WTC-7 Was NOT A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

Hi Inside Job with Gam and Chris mentioned:

this is the simple reason terral this whole debate is mute cause this psche op agent cant get around these facts that prove explosives brought the towers down.only a moron would still defend the official version after knowing these facts not to mention how he ignores our videos we have shown him that proved explosives brought them down and where one of them showing NIST had no interest in the truth and was caught lying..

Here is the deal in a nutshell: I 'know' for a fact (#3) that WTC-7 was taken down using Controlled Demolition (my Topic + There are plenty of DoD Ops/Assets :)cool: = How To Spot) willing to defend the Official Cover Story LIE that 'building fires' :)cuckoo:) took down these WTC Skyscrapers. Let us be very clear that 'anyone' willing to stand up and defend these Inside-Job Terrorists (my 911Truth Blog) 'will' burn right along with them in the lake of fire like 'all liars.' If these readers are stupid enough to fall for this kind of disinformation trickery, they are also worthy to be 'utterly destroyed' (#9) the very same way.

The deadly H1N1 "Second Wave" (my Topic) IS COMING and VERY SOON 'and' these DoD Cover Story Ops (Gam, Chris, etc.) were sent here to ensure 'you' remain fast asleep :)night:) . . .



of course agents Gam and cornboy wont read those links of yours that prove it was an inside job and yeah I know your right about that as well that thats why they are defedning the tales of the 9/11 coverup commission so we will be distracted from the REAL threat which is the vaccine for the swine flu.I tell everybody I know all the time not take that vaccine and give them precautions on what you can do if they force vaccinate you,that time will come very soon.socialism is here in america right now.
Many Americans are high enough on the intelligence curve to see that explosives were used to bring down the THREE World Trade Center Buildings that collapsed exactly like a controlled demolition.

Even a physicist for NASA has stated that there is no doubt in his mind that explosives were used to bring down the World Trade Center buildings.

It is likely that first the top portion of people on the intelligence curve questioned 9/11 and perhaps it may trickle down to the lowest on the curve to question the 9/11 event.
you have that backwards

I cannot post links yet but here is a small sample of what I can show.

The World Trade Center buildings went through many months of construction renovations up to the very day of 9/11.

It is shown in the Building Inspection logs before 9/11 that some of the renovations included work on the very support columns that failed on 9/11.

The CEO for the company that did the many months of construction renovations in the World Trade Center buildings went on to be appointed by Bush to the President's Commission on Whitehouse Fellows.

The Pentagon incident occured in the ONLY part of the Pentagon that was partitioned off for construction renovations.

Not only did the 9/11 incident occur at the ONLY part of the Pentagon where the renovations were done but it was also the ONLY part of the Pentagon that was specifically reinforced for a possible impact.

It was an 11 year renovation project that ended up ONLY reinforcing the part of the Pentagon that was involved in 9/11 which was still under way on the very day of 9/11.

When I can post links I will bring up indisputable sources for this and this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Dont waste your time with this troll, he is as bad as candy corn.He is in denial about ANY government conspiracy you talk to him about it.Thats why I put him on ignore a long time ago.
I haven't made up my mind on the whole 9/11 situation. I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories. I like to see facts.

the thing is James,the official version of the governments IS a conspiracy THEORY.they have no evidence or proof whatsoever to back up their claims.since this thread is just to talk about the controlled demolition thesis,just read my next post,it pretty much proves beyond a doubt that explosives brought the towers down.
this post here is the problem the disinfo agents have here when defending the tales that the fires caused the collapse of the towers.these facts they cant get around.

Hi Gam:

I thought steel stuctures couldn't collapse from fire Terral? Yet there is the proof. Explain how that steel collpased.

Gam's job is to prove that WTC-7 collapsed CD-style into its own footprint . . .

[ame=""]. . . In 6.6 Seconds . . .[/ame]

. . . from building fires! Okay hotshot: Tell everyone here how 'thousands' of 2800-degree red-iron Girders, Columns, Beams and Bar-joists were 'cut' at the very same time from building fires :)cuckoo:)!!

Gam is doing everything possible to divert attention 'away' from the fact that 'he' (Govt Stooge = :cool:) has no "Building Fires Did It" Case!

