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WSJ Post-Debate Poll: Biden Up by 14

I agree with the commentary below. I think this poll is a knee-jerk reaction to Trump's poor showing at the debate. I think Biden is going to win but not by 14.

Mr. Biden, the Democratic nominee, leads the president, 53% to 39%, among registered voters in the new poll, which was conducted in the two days following the debate but before news emerged that Mr. Trump had tested positive for Covid-19. Mr. Biden’s 14-point lead compares with an 8-point advantage last month and 11 points in July, which was his largest of the campaign at that time. ...​
Bill McInturff, a Republican pollster who directed the survey with Democrat Jeff Horwitt, cautioned that the poll was conducted during an unsettled moment after the caustic presidential debate—“a shock to the system,” he called it—and could reflect a temporary reassessment of views. “The public can be taking a moment to say, ‘What did I just see, and how do I feel about it?’” he said. Mr. Trump could regain ground, Mr. McInturff said, given that “he has a history of bouncing back to some set point.” ...​
Messrs. Horwitt and McInturff said one factor was the debate, a decorum-destroying event in which the two candidates traded insults and continually talked over each other, with Mr. Trump interrupting his opponent more often. About three-quarters of voters said the event made no difference to their vote. But among the other 25%, a bigger share said the debate made them more likely to support Mr. Biden than Mr. Trump.​
While 84% of Democrats said Mr. Biden did a better job in the debate, 54% of Republicans said so of the president. Overall, half of voters said Mr. Biden performed better, with a quarter saying Mr. Trump did. Some 17% said neither candidate did well.​
Asked more broadly about the candidates’ personal qualities, voters by a two-to-one margin said Mr. Biden was better at displaying “the right temperament to be president,” 58% to 26%.​
“It is clear that the debate, and Mr. Trump’s behavior during it, reinforced the negative side of Mr. Trump personally for many respondents,” said Mr. Horwitt. He said the president “lost the American people on style more than substance.”​

I don’t think anyone believes Biden will win by 14 points, but clearly Trump is currently fucked in terms of polls. All the GOP can do is cheat like they are trying to do in Texas. They are fucking scum.
aka............this trolls message is........stay home........you have already lost the election........so why waste gas.

Just as a reminder, all the polls were forecasting a blow-out in the 2018 House elections, and it was the worst defeat for the Republicans in the House in 44 years. The polls underestimated the extent of the Republican's defeat.

The same people who are saying "the polls were wrong in 2016 and are wrong now" were the same ones saying "the polls were wrong in 2016 and are wrong now" in 2018.

BTW I never thought the Republicans would win The House in 2018, but I did say I thought they would keep The Senate and yes I maintain my position about the 2016 Presidential Election Polls being wrong saying that Hillary would win both the Popular Vote and the Electoral College Vote and like they did not entertain the situation in 2016 of the Silent Trump Voters that the 2016 Polls did NOT pick up they are in 2020 also ignoring the situation of the Silent Trump Voters who all these 2020 Polls are not picking up.

There were no silent Trump voters in 2016. Trump won for 2 reasons.
1. Minority voters did not turn out in large numbers and that had a profound effect in Pennsylvania and Michigan.
2. Voters hated both Clinton and Trump. Trump won that vote.

When you look at Clinton's vote totals she was weak even in states she won. Comparing Romney's vote to Clinton's vote, Romney would have won 261 electoral votes and been close in several others.

That’s exactly correct.

What you saw in 2016 in the MW was Hillary’s vote collapse in several states as blacks stayed home.

The difference between Trump’s margin of victory in MI and PA was less than the decline in black voting.

In WI and MI, the decline in Hillary’s vote was greater than the increase in Trump and 3rd party voters combined.

What’s very different today is what’s happening to college-educated whites. Republicans have won college-educated whites in every single Presidential election since polling began. Trump won them by 5% in 2016. In polling today, he’s trailing by ~15%, including swings of up to 30% for college-educated white women. This is consistent with what happened in 2018.
Only is the Burn Loot Murder works..........sorry......I don't see that.....can that be offset with Harris......maybe.
Well Well WELL - Looks like Donald didn't do himself any favors last Tuesday. :cool:

WASHINGTON — Joe Biden’s national lead over President Donald Trump nearly doubled after Tuesday’s presidential debate, with voters saying by a 2-to-1 margin that Biden has the better temperament to be president, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.​
The poll was conducted in the two days after the unruly and insult-filled Sept. 29 debate, but before Trump tested positive for Covid-19 and was hospitalized Friday at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.​
The Democratic nominee is now ahead of Trump by 14 points among registered voters, 53 percent to 39 percent — up from his 8-point lead in the previous poll before the debate.​

That 14-point advantage represents Biden’s largest lead in the NBC News/WSJ poll during the entirety of the 2020 presidential campaign; his previous high was 11 points in July.​

You just keep thinking that....
BTW..., China Joe keeps telling us he will buy American made goods with our money to build America better. How can he do that if he allows China to continue manufacture everything without creating more manufactururing in America?
It's the biggest deficit for Trump in that poll yet.

