WTC building 7

they havent countered anything that any truther has posted.

this is easier than shooting dead ducks!!!

KokomoJojo, let's say for sake of argument that no one has countered anything that any 9/11 Truther has posted here. If that's the case, why do you think they continue to disagree with you?

Dude its because they are paid shillssent h
9/11 was at least partially an inside job. But most Americans don't care. So the case is closed. Sadly there just isn't much point in discussing it anymore.

Anything that doesn't go along with Government/Corporate Media narratives, is angrily dismissed as 'Tinfoil Hat' lies. This is a nation of drooling Sheeple. It is what it is.

exactly.well said.9/11 is the LEAST of our problems we have to worry about from the government right now.It's like talking about how Barry is not a us citizen.Okay instead of talking about it,come up with SOLUTIONS to do something about it,arguing back and forth on it is fruitless.

That's an interesting hypothesis that they are "paid shills" but let me suggest that these are rather people who genuinely and sincerely disagree. Do you think the government is spending the money to pay for people to go on every single little message board or forum and push the standard 9/11 narrative? Where is the money for this coming from? Wouldn't that if people found out if anything make it more likely that people would get suspicious?

By the way, I'm curious: given your user name, and your topical focus it seems like you'd expect that what you are doing will eventually succeed. In that context, can you give a date by when you expect the American public to accept that 9/11 was an inside job? Maybe just a majority of the population accepting it?

Oh yeah, the trolls are everywhere attempting to marginalize by way of ridicule. But i gave up discussing 9/11. Americans don't know, and they don't wanna know. And most importantly, they don't care. So the Bush Family was very close to the Bin Laden Family, and gave them special permission to fly out of the country right after the attack? Nothing to see here folks, right?

Americans are very happy & content with their B.S. Government/Corporate Media narratives. Anything other than that, deeply upsets them. So they lash out with the angry 'Tinfoil Hat' insults and so on. 9/11 is over and done. Obviously there was a cover up, but most just don't care. So there just isn't any point discussing it further. It is very sad, but it is what it is.

exactly.the american sheep dont get it that both parties are corrupt,that its a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two so they sure as hell are never going to accept 9/11 being an inside job.

till there is a third party president who gets elected who will serve the people instead of the bankers,there is no hope for the future of our country OR the world.
Dude its because they are paid shillssent h
exactly.well said.9/11 is the LEAST of our problems we have to worry about from the government right now.It's like talking about how Barry is not a us citizen.Okay instead of talking about it,come up with SOLUTIONS to do something about it,arguing back and forth on it is fruitless.

That's an interesting hypothesis that they are "paid shills" but let me suggest that these are rather people who genuinely and sincerely disagree. Do you think the government is spending the money to pay for people to go on every single little message board or forum and push the standard 9/11 narrative? Where is the money for this coming from? Wouldn't that if people found out if anything make it more likely that people would get suspicious?

By the way, I'm curious: given your user name, and your topical focus it seems like you'd expect that what you are doing will eventually succeed. In that context, can you give a date by when you expect the American public to accept that 9/11 was an inside job? Maybe just a majority of the population accepting it?

Are you claiming that Israel is paying people to spend time on boards defending the standard narrative of 9/11 ?

NOW your catching on.:thup: Isreal along with agents in the government for the CIA,NSA,DIA,homeland security and probably a few others are indeed trolling this message board and SEVERAL others everywhere as well. they got them on political message boards everywhere,Not just here.

Not sure if you know this but congress did an investigation into the CIA's activities in the 70's and discovered documents the CIA has plants in the mainstream media and in workplaces.that hasnt change since then either.the CIA is every bit as evil and corrupt now that it was back then,even more so.

And you think that this giant army of many different agencies paying people troll hasn't been generally noticed why? None of them have spoken up about being paid to troll and derail discussions about 9/11 why?

they attack anything that In their mind supports Muslims and the fact many in U.S INTEL cite Israeli prior knowledge of 9/11
KokomoJojo, let's say for sake of argument that no one has countered anything that any 9/11 Truther has posted here. If that's the case, why do you think they continue to disagree with you?

Dude its because they are paid shillssent h
9/11 was at least partially an inside job. But most Americans don't care. So the case is closed. Sadly there just isn't much point in discussing it anymore.