[ame=""]Come On Stooge! Carry The Official Cover Story Ball!!![/ame]



I think you MEANT to say his job is to prove that it didnt collapse CD style in its own footprint Terral? which of of course the Bush dupe cant do that.He has made pathetic attempts to convince us that it didnt fall at 6.5 seconds freefall speed to no avail and also satalite photos taken a week after the towers collapsed showed fires still going with temps that were far too hot and intense to be office fires.:lol:

the fires had been hosed down everyday for that whole much so one firefighter said it was like a lake because there was so much water sprayed down on the fires.impossible for office fires to STILL be burning at that point.:lol:

However molten metal which many rescue workers spotted underneath all three towers at the bottom of the towers which was still burning despite all the fires put on it,IS a consistant sign of thermite.Not to mention that 7 of the most renowed scientists discovered through samples taken that nano thermite was found. office fires would have been put out several days ago being :cuckoo: thermite though and molten metal still burning at high intense temps after that period of time days later is consistant with explosives being used.which pretty much ends this debate and why this whole discussion is mute at this point.The agent as usual of course,will make some more pitiful attempts to try debunk it to no avail as we know.:lol:
They ALSO James cant get around the facts that explosives brought down the towers whn confronted with these videos.these videos if you watch,show overwhelming evidence that explosives brought the towers down as well.

Hi Gam:

So according to your own statement above, the statement by James Quintiere below quoted from his paper, you ADMIT that he was speaking of ONE OTHER THEORY.

[ame=]Death By 'Fire' OR Controlled Demolition???[/ame]

[ame=]Death By Fire, OR Controlled Demolition???[/ame]

What a jackass.:lol:

Hey! Gam is the jackass saying that this . . .


. . . was transformed into this . . .


. . . by 'building fires,' after being hit by NO PLANE and nothing even remotely similar. That makes Gam a blooming idiot :)cuckoo:) . . .

Here is proof that bombs were planted inside the WTC Skyscrapers:

[ame=]9/11: Total Proof That Bombs Were Planted!!![/ame]



disinfo agent trolls like him and candy corn post the funniest bullshit to try and save face with such lies that there was not evidence of molten steel its funny watching them make morons out of themselves.:lol:
Even a physicist for NASA has stated that there is no doubt in his mind that explosives were used to bring down the World Trade Center buildings.

Really? A physicist?

No shit.

Does this physicist know anything about structural building loads? Does this physicist understand how thermal expansion and heat affects columns and beams under stress? Has this physicist examined the structural calculations and computer models and pointed out, in his "infinite wisdom" why these calculations and models are wrong? Has he shown you any errors in them? are a prime example as to what lengths people will go to shield their feeble minds.
My hypothesis for 9/11...

Yes there are many terrorists in the world. I believe that the only way to deal with them is treat them like a human virus and exterminate them.

I believe the terrorists were more than willing to get on the planes and harm us American's and are guilty as charged.

What I question is if the CIA had lured the terrorists onto the planes and remote operation controlled their hitting precise targets?

Because of the fact that terrorists do exist, this could have made the perfect scapegoat to frame for 9/11 to gain world support for ulterior motives?

What say you?
Even a physicist for NASA has stated that there is no doubt in his mind that explosives were used to bring down the World Trade Center buildings.

Really? A physicist?

No shit.

Does this physicist know anything about structural building loads? Does this physicist understand how thermal expansion and heat affects columns and beams under stress? Has this physicist examined the structural calculations and computer models and pointed out, in his "infinite wisdom" why these calculations and models are wrong? Has he shown you any errors in them? are a prime example as to what lengths people will go to shield their feeble minds.

Feeble mind.


Show me where this physicist points out the errors in the calculations or computer simulations that he finds incorrect.

Simple really.
My hypothesis for 9/11...

Yes there are many terrorists in the world. I believe that the only way to deal with them is treat them like a human virus and exterminate them.

I believe the terrorists were more than willing to get on the planes and harm us American's and are guilty as charged.

What I question is if the CIA had lured the terrorists onto the planes and remote operation controlled their hitting precise targets?

Because of the fact that terrorists do exist, this could have made the perfect scapegoat to frame for 9/11 to gain world support for ulterior motives?