Yes he had the EXACT SAME 14 point deficit on October 10 2016 in the NBC/WSJ Poll and the EXACT SAME 14 point deficit in the Associated Press Poll on October 26 2016.

The situation is It's The Economy Stupid and until the crazy situation with DAMAGING COVID-19 Lockdowns the American Economy was doing very well. Now who are the peoples going to trust to keep the American Economy moving? Joe Biden who hasn't got a CLUE except to raise taxes and he's said he would do ANOTHER damaging Lockdown which would further damage the American Economy and lose more jobs and probably lose more jobs to China OR Donald Trump to keep the American Economy afloat and do things to encourage more job creation? Who are they going to trust on the Economy? Like I said It's The Economy Stupid. Donald Trump brought more jobs back to Michigan and Pennsylvania and Ohio since 2017, Joe Biden would destroy those jobs with another Lockdown or outsourcing to China.

One big difference is that in 2016, the number of people who were undecided was 13-15%.

Today, it’s half that.

So the runway for Trump to make up ground is much more limited today compared to the last election.

In 2016, the Democratic candidate was hated and Trump was unknown.

Now, the Democratic candidate isn’t hated and Trump is known.

Here's another Poll this is from The Democracy Institute/Sunday Express, they have been doing a Monthly Poll, The Democracy Institute is in Washington DC and they factor in a probably Trump Silent Vote:



The poll is 1,500 LIKELY Voters and NOT REGISTERED Voters, polls of REGISTERED Voters don't count they are always wildly inaccurate:




^^^^ The Democracy Institute CORRECTLY predicted both Trump winning in 2016 and they also predicted the BREXIT vote result.





This on the Silent/Shy Trump Voters and also 7% of Biden voters could change their minds:


And because Trump supporters get so much ABUSE it shows that YES they do NOT in public say they support Trump:


The two top most important issues to those Polled are Law and Order/riots and violence and the Economy and as I previously commented It's The Economy Stupid and also I'll add considering all the riots and violence are ALL in Democrat run areas and the Democrats are Hating On The Police then I FAIL to see HOW Joe Biden could be favoured in the Law and Order category:


Last edited:
I agree with the commentary below. I think this poll is a knee-jerk reaction to Trump's poor showing at the debate. I think Biden is going to win but not by 14.

Mr. Biden, the Democratic nominee, leads the president, 53% to 39%, among registered voters in the new poll, which was conducted in the two days following the debate but before news emerged that Mr. Trump had tested positive for Covid-19. Mr. Biden’s 14-point lead compares with an 8-point advantage last month and 11 points in July, which was his largest of the campaign at that time. ...​
Bill McInturff, a Republican pollster who directed the survey with Democrat Jeff Horwitt, cautioned that the poll was conducted during an unsettled moment after the caustic presidential debate—“a shock to the system,” he called it—and could reflect a temporary reassessment of views. “The public can be taking a moment to say, ‘What did I just see, and how do I feel about it?’” he said. Mr. Trump could regain ground, Mr. McInturff said, given that “he has a history of bouncing back to some set point.” ...​
Messrs. Horwitt and McInturff said one factor was the debate, a decorum-destroying event in which the two candidates traded insults and continually talked over each other, with Mr. Trump interrupting his opponent more often. About three-quarters of voters said the event made no difference to their vote. But among the other 25%, a bigger share said the debate made them more likely to support Mr. Biden than Mr. Trump.​
While 84% of Democrats said Mr. Biden did a better job in the debate, 54% of Republicans said so of the president. Overall, half of voters said Mr. Biden performed better, with a quarter saying Mr. Trump did. Some 17% said neither candidate did well.​
Asked more broadly about the candidates’ personal qualities, voters by a two-to-one margin said Mr. Biden was better at displaying “the right temperament to be president,” 58% to 26%.​
“It is clear that the debate, and Mr. Trump’s behavior during it, reinforced the negative side of Mr. Trump personally for many respondents,” said Mr. Horwitt. He said the president “lost the American people on style more than substance.”​

I don’t think anyone believes Biden will win by 14 points, but clearly Trump is currently fucked in terms of polls. All the GOP can do is cheat like they are trying to do in Texas. They are fucking scum.
aka............this trolls message is........stay home........you have already lost the election........so why waste gas.


This could be a reason, it could be inflating Biden's Poll numbers as a means of telling Trump supporters "why bother going to vote, Biden will win in a landslide" This type of Political Dirty Trick has been used many times before.
I agree with the commentary below. I think this poll is a knee-jerk reaction to Trump's poor showing at the debate. I think Biden is going to win but not by 14.