Anything that doesn't go along with Government/Corporate Media narratives, is angrily dismissed as 'Tinfoil Hat' lies. This is a nation of drooling Sheeple. It is what it is.

exactly.well said.9/11 is the LEAST of our problems we have to worry about from the government right now.It's like talking about how Barry is not a us citizen.Okay instead of talking about it,come up with SOLUTIONS to do something about it,arguing back and forth on it is fruitless.

That's an interesting hypothesis that they are "paid shills" but let me suggest that these are rather people who genuinely and sincerely disagree. Do you think the government is spending the money to pay for people to go on every single little message board or forum and push the standard 9/11 narrative? Where is the money for this coming from? Wouldn't that if people found out if anything make it more likely that people would get suspicious?

By the way, I'm curious: given your user name, and your topical focus it seems like you'd expect that what you are doing will eventually succeed. In that context, can you give a date by when you expect the American public to accept that 9/11 was an inside job? Maybe just a majority of the population accepting it?

Oh yeah, the trolls are everywhere attempting to marginalize by way of ridicule. But i gave up discussing 9/11. Americans don't know, and they don't wanna know. And most importantly, they don't care. So the Bush Family was very close to the Bin Laden Family, and gave them special permission to fly out of the country right after the attack? Nothing to see here folks, right?

Americans are very happy & content with their B.S. Government/Corporate Media narratives. Anything other than that, deeply upsets them. So they lash out with the angry 'Tinfoil Hat' insults and so on. 9/11 is over and done. Obviously there was a cover up, but most just don't care. So there just isn't any point discussing it further. It is very sad, but it is what it is.

exactly.the american sheep dont get it that both parties are corrupt,that its a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two so they sure as hell are never going to accept 9/11 being an inside job.

till there is a third party president who gets elected who will serve the people instead of the bankers,there is no hope for the future of our country OR the world.

In fact the last HALFWAY decent president we had was Carter
Dude its because they are paid shillssent h
exactly.well said.9/11 is the LEAST of our problems we have to worry about from the government right now.It's like talking about how Barry is not a us citizen.Okay instead of talking about it,come up with SOLUTIONS to do something about it,arguing back and forth on it is fruitless.

That's an interesting hypothesis that they are "paid shills" but let me suggest that these are rather people who genuinely and sincerely disagree. Do you think the government is spending the money to pay for people to go on every single little message board or forum and push the standard 9/11 narrative? Where is the money for this coming from? Wouldn't that if people found out if anything make it more likely that people would get suspicious?

By the way, I'm curious: given your user name, and your topical focus it seems like you'd expect that what you are doing will eventually succeed. In that context, can you give a date by when you expect the American public to accept that 9/11 was an inside job? Maybe just a majority of the population accepting it?

Are you claiming that Israel is paying people to spend time on boards defending the standard narrative of 9/11 ?

NOW your catching on.:thup: Isreal along with agents in the government for the CIA,NSA,DIA,homeland security and probably a few others are indeed trolling this message board and SEVERAL others everywhere as well. they got them on political message boards everywhere,Not just here.

Not sure if you know this but congress did an investigation into the CIA's activities in the 70's and discovered documents the CIA has plants in the mainstream media and in workplaces.that hasnt change since then either.the CIA is every bit as evil and corrupt now that it was back then,even more so.

And you think that this giant army of many different agencies paying people troll hasn't been generally noticed why? None of them have spoken up about being paid to troll and derail discussions about 9/11 why?

thats not true at all that none of them have not spoken up.

I Was a Paid Internet Shill

How are the american sheep going to hear about it from the LAMESTREAM media when its controlled by the CIA? wakey wakey.:biggrin:

the sheep here in the states after all these years STILL think there is a difference in the two parties.

If they are THAT stupid, thinking Romney or Bush is any different than Obama which so many millions DO,then they obviously cant think for themselves and their mind is too far gone because they been programmed and brainwashed their whole lives.
Thats why I post at this site a lot because its the best site i have come across that is open minded on 9/11 and other government corruption.

Most sites you go to and I have been at,the mods play favorites,they let the shills on their forums get away with murder allowing them to call you names and then when you hit back and call them names after they insulted you FIRST,they tell you to knock it off.

