WTC-7 Was NOT A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

Hi Gam:

How is that possible? How can Terral claim one thing and then completely debunk himself with his own photo and you guys say nothing? Why did Terral post a photo of WTC7 ...

Let's see: The Department of Defense sends this Gam Stooge to this USMB Conspiracy Theories Forum to defend the "Official Cover Story LIE," but his handler forgot to include any "Building Fires Did It" Case. Gam can throw all the rocks around, if that makes him all warm and fuzzy inside; but he can NEVER explain how building fires caused WTC-7 to implode CD-style into its own footprint in mere seconds.

[ame=]Make Up Your Own Mind In Just 48 Seconds[/ame]

The Govt Stooge :)confused:) has a fixation on 'Terral, Terral, Terral,' when he should be doing something to forward his own 'Building Fires Did It' Hypothesis. The guy is just running around frantically in circles whining like an idiot 'and' in complete denial of 'the' 911Truth that WTC-7 was 'Definitely' (#3) taken down using Controlled Demolition (


Hi Inside Job:

thats what these disinformation agent trolls do when they are confronted with evidence they cant refute.they see no truth,hear no truth, and speak no truth.

This Gam guy has no 'Building Fires Did It' Case. Period. He cannot begin to explain how thousands and thousands of 2800-degree red-iron girders, columns and beams were 'cut' to produce a Controlled Demolition Implosion like this:

[ame=]This is Obviously "Controlled Demolition."[/ame]

A real "Building Fires Did It" Case would begin with an explanation of how sufficient 'building fires' started all over the skyscraper (all floors) in the first place. Then this Govt Stooge :)cool:) would explain how the overbuilt 47-story skyscraper was reduced to this little pile (from my WTC-7 CD Topic) . . .


. . . in mere seconds, but he has no "Building Fires Did It" Case at all. Zip, zero, nada, NONE.

1. How did thousands of 2800-degree girders, columns and beams get 'cut' at the same time to allow for a Controlled Demolition-like implosion?

2. Where did the 47 concrete slabs go?

No sir. This Govt Stooge :)confused:) is here to push the Official Cover Story 'and' without one shred of "Building Fires Did It" evidence. Why? That is easy: He knows that the typical American DUPE will believe just about anything (#9) . . .



yeah I know,true you said,his job is to preoccupy people with crap like this while the real threat around the corner is the swine flu vaccine that because of government propaganda,parents will line their children up like sheep to get that crap injected in themn which over a period of years,will destroy the immune system and the body.
Hi Gam:

How is that possible? How can Terral claim one thing and then completely debunk himself with his own photo and you guys say nothing? Why did Terral post a photo of WTC7 ...

Let's see: The Department of Defense sends this Gam Stooge to this USMB Conspiracy Theories Forum to defend the "Official Cover Story LIE," but his handler forgot to include any "Building Fires Did It" Case. Gam can throw all the rocks around, if that makes him all warm and fuzzy inside; but he can NEVER explain how building fires caused WTC-7 to implode CD-style into its own footprint in mere seconds.

[ame=]Make Up Your Own Mind In Just 48 Seconds[/ame]

The Govt Stooge :)confused:) has a fixation on 'Terral, Terral, Terral,' when he should be doing something to forward his own 'Building Fires Did It' Hypothesis. The guy is just running around frantically in circles whining like an idiot 'and' in complete denial of 'the' 911Truth that WTC-7 was 'Definitely' (#3) taken down using Controlled Demolition (



Keep posting the same crap over and over and over and over Terral instead of verifying your crap theory.

Try and explain why you believe there was thermite froth everywhere for WTC7 and that thermite was used to cut the beams and columns yet you annotate your own photo with this little gem.

Come on Terral. Defend your claim.
There was no thermite. They even triy to blame the weeks long fires on thermite while anyone who has ever used thermite knows it only burns for a few moments.
Hi Gam:

Then defend your claim of thermite and thermite froth. It's that simple. Why are you so afraid Terral . . .

Gam is here to defend Loyal Bushie/Obama LIES. Right? Your story is that a band of these guys . . .