Mr. Biden, the Democratic nominee, leads the president, 53% to 39%, among registered voters in the new poll, which was conducted in the two days following the debate but before news emerged that Mr. Trump had tested positive for Covid-19. Mr. Biden’s 14-point lead compares with an 8-point advantage last month and 11 points in July, which was his largest of the campaign at that time. ...​
Bill McInturff, a Republican pollster who directed the survey with Democrat Jeff Horwitt, cautioned that the poll was conducted during an unsettled moment after the caustic presidential debate—“a shock to the system,” he called it—and could reflect a temporary reassessment of views. “The public can be taking a moment to say, ‘What did I just see, and how do I feel about it?’” he said. Mr. Trump could regain ground, Mr. McInturff said, given that “he has a history of bouncing back to some set point.” ...​
Messrs. Horwitt and McInturff said one factor was the debate, a decorum-destroying event in which the two candidates traded insults and continually talked over each other, with Mr. Trump interrupting his opponent more often. About three-quarters of voters said the event made no difference to their vote. But among the other 25%, a bigger share said the debate made them more likely to support Mr. Biden than Mr. Trump.​
While 84% of Democrats said Mr. Biden did a better job in the debate, 54% of Republicans said so of the president. Overall, half of voters said Mr. Biden performed better, with a quarter saying Mr. Trump did. Some 17% said neither candidate did well.​
Asked more broadly about the candidates’ personal qualities, voters by a two-to-one margin said Mr. Biden was better at displaying “the right temperament to be president,” 58% to 26%.​
“It is clear that the debate, and Mr. Trump’s behavior during it, reinforced the negative side of Mr. Trump personally for many respondents,” said Mr. Horwitt. He said the president “lost the American people on style more than substance.”​

The poll is statistically useless (aka fake). Left leaning voters over sampled greater than 10% and women over sampled greater than 5%.
I agree with the commentary below. I think this poll is a knee-jerk reaction to Trump's poor showing at the debate. I think Biden is going to win but not by 14.

Mr. Biden, the Democratic nominee, leads the president, 53% to 39%, among registered voters in the new poll, which was conducted in the two days following the debate but before news emerged that Mr. Trump had tested positive for Covid-19. Mr. Biden’s 14-point lead compares with an 8-point advantage last month and 11 points in July, which was his largest of the campaign at that time. ...​
Bill McInturff, a Republican pollster who directed the survey with Democrat Jeff Horwitt, cautioned that the poll was conducted during an unsettled moment after the caustic presidential debate—“a shock to the system,” he called it—and could reflect a temporary reassessment of views. “The public can be taking a moment to say, ‘What did I just see, and how do I feel about it?’” he said. Mr. Trump could regain ground, Mr. McInturff said, given that “he has a history of bouncing back to some set point.” ...​
Messrs. Horwitt and McInturff said one factor was the debate, a decorum-destroying event in which the two candidates traded insults and continually talked over each other, with Mr. Trump interrupting his opponent more often. About three-quarters of voters said the event made no difference to their vote. But among the other 25%, a bigger share said the debate made them more likely to support Mr. Biden than Mr. Trump.​
While 84% of Democrats said Mr. Biden did a better job in the debate, 54% of Republicans said so of the president. Overall, half of voters said Mr. Biden performed better, with a quarter saying Mr. Trump did. Some 17% said neither candidate did well.​
Asked more broadly about the candidates’ personal qualities, voters by a two-to-one margin said Mr. Biden was better at displaying “the right temperament to be president,” 58% to 26%.​
“It is clear that the debate, and Mr. Trump’s behavior during it, reinforced the negative side of Mr. Trump personally for many respondents,” said Mr. Horwitt. He said the president “lost the American people on style more than substance.”​

Yeah...we will see in November....

Over sampling democrats ........typical tactic...

I agree with the commentary below. I think this poll is a knee-jerk reaction to Trump's poor showing at the debate. I think Biden is going to win but not by 14.

Mr. Biden, the Democratic nominee, leads the president, 53% to 39%, among registered voters in the new poll, which was conducted in the two days following the debate but before news emerged that Mr. Trump had tested positive for Covid-19. Mr. Biden’s 14-point lead compares with an 8-point advantage last month and 11 points in July, which was his largest of the campaign at that time. ...​
Bill McInturff, a Republican pollster who directed the survey with Democrat Jeff Horwitt, cautioned that the poll was conducted during an unsettled moment after the caustic presidential debate—“a shock to the system,” he called it—and could reflect a temporary reassessment of views. “The public can be taking a moment to say, ‘What did I just see, and how do I feel about it?’” he said. Mr. Trump could regain ground, Mr. McInturff said, given that “he has a history of bouncing back to some set point.” ...​
Messrs. Horwitt and McInturff said one factor was the debate, a decorum-destroying event in which the two candidates traded insults and continually talked over each other, with Mr. Trump interrupting his opponent more often. About three-quarters of voters said the event made no difference to their vote. But among the other 25%, a bigger share said the debate made them more likely to support Mr. Biden than Mr. Trump.​
While 84% of Democrats said Mr. Biden did a better job in the debate, 54% of Republicans said so of the president. Overall, half of voters said Mr. Biden performed better, with a quarter saying Mr. Trump did. Some 17% said neither candidate did well.​
Asked more broadly about the candidates’ personal qualities, voters by a two-to-one margin said Mr. Biden was better at displaying “the right temperament to be president,” 58% to 26%.​
“It is clear that the debate, and Mr. Trump’s behavior during it, reinforced the negative side of Mr. Trump personally for many respondents,” said Mr. Horwitt. He said the president “lost the American people on style more than substance.”​