Most political message boards are government controlled,I would say this is one of the rare ones out there that is not.

this site to their credit, is about the only site i have come across where the mods dont play favorites.they actually allow you to talk about how the government has paid shills on message boards,practically all other message boards i go to,the mods delete a post like the ones me and eots have posted and ban you.
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You go to the Israel section,they got paid shills constantly trolling there all the time.they constantly evade facts and the only thing they come back with is they always say you are anti semetic.
That's an interesting hypothesis that they are "paid shills" but let me suggest that these are rather people who genuinely and sincerely disagree. Do you think the government is spending the money to pay for people to go on every single little message board or forum and push the standard 9/11 narrative? Where is the money for this coming from? Wouldn't that if people found out if anything make it more likely that people would get suspicious?

By the way, I'm curious: given your user name, and your topical focus it seems like you'd expect that what you are doing will eventually succeed. In that context, can you give a date by when you expect the American public to accept that 9/11 was an inside job? Maybe just a majority of the population accepting it?

Are you claiming that Israel is paying people to spend time on boards defending the standard narrative of 9/11 ?

NOW your catching on.:thup: Isreal along with agents in the government for the CIA,NSA,DIA,homeland security and probably a few others are indeed trolling this message board and SEVERAL others everywhere as well. they got them on political message boards everywhere,Not just here.

Not sure if you know this but congress did an investigation into the CIA's activities in the 70's and discovered documents the CIA has plants in the mainstream media and in workplaces.that hasnt change since then either.the CIA is every bit as evil and corrupt now that it was back then,even more so.

And you think that this giant army of many different agencies paying people troll hasn't been generally noticed why? None of them have spoken up about being paid to troll and derail discussions about 9/11 why?

I just finished watching that video.Excellent stuff there Eots.Thanks for posting it.:thup::udaman:

This short 5 minute video is one that everybody on this thread should view ESPECIALLY Josh. That backs up what i was saying,that we indeed have a lot of paid shills trolling in the Israel section everyday.more so than they do here in the conspiracy section by far.

So Josh,as you can see by watching that video and reading my link i posted,thats not true at all that there havent been people that havent come out and said they were shills,not only have people come out and said so,but its even documented as that video that Eots just posted,proves.

that media isnt controlled by the CIA so they dont hold back news items like that.Great to see some kind of media come out and talk about presentation I have ever seen on that bar none.thanks again for sharing that with us Eots.very informative stuff.:thup:
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That's an interesting hypothesis that they are "paid shills" but let me suggest that these are rather people who genuinely and sincerely disagree. Do you think the government is spending the money to pay for people to go on every single little message board or forum and push the standard 9/11 narrative? Where is the money for this coming from? Wouldn't that if people found out if anything make it more likely that people would get suspicious?

By the way, I'm curious: given your user name, and your topical focus it seems like you'd expect that what you are doing will eventually succeed. In that context, can you give a date by when you expect the American public to accept that 9/11 was an inside job? Maybe just a majority of the population accepting it?

Are you claiming that Israel is paying people to spend time on boards defending the standard narrative of 9/11 ?

NOW your catching on.:thup: Isreal along with agents in the government for the CIA,NSA,DIA,homeland security and probably a few others are indeed trolling this message board and SEVERAL others everywhere as well. they got them on political message boards everywhere,Not just here.

Not sure if you know this but congress did an investigation into the CIA's activities in the 70's and discovered documents the CIA has plants in the mainstream media and in workplaces.that hasnt change since then either.the CIA is every bit as evil and corrupt now that it was back then,even more so.

And you think that this giant army of many different agencies paying people troll hasn't been generally noticed why? None of them have spoken up about being paid to troll and derail discussions about 9/11 why?

That... does not answer my question. So you are claiming that massive groups in every major three letter agency are doing this? Do you realize how many middle managers would have to know?

