WTC building 7

thats an act of desperation by the shill posting DEBWUNKER links that contradict NIST.His handlers are REALLY getting desperate now.


plus debwunker links dont counter a single thing in those four videos of mine.

they havent countered anything that any truther has posted.

this is easier than shooting dead ducks!!!

KokomoJojo, let's say for sake of argument that no one has countered anything that any 9/11 Truther has posted here. If that's the case, why do you think they continue to disagree with you?
lets not, lets say for the sake of stating the facts.
dont ask me, most people have reasons based in reality and I am not their shrink
9/11 was at least partially an inside job. But most Americans don't care. So the case is closed. Sadly there just isn't much point in discussing it anymore.

Anything that doesn't go along with Government/Corporate Media narratives, is angrily dismissed as 'Tinfoil Hat' lies. This is a nation of drooling Sheeple. It is what it is.

why? look up flt 253 haskell, the date, thats why.
they havent countered anything that any truther has posted.

this is easier than shooting dead ducks!!!
On the contrary, you silly twoofers are a laughable joke.

Lets see I have the findings of NIST ( shyam sunder) and this visual artist jackass hollie provided who list his qualifications as.. "I have spent my academic life researching the intersections between art, science and religion "
and on the other hand I have hundreds of patriots like...

Lt. Col. Robert Bowman, PhD, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Director of Advanced Space Programs Development under Presidents Ford and Carter. U.S. Air Force fighter pilot with over 100 combat missions. (PhD in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering, Cal Tech). Former Head of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering and Assistant Dean at the U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology. 22-year Air Force career. Also taught Mathematics and English at the University of Southern California, the University of Maryland, and Phillips University.

Hollies debwunker needs to gather his crayons and go draw a nice picture...

You need to cut and paste some more silly YouTube videos.

You Alex Jones groupies are a comical lot.

So you find Robert Bowman comical ?..You think Robert Bowman forms his awarded scientific research and development through Alex jones ? must realise how pathetic you seem with your bizarre denials but you just do not care..

I find you Alex Jones groupies comical. You conspiracy theory loons and your silly YouTube videos are a real hoot.

yes thats why you and your idjits will forever be fucktards.

youtube videos have no value to a fucktard.

On the contrary, you silly twoofers are a laughable joke.

Lets see I have the findings of NIST ( shyam sunder) and this visual artist jackass hollie provided who list his qualifications as.. "I have spent my academic life researching the intersections between art, science and religion "
and on the other hand I have hundreds of patriots like...

Lt. Col. Robert Bowman, PhD, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Director of Advanced Space Programs Development under Presidents Ford and Carter. U.S. Air Force fighter pilot with over 100 combat missions. (PhD in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering, Cal Tech). Former Head of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering and Assistant Dean at the U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology. 22-year Air Force career. Also taught Mathematics and English at the University of Southern California, the University of Maryland, and Phillips University.

Hollies debwunker needs to gather his crayons and go draw a nice picture...

You need to cut and paste some more silly YouTube videos.

You Alex Jones groupies are a comical lot.

So you find Robert Bowman comical ?..You think Robert Bowman forms his awarded scientific research and development through Alex jones ? must realise how pathetic you seem with your bizarre denials but you just do not care..

I find you Alex Jones groupies comical. You conspiracy theory loons and your silly YouTube videos are a real hoot.

yes thats why you and your idjits will forever be fucktards.

youtube videos have no value to a fucktard.

Actually, it's a fairly recent phenomenon where loopy conspiracy theorists can scour YouTube for silly videos that cater to their fears and paranoia.
thats an act of desperation by the shill posting DEBWUNKER links that contradict NIST.His handlers are REALLY getting desperate now.


plus debwunker links dont counter a single thing in those four videos of mine.

they havent countered anything that any truther has posted.

this is easier than shooting dead ducks!!!

KokomoJojo, let's say for sake of argument that no one has countered anything that any 9/11 Truther has posted here. If that's the case, why do you think they continue to disagree with you?
lets not, lets say for the sake of stating the facts.
dont ask me, most people have reasons based in reality and I am not their shrink
When have you goofy conspiracy theorists ever been concerned with facts?
lets not, lets say for the sake of stating the facts.
dont ask me, most people have reasons based in reality and I am not their shrink

I'm highly curious what your mental model of them is.