I don't worry about it because if people in this country would actually vote for where the Democrat party is headed, then we deserve what we get. Many countries before have voted to bring upon their own ruin. We won't be the first

Yep, sad as it would be it would just be humans being humans and why we lost the Garden..........America is the lone power standing in the way of Russia, China and Iran....without us, the other countries around the world fall one by one.......
I agree with the commentary below. I think this poll is a knee-jerk reaction to Trump's poor showing at the debate. I think Biden is going to win but not by 14.

Mr. Biden, the Democratic nominee, leads the president, 53% to 39%, among registered voters in the new poll, which was conducted in the two days following the debate but before news emerged that Mr. Trump had tested positive for Covid-19. Mr. Biden’s 14-point lead compares with an 8-point advantage last month and 11 points in July, which was his largest of the campaign at that time. ...​
Bill McInturff, a Republican pollster who directed the survey with Democrat Jeff Horwitt, cautioned that the poll was conducted during an unsettled moment after the caustic presidential debate—“a shock to the system,” he called it—and could reflect a temporary reassessment of views. “The public can be taking a moment to say, ‘What did I just see, and how do I feel about it?’” he said. Mr. Trump could regain ground, Mr. McInturff said, given that “he has a history of bouncing back to some set point.” ...​
Messrs. Horwitt and McInturff said one factor was the debate, a decorum-destroying event in which the two candidates traded insults and continually talked over each other, with Mr. Trump interrupting his opponent more often. About three-quarters of voters said the event made no difference to their vote. But among the other 25%, a bigger share said the debate made them more likely to support Mr. Biden than Mr. Trump.​
While 84% of Democrats said Mr. Biden did a better job in the debate, 54% of Republicans said so of the president. Overall, half of voters said Mr. Biden performed better, with a quarter saying Mr. Trump did. Some 17% said neither candidate did well.​
Asked more broadly about the candidates’ personal qualities, voters by a two-to-one margin said Mr. Biden was better at displaying “the right temperament to be president,” 58% to 26%.​
“It is clear that the debate, and Mr. Trump’s behavior during it, reinforced the negative side of Mr. Trump personally for many respondents,” said Mr. Horwitt. He said the president “lost the American people on style more than substance.”​

Yeah...again...we'll see you Nov. 3....

The poll sampled
35% DEM,
27% REP,
38% IND.

So a DEM+8 vs REP. The last poll sampled DEM+3. So they changed the weighting by 5 points and now report “OMG BIDEN IS UP ANOTHER 6 POINTS FROM THE LAST POLL!”

While the NBC/WSJ poll sampled 8 percentage points more Democrats, the Democracy Institute polls methodology is more fair:

The national poll has a margin of error of +/- 2.5 percent at a 95 percent confidence interval. The national party identification turnout model is: Democrats = 37 percent; Republicans = 35 percent; and Independents = 28 percent.

I agree with the commentary below. I think this poll is a knee-jerk reaction to Trump's poor showing at the debate. I think Biden is going to win but not by 14.

Mr. Biden, the Democratic nominee, leads the president, 53% to 39%, among registered voters in the new poll, which was conducted in the two days following the debate but before news emerged that Mr. Trump had tested positive for Covid-19. Mr. Biden’s 14-point lead compares with an 8-point advantage last month and 11 points in July, which was his largest of the campaign at that time. ...​
Bill McInturff, a Republican pollster who directed the survey with Democrat Jeff Horwitt, cautioned that the poll was conducted during an unsettled moment after the caustic presidential debate—“a shock to the system,” he called it—and could reflect a temporary reassessment of views. “The public can be taking a moment to say, ‘What did I just see, and how do I feel about it?’” he said. Mr. Trump could regain ground, Mr. McInturff said, given that “he has a history of bouncing back to some set point.” ...​
Messrs. Horwitt and McInturff said one factor was the debate, a decorum-destroying event in which the two candidates traded insults and continually talked over each other, with Mr. Trump interrupting his opponent more often. About three-quarters of voters said the event made no difference to their vote. But among the other 25%, a bigger share said the debate made them more likely to support Mr. Biden than Mr. Trump.​
While 84% of Democrats said Mr. Biden did a better job in the debate, 54% of Republicans said so of the president. Overall, half of voters said Mr. Biden performed better, with a quarter saying Mr. Trump did. Some 17% said neither candidate did well.​
Asked more broadly about the candidates’ personal qualities, voters by a two-to-one margin said Mr. Biden was better at displaying “the right temperament to be president,” 58% to 26%.​
“It is clear that the debate, and Mr. Trump’s behavior during it, reinforced the negative side of Mr. Trump personally for many respondents,” said Mr. Horwitt. He said the president “lost the American people on style more than substance.”​

The poll is statistically useless (aka fake). Left leaning voters over sampled greater than 10% and women over sampled greater than 5%.

