WTF! DREAM Act Vote for Saturday?

Flopper, your polls don't ADDRESS the HARD ISSUES surrounding illegal immigration. You'd like to think that the majority of American people side with you, but that's simply not true.

Americans' support for Arizona’s tough new immigration law is unwavering, with the public unmoved by a legal challenge to the law filed by the US Department of Justice, finds a new poll released Monday by TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence (TIPP).

The US Department of Justice filed suit against the state of Arizona in federal court July 6, challenging the state's tough new immigration law requiring state and local police to ask ID of anyone they've stopped and then suspect of being in the US illegally.

“What is interesting here is that Americans are on the side of Arizona and seem to not share the US government’s views against the law, despite wide media coverage of the clash between [President] Obama and [Arizona Gov. Jan] Brewer on this issue,” says Raghavan Mayur, president of TIPP.

The most compelling figure from the poll is that 51 percent of Americans support Arizona's law as it stands, compared with 35 percent who support the US case against Arizona.

The level of support is highest in the South and the West, at 55 and 56 percent, respectively. By contrast, respondents in the Northeast were equally divided in their support for Arizona versus the US, 41 percent to 41 percent.

“This tells me that states in regions that have to deal with immigration tend to support the Arizona law because they have a better understanding of the challenges. The states in the Northeast don’t have a border problem,” Mr. Mayur says.

The findings are consistent with other polls showing a majority of the public supports Arizona's law, say other analysts.


Amid the ongoing controversy over Arizona's new immigration law, voters by a 2-to-1 margin think individual states should have the right to make their own immigration laws. And a majority of voters would like their own state to follow Arizona's lead.

A Fox News poll finds 65 percent of American voters think states should have right to make their own immigration laws and protect their borders "if they believe the federal government has failed to act," while 32 percent disagree. Moreover, a 52 percent majority favors their own state passing a bill similar to Arizona’s new immigration law. Some 31 percent would oppose it and another 18 percent is unsure.

Those living in the Midwest (56 percent) and the South (54 percent) are more likely to favor a law like Arizona's in their state than those in the West (49 percent) or the Northeast (45 percent).

The key provisions of Arizona's immigration law receive significant support. Over two-thirds (65 percent) favor allowing local authorities to question anyone who they think may be in the country illegally, while 76 percent favor allowing local officials to detain anyone who cannot prove their immigration status.

Fully 84 percent favor requiring people to show documents proving their immigration status, if officials have reasonable cause to ask for them.

Do you understand what these people are saying, Flopper?

By the way, why are you so pro-amnesty anyway?
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If you consider the fact that the legal workers, would be Americans and would spend their money in this country rather than sending it out of the country, the economy would be a winner for having exported all the illegals.

Actually, every poll I've seen has the majority of Americans in favor of deporting the illegals. They know that they've stolen our jobs wrecked our economy and kept our wages artificially low.

Why can't we deport 12 million people? Mexico did it....

BTW, anybody heard of The Plan De San Diego? I heard Mexicans were wearing shirts with those words on it during their protests. For the uneducated...that was a plan by the Mexicans and Hispanics to kill every male American over a certain age. The national guard ended up going to Texas and driving them out, including some legal Hispanic they couldn't prove they weren't part of the plan. Look it up, it's horrifying, especially given the words of the official representative of the Mexican government that I quote in all my posts....
Why can't we deport 12 million people?

Trains loaded with deportees headed for deportation camps along the boarder
Illegals flock to safe havens
Mass deportation hearings on the evening news
Higher priced produce and construction
Courts filled with illegal deportations

Most Americans will not support mass deportations. Get serious and suggest something practical.
Unfortunately we live in a country that is run by crooks lining their pockets with kick backs and special interest group money. Military support on this issue is the main ingredient in border security and illegal alien roundup's and deportation logistics. These brave men and women took a oath to protect America from enemies foreign and domestic. They get paid ether way why not use them. I worked 25yr in construction in the Phoenix area where the price of housing and infrastructure steadily rose, construction companies made millions the workers wages went up 5 dollars at best so don't think wages are going to greatly increase construction costs. Do you eat produce from mexico I don't, go to mexico a see their irrigation practices. The same water they use for irrigation is used as a toilet, bathtub, swimming hole and washing machine up stream just a short way. We should stop all business with mexico and let them deal with their problems. There is no argument that will convince me we need illegals for any reason.
Flopper, your polls don't ADDRESS the HARD ISSUES surrounding illegal immigration. You'd like to think that the majority of American people side with you, but that's simply not true.