Similarly, I'm curious, do you think that the American people will ever wake up and realize that 9/11 was an inside job that included bringing down WTC 7 with a controlled demolition? If so, when do you think that will happen by?
thats an act of desperation by the shill posting DEBWUNKER links that contradict NIST.His handlers are REALLY getting desperate now.


plus debwunker links dont counter a single thing in those four videos of mine.

they havent countered anything that any truther has posted.

this is easier than shooting dead ducks!!!

KokomoJojo, let's say for sake of argument that no one has countered anything that any 9/11 Truther has posted here. If that's the case, why do you think they continue to disagree with you?

Dude its because they are paid shills. what you may not understand is that the government has paid operatives that troll this message board and several others everywhere.

they get paid to troll these boards in hopes of trying to derail any truth discussion about it..they are here to simply waste your time so arguing back and forth with them is stupid.thats why I dont take their bait and put them on ignore and advise truthers here all the time to do the same. this is what they should do-

the difference between truthers and these paid shills is the paid shills here if you notice,not only blatanly ignore evidence and facts refusing to acknowledge or address them,but they evade the facts with DEBWUNKER links and refuse to watch videos or read books you refer them to always evading the facts changing the subject all the time and always post lies when they are cornered.

9/11 was at least partially an inside job. But most Americans don't care. So the case is closed. Sadly there just isn't much point in discussing it anymore.

there have been only a couple or so that have come on here that believe the 9/11 report who are not paid shills and the way you can they are not paid shills such as Hollie,and dawgshit-sayit,is they only post one liner insults when confronted with facts and then leave which is what 2 or 3 of them that came on here have done.

Anything that doesn't go along with Government/Corporate Media narratives, is angrily dismissed as 'Tinfoil Hat' lies. This is a nation of drooling Sheeple. It is what it is.

exactly.well said.9/11 is the LEAST of our problems we have to worry about from the government right now.It's like talking about how Barry is not a us citizen.Okay instead of talking about it,come up with SOLUTIONS to do something about it,arguing back and forth on it is fruitless.
Last edited:
lets not, lets say for the sake of stating the facts.
dont ask me, most people have reasons based in reality and I am not their shrink

I'm highly curious what your mental model of them is.

Similarly, I'm curious, do you think that the American people will ever wake up and realize that 9/11 was an inside job that included bringing down WTC 7 with a controlled demolition? If so, when do you think that will happen by?

the american sheep are so brainwashed and programmed some will never wake up on this.too many of them only see what they WANT to see.they dont want to look at the evidence.

so many of them are programmed and brainwashed they STILL think there is a difference between the two parties not accepting facts that both parties are corrupt and its actually a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two so the sheople think they have a choice in who gets elected.
thats an act of desperation by the shill posting DEBWUNKER links that contradict NIST.His handlers are REALLY getting desperate now.


plus debwunker links dont counter a single thing in those four videos of mine.

they havent countered anything that any truther has posted.

this is easier than shooting dead ducks!!!

KokomoJojo, let's say for sake of argument that no one has countered anything that any 9/11 Truther has posted here. If that's the case, why do you think they continue to disagree with you?

Dude its because they are paid shillssent h
9/11 was at least partially an inside job. But most Americans don't care. So the case is closed. Sadly there just isn't much point in discussing it anymore.

Anything that doesn't go along with Government/Corporate Media narratives, is angrily dismissed as 'Tinfoil Hat' lies. This is a nation of drooling Sheeple. It is what it is.

exactly.well said.9/11 is the LEAST of our problems we have to worry about from the government right now.It's like talking about how Barry is not a us citizen.Okay instead of talking about it,come up with SOLUTIONS to do something about it,arguing back and forth on it is fruitless.

That's an interesting hypothesis that they are "paid shills" but let me suggest that these are rather people who genuinely and sincerely disagree. Do you think the government is spending the money to pay for people to go on every single little message board or forum and push the standard 9/11 narrative? Where is the money for this coming from? Wouldn't that if people found out if anything make it more likely that people would get suspicious?