"Hey Bob, I get why we need to have our people say that ISIS is a bunch of poopy heads, and that the dollar is more stable as a currency than it really is, but why are we being told to troll and disrupt any attempt at a discussion about 9/11?" You don't think that wouldn't raise more questions than it it would squish?
what would be the earth-shattering implications of molten steel at the WTC site?
that jet fuel burns hotter than the twoofers will admit.
when you get a chance watch the documentary national geographic science and conspiracy .
there's a chapter in the film that explodes (pun intended) all the twoofer bullshit about jet fuel and it's effect on the twin towers,
kerosene or any hydrocarbon will burn at around 500-700F
Flash point 38 °C (100 °F)
Autoignition temperature 245 °C (473 °F)[10]
Freezing point −47 °C (−53 °F) −40 °C (−40 °F)
Max adiabatic burn temperature 2,500 K (2,230 °C) (4,040 °F) Open Air Burn temperature: 1,030 °C (1,890 °F)[11][12][13]
Density at 15 °C (59 °F) 0.804 kg/L (6.71 lb/US gal) 0.820 kg/L (6.84 lb/US gal)
Specific energy 43.15 MJ/kg 43.02 MJ/kg
Energy density 34.7 MJ/L 35.3 MJ/L
what would be the earth-shattering implications of molten steel at the WTC site?
that jet fuel burns hotter than the twoofers will admit.
when you get a chance watch the documentary national geographic science and conspiracy .
there's a chapter in the film that explodes (pun intended) all the twoofer bullshit about jet fuel and it's effect on the twin towers,

Last time I looked thru my little chemistry textbook---(about 50 years ago) I learned words like -----FLASH POINT----and EXOTHERMIC REACTION -----
and I learned that burning fires are EXOTHERMIC----they produce lots of
heat and once that heat gets on something else to the point of its FLASH
point-----a new exothermic reaction starts up -------SMOKEY THE BEAR told
me that one little lit cigarette can cause EXOTHERMIC REACTIONS
that can bring a WHOLE forest down. I fail to see the issue-----what is the
controversy-----what difference does the specific heat producted by airplane
fuel have to do with anything? The heat produced by a LIT CIG is not all that
much either.
forest are not made of concrete and steel

trees are not the only things that burn up in forest fires
concrete and steel will not burn at those temperatures

the strength of concrete containing

siliceous aggregate begins to drop off at about 800 °F and is reduced to about 55% at 1200oF.

Concrete containing lightweight aggregates and carbonate aggregates retain most of their

compressive strength up to about 1200 oF
What you aren't aware of is that Alex Jones is the founder, executive officer and head mucky muck who actually manages and controls the 9/11 Twoof Organization. Alex Jones is also a former Rabbi. I'll bet you didn't know that.
Ultra Orthodox rabbi and world famous Talmudic scholar. :beer:
Ah yes. How lucky you are to understand the twoof. You and a select few from the Alex Jones Institute for Exposing the Twoof.

Come on. Spill it. I'm going to preemptively be the spoiler and implicate the Jooooooos as a party to your conspiracy theory.
Is that why there are so many Hired Israeli firster trolls in 9/11 threads because of the apparent prior knowledge of 9/11 by Israeli intelligence..I would not blame the jooos for that anymore that the average american is responsible for lies of weapons of mass destruction or the bay of tonkin

It was only a matter of a little nudge, a gentle prod and the twoofer loons are all too anxious to rattle of the conspiracy theories involving the Joooooos.

Really, sweety. You're a mess. You should fix that.
no conspiracy.. its all well documented
false it's a well document conspiracy note the difference.
Yes a well documented fact of Israel's conspiracy to commit espionage
red herring
Last time I looked thru my little chemistry textbook---(about 50 years ago) I learned words like -----FLASH POINT----and EXOTHERMIC REACTION -----
and I learned that burning fires are EXOTHERMIC----they produce lots of
heat and once that heat gets on something else to the point of its FLASH
point-----a new exothermic reaction starts up -------SMOKEY THE BEAR told
me that one little lit cigarette can cause EXOTHERMIC REACTIONS
that can bring a WHOLE forest down. I fail to see the issue-----what is the
controversy-----what difference does the specific heat producted by airplane
fuel have to do with anything? The heat produced by a LIT CIG is not all that
much either.
forest are not made of concrete and steel

trees are not the only things that burn up in forest fires
concrete and steel will not burn at those temperatures

I will help you understand------other stuff gets to flash point and combustion
ensues-------the "other stuff" may be MORE exothermic than waxy hydrocarbons
or even a lit cigarette butt.......and on and on and on--------to the magic of a giant
marshmellow roast
Steel does not melt in a hydro carbon fire
#1 your facts are wrong. Where did you get them?
Hydrocarbon fuels can burn at temperatures up to 1600C.
what would be the earth-shattering implications of molten steel at the WTC site?
that jet fuel burns hotter than the twoofers will admit.
when you get a chance watch the documentary national geographic science and conspiracy .
there's a chapter in the film that explodes (pun intended) all the twoofer bullshit about jet fuel and it's effect on the twin towers,

but there is no steel that failed due to fire that I can find

can you show us any wtc steel that looks like this?

