WSJ warns: trump will never win another national election

Trumps political career is over

His post election antics also ended the careers of Lil Donnie and Ivanka

Oh you mean him being aquitted of the fake impeachment charge?? As for his kids, any one of them could run and probably win.

March is coming. I'll wait to see what happens.
57 out of 100 said guilty
The rest gave him a free pass for doing it two weeks before the end of his term
In a real trial where the rules of evidence applied there would have been zero votes to convict.
In a real trial the jury would not be political allies with the defendant and would not help with his defense.
The so-called "judge" also served as a juror and as a prosecution witness. The Democrats in the "trial" were all political allies of the prosecution.

Who are you trying to fool?
No Republican will ever win a national election now that the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department has learned how to create fraudulent mail in ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.

Republicans are facing a shit storm as the party fights for its soul

Their reluctance to handle their “Trump Problem” will haunt them
There is no "Trump Problem." The country has a NAZI Democrat problem.

So the Leader of the GOPQ is a toothless loser who has no place in future elections. But people like Cruz...McCarty...and Graham still worship him. Figure that one...

Your TDS is showing once again. Like the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left your hatred knows no bounds.
I understand that the PM/DSA Democart Left will attempt to use double jeopardy in their efforts to stop Trump from running in 2024 by using the 14th Amendment after he was acquitted by the Senate of insurrection.
If they succeed, then Trump will become a king maker and back the next president of the U.S.
4 years of Biden. Don't you Love It!

So the Leader of the GOPQ is a toothless loser who has no place in future elections. But people like Cruz...McCarty...and Graham still worship him. Figure that one...
The GOP is a national disgrace and the voters know it.
As much as I dislike McConnell...he is trying to save the GOP from becoming the GOPQ. But idiots like Graham, Cruz, and Hawley are intent on turning the Republican Party into the Party of lies and conspiracy theories. Voters will not fall for the transformation.
Over half of the GOP is already GOPQ, but those you listed are pure lapdogs.

So the Leader of the GOPQ is a toothless loser who has no place in future elections. But people like Cruz...McCarty...and Graham still worship him. Figure that one...

Your TDS is showing once again. Like the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left your hatred knows no bounds.
I understand that the PM/DSA Democart Left will attempt to use double jeopardy in their efforts to stop Trump from running in 2024 by using the 14th Amendment after he was acquitted by the Senate of insurrection.
If they succeed, then Trump will become a king maker and back the next president of the U.S.
4 years of Biden. Don't you Love It!

So the Leader of the GOPQ is a toothless loser who has no place in future elections. But people like Cruz...McCarty...and Graham still worship him. Figure that one...
The GOP is a national disgrace and the voters know it.
As much as I dislike McConnell...he is trying to save the GOP from becoming the GOPQ. But idiots like Graham, Cruz, and Hawley are intent on turning the Republican Party into the Party of lies and conspiracy theories. Voters will not fall for the transformation.
Over half of the GOP is already GOPQ, but those you listed are pure lapdogs.
98% of the GOP doesn't even know what "Q" is.

So the Leader of the GOPQ is a toothless loser who has no place in future elections. But people like Cruz...McCarty...and Graham still worship him. Figure that one...
The GOP is a national disgrace and the voters know it.
Only idiot NAZI minions of the Democat reich know it.

So the Leader of the GOPQ is a toothless loser who has no place in future elections. But people like Cruz...McCarty...and Graham still worship him. Figure that one...

Your TDS is showing once again. Like the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left your hatred knows no bounds.
I understand that the PM/DSA Democart Left will attempt to use double jeopardy in their efforts to stop Trump from running in 2024 by using the 14th Amendment after he was acquitted by the Senate of insurrection.
If they succeed, then Trump will become a king maker and back the next president of the U.S.
4 years of Biden. Don't you Love It!

So the Leader of the GOPQ is a toothless loser who has no place in future elections. But people like Cruz...McCarty...and Graham still worship him. Figure that one...
The GOP is a national disgrace and the voters know it.
As much as I dislike McConnell...he is trying to save the GOP from becoming the GOPQ. But idiots like Graham, Cruz, and Hawley are intent on turning the Republican Party into the Party of lies and conspiracy theories. Voters will not fall for the transformation.
Over half of the GOP is already GOPQ, but those you listed are pure lapdogs.
98% of the GOP doesn't even know what "Q" is.

All Democrats know what ANTIFA and BLM are. Terrorists organizations involved in insurrection.

The heart and soul of the filthy Democrat Party.

So the Leader of the GOPQ is a toothless loser who has no place in future elections. But people like Cruz...McCarty...and Graham still worship him. Figure that one...
You voted for a toothless loser, NAZI. Not only that, but he's also senile and a pedophile. Anyone who believes this loser actually won the election is doing some strong drugs.
poor old Joe cant help his age and KKK connections

So the Leader of the GOPQ is a toothless loser who has no place in future elections. But people like Cruz...McCarty...and Graham still worship him. Figure that one...
biden is smart to let china make his decisions for him...he gets paid more that way
The WSJ has been saying that Trump's a no-hoper since he first showed up. I know; I subscribe. They've been wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong all this time and they still are.
The WSJ editorial board warned in 2016 that Trump would poison the party and cause them to lose Congress and the White House by 2020, if they hitched their wagons to him.

Shall we review?
The "fear" of trump is not that he would win an election.

It's that he would lose and turn his MagaRATS loose again

So the Leader of the GOPQ is a toothless loser who has no place in future elections. But people like Cruz...McCarty...and Graham still worship him. Figure that one...
The American media corporations need to lose their first amendment right because they have abused that right when they joined with the democrat party to be it's propagandist and tried to influence the 2020 election
Or maybe we should just pay a visit to the homes of those owners burn their houses down and their offices

So the Leader of the GOPQ is a toothless loser who has no place in future elections. But people like Cruz...McCarty...and Graham still worship him. Figure that one...
Trump does have a place in elections. He'd never win another national election. He lost BEFORE he attempted a coup! But I don't think there's any doubt his candidate will win in Jesusland. Lindsey Graham just won saying a black man can safely drive through SC if he's a CONSERVATIVE. While I assume he was trying to be funny, That's not funny!!

The dems want to run as the party of econ growth against Trump's insurrection in places like AZ, GA, NC, PA, Wis, Minn and Mich. The gop is as totally dead in Colo and probably VA as it is in CA

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