WSJ: The World Bakes Under Extreme Heat

Greece ‘at war’ with Fires, as people Evacuated from ‘Hell on Earth’

  • Some 30,000 people fled the flames on Rhodes at the weekend, the country’s largest-ever wildfire evacuation
  • Some 162 fires have been reported across Greece over the last 24 hours

Agence France-Presse
Published: 24 Jul, 2023

A firefighter watches as a wildfire burns on the island of Rhodes. Large fires have broken out throughout Greece, which has been suffering a prolonged drought. Photo: dpa

A firefighter watches as a wildfire burns on the island of Rhodes. Large fires have broken out throughout Greece, which has been suffering a prolonged drought. Photo: dpa

Authorities evacuated nearly 2,500 people from the Greek island of Corfu on Monday as the heat-battered nation was “at war” with several wildfires.

Tens of thousands of people have already fled blazes on the island of Rhodes, with many frightened tourists scrambling to get home on evacuation flights.

About 2,400 visitors and locals were evacuated from the Ionian tourist island of Corfu from Sunday into Monday, a fire service spokesman said, adding that the departures were a precaution.

“We are at war and are exclusively geared towards the fire front,” Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis told parliament, warning that the nation faced “another three difficult days ahead” before high temperatures are forecast to ease...

I have no problem using alternative energy sources, but not through government mandates forcing an unwanted change by consumers going against market forces.
Who exactly are these "consumers"? I mean, with these "market forces" already pressuring them to do "unwanted" shit, then the gubmint starts gittin' all pushy.. WTF?
Sooner or later a more advanced China or India will have figured out that climate change is the same hoax it was in 1970 when it was global cooling.
People all around the world, including India, will be dying in far greater numbers with more air conditioners exacerbating climate change. Less food, more storms, more heat, more drought, more floods, habitat loss, all that.
Really? Will there be sharknados too? I think you are watching too much TV.
Who exactly are these "consumers"? I mean, with these "market forces" already pressuring them to do "unwanted" shit, then the gubmint starts gittin' all pushy.. WTF?
Your obliviousness is duly noted.

Starting in 2035, California will prohibit the sale of new gas-powered cars. A measure approved by the California Air Resources Board requires all new cars, SUVs and pickup trucks sold in the state to generate zero tailpipe emissions by then.May 4, 2023

A stupid measure that will either fail or make life more difficult for the working poor.
A stupid measure that will either fail or make life more difficult for the working poor.
Ah, but "the working poor" don't mind. They still prioritize "conserving" some sort of future for their offspring over their current comfort. Your childish ilk are the only real problem. No sacrifice. No brains. Just gimme, gimme, gimme NOW:icon_cry:!
Ah, but "the working poor" don't mind. They still prioritize "conserving" some sort of future for their offspring over their current comfort. Your childish ilk are the only real problem. No sacrifice. No brains. Just gimme, gimme, gimme NOW:icon_cry:!
What exactly have you sacrificed to save the Earth?

Maybe start by shedding that toxic power consuming wasteful electronic device.
Every post you make wastes precious resources and kills the Earth just a little bit more.

Walk the walk...
Besides the Temp/weather itself, the effects are already costly.
Worldwide Rotisserie likely to show up as Record July... TOO.

The World Bakes Under Extreme Heat​

Warming oceans and heat domes are contributing to one of the hottest summers on record​

Visitors crowd around a water fountain in Rome. A heat wave in the Mediterranean region is set to intensify this week.

Visitors crowd around a water fountain in Rome. A heat wave in the Mediterranean region is set to intensify this week. GAIA SQUARCI/BLOOMBERG NEWS

Wall Street Journal
Updated July 19, 2023
""Roads, bridges and train tracks built to the design standards of the 20th century are buckling from extreme heat gripping the globe. Power grids, buildings and cooling systems are under strain.

Design standards have failed to keep up with a warming climate, say engineering and construction experts who are pushing their clients to invest in solutions to make existing buildings cooler while factoring in the cost of future heat waves.

“The U.S. isn’t prepared for what we’ve had so far, let alone more of it,” said Adam Jaffe, senior materials engineer at Arup, a global design and architecture firm, about extreme heat.

Throughout July, Record-setting temperatures have Broiled the southern half of the U.S., southern Europe, central China and eastern Asia. The heat has caused scattered power outages in several countries and buckled roads in Utah, Louisiana and Wisconsin, according to local news reports. In Texas, a section of Interstate 10 in Houston and a six-lane state highway south of the city ruptured during 100-plus-degree heat in late June.

Every July this happens.
"The World" over months setting all time records is not just "weather".
Only Assholes like elektra put up single city cool spots. (like SF, lying-about-Phoenix etc)
Actually it's below normal weather for an interglacial period. The previous interglacial period was 2C warmer with 26 ft higher seas. Look it up.
Besides the Temp/weather itself, the effects are already costly.
Worldwide Rotisserie likely to show up as Record July... TOO.

The World Bakes Under Extreme Heat​

Warming oceans and heat domes are contributing to one of the hottest summers on record​

Visitors crowd around a water fountain in Rome. A heat wave in the Mediterranean region is set to intensify this week.

