WTC-7 Was NOT A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

apples and oranges ..chumply

Nope. Both steel structure collapsed due to fire. Even though the entire building did not collapse, the steel part did. This PROVES that a steel structure can collapse due to fire.

nothing like the controled manner which the wtc 7 fell

[ame=]YouTube - WTC7 -- This is an Orange[/ame]

The point is, an "office fire" CAN affect a steel structure AND can cause it to collapse. That has been proven. I don't care if the entire building didn't collapse.

You, Terral, and 9/11 have all been proven wrong in your claim that fire cannot affect a steel structure.

Answer a question eots. If fire can't affect a steel structure, then why do they fireproof it?

really then why did it not then topple over or have a partial collapse ? did it fall so quickly and evenly and completely then..
stop lying
the mechanical penthouse went first, and your only using ONE VIEW top make your claim
that is a LIE

and it DID topple over

don't be a retard by fractions of a seconds the penthouse and central supports went first and the rest followed on a slightly leaning angle just like in a controlled demolition

By fractions of a second?!

Are you fucking blind or just willfully being stupid?

Here's the video of the WHOLE collapse.
[ame=]YouTube - WTC7 NIST Clip with east penthouse[/ame]

The penthouse collapse STARTS at :02. The roof starts it's descent at :09. FRACTIONS of a second?

central supports went first and the rest followed on a slightly leaning angle just like in a controlled demolition

You make the statement above and follow it up with a video of the interview with Craig Bartmer in which he says the following:
Craig Bartmer said:
It was that moment, you know, "Get away", and I looked up... and... it was nothing I would ever imagine seeing in my life. And all the things started peeling in on itself and... I mean, there was an umbrella of crap seven feet over my head that I just stared at. Somebody grabbed my shoulder and I started running and the [explitive]'s hitting the ground behind me and the whole time your hearing "thoom. thoom. thoom. thoom. thoom." So. I think I know an explosion when I hear it."

So he is quoted as saying he heard supposed explosions DURING the collapse? AFTER the collapse initiated. Where is the description of the first big explosion that was supposed to have taken out the central column that collapsed the penthouse?
Direct evidence that refutes Bartmer's "no creaking" claim.
Captain Chris Boyle said:
So we gathered up rollups and most of us had masks at that time. We headed toward 7. And just around we were about a hundred yards away and Butch Brandies came running up. He said forget it, nobody's going into 7, there's creaking, there are noises coming out of there, so we just stopped.

Not to mention that he viewed the building "leaning" before the collapse initiated.
Captain Chris Boyle said:
that building doesn't look straight.

Taken from this site.
Representative Press Blog: WTC 7 was severely damaged on the south side of the building and was on fire for about 7 hours
Direct evidence that refutes Bartmer's "no creaking" claim.
Captain Chris Boyle said:
So we gathered up rollups and most of us had masks at that time. We headed toward 7. And just around we were about a hundred yards away and Butch Brandies came running up. He said forget it, nobody's going into 7, there's creaking, there are noises coming out of there, so we just stopped.

Not to mention that he viewed the building "leaning" before the collapse initiated.
Captain Chris Boyle said:
that building doesn't look straight.

Taken from this site.
Representative Press Blog: WTC 7 was severely damaged on the south side of the building and was on fire for about 7 hours

representive press ?? were do you find such retarded sites ?
Hi Gam:

WTC-7 was 'DEFINITELY' taken down using Controlled Demolition (my Topic).

Direct evidence that refutes Bartmer's "no creaking" claim.

This is what Controlled Demolition looks like:

[ame=]Okay, DoD Stooge: Debunk This! :0)[/ame]

This moron is going on about 'no creaking' (LOL), when the entire 47-story skyscraper collapsed CD-style into its own footprint:


Gam proves my thesis (#9) to be 100 percent correct every damned day . . .


Hi Gam:

WTC-7 was 'DEFINITELY' taken down using Controlled Demolition (my Topic).

Direct evidence that refutes Bartmer's "no creaking" claim.

