorists.

I don't see anything Obama is doing that is bringing us together.

The problem is you Obama backers are so defensive about anything bad that's said about him you refuse to listen anymore. You cannot face reality about him.

How do you come together with people who aren't even capable (for example) of giving him an honest, unqualified, uncontaminated congratulation for killing Osama Bin Laden?

THOSE are the kind of people he has to deal with. People who are so pathologically afflicted with partisan hatred that they can't overcome it for ONE moment.
Reenact your run up San Juan Hill just one more time, Teddy. Maybe P-BO can show us how he personally shot Osama Bin Laden, and Mohmmar Gaddafi too. Maybe with a few more drinks you can do your drunk Audie Murphy impersonation too.

At least W didn't act like he captured Sodamn Insane himself.
His "Tax the rich" rhetoric is polarizing.

So was his insult about "Teabaggers".

His Homeland Defense Department decided that returning war vets should be suspected terrorists.

I don't see anything Obama is doing that is bringing us together.

The problem is you Obama backers are so defensive about anything bad that's said about him you refuse to listen anymore. You cannot face reality about him.

How do you come together with people who aren't even capable (for example) of giving him an honest, unqualified, uncontaminated congratulation for killing Osama Bin Laden?

THOSE are the kind of people he has to deal with. People who are so pathologically afflicted with partisan hatred that they can't overcome it for ONE moment.
Reenact your run up San Juan Hill just one more time, Teddy. Maybe P-BO can show us how he personally shot Osama Bin Laden, and Mohmmar Gaddafi too. Maybe with a few more drinks you can do your drunk Audie Murphy impersonation too.

At least W didn't act like he captured Sodamn Insane himself.

Nobody has looked as overdramatic as Bush in his Mission Accomplished debacle
The difference between Clinton and Obama is that when Clinton's party took a beating in the mid-terms, Slick Willie was an astute enough politician to move to the center. Do you remember him making the statement that the day of big goverment was over? Where did Obama ever move to the center? Clinton was able to work with Gingrich because "HE" moderated his agenda in keeping with what the electorate wanted. Obama hasn't changed his agenda at all...he's just changed his methods for trying to achieve it.

Obama has been governing from the center since he has been elected. His problem is that the Republicans have been captured by the radical far right that refuses any compromise

And IF he get re-elected, we still won't compromise. I for one am determined to fight this out with liberals to the bitter end, if that's 2016 or beyond. We can keep at this, until one side or the other breaks. From where I sit, ANY compromise whatever with the Left is useless anyway; we are NEVER going to agree, you want to destroy us, and we want to destroy you. I'm a VERY patient man, when it comes to that goal.
He ain't the sole cause, but he is a big reason for it. I think he's been playing politics from day one rather than properly governing.

The atmosphere makes it impossible to Govern. The Republicans in the House are their way or the highway, that's impossible to work with.

I think you'll find it was because of Obama's attitude to the GOP that they became 'dug in' on their stance.

How the fuck can anyone defend that man's attitude towards those who disagree with him? He referred to them (me) as 'the enemy'.

He has offended every one of our allies, particularly Britain and Israel. Those countries - particularly Britain - have stood by this country every damned time we've asked. And Obama treats them like crap.

The man does not know how to govern. He was elected President of the United States - ALL of it, not just the parts that follow their Messiah.

He has not offended Australia or NZ who are also your allies. Israel has a horse in the race and it's great to see a president who is not lock-step in with the Israelis, but appears to see both sides of the issue.

Of course David Cameron is a different story altogether. He is a Conservative, Obama is not. And they appear to get on OK.

Repubs attacks on him in the press and every where (even on here) from January 21 2009 and it hasn't stopped.

He has had to make unpopular decisions due to the mess he was left with. Even if Romney gets elected he won't be able to fix it up in four years. At least he'll be a whole lot smarter than Bush....
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GOP tactics are what is polarizing. Obama has gone along with the right way too much for you to suggest he's polarizing. You mean black? Yes, he is black and the racists of this country hate it. Remember Hillary was too polarizing? Just because your hatred is intense doesn't mean they are polarizing. You are.

Great example. The House passed a bill that would end tax breaks that the GOP passed a long time ago that was giving companies tax breaks for sending jobs overseas.

First of all, giving this tax break was so so anti America and middle class to begin with. Who the hell passed it in the first place? Oh yea, the GOP between 2000-2006 when they controlled all three branches of government.

Anyways, the House sent a bill that would eliminate those tax breaks and give a tax holiday to give those companies a chance to come back home and not be penalized.

Some jackoff Republican in the Senate filabusted it.

So sorry Obama hasn't done enough to fix the economy. Maybe if we replace the jackoff GOP in the Senate and House, maybe he'll do better.