Americans' support for Arizona’s tough new immigration law is unwavering, with the public unmoved by a legal challenge to the law filed by the US Department of Justice, finds a new poll released Monday by TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence (TIPP).

The US Department of Justice filed suit against the state of Arizona in federal court July 6, challenging the state's tough new immigration law requiring state and local police to ask ID of anyone they've stopped and then suspect of being in the US illegally.

“What is interesting here is that Americans are on the side of Arizona and seem to not share the US government’s views against the law, despite wide media coverage of the clash between [President] Obama and [Arizona Gov. Jan] Brewer on this issue,” says Raghavan Mayur, president of TIPP.

The most compelling figure from the poll is that 51 percent of Americans support Arizona's law as it stands, compared with 35 percent who support the US case against Arizona.

The level of support is highest in the South and the West, at 55 and 56 percent, respectively. By contrast, respondents in the Northeast were equally divided in their support for Arizona versus the US, 41 percent to 41 percent.

“This tells me that states in regions that have to deal with immigration tend to support the Arizona law because they have a better understanding of the challenges. The states in the Northeast don’t have a border problem,” Mr. Mayur says.

The findings are consistent with other polls showing a majority of the public supports Arizona's law, say other analysts.


Amid the ongoing controversy over Arizona's new immigration law, voters by a 2-to-1 margin think individual states should have the right to make their own immigration laws. And a majority of voters would like their own state to follow Arizona's lead.

A Fox News poll finds 65 percent of American voters think states should have right to make their own immigration laws and protect their borders "if they believe the federal government has failed to act," while 32 percent disagree. Moreover, a 52 percent majority favors their own state passing a bill similar to Arizona’s new immigration law. Some 31 percent would oppose it and another 18 percent is unsure.

Those living in the Midwest (56 percent) and the South (54 percent) are more likely to favor a law like Arizona's in their state than those in the West (49 percent) or the Northeast (45 percent).

The key provisions of Arizona's immigration law receive significant support. Over two-thirds (65 percent) favor allowing local authorities to question anyone who they think may be in the country illegally, while 76 percent favor allowing local officials to detain anyone who cannot prove their immigration status.

Fully 84 percent favor requiring people to show documents proving their immigration status, if officials have reasonable cause to ask for them.

Do you understand what these people are saying, Flopper?

By the way, why are you so pro-amnesty anyway?

BLUE you have got to be the most well informed and articulate person on usmb. You inspire me to more research. Now here in AZ if your confronted by a police officer and you can't speak English, show me you papers. Its not profiling its a description of the suspect.
Put their butts on a bus and take them back to the border and escort them back into their own country.

There is about as much chance of doing as you suggest as paying off the national debt.

Just for starters the cost of deporting 12 million people is on the order 300 billion dollars and that does not account for economic loss of having to replace low paid workers with higher paid workers. Secondly, it is very unlikely that Mexico would take them back even thou deportation is covered under our treaty. Lastly, the American people would not back massive deportation. In fact, most polls have show that the majority of Americans are against deportation.

America needs practical solutions, not barroom philosophies.

Illegals should be praying to Virgin Mary 3 times a day that this country is run by pansy ass crooks. Hiler and Sudam already used the most efficient method of removing the unwanted. Americans in the South West don't care how it get done just do it already.
FOX News poll: 50% of Americans support 'amnesty' | Immigration Chronicles | - Houston Chronicle

About one in four Americans, 24%, say all illegal immigrants should be deported back to their home countries.
Public Still Supports Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants

The vast majority of Americans say they favor allowing illegal immigrants to stay in the U.S. if they have a job and pay their taxes, according to a new national poll.
CNN Poll: Should illegal immigrants be allowed to stay? – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Most Californians oppose deportation of illegal immigrants: poll

Fox News Chicago took a poll a few years ago where 100% of the AMERICANS polled wanted both illegals and their children removed from the US no matter how much force had to be use. Stop counting Mexicans as Americans because they're not.
BTW, anybody heard of The Plan De San Diego? I heard Mexicans were wearing shirts with those words on it during their protests. For the uneducated...that was a plan by the Mexicans and Hispanics to kill every male American over a certain age. The national guard ended up going to Texas and driving them out, including some legal Hispanic they couldn't prove they weren't part of the plan. Look it up, it's horrifying, especially given the words of the official representative of the Mexican government that I quote in all my posts....

