WSJ: The World Bakes Under Extreme Heat

Perhaps the "media" doesn't care much about truth, and wants their really stupid viewers to believe something that is not true...
The media reports what the climate scientists report. If they are wrong we must move to fire them and defund any and all climate related (tax funded) programs.
we must move to fire them and defund any and all climate related (tax funded) programs

Correct. We do not need 5k "scientists" to tell us the atmospheric temps. We just need THE DATA...

We have two and only two measures of atmospheric temps, satellites and balloons, and both shows NO WARMING in the ATMOSPHERE despite rising Co2, until the "climate scientists" fudged both with laughable bullshit to claim "warming" that does not exist.

This is the type of crap answer you get. Hurricanes require warm water. The warmer the water, the stronger the cane.

And while the cane data shows the Co2 fraud is full of shit about ocean "warming," the parroting moron science invalids are given talking points to blabber... which essentially claims

The oceans have absorbed all this "heat" but for some reason HAVE NOT WARMED AT ALL IN THE PROCESS.

Indeed, the Co2 Fraud's attempt in Hawaii is exposing the truth not just about Hawaii but also the Pacific Ocean. Hawaii is not warming. There is no way to spin that. If Hawaii is not warming, is the Pacific Ocean?


The mere lack of canes contradicts the ocean warmer nonsense!

When nature tells warmers to fk off
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The media reports what the climate scientists report. If they are wrong we must move to fire them and defund any and all climate related (tax funded) programs.
That’s why the media are no longer journalists, they report what elites tell them rather than using objectivity
Just watch the news. It's probably all you need.

For what? The fact is the storms today are LESS powerful than the storms from the past. Feel free to google ANY year, and you will find records of terrible storms. Waaaaay back in 1862 there was a storm on the west coast that was so powerful it flooded the entire Central Valley of California. All 300 miles long, by 60 miles wide.

Feel free to post up any modern storm that even comes close.
But they have no way to prove or disprove the experts.

The experts made a claim that THEY can't back up.

In science, if YOU make the claim, YOU have to back it up.

Climatologists think they can violate the scientific method by turning the null hypothesis on its head.

Makes them NOT experts. Makes them pseudo scientists.
For what? The fact is the storms today are LESS powerful than the storms from the past. Feel free to google ANY year, and you will find records of terrible storms. Waaaaay back in 1862 there was a storm on the west coast that was so powerful it flooded the entire Central Valley of California. All 300 miles long, by 60 miles wide.

Feel free to post up any modern storm that even comes close.
Maybe there are more weather upsets on a global scale.
You don't need to go back 500 million years. You only need to go back 50 million years to understand our present climate.
Actually that's your usual LIE/misdirection.
You need to go back and look at ie, Marcott's 12,000 Years to see whether there is a Human-Caused CO2 and Temp spike that does Not look liked other Interglacials and happened 50x as fast. Because on a 50/500 million year graphic 150 years is far too fine/tiny of a detail to see THEE issue at hand.

Marcot a/o yr 2000, now even Higher Spike/well thru our Present Interglacial and heading up the last.
ergo the current "100,000-125,000 year" recent average Temps.

Besides the Temp/weather itself, the effects are already costly.
Worldwide Rotisserie likely to show up as Record July... TOO.

The World Bakes Under Extreme Heat​

Warming oceans and heat domes are contributing to one of the hottest summers on record​

Visitors crowd around a water fountain in Rome. A heat wave in the Mediterranean region is set to intensify this week.

Visitors crowd around a water fountain in Rome. A heat wave in the Mediterranean region is set to intensify this week. GAIA SQUARCI/BLOOMBERG NEWS

Wall Street Journal
Updated July 19, 2023
""Roads, bridges and train tracks built to the design standards of the 20th century are buckling from extreme heat gripping the globe. Power grids, buildings and cooling systems are under strain.

