WTC building 7

Nor was there molten steel.

Same old silly YouTubes. Anyone can say anything and upload a video but none of the "witnesses" you quote tested the material ... NONE. Yet no matter how many times that truth is revealed, you continue to post your silliness.

You don't even listen to them.

Once more for the terminally dense: None of those "witnesses" tested the molten liquid for the presence of steel. None. Zilch. Zippo. Nada.

I still do not see the big time "STEEL" issue------but it is certainly true----I can melt some metals on my stove top

you can not melt steel on your stove top loon
ok lets say there was molten steel-----SO??? I have a fork that was
distorted by heat----stainless steel----or bent out of shape
there was molten steel and those temperatures could not of been reached with a fire..the only explanation for molten steel is some type of explosive or incendiary was used

There was no molten steel.

Same old silly YouTubes. Anyone can say anything and upload a video but none of the "witnesses" you quote tested the material ... NONE. Yet no matter how many times that truth is revealed, you continue to post your silliness.

You don't even listen to them.

Once more for the terminally dense: None of those "witnesses" tested the molten liquid for the presence of steel. None. Zilch. Zippo. Nada.

I still do not see the big time "STEEL" issue------but it is certainly true----I can melt some metals on my stove top

Not steel. The issue is just part of the box of lies promoted by the "Truther" Movement to create doubt about what so many Americans witnessed on 9/11.

"I thought the term ‘Truth Movement’ meant that there’d be some search for truth. I was wrong." - Charlie Veitch, recovering former 9/11 "Truther"

I have no way of knowing just what there MIGHT have been in the building----that could have "EXPLODED" I is no expert on explosions------but I kinda know that
stuff "catches on fire"-------and even just FLOUR (ie ground up wheat) suspended in the air can sustain an "explosion". A huge building as was the WTC has all kinds of machinery -------heaters, refrigerators, printers ------cleanng
machines-------wired up stuff. The models presented by DA TROOOFERs-----seem to be -----a steel container------with a bit of jet fuel spilled therein------something like an oil lamp----goes out when the oil is gone. I have a sense that so many DIFFERENT events could have been galvanized by the force of the impact plus the burning fire-------that it is almost impossible to try to discuss and to try to unravel the events-------some of our guys seem to be comparing the event to a single burning candle
ok lets say there was molten steel-----SO??? I have a fork that was
distorted by heat----stainless steel----or bent out of shape
there was molten steel and those temperatures could not of been reached with a fire..the only explanation for molten steel is some type of explosive or incendiary was used

There was no molten steel.
Same old silly YouTubes. Anyone can say anything and upload a video but none of the "witnesses" you quote tested the material ... NONE. Yet no matter how many times that truth is revealed, you continue to post your silliness.

You don't even listen to them.

Once more for the terminally dense: None of those "witnesses" tested the molten liquid for the presence of steel. None. Zilch. Zippo. Nada.

I still do not see the big time "STEEL" issue------but it is certainly true----I can melt some metals on my stove top

Not steel. The issue is just part of the box of lies promoted by the "Truther" Movement to create doubt about what so many Americans witnessed on 9/11.

"I thought the term ‘Truth Movement’ meant that there’d be some search for truth. I was wrong." - Charlie Veitch, recovering former 9/11 "Truther"

I have no way of knowing just what there MIGHT have been in the building----that could have "EXPLODED" I is no expert on explosions------but I kinda know that
stuff "catches on fire"-------and even just FLOUR (ie ground up wheat) suspended in the air can sustain an "explosion". A huge building as was the WTC has all kinds of machinery -------heaters, refrigerators, printers ------cleanng
machines-------wired up stuff. The models presented by DA TROOOFERs-----seem to be -----a steel container------with a bit of jet fuel spilled therein------something like an oil lamp----goes out when the oil is gone. I have a sense that so many DIFFERENT events could have been galvanized by the force of the impact plus the burning fire-------that it is almost impossible to try to discuss and to try to unravel the events-------some of our guys seem to be comparing the event to a single burning candle
fire investigators are well aware of the the temperatures of an office fire and its contents it has been well does not burn hot enough to melt steel... not possible...not in dispute

Same old silly YouTubes. Anyone can say anything and upload a video but none of the "witnesses" you quote tested the material ... NONE. Yet no matter how many times that truth is revealed, you continue to post your silliness.