This is a critical time....they need to suppress Trump supporters who are enraged at the democrat party, eager to help get "The Original AOC, " on the Supreme Court, and understand that the democrat party plans to take over the country if they win.....
Wall Street journals idea of pulling Republicans is finding John McCain Mitt Romney supporters and asking them about Trump lol

And jonah goldberg, bill kristol, Kelly Ann Conway's husband and the other never-Trumpers to the end........
I agree with the commentary below. I think this poll is a knee-jerk reaction to Trump's poor showing at the debate. I think Biden is going to win but not by 14.

Mr. Biden, the Democratic nominee, leads the president, 53% to 39%, among registered voters in the new poll, which was conducted in the two days following the debate but before news emerged that Mr. Trump had tested positive for Covid-19. Mr. Biden’s 14-point lead compares with an 8-point advantage last month and 11 points in July, which was his largest of the campaign at that time. ...​
Bill McInturff, a Republican pollster who directed the survey with Democrat Jeff Horwitt, cautioned that the poll was conducted during an unsettled moment after the caustic presidential debate—“a shock to the system,” he called it—and could reflect a temporary reassessment of views. “The public can be taking a moment to say, ‘What did I just see, and how do I feel about it?’” he said. Mr. Trump could regain ground, Mr. McInturff said, given that “he has a history of bouncing back to some set point.” ...​
Messrs. Horwitt and McInturff said one factor was the debate, a decorum-destroying event in which the two candidates traded insults and continually talked over each other, with Mr. Trump interrupting his opponent more often. About three-quarters of voters said the event made no difference to their vote. But among the other 25%, a bigger share said the debate made them more likely to support Mr. Biden than Mr. Trump.​
While 84% of Democrats said Mr. Biden did a better job in the debate, 54% of Republicans said so of the president. Overall, half of voters said Mr. Biden performed better, with a quarter saying Mr. Trump did. Some 17% said neither candidate did well.​
Asked more broadly about the candidates’ personal qualities, voters by a two-to-one margin said Mr. Biden was better at displaying “the right temperament to be president,” 58% to 26%.​
“It is clear that the debate, and Mr. Trump’s behavior during it, reinforced the negative side of Mr. Trump personally for many respondents,” said Mr. Horwitt. He said the president “lost the American people on style more than substance.”​

Yeah...again...we'll see you Nov. 3....

The poll sampled
35% DEM,
27% REP,
38% IND.

So a DEM+8 vs REP. The last poll sampled DEM+3. So they changed the weighting by 5 points and now report “OMG BIDEN IS UP ANOTHER 6 POINTS FROM THE LAST POLL!”

While the NBC/WSJ poll sampled 8 percentage points more Democrats, the Democracy Institute polls methodology is more fair:

The national poll has a margin of error of +/- 2.5 percent at a 95 percent confidence interval. The national party identification turnout model is: Democrats = 37 percent; Republicans = 35 percent; and Independents = 28 percent.

If you did a poll and you had:

35% Republicans, 27% Democrats and 38% Independents then logically your Poll would put the Republican in the lead.
A poll like this is for click bait. Nothing more. It gets attention and views. Like a shock jock saying something outrageous on the radio to get the audience fired up. What is the probability of any candidate winning a national election by 14 points? By 10 points? Trump has a massive enthusiasm advantage. Even if he didn't win, a 14 point margin would be impossible to obtain. Reagan had a margin like this and won all but 1 state. Biden has no chance in 20 or more states, that is just the way it is.

Pie in the sky polling like this should be dismissed as propaganda immediately.
I agree with the commentary below. I think this poll is a knee-jerk reaction to Trump's poor showing at the debate. I think Biden is going to win but not by 14.

Mr. Biden, the Democratic nominee, leads the president, 53% to 39%, among registered voters in the new poll, which was conducted in the two days following the debate but before news emerged that Mr. Trump had tested positive for Covid-19. Mr. Biden’s 14-point lead compares with an 8-point advantage last month and 11 points in July, which was his largest of the campaign at that time. ...​
Bill McInturff, a Republican pollster who directed the survey with Democrat Jeff Horwitt, cautioned that the poll was conducted during an unsettled moment after the caustic presidential debate—“a shock to the system,” he called it—and could reflect a temporary reassessment of views. “The public can be taking a moment to say, ‘What did I just see, and how do I feel about it?’” he said. Mr. Trump could regain ground, Mr. McInturff said, given that “he has a history of bouncing back to some set point.” ...​
Messrs. Horwitt and McInturff said one factor was the debate, a decorum-destroying event in which the two candidates traded insults and continually talked over each other, with Mr. Trump interrupting his opponent more often. About three-quarters of voters said the event made no difference to their vote. But among the other 25%, a bigger share said the debate made them more likely to support Mr. Biden than Mr. Trump.​
While 84% of Democrats said Mr. Biden did a better job in the debate, 54% of Republicans said so of the president. Overall, half of voters said Mr. Biden performed better, with a quarter saying Mr. Trump did. Some 17% said neither candidate did well.​
Asked more broadly about the candidates’ personal qualities, voters by a two-to-one margin said Mr. Biden was better at displaying “the right temperament to be president,” 58% to 26%.​
“It is clear that the debate, and Mr. Trump’s behavior during it, reinforced the negative side of Mr. Trump personally for many respondents,” said Mr. Horwitt. He said the president “lost the American people on style more than substance.”​