This is what Controlled Demolition looks like:

This moron is going on about 'no creaking' (LOL), when the entire 47-story skyscraper collapsed CD-style into its own footprint:

Gam proves my thesis (#9) to be 100 percent correct every damned day . . .



the day you are correct at all will be the first time
Hi Diver:

the day you are correct at all will be the first time

Really? The Flight 93 Case (my Topic) shows an EMPTY HOLE like the Pentagon Case (my Topic).

Okay, so what is Diver's Conspiracy Theory? Oh yeah. That's right. The DiveBomb says 'no conspiracy exists' (my sig). . .


Hi Diver:

the day you are correct at all will be the first time

Really? The Flight 93 Case (my Topic) shows an EMPTY HOLE like the Pentagon Case (my Topic).

Okay, so what is Diver's Conspiracy Theory? Oh yeah. That's right. The DiveBomb says 'no conspiracy exists' (my sig). . .


you are wrong on just about everything you post
if you said "the sky is blue" i would go outside and check to make sure
thats how often you are wrong
Gam proves my thesis (#9) to be 100 percent correct every damned day


Sorry dipshit, but you have that wrong. I prove your thesis WRONG every damn day.

That's why you never answer any of my questions about your asinine theory. How does it feel to provide the following photo as evidence only to self-debunk yourself? What a dope!!

Gee Terral. Let's provide a photo that you claim shows bunches of columns cut by thermite, yet in the same photo, write annotations that say there is no evidence of "burn marks" on the same damn columns.


What an idiot you are!!!!!

Gam proves my thesis (#9) to be 100 percent correct every damned day


Sorry dipshit, but you have that wrong. I prove your thesis WRONG every damn day.

That's why you never answer any of my questions about your asinine theory. How does it feel to provide the following photo as evidence only to self-debunk yourself? What a dope!!

Gee Terral. Let's provide a photo that you claim shows bunches of columns cut by thermite, yet in the same photo, write annotations that say there is no evidence of "burn marks" on the same damn columns.


What an idiot you are!!!!!

no kidding, his annotations are pure bullshit
and he claims to be a christian yet tells lies so much
Hi Gam:

Gee Terral. Let's provide a photo that you claim shows bunches of columns . . .

In other words, Gam has NO "Building Fires Did It" Case! Here is stupid: Gam comes out to this fine USMB 'Conspiracy Theories' Forum every damned day to push the Official Cover Story :)cool:) down your throats, but he cannot even begin to tell us 'how' thousands and thousands and thousands of 2800-degree girders, columns, beams and bar-joists were CUT at the very same time to cause this:

[ame=]Obvious Controlled Demolition[/ame]

This idiot :)cuckoo:) thinks that yelling at me (#3) is going to make 'his' Building Fires Did It Case.

[ame=]That THAT Is Stupid!!![/ame]


Hi Gam:

Gee Terral. Let's provide a photo that you claim shows bunches of columns . . .

In other words, Gam has NO "Building Fires Did It" Case! Here is stupid: Gam comes out to this fine USMB 'Conspiracy Theories' Forum every damned day to push the Official Cover Story :)cool:) down your throats, but he cannot even begin to tell us 'how' thousands and thousands and thousands of 2800-degree girders, columns, beams and bar-joists were CUT at the very same time to cause this:

This idiot :)cuckoo:) thinks that yelling at me (#3) is going to make 'his' Building Fires Did It Case.


you are the stupid one
you have NO facts to back up anything you claim and you believe so MANY conspiracies it makes you out to be one of the most gullible people on this board
but he cannot even begin to tell us 'how' thousands and thousands and thousands of 2800-degree girders, columns, beams and bar-joists were CUT at the very same time to cause this:

Ok Terral. Since you are making the claim, please show me what proof you have that there were thousands and thousands of cuts made in WTC7. You have provided us with a photo in which you yourself say there is no proof of "burn marks" on the columns or beams. Show us your "thermite froth" that appears on ANY of the WTC7 columns or floor beams.

Another lie. If thousands and thousands and thousands of beams were cut at the same time, why did the penthouse fall into the building first and then 7 seconds later the rest of the WTC7 collapsed?

Let's debate.