By the way, I'm curious: given your user name, and your topical focus it seems like you'd expect that what you are doing will eventually succeed. In that context, can you give a date by when you expect the American public to accept that 9/11 was an inside job? Maybe just a majority of the population accepting it?
thats an act of desperation by the shill posting DEBWUNKER links that contradict NIST.His handlers are REALLY getting desperate now.


plus debwunker links dont counter a single thing in those four videos of mine.

they havent countered anything that any truther has posted.

this is easier than shooting dead ducks!!!

KokomoJojo, let's say for sake of argument that no one has countered anything that any 9/11 Truther has posted here. If that's the case, why do you think they continue to disagree with you?

Dude its because they are paid shillssent h
9/11 was at least partially an inside job. But most Americans don't care. So the case is closed. Sadly there just isn't much point in discussing it anymore.

Anything that doesn't go along with Government/Corporate Media narratives, is angrily dismissed as 'Tinfoil Hat' lies. This is a nation of drooling Sheeple. It is what it is.

exactly.well said.9/11 is the LEAST of our problems we have to worry about from the government right now.It's like talking about how Barry is not a us citizen.Okay instead of talking about it,come up with SOLUTIONS to do something about it,arguing back and forth on it is fruitless.

That's an interesting hypothesis that they are "paid shills" but let me suggest that these are rather people who genuinely and sincerely disagree. Do you think the government is spending the money to pay for people to go on every single little message board or forum and push the standard 9/11 narrative? Where is the money for this coming from? Wouldn't that if people found out if anything make it more likely that people would get suspicious?

By the way, I'm curious: given your user name, and your topical focus it seems like you'd expect that what you are doing will eventually succeed. In that context, can you give a date by when you expect the American public to accept that 9/11 was an inside job? Maybe just a majority of the population accepting it?
Lets see I have the findings of NIST ( shyam sunder) and this visual artist jackass hollie provided who list his qualifications as.. "I have spent my academic life researching the intersections between art, science and religion "
and on the other hand I have hundreds of patriots like...

Lt. Col. Robert Bowman, PhD, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Director of Advanced Space Programs Development under Presidents Ford and Carter. U.S. Air Force fighter pilot with over 100 combat missions. (PhD in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering, Cal Tech). Former Head of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering and Assistant Dean at the U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology. 22-year Air Force career. Also taught Mathematics and English at the University of Southern California, the University of Maryland, and Phillips University.

Hollies debwunker needs to gather his crayons and go draw a nice picture...

You need to cut and paste some more silly YouTube videos.

You Alex Jones groupies are a comical lot.

So you find Robert Bowman comical ?..You think Robert Bowman forms his awarded scientific research and development through Alex jones ? must realise how pathetic you seem with your bizarre denials but you just do not care..

I find you Alex Jones groupies comical. You conspiracy theory loons and your silly YouTube videos are a real hoot.

yes thats why you and your idjits will forever be fucktards.

youtube videos have no value to a fucktard.

Actually, it's a fairly recent phenomenon where loopy conspiracy theorists can scour YouTube for silly videos that cater to their fears and paranoia.

thats an act of desperation by the shill posting DEBWUNKER links that contradict NIST.His handlers are REALLY getting desperate now.


plus debwunker links dont counter a single thing in those four videos of mine.

they havent countered anything that any truther has posted.

this is easier than shooting dead ducks!!!

yep,yep,and yep to EVERYTHING you said.thats the UNDERSTATEMENT of the century.:biggrin::up::beer:
thats an act of desperation by the shill posting DEBWUNKER links that contradict NIST.His handlers are REALLY getting desperate now.


plus debwunker links dont counter a single thing in those four videos of mine.

they havent countered anything that any truther has posted.

this is easier than shooting dead ducks!!!

KokomoJojo, let's say for sake of argument that no one has countered anything that any 9/11 Truther has posted here. If that's the case, why do you think they continue to disagree with you?

Dude its because they are paid shillssent h
9/11 was at least partially an inside job. But most Americans don't care. So the case is closed. Sadly there just isn't much point in discussing it anymore.