I don’t think anyone believes Biden will win by 14 points, but clearly Trump is currently fucked in terms of polls. All the GOP can do is cheat like they are trying to do in Texas. They are fucking scum.
aka............this trolls message is........stay home........you have already lost the election........so why waste gas.


This could be a reason, it could be inflating Biden's Poll numbers as a means of telling Trump supporters "why bother going to vote, Biden will win in a landslide" This type of Political Dirty Trick has been used many times before.

Rush also brought up the point....someone he knows and trusts talked to a pollster....that pollster stated that the democrat party activists at the polling agencie working for the democrat party news agencies are trying to get around under sampling Republicans.....by sampling anti-Trump republican areas, and ignoring pro-Trump democrat areas.....this way they can claim they are being "accurate," by sampling more Republicans...but they are targeting never trump republicans.....
I agree with the commentary below. I think this poll is a knee-jerk reaction to Trump's poor showing at the debate. I think Biden is going to win but not by 14.

Mr. Biden, the Democratic nominee, leads the president, 53% to 39%, among registered voters in the new poll, which was conducted in the two days following the debate but before news emerged that Mr. Trump had tested positive for Covid-19. Mr. Biden’s 14-point lead compares with an 8-point advantage last month and 11 points in July, which was his largest of the campaign at that time. ...​
Bill McInturff, a Republican pollster who directed the survey with Democrat Jeff Horwitt, cautioned that the poll was conducted during an unsettled moment after the caustic presidential debate—“a shock to the system,” he called it—and could reflect a temporary reassessment of views. “The public can be taking a moment to say, ‘What did I just see, and how do I feel about it?’” he said. Mr. Trump could regain ground, Mr. McInturff said, given that “he has a history of bouncing back to some set point.” ...​
Messrs. Horwitt and McInturff said one factor was the debate, a decorum-destroying event in which the two candidates traded insults and continually talked over each other, with Mr. Trump interrupting his opponent more often. About three-quarters of voters said the event made no difference to their vote. But among the other 25%, a bigger share said the debate made them more likely to support Mr. Biden than Mr. Trump.​
While 84% of Democrats said Mr. Biden did a better job in the debate, 54% of Republicans said so of the president. Overall, half of voters said Mr. Biden performed better, with a quarter saying Mr. Trump did. Some 17% said neither candidate did well.​
Asked more broadly about the candidates’ personal qualities, voters by a two-to-one margin said Mr. Biden was better at displaying “the right temperament to be president,” 58% to 26%.​
“It is clear that the debate, and Mr. Trump’s behavior during it, reinforced the negative side of Mr. Trump personally for many respondents,” said Mr. Horwitt. He said the president “lost the American people on style more than substance.”​

I don't worry about it because if people in this country would actually vote for where the Democrat party is headed, then we deserve what we get. Many countries before have voted to bring upon their own ruin. We won't be the first

Yep, sad as it would be it would just be humans being humans and why we lost the Garden..........America is the lone power standing in the way of Russia, China and Iran....without us, the other countries around the world fall one by one.......

If Democrats stood for anything positive at all then I could understand it at least a little. But I'm lost as to why Democrats would want to simply succumb to the forces of evil by falling on our own sword. It's mind boggling. And they've convinced half the country that WE are the problem, not Russia, China, Iran and all the other dark forces in the world
I agree with the commentary below. I think this poll is a knee-jerk reaction to Trump's poor showing at the debate. I think Biden is going to win but not by 14.

Mr. Biden, the Democratic nominee, leads the president, 53% to 39%, among registered voters in the new poll, which was conducted in the two days following the debate but before news emerged that Mr. Trump had tested positive for Covid-19. Mr. Biden’s 14-point lead compares with an 8-point advantage last month and 11 points in July, which was his largest of the campaign at that time. ...​
Bill McInturff, a Republican pollster who directed the survey with Democrat Jeff Horwitt, cautioned that the poll was conducted during an unsettled moment after the caustic presidential debate—“a shock to the system,” he called it—and could reflect a temporary reassessment of views. “The public can be taking a moment to say, ‘What did I just see, and how do I feel about it?’” he said. Mr. Trump could regain ground, Mr. McInturff said, given that “he has a history of bouncing back to some set point.” ...​
Messrs. Horwitt and McInturff said one factor was the debate, a decorum-destroying event in which the two candidates traded insults and continually talked over each other, with Mr. Trump interrupting his opponent more often. About three-quarters of voters said the event made no difference to their vote. But among the other 25%, a bigger share said the debate made them more likely to support Mr. Biden than Mr. Trump.​
While 84% of Democrats said Mr. Biden did a better job in the debate, 54% of Republicans said so of the president. Overall, half of voters said Mr. Biden performed better, with a quarter saying Mr. Trump did. Some 17% said neither candidate did well.​
Asked more broadly about the candidates’ personal qualities, voters by a two-to-one margin said Mr. Biden was better at displaying “the right temperament to be president,” 58% to 26%.​
“It is clear that the debate, and Mr. Trump’s behavior during it, reinforced the negative side of Mr. Trump personally for many respondents,” said Mr. Horwitt. He said the president “lost the American people on style more than substance.”​