Romney will just go back to what Bush was doing.
GOP tactics are what is polarizing. Obama has gone along with the right way too much for you to suggest he's polarizing. You mean black? Yes, he is black and the racists of this country hate it. Remember Hillary was too polarizing? Just because your hatred is intense doesn't mean they are polarizing. You are.

Great example. The House passed a bill that would end tax breaks that the GOP passed a long time ago that was giving companies tax breaks for sending jobs overseas.

First of all, giving this tax break was so so anti America and middle class to begin with. Who the hell passed it in the first place? Oh yea, the GOP between 2000-2006 when they controlled all three branches of government.

Anyways, the House sent a bill that would eliminate those tax breaks and give a tax holiday to give those companies a chance to come back home and not be penalized.

Some jackoff Republican in the Senate filabusted it.

So sorry Obama hasn't done enough to fix the economy. Maybe if we replace the jackoff GOP in the Senate and House, maybe he'll do better.

Romney will just go back to what Bush was doing.

Would you care to link the bill that you are ranting about? The one where the GOP gave companies tax breaks for sending jobs overseas?

Oh, and by the way? Only an idiot would bring up Obama's skin color in a discussion like this. His policies are what have gotten him in trouble...not his pigmentation. Playing the "race card" is at best amusing. I take it you "missed" where Obama had super majorities in the House and Senate? He didn't do jack to fix the economy then...oh, no...he gave us ObamaCare....quite possibly the worst piece of legislation ever written by US legislators.
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I think you'll find it was because of Obama's attitude to the GOP that they became 'dug in' on their stance.

How the fuck can anyone defend that man's attitude towards those who disagree with him? He referred to them (me) as 'the enemy'.

He has offended every one of our allies, particularly Britain and Israel. Those countries - particularly Britain - have stood by this country every damned time we've asked. And Obama treats them like crap.

The man does not know how to govern. He was elected President of the United States - ALL of it, not just the parts that follow their Messiah.

No, I won't find that because I wasn't born in 2009 and I heard them planning on it before he was elected.

I heard them planning to stand by their principles... and they clearly tried to work with Obama in the first year - and what did Obama respond? "I won". Arrogant little brat. I've always tried to disagree with his policies and ignore the rhetoric - until he referred to conservatives as 'the enemy'. I have never heard a President call other Americans 'the enemy' before... if you have, I'd love to see it.

Take a rational, honest look at it. If that was Bush and he called liberals 'the enemy', how would you react? I know I'd have been pissed at him... and I'm not a liberal. But if he'd called liberals 'the enemy', it would have offended me. I don't believe any President should call other Americans 'the enemy'. He is supposed to be the President of the whole country - all Americans. Fuck him.
And there you have it folks, nothing else to see here.

Yeah, and Shrub sure showed the Democrats how to govern with his "I'm the decider" attitude and his "you're either for us or against us" attitude and his "you can't criticize the President or you're anti-American" attitudes.

Go throw yourself in the sea...seriously.
The OP wrongly assumes that the president, or any president, causes the polarization.

His "Tax the rich" rhetoric is polarizing.

So was his insult about "Teabaggers".

His Homeland Defense Department decided that returning war vets should be suspected terrorists.

I don't see anything Obama is doing that is bringing us together.

The problem is you Obama backers are so defensive about anything bad that's said about him you refuse to listen anymore. You cannot face reality about him.

You make no effing sense.

How is it "polarizing" to tax 1% of the country?

What are you...a GD moron!?!?
Two things, the Post is not liberal, no mainstream media source is liberal, I thought that was established long ago. Corporate owned and operated entities cannot by definition be liberal, they do not shoot their own.

Two, out of power republicans whine and whine and whine, it is only power big money wants and it is only control of the other that the right wants. This too should be obvious to anyone outside of the blind puppets of corporate money and the conservatives who desire control over another.

Albert Hirschman outlines in 'The Rhetoric of Reaction' the right wing's 200 plus years of whining. Given that no nation could ever be founded on whining is it any wonder that the right fails so badly when given the reigns of power? Whining only works when you have lost the fight to progress and change. In the bleachers the whiners have found their place.

"He argues that a triplet of 'rhetorical' criticisms--perversity, futility, and jeopardy--'has been unfailingly leveled' by 'reactionaries' at each major progressive reform of the past 300 years--those T. H. Marshall identified with the advancement of civil, political and social rights of citizenship...Charmingly written, this book can benefit a diverse readership."

"With engaging wit and subtle irony, Albert Hirschman maps the diffuse and treacherous world of reactionary rhetoric in which conservative public figures, thinkers, and polemicists have been arguing against progressive agendas and reforms for the past two hundred years."

