WTC-7 Was NOT A Controlled Demolition Inside Job

Many Americans are high enough on the intelligence curve to see that explosives were used to bring down the THREE World Trade Center Buildings that collapsed exactly like a controlled demolition.

Even a physicist for NASA has stated that there is no doubt in his mind that explosives were used to bring down the World Trade Center buildings.

It is likely that first the top portion of people on the intelligence curve questioned 9/11 and perhaps it may trickle down to the lowest on the curve to question the 9/11 event.

Many Americans are high enough on the intelligence curve to see that explosives were used to bring down the THREE World Trade Center Buildings that collapsed exactly like a controlled demolition.

Even a physicist for NASA has stated that there is no doubt in his mind that explosives were used to bring down the World Trade Center buildings.

It is likely that first the top portion of people on the intelligence curve questioned 9/11 and perhaps it may trickle down to the lowest on the curve to question the 9/11 event.


Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

Many Americans are high enough on the intelligence curve to see that explosives were used to bring down the THREE World Trade Center Buildings that collapsed exactly like a controlled demolition.

Even a physicist for NASA has stated that there is no doubt in his mind that explosives were used to bring down the World Trade Center buildings.

It is likely that first the top portion of people on the intelligence curve questioned 9/11 and perhaps it may trickle down to the lowest on the curve to question the 9/11 event.
you have that backwards

Many Americans are high enough on the intelligence curve to see that explosives were used to bring down the THREE World Trade Center Buildings that collapsed exactly like a controlled demolition.

Even a physicist for NASA has stated that there is no doubt in his mind that explosives were used to bring down the World Trade Center buildings.

It is likely that first the top portion of people on the intelligence curve questioned 9/11 and perhaps it may trickle down to the lowest on the curve to question the 9/11 event.
you have that backwards

I cannot post links yet but here is a small sample of what I can show.

The World Trade Center buildings went through many months of construction renovations up to the very day of 9/11.

It is shown in the Building Inspection logs before 9/11 that some of the renovations included work on the very support columns that failed on 9/11.

The CEO for the company that did the many months of construction renovations in the World Trade Center buildings went on to be appointed by Bush to the President's Commission on Whitehouse Fellows.

The Pentagon incident occured in the ONLY part of the Pentagon that was partitioned off for construction renovations.

Not only did the 9/11 incident occur at the ONLY part of the Pentagon where the renovations were done but it was also the ONLY part of the Pentagon that was specifically reinforced for a possible impact.

It was an 11 year renovation project that ended up ONLY reinforcing the part of the Pentagon that was involved in 9/11 which was still under way on the very day of 9/11.

When I can post links I will bring up indisputable sources for this and this is only the tip of the iceberg.
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Many Americans are high enough on the intelligence curve to see that explosives were used to bring down the THREE World Trade Center Buildings that collapsed exactly like a controlled demolition.

Even a physicist for NASA has stated that there is no doubt in his mind that explosives were used to bring down the World Trade Center buildings.

It is likely that first the top portion of people on the intelligence curve questioned 9/11 and perhaps it may trickle down to the lowest on the curve to question the 9/11 event.
you have that backwards

I cannot post links yet but here is a small sample of what I can show.

The World Trade Center buildings went through many months of construction renovations up to the very day of 9/11.

It is shown in the Building Inspection logs before 9/11 that some of the renovations included work on the very support columns that failed on 9/11.

The CEO for the company that did the many months of construction renovations in the World Trade Center buildings went on to be appointed by Bush to the President's Commission on Whitehouse Fellows.

The Pentagon incident occured in the ONLY part of the Pentagon that was partitioned off for construction renovations.

Not only did the 9/11 incident occur at the ONLY part of the Pentagon where the renovations were done but it was also the ONLY part of the Pentagon that was specifically reinforced for a possible impact.

It was an 11 year renovation project that ended up ONLY reinforcing the part of the Pentagon that was involved in 9/11 which was still under way on the very day of 9/11.

When I can post links I will bring up indisputable sources for this and this is only the tip of the iceberg.
you would be wasting your time as there is NO proof that would convince me to believe you since i have already SEEN all the proof there is and the sources you would be using are nothing but fucking troofer moron sites
you have that backwards

I cannot post links yet but here is a small sample of what I can show.

The World Trade Center buildings went through many months of construction renovations up to the very day of 9/11.