Design standards have failed to keep up with a warming climate, say engineering and construction experts who are pushing their clients to invest in solutions to make existing buildings cooler while factoring in the cost of future heat waves.

“The U.S. isn’t prepared for what we’ve had so far, let alone more of it,” said Adam Jaffe, senior materials engineer at Arup, a global design and architecture firm, about extreme heat.

Throughout July, Record-setting temperatures have Broiled the southern half of the U.S., southern Europe, central China and eastern Asia. The heat has caused scattered power outages in several countries and buckled roads in Utah, Louisiana and Wisconsin, according to local news reports. In Texas, a section of Interstate 10 in Houston and a six-lane state highway south of the city ruptured during 100-plus-degree heat in late June.


Feels great!
This thread is from August ... now it's November ... I have no idea why it's colder now ... glad I use hydroelectricity ...
I agree, 150 years is too fine, tiny of a detail to see if we are experiencing a change.

A single degree of temperature ... one ... 6 x 10^24 kilograms and we're worried about one degree Celsius ...

Oil Money finances Hamas ... isn't that a good reason to conserve ... certainly better than ... one ... degree ... Celsius ... and that over 150 years ... hold my drink, I think I'm gonna puke ... 14,200 dead and we're discussing ... one ... degree ... Celsius ...
A single degree of temperature ... one ... 6 x 10^24 kilograms and we're worried about one degree Celsius ...

Oil Money finances Hamas ... isn't that a good reason to conserve ... certainly better than ... one ... degree ... Celsius ... and that over 150 years ... hold my drink, I think I'm gonna puke ... 14,200 dead and we're discussing ... one ... degree ... Celsius ...
I agree with your sentiment.

The murders, the terrorism, is reason enough to destroy the governments that incite, encourage, pay for this extremism.
I agree with your sentiment.

The murders, the terrorism, is reason enough to destroy the governments that incite, encourage, pay for this extremism.

A portion of the money you spend on gasoline goes to pay a police officer in Saudi Arabia to cut a woman's head off in public for the sin of ... you know ... driving a car ... anyone in Saudi Arabia who's mother is a woman is going to hate you ...

I wish the US Presidents would quit traveling there to perform fellatio on the Royal Family ... I'd rather drive an EV personally ... but US voters disagree ...
A portion of the money you spend on gasoline goes to pay a police officer in Saudi Arabia to cut a woman's head off in public for the sin of ... you know ... driving a car ... anyone in Saudi Arabia who's mother is a woman is going to hate you ...

I wish the US Presidents would quit traveling there to perform fellatio on the Royal Family ... I'd rather drive an EV personally ... but US voters disagree ...
I would rather live in a city free of human feces and drug addicts living on the street and walk to work everyday

electric cars, I would prefer that I did not have to pay for your electric car
A portion of the money you spend on gasoline goes to pay a police officer in Saudi Arabia to cut a woman's head off in public for the sin of ... you know ... driving a car ... anyone in Saudi Arabia who's mother is a woman is going to hate you ...

I wish the US Presidents would quit traveling there to perform fellatio on the Royal Family ... I'd rather drive an EV personally ... but US voters disagree ...
Wow, I’m confident you have a link!
I would rather live in a city free of human feces and drug addicts living on the street and walk to work everyday

electric cars, I would prefer that I did not have to pay for your electric car

Then move there ...

Bonneville Power Administration in funded by wholesale electric sales only, not tax dollars ... hydro and wind power ... cheapest in the nation ... and I can afford my golf cart on my own, they're not that expensive ...

If you're paying for someone else's EV ... you've made a terrible mistake someplace ... but if you'd rather pay for butchers lopping the heads off of women, well I guess we all gotta hate on something ... right? ... might as well hate on women ... they should keep their mouth shut or get beaten to death ... like in Saudi Arabia ...

I respectfully disagree ... AND I limit my (personal) gasoline use to less than a tank full a month ... my streets are clean and safe, but the drug addicts have nowhere else to go ...

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