Harvard University Press
The difference between Clinton and Obama is that when Clinton's party took a beating in the mid-terms, Slick Willie was an astute enough politician to move to the center. Do you remember him making the statement that the day of big goverment was over? Where did Obama ever move to the center? Clinton was able to work with Gingrich because "HE" moderated his agenda in keeping with what the electorate wanted. Obama hasn't changed his agenda at all...he's just changed his methods for trying to achieve it.

Obama has been governing from the center since he has been elected. His problem is that the Republicans have been captured by the radical far right that refuses any compromise

And IF he get re-elected, we still won't compromise. I for one am determined to fight this out with liberals to the bitter end, if that's 2016 or beyond. We can keep at this, until one side or the other breaks. From where I sit, ANY compromise whatever with the Left is useless anyway; we are NEVER going to agree, you want to destroy us, and we want to destroy you. I'm a VERY patient man, when it comes to that goal.

That is the way it has to go. There is not a point left on which liberals and conservatives could compromise.
Obama has been governing from the center since he has been elected. His problem is that the Republicans have been captured by the radical far right that refuses any compromise

And IF he get re-elected, we still won't compromise. I for one am determined to fight this out with liberals to the bitter end, if that's 2016 or beyond. We can keep at this, until one side or the other breaks. From where I sit, ANY compromise whatever with the Left is useless anyway; we are NEVER going to agree, you want to destroy us, and we want to destroy you. I'm a VERY patient man, when it comes to that goal.

That is the way it has to go. There is not a point left on which liberals and conservatives could compromise.

No, there is not. Years of partisan hatred and negative campaigning have seen to that. Both sides have done it, and now, it makes no more difference who started it, than it does who fired the first shot on Lexington Green. So liberals can understand, Obama is to conservatives what Bush was to you; an embodiment of an ideology we despise. To us, he's nothing more nor less that a younger, slick-talking version of John Kerry, a made-for-mass media, empty suit, and a triumph of style over substance; intellectually and politically arrogant to a fault, without respect for flag, country or our Armed Forces. In addition, he publicly articulated what most of you think; he called us "the enemy".

Very well, then; enemies we are. Reality is, that politics in this country has degenerated into little more than war by political means. In addition to the factors I mentioned earlier, America has become in the last half century a nation of competing interests; small town and rural America has exactly zero common interest with big city, urban America, and suburban America has little to no common interest with either. As if that weren't enough, we have a class war between the haves and the have nots, and a cultural war between religious and social conservatives, and secular social liberal, and we have ongoing ethnic tension from the leftover hard feelings of the civil rights struggle. That has been, all of it, a fertile ground for wedge-issue politics. This last is aimed at arousing each side's worst emotional instincts, and in that it has succeeded, beyond what anyone could have dreamed. That's the political landscape today, a wasteland of hatred; and you seriously expect to put THAT back n the bottle? It's not going to happen.

In the end, whichever side wins this election, it may well be a hollow victory. The winner will inherit a bitterly divided country; the loser, will keep on fighting, even more embittered. The odds are that no matter which side gets the White House, partisan gridlock will remain; I do not see anyone on the horizon, from either party, who the nation can unite behind. We have no statesmen left, on either side; a media driven process like we have today is too shallow for true statesmen to take root and grow in. There's not going to be any more good will, when this election is over, than there is now, and that's the plain, ugly truth.
Lock'n load, keep your powder dry, all those sayings are once again pertinent.... Civil War II is right around the corner... just as soon as our economy collapses, which can't be more than a couple years away.

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Lock'n load, keep your powder dry, all those sayings are once again pertinent.... Civil War II is right around the corner... just as soon as our economy collapses, which can't be more than a couple years away.


^------------- too much of a pussy to fire the first shot and start the revolution.
Two things, the Post is not liberal, no mainstream media source is liberal, I thought that was established long ago. Corporate owned and operated entities cannot by definition be liberal, they do not shoot their own.

So they certainly could never be a conservative source then could there?

The Post is most certainly steered to the left just as others are steered left and right,people that run corps be it news or service to manufacturing always have agendas.
His "Tax the rich" rhetoric is polarizing.

So was his insult about "Teabaggers".

His Homeland Defense Department decided that returning war vets should be suspected terrorists.

I don't see anything Obama is doing that is bringing us together.

The problem is you Obama backers are so defensive about anything bad that's said about him you refuse to listen anymore. You cannot face reality about him.

How do you come together with people who aren't even capable (for example) of giving him an honest, unqualified, uncontaminated congratulation for killing Osama Bin Laden?

THOSE are the kind of people he has to deal with. People who are so pathologically afflicted with partisan hatred that they can't overcome it for ONE moment.
Reenact your run up San Juan Hill just one more time, Teddy. Maybe P-BO can show us how he personally shot Osama Bin Laden, and Mohmmar Gaddafi too. Maybe with a few more drinks you can do your drunk Audie Murphy impersonation too.

At least W didn't act like he captured Sodamn Insane himself.

Thanks for proving my point.

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