Or are you a chickenshit?

I'll guess chickenshit.
Hey Terral. Where are all the thermite cuts/froth on the steel assembly in this next photo? I don't see ANY. Also, did the conspirators forget to cut this assembly? Why is it still together?
Hi Gam:

WTC-7 was 'DEFINITELY' taken down using Controlled Demolition (my Topic).

Direct evidence that refutes Bartmer's "no creaking" claim.

This is what Controlled Demolition looks like:

[ame=]Okay, DoD Stooge: Debunk This! :0)[/ame]

This moron is going on about 'no creaking' (LOL), when the entire 47-story skyscraper collapsed CD-style into its own footprint:


Gam proves my thesis (#9) to be 100 percent correct every damned day . . .



Terral your still wasting time on this pathetic disinfo agent?
Hi Gam:

I thought steel stuctures couldn't collapse from fire Terral? Yet there is the proof. Explain how that steel collpased.

Gam's job is to prove that WTC-7 collapsed CD-style into its own footprint . . .

[ame=""]. . . In 6.6 Seconds . . .[/ame]

. . . from building fires! Okay hotshot: Tell everyone here how 'thousands' of 2800-degree red-iron Girders, Columns, Beams and Bar-joists were 'cut' at the very same time from building fires :)cuckoo:)!!

Gam is doing everything possible to divert attention 'away' from the fact that 'he' (Govt Stooge = :cool:) has no "Building Fires Did It" Case!

[ame=""]Come On Stooge! Carry The Official Cover Story Ball!!![/ame]



I think you MEANT to say his job is to prove that it didnt collapse CD style in its own footprint Terral? which of of course the Bush dupe cant do that.He has made pathetic attempts to convince us that it didnt fall at 6.5 seconds freefall speed to no avail and also satalite photos taken a week after the towers collapsed showed fires still going with temps that were far too hot and intense to be office fires.:lol:

the fires had been hosed down everyday for that whole much so one firefighter said it was like a lake because there was so much water sprayed down on the fires.impossible for office fires to STILL be burning at that point.:lol:

However molten metal which many rescue workers spotted underneath all three towers at the bottom of the towers which was still burning despite all the fires put on it,IS a consistant sign of thermite.Not to mention that 7 of the most renowed scientists discovered through samples taken that nano thermite was found. office fires would have been put out several days ago being :cuckoo: thermite though and molten metal still burning at high intense temps after that period of time days later is consistant with explosives being used.which pretty much ends this debate and why this whole discussion is mute at this point.The agent as usual of course,will make some more pitiful attempts to try debunk it to no avail as we know.:lol:

this is the simple reason terral this whole debate is mute cause this psche op agent cant get around these facts that prove explosives brought the towers down.only a moron would still defend the official version after knowing these facts not to mention how he ignores our videos we have shown him that proved explosives brought them down and where one of them showing NIST had no interest in the truth and was caught lying..
Hi Inside Job with Gam and Chris mentioned:

this is the simple reason terral this whole debate is mute cause this psche op agent cant get around these facts that prove explosives brought the towers down.only a moron would still defend the official version after knowing these facts not to mention how he ignores our videos we have shown him that proved explosives brought them down and where one of them showing NIST had no interest in the truth and was caught lying..

Here is the deal in a nutshell: I 'know' for a fact (#3) that WTC-7 was taken down using Controlled Demolition (my Topic + There are plenty of DoD Ops/Assets :)cool: = How To Spot) willing to defend the Official Cover Story LIE that 'building fires' :)cuckoo:) took down these WTC Skyscrapers. Let us be very clear that 'anyone' willing to stand up and defend these Inside-Job Terrorists (my 911Truth Blog) 'will' burn right along with them in the lake of fire like 'all liars.' If these readers are stupid enough to fall for this kind of disinformation trickery, they are also worthy to be 'utterly destroyed' (#9) the very same way.

The deadly H1N1 "Second Wave" (my Topic) IS COMING and VERY SOON 'and' these DoD Cover Story Ops (Gam, Chris, etc.) were sent here to ensure 'you' remain fast asleep :)night:) . . .


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