The poll is statistically useless (aka fake). Left leaning voters over sampled greater than 10% and women over sampled greater than 5%.

This is a critical time....they need to suppress Trump supporters who are enraged at the democrat party, eager to help get "The Original AOC, " on the Supreme Court, and understand that the democrat party plans to take over the country if they win.....

Being a STAUNCH Capitalist then under no circumstances could I support ANY Democrat OR Left-Leaning Party, there are of course 99 other reasons why I could NEVER support them.

But only on the issue of Capitalism, I can not understand why ANY Pro-Capitalist could support Joe Biden and the Democrats. I realise that perhaps Wall Street MIGHT be supporting him and them because they know that Biden and the Democrats will basically DESTROY the American Economy and like with 2008 the Wall Streeters made HUGE AMOUNTS of cheap money and assets when the market tanked and so possibly they are rubbing their hands together thinking of the MASSIVE SELL OFF that will happen IF Biden and the Democrats get in and do another DESTRUCTIVE Lockdown coupled with the PROMISED by Biden MASSIVE amount of CHEAP IMPORTED labour from Third World Nations that would further replace American's doing American jobs. There is somewhere a quote from Biden that says IF he gets in he will INCREASE the amount of IMPORTS from the Third World by 700%

Considering the Democrat Party Social Platform is pretty much Communistic or at the LEAST Socialism then why would ANY even REMOTELY Conservative minded person support them? Leftists also do NOT understand Economics 101.
It's the biggest deficit for Trump in that poll yet.

Yes he had the EXACT SAME 14 point deficit on October 10 2016 in the NBC/WSJ Poll and the EXACT SAME 14 point deficit in the Associated Press Poll on October 26 2016.

The situation is It's The Economy Stupid and until the crazy situation with DAMAGING COVID-19 Lockdowns the American Economy was doing very well. Now who are the peoples going to trust to keep the American Economy moving? Joe Biden who hasn't got a CLUE except to raise taxes and he's said he would do ANOTHER damaging Lockdown which would further damage the American Economy and lose more jobs and probably lose more jobs to China OR Donald Trump to keep the American Economy afloat and do things to encourage more job creation? Who are they going to trust on the Economy? Like I said It's The Economy Stupid. Donald Trump brought more jobs back to Michigan and Pennsylvania and Ohio since 2017, Joe Biden would destroy those jobs with another Lockdown or outsourcing to China.

One big difference is that in 2016, the number of people who were undecided was 13-15%.

Today, it’s half that.

So the runway for Trump to make up ground is much more limited today compared to the last election.

In 2016, the Democratic candidate was hated and Trump was unknown.

Now, the Democratic candidate isn’t hated and Trump is known.

Here's another Poll this is from The Democracy Institute/Sunday Express, they have been doing a Monthly Poll, The Democracy Institute is in Washington DC and they factor in a probably Trump Silent Vote:

View attachment 397046
View attachment 397047

The poll is 1,500 LIKELY Voters and NOT REGISTERED Voters, polls of REGISTERED Voters don't count they are always wildly inaccurate:

View attachment 397058

View attachment 397048
View attachment 397049

^^^^ The Democracy Institute CORRECTLY predicted both Trump winning in 2016 and they also predicted the BREXIT vote result.

View attachment 397051

View attachment 397053
View attachment 397054

View attachment 397057

This on the Silent/Shy Trump Voters and also 7% of Biden voters could change their minds:

View attachment 397061

And because Trump supporters get so much ABUSE it shows that YES they do NOT in public say they support Trump:

View attachment 397062

The two top most important issues to those Polled are Law and Order/riots and violence and the Economy and as I previously commented It's The Economy Stupid and also I'll add considering all the riots and violence are ALL in Democrat run areas and the Democrats are Hating On The Police then I FAIL to see HOW Joe Biden could be favoured in the Law and Order category:

View attachment 397063

Lucy Hamilton

That firm was incredibly inaccurate in 2016.

In their last poll before the 2016 election, they said Trump was winning the popular vote by 5%.

But he lost the popular vote by 2.1%.

They said their margin of error was 2.5%, yet they were off by over 7%.