You don't even listen to them.

Once more for the terminally dense: None of those "witnesses" tested the molten liquid for the presence of steel. None. Zilch. Zippo. Nada.

I still do not see the big time "STEEL" issue------but it is certainly true----I can melt some metals on my stove top

you can not melt steel on your stove top loon

I said "metal"------as in chea
ok lets say there was molten steel-----SO??? I have a fork that was
distorted by heat----stainless steel----or bent out of shape
there was molten steel and those temperatures could not of been reached with a fire..the only explanation for molten steel is some type of explosive or incendiary was used

There was no molten steel.
You don't even listen to them.

Once more for the terminally dense: None of those "witnesses" tested the molten liquid for the presence of steel. None. Zilch. Zippo. Nada.

I still do not see the big time "STEEL" issue------but it is certainly true----I can melt some metals on my stove top

Not steel. The issue is just part of the box of lies promoted by the "Truther" Movement to create doubt about what so many Americans witnessed on 9/11.

"I thought the term ‘Truth Movement’ meant that there’d be some search for truth. I was wrong." - Charlie Veitch, recovering former 9/11 "Truther"

I have no way of knowing just what there MIGHT have been in the building----that could have "EXPLODED" I is no expert on explosions------but I kinda know that
stuff "catches on fire"-------and even just FLOUR (ie ground up wheat) suspended in the air can sustain an "explosion". A huge building as was the WTC has all kinds of machinery -------heaters, refrigerators, printers ------cleanng
machines-------wired up stuff. The models presented by DA TROOOFERs-----seem to be -----a steel container------with a bit of jet fuel spilled therein------something like an oil lamp----goes out when the oil is gone. I have a sense that so many DIFFERENT events could have been galvanized by the force of the impact plus the burning fire-------that it is almost impossible to try to discuss and to try to unravel the events-------some of our guys seem to be comparing the event to a single burning candle
fire investigators are well aware of the the temperatures of an office fire and its contents it has been well does not burn hot enough to melt steel... not possible...not in dispute

oh the general run'o themill office fire. an EGG will explode in the microwave
Same old silly YouTubes. Anyone can say anything and upload a video but none of the "witnesses" you quote tested the material ... NONE. Yet no matter how many times that truth is revealed, you continue to post your silliness.

You don't even listen to them.

Once more for the terminally dense: None of those "witnesses" tested the molten liquid for the presence of steel. None. Zilch. Zippo. Nada.
total loon
I still do not see the big time "STEEL" issue------but it is certainly true----I can melt some metals on my stove top
you can not melt steel on your stove top loon

I said "metal"------as in chea
ok lets say there was molten steel-----SO??? I have a fork that was
distorted by heat----stainless steel----or bent out of shape
there was molten steel and those temperatures could not of been reached with a fire..the only explanation for molten steel is some type of explosive or incendiary was used

There was no molten steel.
Once more for the terminally dense: None of those "witnesses" tested the molten liquid for the presence of steel. None. Zilch. Zippo. Nada.

I still do not see the big time "STEEL" issue------but it is certainly true----I can melt some metals on my stove top

Not steel. The issue is just part of the box of lies promoted by the "Truther" Movement to create doubt about what so many Americans witnessed on 9/11.

"I thought the term ‘Truth Movement’ meant that there’d be some search for truth. I was wrong." - Charlie Veitch, recovering former 9/11 "Truther"

I have no way of knowing just what there MIGHT have been in the building----that could have "EXPLODED" I is no expert on explosions------but I kinda know that
stuff "catches on fire"-------and even just FLOUR (ie ground up wheat) suspended in the air can sustain an "explosion". A huge building as was the WTC has all kinds of machinery -------heaters, refrigerators, printers ------cleanng
machines-------wired up stuff. The models presented by DA TROOOFERs-----seem to be -----a steel container------with a bit of jet fuel spilled therein------something like an oil lamp----goes out when the oil is gone. I have a sense that so many DIFFERENT events could have been galvanized by the force of the impact plus the burning fire-------that it is almost impossible to try to discuss and to try to unravel the events-------some of our guys seem to be comparing the event to a single burning candle
fire investigators are well aware of the the temperatures of an office fire and its contents it has been well does not burn hot enough to melt steel... not possible...not in dispute

oh the general run'o themill office fire. an EGG will explode in the microwave

you are a loon
"It is much more difficult to tell if melting has occured in the grain boundary regions in this steel as was observed in the A36 steel in the WTC 7."