What say you?

Since this IS a thread about WTC7 being brought down by controlled demolition, please present your proof.

It seems you conspiracy theorists are nothing more than chickenshits. Whenever you are asked to provide proof of your claim/s you falter.

Please tell me why Terral claims that thermite cut columns in WTC7 yet provides a photo with his OWN annotations in which he admits that there are no burn marks.
Really? A physicist?

No shit.

Does this physicist know anything about structural building loads? Does this physicist understand how thermal expansion and heat affects columns and beams under stress? Has this physicist examined the structural calculations and computer models and pointed out, in his "infinite wisdom" why these calculations and models are wrong? Has he shown you any errors in them? are a prime example as to what lengths people will go to shield their feeble minds.

Feeble mind.


Show me where this physicist points out the errors in the calculations or computer simulations that he finds incorrect.

Simple really.

I can bring up MANY well documented statements of other Physicists, Engineers, Scientists, Architects etc and some of which were Federal employees that say the same thing and have looked at all the evidence, building designs, damage, fire etc and have all came to the same conclusion.
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Show me where this physicist points out the errors in the calculations or computer simulations that he finds incorrect.

Simple really.

The NIST investigation was appointed to be headed by Bush's personal friend. The Administration specifically instructed NIST to come up with a reason for the 3 World Trade Center collapses without factoring in the possibility of explosives.

This is why NIST itself could not get the computer simulations to work when plugging in the Collapse speeds vs Structural Resistance.

This is why NIST had to revise it's collapse theory a couple of times when other Engineers called them out on that.

To this day Physicists and Engineers around the World are saying the NIST Report re-writes physics.

Oh and by the way......people involved in the NIST investigation have told Frank Gayle (Bush's personal friend appointed to head it)......... "The NIST Report is WRONG and that the TOWERS SHOULD HAVE EASILY STOOD" quote.
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Even a physicist for NASA has stated that there is no doubt in his mind that explosives were used to bring down the World Trade Center buildings.

Really? A physicist?

No shit.

Does this physicist know anything about structural building loads? Does this physicist understand how thermal expansion and heat affects columns and beams under stress? Has this physicist examined the structural calculations and computer models and pointed out, in his "infinite wisdom" why these calculations and models are wrong? Has he shown you any errors in them? are a prime example as to what lengths people will go to shield their feeble minds.

thats what these disinformation agent trolls do when they are confronted with evidence they cant refute.they see no truth,hear no truth, and speak no truth. Im sure you noticed that he covered his ears and eyes to those videos I just posted? He always does that when confronted with evidence he cant refute.same mold as cornboy troll you'll find out. are a prime example as to what lengths people will go to shield their feeble minds.

Feeble mind.


Show me where this physicist points out the errors in the calculations or computer simulations that he finds incorrect.

Simple really.

I can bring up MANY well documented statements of other Physicists, Engineers, Scientists, Architects etc and some of which were Federal employees that say the same thing and have looked at all the evidence, building designs, damage, fire etc and have all came to the same conclusion.

Like i said,he is one of those monkeys who ignores evidence even when it comes from credible sources like the ones you mention.He is one of those monkeys that covers his ears and eyes cause he is like cornboy troll,only sees what he wants to see and hears what he wants to hear like any typical disinfo agent does.the troll ignores facts that even NIST has admitted the towers fell at freefall speed.he's hopeless as your already finding out.
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Hi Inside Job:

thats what these disinformation agent trolls do when they are confronted with evidence they cant refute.they see no truth,hear no truth, and speak no truth.

This Gam guy has no 'Building Fires Did It' Case. Period. He cannot begin to explain how thousands and thousands of 2800-degree red-iron girders, columns and beams were 'cut' to produce a Controlled Demolition Implosion like this:

[ame=]This is Obviously "Controlled Demolition."[/ame]

A real "Building Fires Did It" Case would begin with an explanation of how sufficient 'building fires' started all over the skyscraper (all floors) in the first place. Then this Govt Stooge :)cool:) would explain how the overbuilt 47-story skyscraper was reduced to this little pile (from my WTC-7 CD Topic) . . .


. . . in mere seconds, but he has no "Building Fires Did It" Case at all. Zip, zero, nada, NONE.

