WTC building 7

structural steel melting point is approximately 1510ºC(2750ºF).
true ...
1600 °C is equal to 2912 °F
The conversion formula is Fahrenheit temperature = (9/5 x Celsius temperature)+ 32
you just fucked yourself again!

QUOTE="daws101, post: 11288976, member: 30999"]
structural steel melting point is approximately 1510ºC(2750ºF).
true ...
1600 °C is equal to 2912 °F
The conversion formula is Fahrenheit temperature = (9/5 x Celsius temperature)+ 32
you just fucked yourself again!
#1 your facts are wrong. Where did you get them?
hydrocarbon fires do not reach those temperatures

There is fairly broad agreement in the fire science community that flashover is reached when the average upper gas temperature in the room exceeds about 600°C. Prior to that point, no generalizations should be made: There will be zones of 900°C flame temperatures, but wide spatial variations will be seen. Of interest, however, is the peak fire temperature normally associated with room fires. The peak value is governed by ventilation and fuel supply characteristics [12] and so such values will form a wide frequency distribution. Of interest is the maximum value which is fairly regularly found. This value turns out to be around 1200°C, although a typical post-flashover room fire will more commonly be 900~1000°C. actual fact, no jurisdiction demands fire endurance periods for over 4 hr, at which point the curve only reaches 1093°C.[/QUOTE]
He always fucks himself with his lies.nothing new there.
ok lets say there was molten steel-----SO??? I have a fork that was
distorted by heat----stainless steel----or bent out of shape
Are you claiming that Israel is paying people to spend time on boards defending the standard narrative of 9/11 ?
NOW your catching on.:thup: Isreal along with agents in the government for the CIA,NSA,DIA,homeland security and probably a few others are indeed trolling this message board and SEVERAL others everywhere as well. they got them on political message boards everywhere,Not just here.

Not sure if you know this but congress did an investigation into the CIA's activities in the 70's and discovered documents the CIA has plants in the mainstream media and in workplaces.that hasnt change since then either.the CIA is every bit as evil and corrupt now that it was back then,even more so.

And you think that this giant army of many different agencies paying people troll hasn't been generally noticed why? None of them have spoken up about being paid to troll and derail discussions about 9/11 why?

That... does not answer my question. So you are claiming that massive groups in every major three letter agency are doing this? Do you realize how many middle managers would have to know?

"Hey Bob, I get why we need to have our people say that ISIS is a bunch of poopy heads, and that the dollar is more stable as a currency than it really is, but why are we being told to troll and disrupt any attempt at a discussion about 9/11?" You don't think that wouldn't raise more questions than it it would squish?
hey new guy, eot's will never give you an honest answer...

And I suppose that you think you do?

If so, that's laughable since YOU have NEVER posted anything honest or factual about 9/11, you dumbfuck! :eusa_liar: :lmao:
You need to cut and paste some more silly YouTube videos.

You Alex Jones groupies are a comical lot.
So you find Robert Bowman comical ?..You think Robert Bowman forms his awarded scientific research and development through Alex jones ? must realise how pathetic you seem with your bizarre denials but you just do not care..
I find you Alex Jones groupies comical. You conspiracy theory loons and your silly YouTube videos are a real hoot.
yes thats why you and your idjits will forever be fucktards.

youtube videos have no value to a fucktard.

Actually, it's a fairly recent phenomenon where loopy conspiracy theorists can scour YouTube for silly videos that cater to their fears and paranoia.

View attachment 40497

what would be the earth-shattering implications of molten steel at the WTC site?
the use of an Incendiary
if there was one but there was!

Nor was there molten steel.

Same old silly YouTubes. Anyone can say anything and upload a video but none of the "witnesses" you quote tested the material ... NONE. Yet no matter how many times that truth is revealed, you continue to post your silliness.
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what would be the earth-shattering implications of molten steel at the WTC site?
the use of an Incendiary
if there was one but there was!

Nor was there molten steel.

Same old silly YouTubes. Anyone can say anything and upload a video but none of the "witnesses" you quote tested the material ... NONE. Yet no matter how many times that truth is revealed, you continue to post your silliness.