Hmm? Is there anyway we can start schooling our AMERICAN children about these things?

Mexicans politicians in Illinois are forcing American children to hear the nonsense about the Mexican Revolution, where Pancho Vila is a GOOD GUY. Wasn't he killing helpless Americans and terrorizing the southwest?
Not according to LA RAZA.

White people BAD, funny smelling brown people wearing big hats GOOD!

Using American funds to brainwash American children into liking their persecutors. Mexican Gang Bangers=Pancho Vila
FOX News poll: 50% of Americans support 'amnesty' | Immigration Chronicles | - Houston Chronicle

About one in four Americans, 24%, say all illegal immigrants should be deported back to their home countries.
Public Still Supports Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants

The vast majority of Americans say they favor allowing illegal immigrants to stay in the U.S. if they have a job and pay their taxes, according to a new national poll.
CNN Poll: Should illegal immigrants be allowed to stay? – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Most Californians oppose deportation of illegal immigrants: poll

Fox News Chicago took a poll a few years ago where 100% of the AMERICANS polled wanted both illegals and their children removed from the US no matter how much force had to be use. Stop counting Mexicans as Americans because they're not.
I've never seen a creditable poll where 100% of Americans agreed on anything. How about a link to this information?
FOX News poll: 50% of Americans support 'amnesty' | Immigration Chronicles | - Houston Chronicle

About one in four Americans, 24%, say all illegal immigrants should be deported back to their home countries.
Public Still Supports Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants

The vast majority of Americans say they favor allowing illegal immigrants to stay in the U.S. if they have a job and pay their taxes, according to a new national poll.
CNN Poll: Should illegal immigrants be allowed to stay? – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Most Californians oppose deportation of illegal immigrants: poll

Fox News Chicago took a poll a few years ago where 100% of the AMERICANS polled wanted both illegals and their children removed from the US no matter how much force had to be use. Stop counting Mexicans as Americans because they're not.

You have to lie to make your point? Show a source and I will apologize, if not....I'm calling you a liar, Bullfighter and really should just STFU. Your a hater, dude.
If you consider the fact that the legal workers, would be Americans and would spend their money in this country rather than sending it out of the country, the economy would be a winner for having exported all the illegals.

Actually, every poll I've seen has the majority of Americans in favor of deporting the illegals. They know that they've stolen our jobs wrecked our economy and kept our wages artificially low.

Why can't we deport 12 million people? Mexico did it....

BTW, anybody heard of The Plan De San Diego? I heard Mexicans were wearing shirts with those words on it during their protests. For the uneducated...that was a plan by the Mexicans and Hispanics to kill every male American over a certain age. The national guard ended up going to Texas and driving them out, including some legal Hispanic they couldn't prove they weren't part of the plan. Look it up, it's horrifying, especially given the words of the official representative of the Mexican government that I quote in all my posts....
Why can't we deport 12 million people?

Trains loaded with deportees headed for deportation camps along the boarder
Illegals flock to safe havens
Mass deportation hearings on the evening news
Higher priced produce and construction
Courts filled with illegal deportations

Most Americans will not support mass deportations. Get serious and suggest something practical.

When we lived in England, my parents, my father was career USAF, took in Hungarians that fled Hungary when the communists took over. In spite of my parents efforts of more than a year, the weren't able to get our friends into this country. They lived out their lives in Canada.

My brother married a girl from Thailand. It cost him $1000s and more than a year to get her here legally. In spite of over 20 years of efforts, he was never able to get his mother in law a visa to even come here to visit. She never got to see her grandchildren in their own home. My brother in law is from Canada, more than 30 years ago he had $40,000 in the bank, was married to my sister and my parents still had to sponsor his coming into this country and promise they wouldn't go on welfare. My cousin in law came here from Germany, same thing with my aunt and uncle, they had to sponsor him and promise he wouldn't use our welfare system.

Why on earth do you think anybody who snuck over the borders deserves more rights than my friends and relatives?

Giving amnesty to ANY illegal is a slap in the face to every legal immigrant in this nation, not to mention the millions of people who've been denied entry and didn't break into out country anyway.