no of course you canr, but you can show us lots of steel that was cut, well if you had even a remote clue what to look for.
Before reading the below, it might be a good idea for the novice to read Mark Ferran's explanation on how "Iron Burns!!!"
Oxidation of iron by air is not the only EXOTHERMIC reaction of iron


really? your citation?
the writing in red ....
what would be the earth-shattering implications of molten steel at the WTC site?
that jet fuel burns hotter than the twoofers will admit.
when you get a chance watch the documentary national geographic science and conspiracy .
there's a chapter in the film that explodes (pun intended) all the twoofer bullshit about jet fuel and it's effect on the twin towers,

but there is no steel that failed due to fire that I can find

can you show us any wtc steel that looks like this?

no of course you canr, but you can show us lots of steel that was cut, well if you had even a remote clue what to look for.
wrong as always !
you are the queen of no clue..

I already know what your bullshit defense will be .
you'll blather some nonsense about it not being exactly the same as yours.
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what would be the earth-shattering implications of molten steel at the WTC site?
that jet fuel burns hotter than the twoofers will admit.
when you get a chance watch the documentary national geographic science and conspiracy .
there's a chapter in the film that explodes (pun intended) all the twoofer bullshit about jet fuel and it's effect on the twin towers,

but there is no steel that failed due to fire that I can find

can you show us any wtc steel that looks like this?

no of course you canr, but you can show us lots of steel that was cut, well if you had even a remote clue what to look for.
That's an interesting hypothesis that they are "paid shills" but let me suggest that these are rather people who genuinely and sincerely disagree. Do you think the government is spending the money to pay for people to go on every single little message board or forum and push the standard 9/11 narrative? Where is the money for this coming from? Wouldn't that if people found out if anything make it more likely that people would get suspicious?

By the way, I'm curious: given your user name, and your topical focus it seems like you'd expect that what you are doing will eventually succeed. In that context, can you give a date by when you expect the American public to accept that 9/11 was an inside job? Maybe just a majority of the population accepting it?

Are you claiming that Israel is paying people to spend time on boards defending the standard narrative of 9/11 ?

NOW your catching on.:thup: Isreal along with agents in the government for the CIA,NSA,DIA,homeland security and probably a few others are indeed trolling this message board and SEVERAL others everywhere as well. they got them on political message boards everywhere,Not just here.

Not sure if you know this but congress did an investigation into the CIA's activities in the 70's and discovered documents the CIA has plants in the mainstream media and in workplaces.that hasnt change since then either.the CIA is every bit as evil and corrupt now that it was back then,even more so.

And you think that this giant army of many different agencies paying people troll hasn't been generally noticed why? None of them have spoken up about being paid to troll and derail discussions about 9/11 why?

red herring

Are you claiming that Israel is paying people to spend time on boards defending the standard narrative of 9/11 ?

NOW your catching on.:thup: Isreal along with agents in the government for the CIA,NSA,DIA,homeland security and probably a few others are indeed trolling this message board and SEVERAL others everywhere as well. they got them on political message boards everywhere,Not just here.

Not sure if you know this but congress did an investigation into the CIA's activities in the 70's and discovered documents the CIA has plants in the mainstream media and in workplaces.that hasnt change since then either.the CIA is every bit as evil and corrupt now that it was back then,even more so.

And you think that this giant army of many different agencies paying people troll hasn't been generally noticed why? None of them have spoken up about being paid to troll and derail discussions about 9/11 why?

That... does not answer my question. So you are claiming that massive groups in every major three letter agency are doing this? Do you realize how many middle managers would have to know?

"Hey Bob, I get why we need to have our people say that ISIS is a bunch of poopy heads, and that the dollar is more stable as a currency than it really is, but why are we being told to troll and disrupt any attempt at a discussion about 9/11?" You don't think that wouldn't raise more questions than it it would squish?
hey new guy, eot's will never give you an honest answer...

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