It is shown in the Building Inspection logs before 9/11 that some of the renovations included work on the very support columns that failed on 9/11.

The CEO for the company that did the many months of construction renovations in the World Trade Center buildings went on to be appointed by Bush to the President's Commission on Whitehouse Fellows.

The Pentagon incident occured in the ONLY part of the Pentagon that was partitioned off for construction renovations.

Not only did the 9/11 incident occur at the ONLY part of the Pentagon where the renovations were done but it was also the ONLY part of the Pentagon that was specifically reinforced for a possible impact.

It was an 11 year renovation project that ended up ONLY reinforcing the part of the Pentagon that was involved in 9/11 which was still under way on the very day of 9/11.

When I can post links I will bring up indisputable sources for this and this is only the tip of the iceberg.
you would be wasting your time as there is NO proof that would convince me to believe you since i have already SEEN all the proof there is and the sources you would be using are nothing but fucking troofer moron sites

You are outright lying and when I get to 15 posts I will post indisputable links directly to the Construction companies website, CEO's advancement and name posted on the actual website to the Whitehouse Fellows, indisputable sources of Pentagon renovations, and indisputable sources of this being exactly where the 9/11 incident occured.

Like I said this is only the tip of the iceberg and everything I bring to the table will have indisputable sources and documentation.
I cannot post links yet but here is a small sample of what I can show.

The World Trade Center buildings went through many months of construction renovations up to the very day of 9/11.

It is shown in the Building Inspection logs before 9/11 that some of the renovations included work on the very support columns that failed on 9/11.

The CEO for the company that did the many months of construction renovations in the World Trade Center buildings went on to be appointed by Bush to the President's Commission on Whitehouse Fellows.

The Pentagon incident occured in the ONLY part of the Pentagon that was partitioned off for construction renovations.

Not only did the 9/11 incident occur at the ONLY part of the Pentagon where the renovations were done but it was also the ONLY part of the Pentagon that was specifically reinforced for a possible impact.

It was an 11 year renovation project that ended up ONLY reinforcing the part of the Pentagon that was involved in 9/11 which was still under way on the very day of 9/11.

When I can post links I will bring up indisputable sources for this and this is only the tip of the iceberg.
you would be wasting your time as there is NO proof that would convince me to believe you since i have already SEEN all the proof there is and the sources you would be using are nothing but fucking troofer moron sites

You are outright lying and when I get to 15 posts I will post indisputable links directly to the Construction companies website, CEO's advancement and name posted on the actual website to the Whitehouse Fellows, indisputable sources of Pentagon renovations, and indisputable sources of this being exactly where the 9/11 incident occured.

Like I said this is only the tip of the iceberg and everything I bring to the table will have indisputable sources and documentation.
no, i'm not lying

you think you are the ONLY one to ever post those fucking stupid troofer links before?
you would be wasting your time as there is NO proof that would convince me to believe you since i have already SEEN all the proof there is and the sources you would be using are nothing but fucking troofer moron sites

You are outright lying and when I get to 15 posts I will post indisputable links directly to the Construction companies website, CEO's advancement and name posted on the actual website to the Whitehouse Fellows, indisputable sources of Pentagon renovations, and indisputable sources of this being exactly where the 9/11 incident occured.

Like I said this is only the tip of the iceberg and everything I bring to the table will have indisputable sources and documentation.
no, i'm not lying

you think you are the ONLY one to ever post those fucking stupid troofer links before?

Why do you continue to spin and twist?......I said it will be direct links to the Whitehouse website, Construction companies website, etc. plus it will all be backed with Mainstream Media sources such as USA Today, FOX, CNN, NY Times, etc.
You are outright lying and when I get to 15 posts I will post indisputable links directly to the Construction companies website, CEO's advancement and name posted on the actual website to the Whitehouse Fellows, indisputable sources of Pentagon renovations, and indisputable sources of this being exactly where the 9/11 incident occured.

Like I said this is only the tip of the iceberg and everything I bring to the table will have indisputable sources and documentation.
no, i'm not lying

you think you are the ONLY one to ever post those fucking stupid troofer links before?