Under the "Suggestions for Future Research" you find this...

"The severe corrosion and subsequent erosion of Samples 1 and 2 are a very unusual event. No clear explanation for the source of the sulfur has been identified. The rate of corrosion is also unknown. It is possible that this is the result of long-term heating in the ground following the collapse of the buildings. It is also possible that the phenomenon started prior to collapse and accelerated the weakening of the steel structure."

Thermite and thermate will give the result found under the rubble. It keeps on eroding and giving off heat for a very long time. Plus, needs no oxygen to do that.
"It is much more difficult to tell if melting has occured in the grain boundary regions in this steel as was observed in the A36 steel in the WTC 7."

Under the "Suggestions for Future Research" you find this...

"The severe corrosion and subsequent erosion of Samples 1 and 2 are a very unusual event. No clear explanation for the source of the sulfur has been identified. The rate of corrosion is also unknown. It is possible that this is the result of long-term heating in the ground following the collapse of the buildings. It is also possible that the phenomenon started prior to collapse and accelerated the weakening of the steel structure."

Thermite and thermate will give the result found under the rubble. It keeps on eroding and giving off heat for a very long time. Plus, needs no oxygen to do that.
Ah. The silly thermite conspiracy.
You don't even listen to them.

Once more for the terminally dense: None of those "witnesses" tested the molten liquid for the presence of steel. None. Zilch. Zippo. Nada.
total loon
I still do not see the big time "STEEL" issue------but it is certainly true----I can melt some metals on my stove top
you can not melt steel on your stove top loon

I said "metal"------as in chea
there was molten steel and those temperatures could not of been reached with a fire..the only explanation for molten steel is some type of explosive or incendiary was used

There was no molten steel.
I still do not see the big time "STEEL" issue------but it is certainly true----I can melt some metals on my stove top

Not steel. The issue is just part of the box of lies promoted by the "Truther" Movement to create doubt about what so many Americans witnessed on 9/11.

"I thought the term ‘Truth Movement’ meant that there’d be some search for truth. I was wrong." - Charlie Veitch, recovering former 9/11 "Truther"

I have no way of knowing just what there MIGHT have been in the building----that could have "EXPLODED" I is no expert on explosions------but I kinda know that
stuff "catches on fire"-------and even just FLOUR (ie ground up wheat) suspended in the air can sustain an "explosion". A huge building as was the WTC has all kinds of machinery -------heaters, refrigerators, printers ------cleanng
machines-------wired up stuff. The models presented by DA TROOOFERs-----seem to be -----a steel container------with a bit of jet fuel spilled therein------something like an oil lamp----goes out when the oil is gone. I have a sense that so many DIFFERENT events could have been galvanized by the force of the impact plus the burning fire-------that it is almost impossible to try to discuss and to try to unravel the events-------some of our guys seem to be comparing the event to a single burning candle
fire investigators are well aware of the the temperatures of an office fire and its contents it has been well does not burn hot enough to melt steel... not possible...not in dispute

oh the general run'o themill office fire. an EGG will explode in the microwave

you are a loon
You're the loon who is foaming at the mouth over your silly conspiracy theories.

So, who really is the loon?
NOW your catching on.:thup: Isreal along with agents in the government for the CIA,NSA,DIA,homeland security and probably a few others are indeed trolling this message board and SEVERAL others everywhere as well. they got them on political message boards everywhere,Not just here.

Not sure if you know this but congress did an investigation into the CIA's activities in the 70's and discovered documents the CIA has plants in the mainstream media and in workplaces.that hasnt change since then either.the CIA is every bit as evil and corrupt now that it was back then,even more so.