Visitors crowd around a water fountain in Rome. A heat wave in the Mediterranean region is set to intensify this week. GAIA SQUARCI/BLOOMBERG NEWS

Wall Street Journal
Updated July 19, 2023
""Roads, bridges and train tracks built to the design standards of the 20th century are buckling from extreme heat gripping the globe. Power grids, buildings and cooling systems are under strain.

Design standards have failed to keep up with a warming climate, say engineering and construction experts who are pushing their clients to invest in solutions to make existing buildings cooler while factoring in the cost of future heat waves.

“The U.S. isn’t prepared for what we’ve had so far, let alone more of it,” said Adam Jaffe, senior materials engineer at Arup, a global design and architecture firm, about extreme heat.

Throughout July, Record-setting temperatures have Broiled the southern half of the U.S., southern Europe, central China and eastern Asia. The heat has caused scattered power outages in several countries and buckled roads in Utah, Louisiana and Wisconsin, according to local news reports. In Texas, a section of Interstate 10 in Houston and a six-lane state highway south of the city ruptured during 100-plus-degree heat in late June.

Besides the Temp/weather itself, the effects are already costly.
Worldwide Rotisserie likely to show up as Record July... TOO.

The World Bakes Under Extreme Heat​

Warming oceans and heat domes are contributing to one of the hottest summers on record​

Visitors crowd around a water fountain in Rome. A heat wave in the Mediterranean region is set to intensify this week.

Visitors crowd around a water fountain in Rome. A heat wave in the Mediterranean region is set to intensify this week. GAIA SQUARCI/BLOOMBERG NEWS

Wall Street Journal
Updated July 19, 2023
""Roads, bridges and train tracks built to the design standards of the 20th century are buckling from extreme heat gripping the globe. Power grids, buildings and cooling systems are under strain.

Design standards have failed to keep up with a warming climate, say engineering and construction experts who are pushing their clients to invest in solutions to make existing buildings cooler while factoring in the cost of future heat waves.

“The U.S. isn’t prepared for what we’ve had so far, let alone more of it,” said Adam Jaffe, senior materials engineer at Arup, a global design and architecture firm, about extreme heat.

Throughout July, Record-setting temperatures have Broiled the southern half of the U.S., southern Europe, central China and eastern Asia. The heat has caused scattered power outages in several countries and buckled roads in Utah, Louisiana and Wisconsin, according to local news reports. In Texas, a section of Interstate 10 in Houston and a six-lane state highway south of the city ruptured during 100-plus-degree heat in late June.


What we see here is Rupert Murdoch, the owner of the WSJ, is not a "conservative" or a purveyor of truth. Murdoch is a "Biden Republican" Zionist Fascist Jew who pretends to be a Catholic. This is why Faux "News" never confronts the Co2 fraud with the truth of the data.

We had a heat wave. A few records were set. A perfectly normal summer to date. Most of America is about to have an early Fall too, because of El Nino, and the media and WSJ and Faux will forget to report the record lows set this year, or notice that the claim of "record warm year" includes the following...

SNOW in Saudi first time in 100 years
SNOW in Hollywood 30 years
COLD on MT Washington 90 years
Lake Tahoe froze 30 years

Just HOW DUMB does one have to be to believe the "warmest year/month" bullshit?

Greece ‘at war’ with Fires, as people Evacuated from ‘Hell on Earth’

  • Some 30,000 people fled the flames on Rhodes at the weekend, the country’s largest-ever wildfire evacuation
  • Some 162 fires have been reported across Greece over the last 24 hours

Agence France-Presse
Published: 24 Jul, 2023

A firefighter watches as a wildfire burns on the island of Rhodes. Large fires have broken out throughout Greece, which has been suffering a prolonged drought. Photo: dpa

A firefighter watches as a wildfire burns on the island of Rhodes. Large fires have broken out throughout Greece, which has been suffering a prolonged drought. Photo: dpa

Authorities evacuated nearly 2,500 people from the Greek island of Corfu on Monday as the heat-battered nation was “at war” with several wildfires.

Tens of thousands of people have already fled blazes on the island of Rhodes, with many frightened tourists scrambling to get home on evacuation flights.

About 2,400 visitors and locals were evacuated from the Ionian tourist island of Corfu from Sunday into Monday, a fire service spokesman said, adding that the departures were a precaution.

“We are at war and are exclusively geared towards the fire front,” Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis told parliament, warning that the nation faced “another three difficult days ahead” before high temperatures are forecast to ease...


"Over the past decade, almost 22 million people have been displaced every year by weather-related events. The projection is even more staggering. By 2050, the forecast is that 1.2 billion people will join the ranks of climate migrants, most of them from the countries with the lowest capacity to deal with the fallout from global heating."​

"According to news reports from the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), at least 60 people had been killed by the fires as of August 27. Hundreds of homes had been burned and thousands had to evacuate. The government suspects that the fires were caused by arson, and it has declared a national emergency to deal with the situation."​

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