That Trump won doesn't mean their polling methodologies are accurate. It just means they were right for the wrong reasons.
I agree with the commentary below. I think this poll is a knee-jerk reaction to Trump's poor showing at the debate. I think Biden is going to win but not by 14.

Mr. Biden, the Democratic nominee, leads the president, 53% to 39%, among registered voters in the new poll, which was conducted in the two days following the debate but before news emerged that Mr. Trump had tested positive for Covid-19. Mr. Biden’s 14-point lead compares with an 8-point advantage last month and 11 points in July, which was his largest of the campaign at that time. ...​
Bill McInturff, a Republican pollster who directed the survey with Democrat Jeff Horwitt, cautioned that the poll was conducted during an unsettled moment after the caustic presidential debate—“a shock to the system,” he called it—and could reflect a temporary reassessment of views. “The public can be taking a moment to say, ‘What did I just see, and how do I feel about it?’” he said. Mr. Trump could regain ground, Mr. McInturff said, given that “he has a history of bouncing back to some set point.” ...​
Messrs. Horwitt and McInturff said one factor was the debate, a decorum-destroying event in which the two candidates traded insults and continually talked over each other, with Mr. Trump interrupting his opponent more often. About three-quarters of voters said the event made no difference to their vote. But among the other 25%, a bigger share said the debate made them more likely to support Mr. Biden than Mr. Trump.​
While 84% of Democrats said Mr. Biden did a better job in the debate, 54% of Republicans said so of the president. Overall, half of voters said Mr. Biden performed better, with a quarter saying Mr. Trump did. Some 17% said neither candidate did well.​
Asked more broadly about the candidates’ personal qualities, voters by a two-to-one margin said Mr. Biden was better at displaying “the right temperament to be president,” 58% to 26%.​
“It is clear that the debate, and Mr. Trump’s behavior during it, reinforced the negative side of Mr. Trump personally for many respondents,” said Mr. Horwitt. He said the president “lost the American people on style more than substance.”​

Yup, proof positive that Trump lost the debate, despite the Trumpussies saying he won.
It's the biggest deficit for Trump in that poll yet.

Yes he had the EXACT SAME 14 point deficit on October 10 2016 in the NBC/WSJ Poll and the EXACT SAME 14 point deficit in the Associated Press Poll on October 26 2016.

The situation is It's The Economy Stupid and until the crazy situation with DAMAGING COVID-19 Lockdowns the American Economy was doing very well. Now who are the peoples going to trust to keep the American Economy moving? Joe Biden who hasn't got a CLUE except to raise taxes and he's said he would do ANOTHER damaging Lockdown which would further damage the American Economy and lose more jobs and probably lose more jobs to China OR Donald Trump to keep the American Economy afloat and do things to encourage more job creation? Who are they going to trust on the Economy? Like I said It's The Economy Stupid. Donald Trump brought more jobs back to Michigan and Pennsylvania and Ohio since 2017, Joe Biden would destroy those jobs with another Lockdown or outsourcing to China.

One big difference is that in 2016, the number of people who were undecided was 13-15%.

Today, it’s half that.

So the runway for Trump to make up ground is much more limited today compared to the last election.

In 2016, the Democratic candidate was hated and Trump was unknown.

Now, the Democratic candidate isn’t hated and Trump is known.

Here's another Poll this is from The Democracy Institute/Sunday Express, they have been doing a Monthly Poll, The Democracy Institute is in Washington DC and they factor in a probably Trump Silent Vote:

View attachment 397046
View attachment 397047

The poll is 1,500 LIKELY Voters and NOT REGISTERED Voters, polls of REGISTERED Voters don't count they are always wildly inaccurate:

View attachment 397058

View attachment 397048
View attachment 397049

^^^^ The Democracy Institute CORRECTLY predicted both Trump winning in 2016 and they also predicted the BREXIT vote result.

View attachment 397051

View attachment 397053
View attachment 397054

View attachment 397057

This on the Silent/Shy Trump Voters and also 7% of Biden voters could change their minds:

View attachment 397061

And because Trump supporters get so much ABUSE it shows that YES they do NOT in public say they support Trump:

View attachment 397062

The two top most important issues to those Polled are Law and Order/riots and violence and the Economy and as I previously commented It's The Economy Stupid and also I'll add considering all the riots and violence are ALL in Democrat run areas and the Democrats are Hating On The Police then I FAIL to see HOW Joe Biden could be favoured in the Law and Order category:

View attachment 397063

Lucy Hamilton

That firm was incredibly inaccurate in 2016.

In their last poll before the 2016 election, they said Trump was winning the popular vote by 5%.

But he lost the popular vote by 2.1%.

They said their margin of error was 2.5%, yet they were off by over 7%.

That Trump won doesn't mean their polling methodologies are accurate. It just means they were right for the wrong reasons.

I need to read the above later and see what it says.
Watch Biden jump more in the polls now that the COV-IDIOT is in the hospital after mocking people who wear masks and practice physical distancing.

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