WSJ: The World Bakes Under Extreme Heat

We’re experiencing Earth’s Hottest weather in 120,000 years, and it’s just getting started

BY JEFF BERARDELLI - 07/08/23 -The Hill

(WFLA) — It’s quite the claim: This week, Earth broke an unofficial record for its hottest day in 120,000 years. Actually, the Earth broke that record three times — on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, according to the University of Maine’s Climate Reanalyzer.

El Niño (a natural cycle) is just getting started. As it gets stronger, and adds more heat to Earth’s system, this summer will continue to set new all-time global records for hot days. And along with that, many other records will be shattered as well.

But no matter how hot it gets, the summer of 2023 will soon be considered a “cool” summer in a couple of decades amid the steady drumbeat of human-caused climate heating.

When will El Niño peak?
How can experts be so confident of these bold assertions? As a climate specialist, I’ll do my best to explain. It’s all fairly simple — and fully expected — by the climate science community.

First, researchers know using observations that temperatures over the past decade have been warmer than any ever seen since record-keeping began in the 1800s. Since then, Earth has warmed by 1.2 degrees Celsius (2 degrees Fahrenheit).

Scientists also know through sophisticated methods of examining copious climate clues in proxy data like tree rings, ice cores, ocean sediments, etc. that Earth’s average temperature has not been this warm since the ice age ended 20,000 years ago.

Why don't you practice what you preach. I post the facts around here (NOT/NEVER YOU),

REFUTE ME, asshole. Refute me on the magnetohydrodynamic generator effect!
REFUTE ME that Helios is nothing more than an ancient Greek God!
REFUTE ME that the Earth's core hasn't protected us for millions of years but for BILLIONS of years!
REFUTE ME that the Earth will be ending its habitability period in 4-5 billion years as the Sun evolves out of the Main Sequence!

You half-baked pseudoscientific Balless Coward
REFUTE ME, asshole. Refute me on the magnetohydrodynamic generator effect!
REFUTE ME that Helios is nothing more than an ancient Greek God!
REFUTE ME that the Earth's core hasn't protected us for millions of years but for BILLIONS of years!
REFUTE ME that the Earth will be ending its habitability period in 4-5 billion years as the Sun evolves out of the Main Sequence!

You half-baked pseudoscientific Balless Coward
What does any of that have to do with the fact we are setting all Time High Temperatures GLOBALLY
(Consistent with AGW. THEE main issue in the section)
Not your bizarro Obscure deflections.

(ie, yes the earth/habitability will end in 4-5 billion years. SO WHAT WACK JOB?
You're mentally ill)

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What does any of that have to do with the fact we are setting all Time High Temperatures GLOBALLY
Not your bizarro Obscure deflections.
(ie, yes the earth will end in 4-5 billion years. SO WHAT WACK JOB?)

So What is that when I posted it, you gave me a Dislike and a Fake News, ASSHOLE, now you are ADMITTING I was right? Now when I try to pin you down to the science, you run like a BALLESS COWARD telling me you can't discuss it because it is off topic? Yet I was merely responding to odanny in Post #8 which you did NOT object to until I actually REFUTED his garbage as well.

Balless Coward
So What is that when I posted it, you gave me a Dislike and a Fake News, ASSHOLE, now you are ADMITTING I was right? Now when I try to pin you down to the science, you run like a BALLESS COWARD telling me you can't discuss it because it is off topic? Yet I was merely responding to odanny in Post #8 which you did NOT object to until I actually REFUTED his garbage as well.

Balless Coward
It WAS indeed OFF TOPIC and who the phuck cares.
we all know what will happen in 4--5 Billion years and it has NO RELEVANCE HERE.
You are MENTALLY ILL, like so many here.
I will give every one a Neg and Ignore your Insanity and Inability to post ON TOPIC.

Start your own Wacky threads CVMSTAIN on those topics and I will just ignore them

we all know what will happen in 4--5 Billion years and it has NO RELEVANCE HERE.

Yet when I posted a reply to someone else in the thread as a reply to their comments telling them what you admit now was 100% true here, you refuted it with a DISAGREE and a FAKE NEWS, you now don't have the BALLS to back up your pwn claims.

Yet said nothing when they posted their BS.

Ballless Coward.

Maybe next time just STFU.
Your scientific illiteracy was long ago confirmed.

If you've got a counter to his point, please make it.

Better for people to just suspect your ignorance than for you to post and remove all doubt.
All time my ass. There is no cure for STUPID. Mankind has measured and monitored less than 1% of 1% of the history of the Earth.
That's of course untrue you Blithering Idiot.
Just Google the Temperature for hundreds of Millions of years.
One of the most popular Temperature graphs posted here is the 650 Million Year one.
That's of course untrue you Blithering Idiot.
Just Google the Temperature for hundreds of Millions of years.
One of the most popular Temperature graphs posted here is the 650 Million Year one.
  1. The planet has been cooling for the past 50 million years.
  2. It literally transitioned from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet during that time.
  3. It did so with atmospheric CO2 greater than 600 ppm.
  4. The temperature of the past 10,000 years was warmer than today with less atmospheric CO2 than today.
  5. The present temperature is 2C cooler than previous interglacial temperatures.
  6. For the past 1 million years the planet warmed up to a temperature that is 2C higher than today before reversing itself and plunging by 8C.
  7. The vast majority of the past 1 million years has been 5C to 8C colder than today.
  8. Over the past 1 million years the planet has only experienced brief intervals of temperatures similar to today.
That's of course untrue you Blithering Idiot.
Just Google the Temperature for hundreds of Millions of years.