. . . pulled off the 9/11 attacks. Right? George Bush is a 9/11 LIAR . . .

[ame=""]Bush Has LIED From Day One!![/ame]

. . . and so are you 'and' all liars (Rev. 21:8) share the same fate.

[ame=""]There Are A LOT Of People Like Gam Who LIE And Get Away With It . . . For Now . . .[/ame]

[ame=""]This Is 'Clearly' A WTC-7 Controlled Demolition Implosion[/ame]

GL with that too,

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Hi Gam:

Then defend your claim of thermite and thermite froth. It's that simple. Why are you so afraid Terral . . .

Gam is here to defend Loyal Bushie/Obama LIES. Right? Your story is that a band of these guys . . .


. . . pulled off the 9/11 attacks. Right? George Bush is a 9/11 LIAR . . .

[ame=""]Bush Has LIED From Day One!![/ame]

. . . and so are you 'and' all liars (Rev. 21:8) share the same fate.

[ame=""]There Are A LOT Of People Like Gam Who LIE And Get Away With It . . . For Now . . .[/ame]

[ame=""]This Is 'Clearly' A WTC-7 Controlled Demolition Implosion[/ame]

GL with that too,


Why do you claim that thermite signatures were everywhere in WTC7 and then in a photo claim this?

I haven't made up my mind on the whole 9/11 situation. I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories. I like to see facts.

the thing is James,the official version of the governments IS a conspiracy THEORY.they have no evidence or proof whatsoever to back up their claims.since this thread is just to talk about the controlled demolition thesis,just read my next post,it pretty much proves beyond a doubt that explosives brought the towers down.

you are a fucking idiot
Hi Gam:

Then defend your claim of thermite and thermite froth. It's that simple. Why are you so afraid Terral . . .

Gam is here to defend Loyal Bushie/Obama LIES. Right? Your story is that a band of these guys . . .

. . . pulled off the 9/11 attacks. Right? George Bush is a 9/11 LIAR . . .

. . . and so are you 'and' all liars (Rev. 21:8) share the same fate.

GL with that too,

except YOU are the liar in this case
you and the rest of your 9/11 troofer nutjobs


Can one of you please post a photo from WTC7 that shows the massive amounts of thermite froth on the ends of columns and beams that you guys claim exist?

I have been asking for quite some time and you two clowns haven't produced one.

In fact, Terral debunks his own claim with this annotation he created in one of the photos.

How is it possible that Terral claims thermite severed the columns and beams of WTC7 in a this photo, yet at the same time, claims that there are no burn marks on the columns beams?

The silence is deafening.
I have never claimed photos of thermite froth...but your case for your collapse due to fire scenario is weak and unconvincing and lacks any conclusive evidence
Hi Gam:

The silence is deafening.

We agree!

[ame=]Gam Says "This" Happened On 9/11 From Building Fires[/ame]

Start making 'your' Loyal Bushie/Obama "Building Fires Took Down WTC-7" anytime!!! We all need a good laugh . . .

[ame=]Gam = Govt Stooge Without Any "Building Fires Did It" Case[/ame]


What is most amazing Terral is your obtuse refusal to address an abvious contradiction. You claimed the building was brought down by thermite. You posted a pic annotated by yourself showing no indication of burns or thermite. All anyone is asking for is your explanation of this obvious contradiction because your point can't be proven without doing so.
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I have never claimed photos of thermite froth...but your case for your collapse due to fire scenario is weak and unconvincing and lacks any conclusive evidence

I get it now.

You'd rather support a guy with a theory that has ADMITTED to having made a mistake about a column showing a cut in one of his photos, debunks his own claim of thermite cuts in the same photo by annotating it with "there are no burn marks" on the columns/beams, won't provide the photos that he has which supports his claim of thermite froth/signatures everywhere, lies about fires not being able to affect steel, lies about a photo of WTC7 DURING it's collapse that shows no damage to the windows (turns out it was a photo BEFORE he collapse), and lies about the total collapse time of WTC7 being 6.6 seconds when in actuality it more than double that.