You don't even listen to them.
ok lets say there was molten steel-----SO??? I have a fork that was
distorted by heat----stainless steel----or bent out of shape
there was molten steel and those temperatures could not of been reached with a fire..the only explanation for molten steel is some type of explosive or incendiary was used

really? what sort of explosions melt steel? What sort of incendiaries melt
steel? how did people in the bronze age melt metals to make BRONZE----
They did melt iron-----and as far as I understand ----adding carbon leads to steel.
------steel was made by using nuclear bombs?-----or some kind of specific
ok lets say there was molten steel-----SO??? I have a fork that was
distorted by heat----stainless steel----or bent out of shape
there was molten steel and those temperatures could not of been reached with a fire..the only explanation for molten steel is some type of explosive or incendiary was used

really? what sort of explosions melt steel? What sort of incendiaries melt
steel? how did people in the bronze age melt metals to make BRONZE----
They did melt iron-----and as far as I understand ----adding carbon leads to steel.
------steel was made by using nuclear bombs?-----or some kind of specific
there is no disputing the melting point of steel or the the temperature of Hydrocarbon fire you nit-wit..these are scientific facts not in dispute
the use of an Incendiary
if there was one but there was!

Nor was there molten steel.

Same old silly YouTubes. Anyone can say anything and upload a video but none of the "witnesses" you quote tested the material ... NONE. Yet no matter how many times that truth is revealed, you continue to post your silliness.

You don't even listen to them.

Once more for the terminally dense: None of those "witnesses" tested the molten liquid for the presence of steel. None. Zilch. Zippo. Nada.
ok lets say there was molten steel-----SO??? I have a fork that was
distorted by heat----stainless steel----or bent out of shape
there was molten steel and those temperatures could not of been reached with a fire..the only explanation for molten steel is some type of explosive or incendiary was used

really? what sort of explosions melt steel? What sort of incendiaries melt
steel? how did people in the bronze age melt metals to make BRONZE----
They did melt iron-----and as far as I understand ----adding carbon leads to steel.
------steel was made by using nuclear bombs?-----or some kind of specific
there is no disputing the melting point of steel or the the temperature of Hydrocarbon fire you nit-wit..these are scientific facts not in dispute

I am a nit-wit? you are playing a silly game-----pretending that the ONLY
release of energy in the WTC incident consisted of burning jet fuel------you are
that stupid. ----that's it-----once the jet fuel was all burned up-----everything ended in the mind of the nitwits of the world
if there was one but there was!

Nor was there molten steel.

Same old silly YouTubes. Anyone can say anything and upload a video but none of the "witnesses" you quote tested the material ... NONE. Yet no matter how many times that truth is revealed, you continue to post your silliness.

You don't even listen to them.

Once more for the terminally dense: None of those "witnesses" tested the molten liquid for the presence of steel. None. Zilch. Zippo. Nada.

I still do not see the big time "STEEL" issue------but it is certainly true----I can melt some metals on my stove top
ok lets say there was molten steel-----SO??? I have a fork that was
distorted by heat----stainless steel----or bent out of shape
there was molten steel and those temperatures could not of been reached with a fire..the only explanation for molten steel is some type of explosive or incendiary was used

There was no molten steel.
Nor was there molten steel.

Same old silly YouTubes. Anyone can say anything and upload a video but none of the "witnesses" you quote tested the material ... NONE. Yet no matter how many times that truth is revealed, you continue to post your silliness.

You don't even listen to them.

Once more for the terminally dense: None of those "witnesses" tested the molten liquid for the presence of steel. None. Zilch. Zippo. Nada.

I still do not see the big time "STEEL" issue------but it is certainly true----I can melt some metals on my stove top

Not steel. The issue is just part of the box of lies promoted by the "Truther" Movement to create doubt about what so many Americans witnessed on 9/11.

"I thought the term ‘Truth Movement’ meant that there’d be some search for truth. I was wrong." - Charlie Veitch, recovering former 9/11 "Truther"

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