Man wasn't around for millions of years to directly measure the temperature. If your head wasn't so far up your ass, you'd know that before a few hundred years ago, our climate records were increasingly empirical, subjective, and finally, just inferred from the stratigraphic record. And with each stage, both our accuracy as well as our time resolution falls off steeply.

But if you want a generally much hotter period, you can begin with the PETM that lead into the Eocene about 55 million years ago.
Besides the Temp/weather itself, the effects are already costly.
Worldwide Rotisserie likely to show up as Record July... TOO.

The World Bakes Under Extreme Heat​

Warming oceans and heat domes are contributing to one of the hottest summers on record​

Visitors crowd around a water fountain in Rome. A heat wave in the Mediterranean region is set to intensify this week.

Visitors crowd around a water fountain in Rome. A heat wave in the Mediterranean region is set to intensify this week. GAIA SQUARCI/BLOOMBERG NEWS

Wall Street Journal
Updated July 19, 2023
""Roads, bridges and train tracks built to the design standards of the 20th century are buckling from extreme heat gripping the globe. Power grids, buildings and cooling systems are under strain.

Design standards have failed to keep up with a warming climate, say engineering and construction experts who are pushing their clients to invest in solutions to make existing buildings cooler while factoring in the cost of future heat waves.

“The U.S. isn’t prepared for what we’ve had so far, let alone more of it,” said Adam Jaffe, senior materials engineer at Arup, a global design and architecture firm, about extreme heat.

Throughout July, Record-setting temperatures have Broiled the southern half of the U.S., southern Europe, central China and eastern Asia. The heat has caused scattered power outages in several countries and buckled roads in Utah, Louisiana and Wisconsin, according to local news reports. In Texas, a section of Interstate 10 in Houston and a six-lane state highway south of the city ruptured during 100-plus-degree heat in late June.

Last summer was hotter and much drier.
Last summer was hotter and much drier.
Other than polar regions, you can't look at one place to know what the planet is doing. And global temperature reconstructions which don't match the volatility of the polar regions are garbage.
Man wasn't around for millions of years to directly measure the temperature. If your head wasn't so far up your ass, you'd know that before a few hundred years ago, our climate records were increasingly empirical, subjective, and finally, just inferred from the stratigraphic record. And with each stage, both our accuracy as well as our time resolution falls off steeply.

But if you want a generally much hotter period, you can begin with the PETM that lead into the Eocene about 55 million years ago.

DUHF Course, but we have reconstructed earth history, and in the 500+ Mil years the Temp using Ice Cores, Pollen, etc.
Shall we deny Dinosaurs existed because man wasn't around?
You are TOO STUPID TO DEBATE. Like 80% of the posters/mods here

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we have reconstructed earth history

Ha! Yeah, reconstructed it to model after how you WANT it to be, based on YOUR theories and YOUR conclusions, filling in all of the gaps and uncertainties in your methods and stratigraphic findings to reach the conclusions that you seek to find, so, it is no wonder that you always find what you want to find, and conclude what you WANT to conclude, so uncertain you really are that when you encounter a contrary bit of evidence, opinion, conclusion or finding, you always dismiss it by trying to discredit the person bringing it, just as you claim here that anyone who disagrees with YOU are naturally just stupid, in denial, or maybe part of a cult.
DUHF Course, but we have reconstructed earth history, and in the 500+ Mil years the Temp using Ice Cores, Pollen, etc.
Shall we deny Dinosaurs existed because man wasn't around?
You are TOO STUPID TO DEBATE. Like 80% of the posters/mods here

You don't need to go back 500 million years. You only need to go back 50 million years to understand our present climate.
You don't need to go back 500 million years. You only need to go back 50 million years to understand our present climate.

So describe where Earth ice was distributed 50 million years ago....
500+ Mil years the Temp using Ice Cores


Antarctica's 2.5 mile thick glaciers gave us 800k years, not 500 million, but being off by three decimals is typical of the Co2 fraud....

Cores from the Antarctic Ice Sheet preserve up to 800,000 years. Researchers continually strive to extract older ice, so these ice-core-age limits will likely increase. Traditional ice cores offer a roughly continuous record.

Shall we deny Dinosaurs existed

Not at all. They help to date how long Antarctica's ice age has been going on...

Antarctica supported dinosaurs 70 million years ago because it was halfway to South Africa, not on the South Pole, and not covered with 2+ miles of ice...

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