Anything that doesn't go along with Government/Corporate Media narratives, is angrily dismissed as 'Tinfoil Hat' lies. This is a nation of drooling Sheeple. It is what it is.

exactly.well said.9/11 is the LEAST of our problems we have to worry about from the government right now.It's like talking about how Barry is not a us citizen.Okay instead of talking about it,come up with SOLUTIONS to do something about it,arguing back and forth on it is fruitless.

That's an interesting hypothesis that they are "paid shills" but let me suggest that these are rather people who genuinely and sincerely disagree. Do you think the government is spending the money to pay for people to go on every single little message board or forum and push the standard 9/11 narrative? Where is the money for this coming from? Wouldn't that if people found out if anything make it more likely that people would get suspicious?

By the way, I'm curious: given your user name, and your topical focus it seems like you'd expect that what you are doing will eventually succeed. In that context, can you give a date by when you expect the American public to accept that 9/11 was an inside job? Maybe just a majority of the population accepting it?

Are you claiming that Israel is paying people to spend time on boards defending the standard narrative of 9/11 ?
thats an act of desperation by the shill posting DEBWUNKER links that contradict NIST.His handlers are REALLY getting desperate now.


plus debwunker links dont counter a single thing in those four videos of mine.

they havent countered anything that any truther has posted.

this is easier than shooting dead ducks!!!

KokomoJojo, let's say for sake of argument that no one has countered anything that any 9/11 Truther has posted here. If that's the case, why do you think they continue to disagree with you?

Dude its because they are paid shillssent h
9/11 was at least partially an inside job. But most Americans don't care. So the case is closed. Sadly there just isn't much point in discussing it anymore.

Anything that doesn't go along with Government/Corporate Media narratives, is angrily dismissed as 'Tinfoil Hat' lies. This is a nation of drooling Sheeple. It is what it is.

exactly.well said.9/11 is the LEAST of our problems we have to worry about from the government right now.It's like talking about how Barry is not a us citizen.Okay instead of talking about it,come up with SOLUTIONS to do something about it,arguing back and forth on it is fruitless.

That's an interesting hypothesis that they are "paid shills" but let me suggest that these are rather people who genuinely and sincerely disagree. Do you think the government is spending the money to pay for people to go on every single little message board or forum and push the standard 9/11 narrative? Where is the money for this coming from? Wouldn't that if people found out if anything make it more likely that people would get suspicious?

By the way, I'm curious: given your user name, and your topical focus it seems like you'd expect that what you are doing will eventually succeed. In that context, can you give a date by when you expect the American public to accept that 9/11 was an inside job? Maybe just a majority of the population accepting it?

The first guy with the glasses and dark hair is Dawes,guy sitting next to him is Hollie.:biggrin::up::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol::lol::laugh::laugh::laugh::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
they havent countered anything that any truther has posted.

this is easier than shooting dead ducks!!!

KokomoJojo, let's say for sake of argument that no one has countered anything that any 9/11 Truther has posted here. If that's the case, why do you think they continue to disagree with you?

Dude its because they are paid shillssent h
9/11 was at least partially an inside job. But most Americans don't care. So the case is closed. Sadly there just isn't much point in discussing it anymore.

Anything that doesn't go along with Government/Corporate Media narratives, is angrily dismissed as 'Tinfoil Hat' lies. This is a nation of drooling Sheeple. It is what it is.

exactly.well said.9/11 is the LEAST of our problems we have to worry about from the government right now.It's like talking about how Barry is not a us citizen.Okay instead of talking about it,come up with SOLUTIONS to do something about it,arguing back and forth on it is fruitless.

That's an interesting hypothesis that they are "paid shills" but let me suggest that these are rather people who genuinely and sincerely disagree. Do you think the government is spending the money to pay for people to go on every single little message board or forum and push the standard 9/11 narrative? Where is the money for this coming from? Wouldn't that if people found out if anything make it more likely that people would get suspicious?

By the way, I'm curious: given your user name, and your topical focus it seems like you'd expect that what you are doing will eventually succeed. In that context, can you give a date by when you expect the American public to accept that 9/11 was an inside job? Maybe just a majority of the population accepting it?