1. How did thousands of 2800-degree girders, columns and beams get 'cut' at the same time to allow for a Controlled Demolition-like implosion?

2. Where did the 47 concrete slabs go?

No sir. This Govt Stooge :)confused:) is here to push the Official Cover Story 'and' without one shred of "Building Fires Did It" evidence. Why? That is easy: He knows that the typical American DUPE will believe just about anything (#9) . . .


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Show me where this physicist points out the errors in the calculations or computer simulations that he finds incorrect.

Simple really.

The NIST investigation was appointed to be headed by Bush's personal friend. The Administration specifically instructed NIST to come up with a reason for the 3 World Trade Center collapses without factoring in the possibility of explosives.

This is why NIST itself could not get the computer simulations to work when plugging in the Collapse speeds vs Structural Resistance.

This is why NIST had to revise it's collapse theory a couple of times when other Engineers called them out on that.

To this day Physicists and Engineers around the World are saying the NIST Report re-writes physics.

Oh and by the way......people involved in the NIST investigation have told Frank Gayle (Bush's personal friend appointed to head it)......... "The NIST Report is WRONG and that the TOWERS SHOULD HAVE EASILY STOOD" quote.


It's one thing for you to provide names and quotes of people saying that they think the NIST report is wrong.

Please show me the errors that some of these people have found in NIST's calculations, computer simulations, stress analysis, etc. to show me that what all the engineers have put forth is not possible.

Show me that thermal expansion and loss of strength in steel components due to fire does not affect steel in any way.

You folks are all the same. All you can provide is this person said this or that person believes that. Please point out mistakes that these people have found that lead them to believe that fire cannot possibly have caused WTC7 to collapse.

I have yet to see it from anyone. I have pointed out many mistakes in Terral's crazy theory. Do you think he'd be man enough to address them? He addressed one. That's it. Why do you think Terral posts the same "provide your own theory" posts every time I bring up a mistake he has made? Same with christophera. I bring out tons of mistakes and contradictions with his theory, and he just rambles on ignoring them.

Show me where this physicist points out the errors in the calculations or computer simulations that he finds incorrect.

Simple really.

The NIST investigation was appointed to be headed by Bush's personal friend. The Administration specifically instructed NIST to come up with a reason for the 3 World Trade Center collapses without factoring in the possibility of explosives.

This is why NIST itself could not get the computer simulations to work when plugging in the Collapse speeds vs Structural Resistance.

This is why NIST had to revise it's collapse theory a couple of times when other Engineers called them out on that.

To this day Physicists and Engineers around the World are saying the NIST Report re-writes physics.

Oh and by the way......people involved in the NIST investigation have told Frank Gayle (Bush's personal friend appointed to head it)......... "The NIST Report is WRONG and that the TOWERS SHOULD HAVE EASILY STOOD" quote.


It's one thing for you to provide names and quotes of people saying that they think the NIST report is wrong.

Please show me the errors that some of these people have found in NIST's calculations, computer simulations, stress analysis, etc. to show me that what all the engineers have put forth is not possible.

Show me that thermal expansion and loss of strength in steel components due to fire does not affect steel in any way.

You folks are all the same. All you can provide is this person said this or that person believes that. Please point out mistakes that these people have found that lead them to believe that fire cannot possibly have caused WTC7 to collapse.

I have yet to see it from anyone. I have pointed out many mistakes in Terral's crazy theory. Do you think he'd be man enough to address them? He addressed one. That's it. Why do you think Terral posts the same "provide your own theory" posts every time I bring up a mistake he has made? Same with christophera. I bring out tons of mistakes and contradictions with his theory, and he just rambles on ignoring them.


Nor have we seen any proof that disproves any other parts of the "Official" story of 9-11-01. There are some unanswered questions but the basics still hold true. Except in certain mothers basements scattered around the country.
Creativedreams. Maybe YOU can help Terral.

Can you please provide me just ONE photo "thermite froth" that Terral says is supposed to exist in WTC7? He's saysn they're all over.

Can you explain why he says WTC7 was brought down by thermite severing columns and beams all at once yet posts this photo them saying there is no evidence of burn marks on the columns/beams?

