WSJ: The World Bakes Under Extreme Heat

"Over the past decade, almost 22 million people have been displaced every year by weather-related events. The projection is even more staggering. By 2050, the forecast is that 1.2 billion people will join the ranks of climate migrants, most of them from the countries with the lowest capacity to deal with the fallout from global heating."​

"According to news reports from the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), at least 60 people had been killed by the fires as of August 27. Hundreds of homes had been burned and thousands had to evacuate. The government suspects that the fires were caused by arson, and it has declared a national emergency to deal with the situation."​

"Over the past decade, almost 22 million people have been displaced every year by weather-related events.

How many fewer for each $1 trillion we waste...err...invest in windmills?

The government suspects that the fires were caused by arson, and it has declared a national emergency to deal with the situation."

They weren't caused by global warming...err...climate change...err...climate weirding?
It was arson? We can't tear down the US economy because of arson.

Let's blame it on global warming. Agreed?
Earth's magnetic field, which is generated by the movement of molten iron its core, is what has protected us from Helios for millions of years. It won't protect us from the greenhouse effect.

actually the greenhouse effect is what protects us from freezing to death every night.
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actually the greenhouse effect is what protects us from freezing to death every night.
Of course the greenhouse effect has always been beneficial, for millions of years, but like many of earth's climactic heating and cooling systems, it is changing, and that change is not beneficial to mammals.

Of course the greenhouse effect has always been beneficial, for millions of years, but like many of earth's climactic heating and cooling systems, it is changing, and that change is not beneficial to mammals.

It's always changing, and sorry, but the current changes don't warrant world government like you watermelons want.

I refuse to change my standard of living on a bunch of maybes yelled out by a bunch of whiny chicken littles.
It's always changing, and sorry, but the current changes don't warrant world government like you watermelons want.

I refuse to change my standard of living on a bunch of maybes yelled out by a bunch of whiny chicken littles.
You won't have to, you'll be dead by the time alternative energy sources will be required, not suggested. And there will no longer be science skeptics like you around, because everyone will be a born again believer.
You won't have to, you'll be dead by the time alternative energy sources will be required, not suggested. And there will no longer be science skeptics like you around, because everyone will be a born again believer.

Nice you admit that AGW is akin to a Religion.

But but but we are doomed RIGHT NOW according to the current and past 30 years piling on of "we need to ruin your lives to save your lives" bullshit.

The World Bakes Under Extreme Heat​

Funny, if I were not connected to the fake news everyday and just living and doing stuff outside, I'd never know the world was in crisis! High temps here the past two days never broke out of the 70s with lows dipping into the 50s.

Good thing I watch the fake news to let me know that the world is coming to an end! :lmao:
Funny, if I were not connected to the fake news everyday and just living and doing stuff outside, I'd never know the world was in crisis! High temps here the past two days never broke out of the 70s with lows dipping into the 50s.

Good thing I watch the fake news to let me know that the world is coming to an end! :lmao:
Wall Street Journal is "Fake News"?

Yes we shouls just frop it and trust you, you POS little clown.

Who exactly are these "consumers"? I mean, with these "market forces" already pressuring them to do "unwanted" shit, then the gubmint starts gittin' all pushy.. WTF?
Well, people do need to be forced to do the right thing for the greater public good.
Funny, if I were not connected to the fake news everyday and just living and doing stuff outside, I'd never know the world was in crisis! High temps here the past two days never broke out of the 70s with lows dipping into the 50s.

Good thing I watch the fake news to let me know that the world is coming to an end! :lmao:
The Bible says the world is coming to an end as well. Fake news? :biggrin:
The Bible says the world is coming to an end as well. Fake news?

Don't need the Bible for that. In another 4.5 billion years, at the very best, by then, the Sun will have expanded and increased heat as it leaves the Main Sequence making the Earth uninhabitable and eventually consumed.

All things come to an end.
Earth's magnetic field, which is generated by the movement of molten iron its core, is what has protected us from Helios for millions of years. It won't protect us from the greenhouse effect.

If that were true, the Earth would already be dead. Remember, Mr. Scientific illiterate, the CO2 content of the Earth's atmosphere has been over 6000 ppm many times in the past.


Wall Street Journal is "Fake News"?
Yes we shouls just frop it and trust you, you POS little clown.

Hey Piece Of Shit,

Why don't you stop being such a fucking balless coward and stop disliking my posts and instead actually REFUTE them on whatever grounds you claim to disagree with so that I can tear your claims to pieces and show everyone how ignorant you really are?

Or maybe that IS why you don't?
Hey Piece Of Shit,

Why don't you stop being such a fucking balless coward and stop disliking my posts and instead actually REFUTE them on whatever grounds you claim to disagree with so that I can tear your claims to pieces and show everyone how ignorant you really are?

Or maybe that IS why you don't?

Why don't you practice what you preach. I post the facts around here (NOT/NEVER YOU),
and WSJ (owned by Murdoch) is hardly a liberal rag.
YOU "Refute" it you UNWITting 12 IQ Hypocrite.


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