Are you claiming that Israel is paying people to spend time on boards defending the standard narrative of 9/11 ?

it would seem so
they havent countered anything that any truther has posted.

this is easier than shooting dead ducks!!!

KokomoJojo, let's say for sake of argument that no one has countered anything that any 9/11 Truther has posted here. If that's the case, why do you think they continue to disagree with you?

Dude its because they are paid shillssent h
9/11 was at least partially an inside job. But most Americans don't care. So the case is closed. Sadly there just isn't much point in discussing it anymore.

Anything that doesn't go along with Government/Corporate Media narratives, is angrily dismissed as 'Tinfoil Hat' lies. This is a nation of drooling Sheeple. It is what it is.

exactly.well said.9/11 is the LEAST of our problems we have to worry about from the government right now.It's like talking about how Barry is not a us citizen.Okay instead of talking about it,come up with SOLUTIONS to do something about it,arguing back and forth on it is fruitless.

That's an interesting hypothesis that they are "paid shills" but let me suggest that these are rather people who genuinely and sincerely disagree. Do you think the government is spending the money to pay for people to go on every single little message board or forum and push the standard 9/11 narrative? Where is the money for this coming from? Wouldn't that if people found out if anything make it more likely that people would get suspicious?

By the way, I'm curious: given your user name, and your topical focus it seems like you'd expect that what you are doing will eventually succeed. In that context, can you give a date by when you expect the American public to accept that 9/11 was an inside job? Maybe just a majority of the population accepting it?

Are you claiming that Israel is paying people to spend time on boards defending the standard narrative of 9/11 ?

NOW your catching on.:thup: Isreal along with agents in the government for the CIA,NSA,DIA,homeland security and probably a few others are indeed trolling this message board and SEVERAL others everywhere as well. they got them on political message boards everywhere,Not just here.

Not sure if you know this but congress did an investigation into the CIA's activities in the 70's and discovered documents the CIA has plants in the mainstream media and in workplaces.that hasnt change since then either.the CIA is every bit as evil and corrupt now than it was back then,even more so.

I mean you must SURELY know by now they were behind the JFK assassination as was israel? if not,what deserted island you been living on? lol
thats an act of desperation by the shill posting DEBWUNKER links that contradict NIST.His handlers are REALLY getting desperate now.


plus debwunker links dont counter a single thing in those four videos of mine.

they havent countered anything that any truther has posted.

this is easier than shooting dead ducks!!!

KokomoJojo, let's say for sake of argument that no one has countered anything that any 9/11 Truther has posted here. If that's the case, why do you think they continue to disagree with you?

Dude its because they are paid shillssent h
9/11 was at least partially an inside job. But most Americans don't care. So the case is closed. Sadly there just isn't much point in discussing it anymore.

Anything that doesn't go along with Government/Corporate Media narratives, is angrily dismissed as 'Tinfoil Hat' lies. This is a nation of drooling Sheeple. It is what it is.

exactly.well said.9/11 is the LEAST of our problems we have to worry about from the government right now.It's like talking about how Barry is not a us citizen.Okay instead of talking about it,come up with SOLUTIONS to do something about it,arguing back and forth on it is fruitless.

That's an interesting hypothesis that they are "paid shills" but let me suggest that these are rather people who genuinely and sincerely disagree. Do you think the government is spending the money to pay for people to go on every single little message board or forum and push the standard 9/11 narrative? Where is the money for this coming from? Wouldn't that if people found out if anything make it more likely that people would get suspicious?

By the way, I'm curious: given your user name, and your topical focus it seems like you'd expect that what you are doing will eventually succeed. In that context, can you give a date by when you expect the American public to accept that 9/11 was an inside job? Maybe just a majority of the population accepting it?

Oh yeah, the trolls are everywhere attempting to marginalize by way of ridicule. But i gave up discussing 9/11. Americans don't know, and they don't wanna know. And most importantly, they don't care. So the Bush Family was very close to the Bin Laden Family, and gave them special permission to fly out of the country right after the attack? Nothing to see here folks, right?