The only people in favor of amnesty are those who use them for cheap labor, thereby keeping our wages artificially low and our unemployment artificially high, and those who want their votes. My brother in law, a legal immigrant cannot vote but I've seen illegals on television admit that there are here illegally and proudly state that the "vote too". The interviewers, who should have immediately called the cops, did nothing.
FOX News poll: 50% of Americans support 'amnesty' | Immigration Chronicles | - Houston Chronicle

About one in four Americans, 24%, say all illegal immigrants should be deported back to their home countries.
Public Still Supports Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants

The vast majority of Americans say they favor allowing illegal immigrants to stay in the U.S. if they have a job and pay their taxes, according to a new national poll.
CNN Poll: Should illegal immigrants be allowed to stay? – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Most Californians oppose deportation of illegal immigrants: poll

Fox News Chicago took a poll a few years ago where 100% of the AMERICANS polled wanted both illegals and their children removed from the US no matter how much force had to be use. Stop counting Mexicans as Americans because they're not.
I've never seen a creditable poll where 100% of Americans agreed on anything. How about a link to this information?

Mark Sepelsa was the newscaster at that time. Sorry no link.

NBC's Cambell Brown once caught a person who wrote a pro-mexican invasion/immigration book just plain LYING about polls.

Campbell bitch slapped her saying NBC has done all kinds of polls on the immigration subject and Americans always overwhemingly want illegals and their children removed from the US.

The author looked like she was about to cry so Campbell went to a commercial. Lies and LA RAZA.
FOX News poll: 50% of Americans support 'amnesty' | Immigration Chronicles | - Houston Chronicle

About one in four Americans, 24%, say all illegal immigrants should be deported back to their home countries.
Public Still Supports Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants

The vast majority of Americans say they favor allowing illegal immigrants to stay in the U.S. if they have a job and pay their taxes, according to a new national poll.
CNN Poll: Should illegal immigrants be allowed to stay? – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Most Californians oppose deportation of illegal immigrants: poll

Fox News Chicago took a poll a few years ago where 100% of the AMERICANS polled wanted both illegals and their children removed from the US no matter how much force had to be use. Stop counting Mexicans as Americans because they're not.

You have to lie to make your point? Show a source and I will apologize, if not....I'm calling you a liar, Bullfighter and really should just STFU. Your a hater, dude.

To be perfectly honest, I didn't see that show. My cousin told me about it. He moved to Myrtle Beach to get away from the Mexicans. But he works on a golf course that had a crackdown a few years ago and caught Mexicans using SSNs of little old white haired seniors. One Mexican actually returned after being fired. But using a different SSN, they took him back because he actually was a hard worker.

A few weeks ago they were going to take a golf course staff picture that would have included the Mexicans that worked there. They convieniently got lost when the photographer showed up.
FOX News poll: 50% of Americans support 'amnesty' | Immigration Chronicles | - Houston Chronicle

About one in four Americans, 24%, say all illegal immigrants should be deported back to their home countries.
Public Still Supports Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants

The vast majority of Americans say they favor allowing illegal immigrants to stay in the U.S. if they have a job and pay their taxes, according to a new national poll.
CNN Poll: Should illegal immigrants be allowed to stay? – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Most Californians oppose deportation of illegal immigrants: poll

Fox News Chicago took a poll a few years ago where 100% of the AMERICANS polled wanted both illegals and their children removed from the US no matter how much force had to be use. Stop counting Mexicans as Americans because they're not.
I've never seen a creditable poll where 100% of Americans agreed on anything. How about a link to this information?

Mark Sepelsa was the newscaster and made a big deal about how they never got any one to agree 100% on any poll until that one. Give him a call and maybe he'll remember it. I think he works at WGN Chicago but watch how you word it. His co anchor is a token Latina named Lourdes.
Fox News Chicago took a poll a few years ago where 100% of the AMERICANS polled wanted both illegals and their children removed from the US no matter how much force had to be use. Stop counting Mexicans as Americans because they're not.

You have to lie to make your point? Show a source and I will apologize, if not....I'm calling you a liar, Bullfighter and really should just STFU. Your a hater, dude.

To be perfectly honest, I didn't see that show. My cousin told me about it. He moved to Myrtle Beach to get away from the Mexicans. But he works on a golf course that had a crackdown a few years ago and caught Mexicans using SSNs of little old white haired seniors. One Mexican actually returned after being fired. But using a different SSN, they took him back because he actually was a hard worker.

A few weeks ago they were going to take a golf course staff picture that would have included the Mexicans that worked there. They convieniently got lost when the photographer showed up.