Here, I've blown up one of his annotations. so you can see it. He says they were cut by thermite, yet says there is no burn marks.

How is that possible? How can Terral claim one thing and then completely debunk himself with his own photo and you guys say nothing? Why did Terral post a photo of WTC7 and then LIE stating that it was a photo of WTC7 during the collapse that showed no damage? Did you miss that? Why did Terral insist that WTC7 TOTALLY collapsed in 6.6 seconds when it was actually more than double that amount?
The NIST investigation was appointed to be headed by Bush's personal friend. The Administration specifically instructed NIST to come up with a reason for the 3 World Trade Center collapses without factoring in the possibility of explosives.

This is why NIST itself could not get the computer simulations to work when plugging in the Collapse speeds vs Structural Resistance.

This is why NIST had to revise it's collapse theory a couple of times when other Engineers called them out on that.

To this day Physicists and Engineers around the World are saying the NIST Report re-writes physics.

Oh and by the way......people involved in the NIST investigation have told Frank Gayle (Bush's personal friend appointed to head it)......... "The NIST Report is WRONG and that the TOWERS SHOULD HAVE EASILY STOOD" quote.


It's one thing for you to provide names and quotes of people saying that they think the NIST report is wrong.

Please show me the errors that some of these people have found in NIST's calculations, computer simulations, stress analysis, etc. to show me that what all the engineers have put forth is not possible.

Show me that thermal expansion and loss of strength in steel components due to fire does not affect steel in any way.

You folks are all the same. All you can provide is this person said this or that person believes that. Please point out mistakes that these people have found that lead them to believe that fire cannot possibly have caused WTC7 to collapse.

I have yet to see it from anyone. I have pointed out many mistakes in Terral's crazy theory. Do you think he'd be man enough to address them? He addressed one. That's it. Why do you think Terral posts the same "provide your own theory" posts every time I bring up a mistake he has made? Same with christophera. I bring out tons of mistakes and contradictions with his theory, and he just rambles on ignoring them.


Nor have we seen any proof that disproves any other parts of the "Official" story of 9-11-01. There are some unanswered questions but the basics still hold true. Except in certain mothers basements scattered around the country.

Exactly. Yet we can find all kinds of errors in their theories that they just ignore and won't answer. Just look at all of Terral's responses to my questions about his theory. He just spews the same crap about me presenting my own theory and never answers about the mistakes found in his own theory.

That's because he's a chickenshit and won't admit that he's wrong.
Hi Inside Job:

thats what these disinformation agent trolls do when they are confronted with evidence they cant refute.they see no truth,hear no truth, and speak no truth.

This Gam guy has no 'Building Fires Did It' Case. Period. He cannot begin to explain how thousands and thousands of 2800-degree red-iron girders, columns and beams were 'cut' to produce a Controlled Demolition Implosion like this:

[ame=]This is Obviously "Controlled Demolition."[/ame]

A real "Building Fires Did It" Case would begin with an explanation of how sufficient 'building fires' started all over the skyscraper (all floors) in the first place. Then this Govt Stooge :)cool:) would explain how the overbuilt 47-story skyscraper was reduced to this little pile (from my WTC-7 CD Topic) . . .


. . . in mere seconds, but he has no "Building Fires Did It" Case at all. Zip, zero, nada, NONE.

1. How did thousands of 2800-degree girders, columns and beams get 'cut' at the same time to allow for a Controlled Demolition-like implosion?

2. Where did the 47 concrete slabs go?

No sir. This Govt Stooge :)confused:) is here to push the Official Cover Story 'and' without one shred of "Building Fires Did It" evidence. Why? That is easy: He knows that the typical American DUPE will believe just about anything (#9) . . .



Show me the photos that you claim exist showing all the thermite froth and thermite cuts that were made in WTC7.
According to you, there IS no evidence of thermite cuts.


Why is this structural steel still together when you claim ALL the columns/beams were cut at the same time.

Please provide an explanation as to why you claim that steel cannot be affected by fire yet I found this photo.

What's the matter Terral? Am I pointing out too many mistakes and contradictions in your theory that you can't answer? Are you going to the christophera school of "theorycrafting"? You and he are SO similar I'm starting to think you're the same person.

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