Why do you continue to spin and twist?......I said it will be direct links to the Whitehouse website, Construction companies website, etc. plus it will all be backed with Mainstream Media sources such as USA Today, FOX, CNN, NY Times, etc.
and none of it will prove a controlled demolition
in diveconland anything other than the controlled press and mainstream news is a troofer morom
site and anyone regardless of experience ..expertise or even first hand knowledge is a troofrer moron
and any amount of evidence will not be considered proof and any highly improbable events will be written of as coincidence..even if if it requires a hundred highly improbable events one after another
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hey ollie hows the search for bin laden going ?...found any proof yet ?
in diveconland anything other than the controlled press and mainstream news is a troofer morom
site and anyone regardless of experience ..expertise or even first hand knowledge is a troofrer moron
and any amount of evidence will not be considered proof and any highly improbable events will be written of as coincidence..even if if it requires a hundred highly improbable events one after another
wrong again asswipe
hey ollie hows the search for bin laden going ?...found any proof yet ?

Seriously? I doubt we will ever find proof of what happened to UBL. Personally I think he is dead, But I offer that as my own opinion without facts to back it up.

You'll be the first to know if any facts happen to pop up.
Hi Inside Job with Gam and Chris mentioned:

this is the simple reason terral this whole debate is mute cause this psche op agent cant get around these facts that prove explosives brought the towers down.only a moron would still defend the official version after knowing these facts not to mention how he ignores our videos we have shown him that proved explosives brought them down and where one of them showing NIST had no interest in the truth and was caught lying..

Here is the deal in a nutshell: I 'know' for a fact (#3) that WTC-7 was taken down using Controlled Demolition (my Topic + There are plenty of DoD Ops/Assets :)cool: = How To Spot) willing to defend the Official Cover Story LIE that 'building fires' :)cuckoo:) took down these WTC Skyscrapers. Let us be very clear that 'anyone' willing to stand up and defend these Inside-Job Terrorists (my 911Truth Blog) 'will' burn right along with them in the lake of fire like 'all liars.' If these readers are stupid enough to fall for this kind of disinformation trickery, they are also worthy to be 'utterly destroyed' (#9) the very same way.

The deadly H1N1 "Second Wave" (my Topic) IS COMING and VERY SOON 'and' these DoD Cover Story Ops (Gam, Chris, etc.) were sent here to ensure 'you' remain fast asleep :)night:) . . .



Still waiting for just ONE photo of thermite froth OR burnt column/beam ends that you say existed everywhere for WTC7

Also waiting for an explanation as to why you debunk your own claim of thermite being used with this photo and your annotations.

Here, I'll blow up the statement by you since you're blind and can't see it.

How can you claim that the beam shows no signs of "burns from fire" yet claim that it was severed by thermite?!?!

What a complete idiot!!!!

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Many Americans are high enough on the intelligence curve to see that explosives were used to bring down the THREE World Trade Center Buildings that collapsed exactly like a controlled demolition.

Even a physicist for NASA has stated that there is no doubt in his mind that explosives were used to bring down the World Trade Center buildings.

It is likely that first the top portion of people on the intelligence curve questioned 9/11 and perhaps it may trickle down to the lowest on the curve to question the 9/11 event.

Was the collpase of the steel portion of this building caused by demolition?
You are outright lying and when I get to 15 posts I will post indisputable links directly to the Construction companies website, CEO's advancement and name posted on the actual website to the Whitehouse Fellows, indisputable sources of Pentagon renovations, and indisputable sources of this being exactly where the 9/11 incident occured.

Like I said this is only the tip of the iceberg and everything I bring to the table will have indisputable sources and documentation.
no, i'm not lying

you think you are the ONLY one to ever post those fucking stupid troofer links before?

Why do you continue to spin and twist?......I said it will be direct links to the Whitehouse website, Construction companies website, etc. plus it will all be backed with Mainstream Media sources such as USA Today, FOX, CNN, NY Times, etc.

And those links will show that thermite and explosives were actually placed in the WTC buildings or just the fact that there would have been time to do it?

Also, while you're at it, please use your "intelligence that's high on the curve" to show me where the structural explanations of how WTC7 came down can not be possible, which leads you to believe explosives were used.

You of such 'high intelligence" should be able to provide more than "because it looked like a controlled demolition" right?
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Even a physicist for NASA has stated that there is no doubt in his mind that explosives were used to bring down the World Trade Center buildings.

Really? A physicist?

No shit.

Does this physicist know anything about structural building loads? Does this physicist understand how thermal expansion and heat affects columns and beams under stress? Has this physicist examined the structural calculations and computer models and pointed out, in his "infinite wisdom" why these calculations and models are wrong? Has he shown you any errors in them?

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