And you think that this giant army of many different agencies paying people troll hasn't been generally noticed why? None of them have spoken up about being paid to troll and derail discussions about 9/11 why?

That... does not answer my question. So you are claiming that massive groups in every major three letter agency are doing this? Do you realize how many middle managers would have to know?

"Hey Bob, I get why we need to have our people say that ISIS is a bunch of poopy heads, and that the dollar is more stable as a currency than it really is, but why are we being told to troll and disrupt any attempt at a discussion about 9/11?" You don't think that wouldn't raise more questions than it it would squish?
hey new guy, eot's will never give you an honest answer...

And I suppose that you think you do?

If so, that's laughable since YOU have NEVER posted anything honest or factual about 9/11, you dumbfuck! :eusa_liar: :lmao:
thanks for proving theory correct... conspiracy believers can't distinguish fact from fiction ...
ok lets say there was molten steel-----SO??? I have a fork that was
distorted by heat----stainless steel----or bent out of shape
there was molten steel and those temperatures could not of been reached with a fire..the only explanation for molten steel is some type of explosive or incendiary was used
false conclusion based on speculation and wishful thinking and not evidence.

Same old silly YouTubes. Anyone can say anything and upload a video but none of the "witnesses" you quote tested the material ... NONE. Yet no matter how many times that truth is revealed, you continue to post your silliness.

You don't even listen to them.

Once more for the terminally dense: None of those "witnesses" tested the molten liquid for the presence of steel. None. Zilch. Zippo. Nada.

I still do not see the big time "STEEL" issue------but it is certainly true----I can melt some metals on my stove top

you can not melt steel on your stove top loon

But if all you want is to see steel melt, any old blowtorch will do the job. The metal at the end of the process will be useless for pretty much any technical purposes, though.
Same old silly YouTubes. Anyone can say anything and upload a video but none of the "witnesses" you quote tested the material ... NONE. Yet no matter how many times that truth is revealed, you continue to post your silliness.

You don't even listen to them.

Once more for the terminally dense: None of those "witnesses" tested the molten liquid for the presence of steel. None. Zilch. Zippo. Nada.

I still do not see the big time "STEEL" issue------but it is certainly true----I can melt some metals on my stove top
you can not melt steel on your stove top loon
But if all you want is to see steel melt, any old blowtorch will do the job. The metal at the end of the process will be useless for pretty much any technical purposes, though.

there is something called "metal fatigue" <<< so poetic. Hubby depends on a STEEL BRACE-----that itself depends on a nice solid steel ---really strong---well made SWISS craftsmanship-----screw------it happens----now and then-----
the screw breaks and he is on the floor BANG!!!!!!. <<<< all simply because a 150lb male walks on this brace. (he does not even play soccer anymore)
Somehow the CT nuts imagine they are going to convince me that a plane crash
onto a steel frame building-----a fire burning for more than an hour thruout and stuff falling all over the place is not going to bother a few steel beams?
You don't even listen to them.

Once more for the terminally dense: None of those "witnesses" tested the molten liquid for the presence of steel. None. Zilch. Zippo. Nada.

I still do not see the big time "STEEL" issue------but it is certainly true----I can melt some metals on my stove top
you can not melt steel on your stove top loon
But if all you want is to see steel melt, any old blowtorch will do the job. The metal at the end of the process will be useless for pretty much any technical purposes, though.

there is something called "metal fatigue" <<< so poetic. Hubby depends on a STEEL BRACE-----that itself depends on a nice solid steel ---really strong---well made SWISS craftsmanship-----screw------it happens----now and then-----
the screw breaks and he is on the floor BANG!!!!!!. <<<< all simply because a 150lb male walks on this brace. (he does not even play soccer anymore)
Somehow the CT nuts imagine they are going to convince me that a plane crash
onto a steel frame building-----a fire burning for more than an hour thruout and stuff falling all over the place is not going to bother a few steel beams?
funny thing about it is it's a red herring.
the steel beams did not need to melt and did not .
all that was required was for them to be weakened and to bend shifting the load and gravity did the rest.
the amount of melted "metal" is so small it's inconsequential.

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