The only evidence you have about WCT7 is that it LOOKED like a controlled demolition.

So tell us eots. What conclusive evidence has Terral supplied here in these forums that makes you believe his theory is correct?
Hi Bern:

What is most amazing Terral is your obtuse refusal to address an abvious contradiction. You claimed the building was brought down by thermite . . .

Because you are unaware :)confused:), this is Gam's Topic and he is the USMB spokesman for the Official Cover Story LIE that WTC-7 collapsed CD-style into its own footprint from building fires. I am more than happy to address Gam's 'Building Fires Did It' thesis, claims, evidence and conclusions, IF he ever gets around to making 'his' case.

[ame=]This Is 'Clearly' A Case of "Controlled Demolition."[/ame]

Okay, so Gam really believes in his heat of hearts that this cannot possibly be a case of 'Controlled Demolition' (, BECAUSE . . . ?????


Hi Bern:

What is most amazing Terral is your obtuse refusal to address an abvious contradiction. You claimed the building was brought down by thermite . . .

Because you are unaware :)confused:), this is Gam's Topic and he is the USMB spokesman for the Official Cover Story LIE that WTC-7 collapsed CD-style into its own footprint from building fires. I am more than happy to address Gam's 'Building Fires Did It' thesis, claims, evidence and conclusions, IF he ever gets around to making 'his' case.

[ame=]This Is 'Clearly' A Case of "Controlled Demolition."[/ame]

Okay, so Gam really believes in his heat of hearts that this cannot possibly be a case of 'Controlled Demolition' (, BECAUSE . . . ?????



I don't care who the OP is. I asked YOU a direct question. The fact that you come up with excuse after excuse to not answer it is telling. You are a truther are you not? And yet you seem to hold two truths that can not exist simultaneosuly. Apparently you need it spelled out for you.

YOU claimed the building was brought down by CD using thermite.

YOU also posted a picture that YOU annotated staing there was no evidence of burning or thermite froth.

This contradiction being the case you have 2 options.

1) Modify your theory such that you are no longer arguing two things that can't possibly occur at the same time.

2) Explain why we are misunderstading what seems to be a fairly obvious contradiction.

Take your pick
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Hi Bern:

What is most amazing Terral is your obtuse refusal to address an abvious contradiction. You claimed the building was brought down by thermite . . .

Because you are unaware :)confused:), this is Gam's Topic and he is the USMB spokesman for the Official Cover Story LIE that WTC-7 collapsed CD-style into its own footprint from building fires. I am more than happy to address Gam's 'Building Fires Did It' thesis, claims, evidence and conclusions, IF he ever gets around to making 'his' case.

[ame=]This Is 'Clearly' A Case of "Controlled Demolition."[/ame]

Okay, so Gam really believes in his heat of hearts that this cannot possibly be a case of 'Controlled Demolition' (, BECAUSE . . . ?????



Why do I believe that WTC7 was not a case of controlled demolition? Because you have not supplied any evidence of a controlled demolition.

The theory you supplied has been shown to have mistakes, contradictions, and lies. I've already pointed them out to you yet you find it to be a some kind of joke and won't address them. I've asked you to provide photos of all the thermite signatures that you say you see and you have not provided one.

All you can come up with is that it LOOKS like a controlled demolition.

I've already listed all the garbage information from your theory that I have found in the post above.
I am more than happy to address Gam's 'Building Fires Did It' thesis, claims, evidence and conclusions, IF he ever gets around to making 'his' case.

I already have.

You made the comment that heat from fire is dissipated throughout a steel structure due to conduction and therfore a fore cannot affect steel.

This is totally incorrect.

It that were the case, why do they insulate steel columns and beams? I have posted numerous links and explanations that steel is not only affected by fire, but by an increase in temperature on a warm day. Do look up railroad tracks and heat.

I showed you about expansion loops in a steam pipeline and why they need "sliding shoes" underneath them.

Then there is this photo.

Your claim that fire/heat cannot affect steel has been proven WRONG.

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