Americans are very happy & content with their B.S. Government/Corporate Media narratives. Anything other than that, deeply upsets them. So they lash out with the angry 'Tinfoil Hat' insults and so on. 9/11 is over and done. Obviously there was a cover up, but most just don't care. So there just isn't any point discussing it further. It is very sad, but it is what it is.
Paid Gov’t and Corporate Internet Trolls Are Real
21st Century Wire says…

You know them… Their mission has nothing to do with national security, fighting terrorism, and catching criminals. Their mission is to distort public opinion and spread propaganda in order to generate a ‘consensus reality’ – and they are responsible for polluting the internet with much of the garbage in comment sections, Facebook groups, forums and bogus blog posts.
Paid Gov t and Corporate Internet Trolls Are Real
KokomoJojo, let's say for sake of argument that no one has countered anything that any 9/11 Truther has posted here. If that's the case, why do you think they continue to disagree with you?

Dude its because they are paid shillssent h
9/11 was at least partially an inside job. But most Americans don't care. So the case is closed. Sadly there just isn't much point in discussing it anymore.

Anything that doesn't go along with Government/Corporate Media narratives, is angrily dismissed as 'Tinfoil Hat' lies. This is a nation of drooling Sheeple. It is what it is.

exactly.well said.9/11 is the LEAST of our problems we have to worry about from the government right now.It's like talking about how Barry is not a us citizen.Okay instead of talking about it,come up with SOLUTIONS to do something about it,arguing back and forth on it is fruitless.

That's an interesting hypothesis that they are "paid shills" but let me suggest that these are rather people who genuinely and sincerely disagree. Do you think the government is spending the money to pay for people to go on every single little message board or forum and push the standard 9/11 narrative? Where is the money for this coming from? Wouldn't that if people found out if anything make it more likely that people would get suspicious?

By the way, I'm curious: given your user name, and your topical focus it seems like you'd expect that what you are doing will eventually succeed. In that context, can you give a date by when you expect the American public to accept that 9/11 was an inside job? Maybe just a majority of the population accepting it?

Are you claiming that Israel is paying people to spend time on boards defending the standard narrative of 9/11 ?

NOW your catching on.:thup: Isreal along with agents in the government for the CIA,NSA,DIA,homeland security and probably a few others are indeed trolling this message board and SEVERAL others everywhere as well. they got them on political message boards everywhere,Not just here.

Not sure if you know this but congress did an investigation into the CIA's activities in the 70's and discovered documents the CIA has plants in the mainstream media and in workplaces.that hasnt change since then either.the CIA is every bit as evil and corrupt now that it was back then,even more so.

And you think that this giant army of many different agencies paying people troll hasn't been generally noticed why? None of them have spoken up about being paid to troll and derail discussions about 9/11 why?
Dude its because they are paid shillssent h
exactly.well said.9/11 is the LEAST of our problems we have to worry about from the government right now.It's like talking about how Barry is not a us citizen.Okay instead of talking about it,come up with SOLUTIONS to do something about it,arguing back and forth on it is fruitless.

That's an interesting hypothesis that they are "paid shills" but let me suggest that these are rather people who genuinely and sincerely disagree. Do you think the government is spending the money to pay for people to go on every single little message board or forum and push the standard 9/11 narrative? Where is the money for this coming from? Wouldn't that if people found out if anything make it more likely that people would get suspicious?

By the way, I'm curious: given your user name, and your topical focus it seems like you'd expect that what you are doing will eventually succeed. In that context, can you give a date by when you expect the American public to accept that 9/11 was an inside job? Maybe just a majority of the population accepting it?

Are you claiming that Israel is paying people to spend time on boards defending the standard narrative of 9/11 ?

NOW your catching on.:thup: Isreal along with agents in the government for the CIA,NSA,DIA,homeland security and probably a few others are indeed trolling this message board and SEVERAL others everywhere as well. they got them on political message boards everywhere,Not just here.

Not sure if you know this but congress did an investigation into the CIA's activities in the 70's and discovered documents the CIA has plants in the mainstream media and in workplaces.that hasnt change since then either.the CIA is every bit as evil and corrupt now that it was back then,even more so.

And you think that this giant army of many different agencies paying people troll hasn't been generally noticed why? None of them have spoken up about being paid to troll and derail discussions about 9/11 why?


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