A couple of years ago there was a big article in the Seattle Times about a widow that had been collecting on her husbands social security. She'd had him declared dead after he had disappeared for several years (I forget how many, 5 or 7). She'd been collecting that social security for years but all of a sudden it stopped and she was informed that her husband was alive and working in California. No follow up article appeared. Anybody want to beat that some illegal was using her dead husband's SSN and caused her all that grief because of his own greed?

What's worse, they KNOW that illegals use our SSNs and they don't care. When you retire, if your SSN has been used by somebody else, you have to PROVE every job you've ever had. Can you do that? I sure as heck can't.

This is not a victimless crime. They just don't care that American citizens are the victims.
Why can't we deport 12 million people?

Trains loaded with deportees headed for deportation camps along the boarder
Illegals flock to safe havens
Mass deportation hearings on the evening news
Higher priced produce and construction
Courts filled with illegal deportations

Most Americans will not support mass deportations. Get serious and suggest something practical.

When we lived in England, my parents, my father was career USAF, took in Hungarians that fled Hungary when the communists took over. In spite of my parents efforts of more than a year, the weren't able to get our friends into this country. They lived out their lives in Canada.

My brother married a girl from Thailand. It cost him $1000s and more than a year to get her here legally. In spite of over 20 years of efforts, he was never able to get his mother in law a visa to even come here to visit. She never got to see her grandchildren in their own home. My brother in law is from Canada, more than 30 years ago he had $40,000 in the bank, was married to my sister and my parents still had to sponsor his coming into this country and promise they wouldn't go on welfare. My cousin in law came here from Germany, same thing with my aunt and uncle, they had to sponsor him and promise he wouldn't use our welfare system.

Why on earth do you think anybody who snuck over the borders deserves more rights than my friends and relatives?

Giving amnesty to ANY illegal is a slap in the face to every legal immigrant in this nation, not to mention the millions of people who've been denied entry and didn't break into out country anyway.

The only people in favor of amnesty are those who use them for cheap labor, thereby keeping our wages artificially low and our unemployment artificially high, and those who want their votes. My brother in law, a legal immigrant cannot vote but I've seen illegals on television admit that there are here illegally and proudly state that the "vote too". The interviewers, who should have immediately called the cops, did nothing.

I remember in the 70s, if you sponsor people from a foreign country to live in the US, you were responsible if they did anything wrong and could get your ass sued if they did. They were very strict. That kept foreigners in line.
BTW, anybody heard of The Plan De San Diego? I heard Mexicans were wearing shirts with those words on it during their protests. For the uneducated...that was a plan by the Mexicans and Hispanics to kill every male American over a certain age. The national guard ended up going to Texas and driving them out, including some legal Hispanic they couldn't prove they weren't part of the plan. Look it up, it's horrifying, especially given the words of the official representative of the Mexican government that I quote in all my posts....

Hmm? Is there anyway we can start schooling our AMERICAN children about these things?

Mexicans politicians in Illinois are forcing American children to hear the nonsense about the Mexican Revolution, where Pancho Vila is a GOOD GUY. Wasn't he killing helpless Americans and terrorizing the southwest?
Not according to LA RAZA.

White people BAD, funny smelling brown people wearing big hats GOOD!

Using American funds to brainwash American children into liking their persecutors. Mexican Gang Bangers=Pancho Vila

Settle down a course in Mexican history is at best a 1 hr class. What is there to tell sence the ocupation of mexico it has remained a piece of shit country that hasn't eveen tried to better it's self or make any contrabutions to the world but drugs and vacation destinations? The real question is why are thr parents not raising holly hell with the school board from waisting their children time with such bullshit? Probly the same as AZ Mexicans run the shcool board.
Fox News Chicago took a poll a few years ago where 100% of the AMERICANS polled wanted both illegals and their children removed from the US no matter how much force had to be use. Stop counting Mexicans as Americans because they're not.
I've never seen a creditable poll where 100% of Americans agreed on anything. How about a link to this information?

Mark Sepelsa was the newscaster at that time. Sorry no link.

NBC's Cambell Brown once caught a person who wrote a pro-mexican invasion/immigration book just plain LYING about polls.

Campbell bitch slapped her saying NBC has done all kinds of polls on the immigration subject and Americans always overwhemingly want illegals and their children removed from the US.

The author looked like she was about to cry so Campbell went to a commercial. Lies and LA RAZA.

Bullfighter, what these idiots dont now is how the poll where taken. When an inerest group hires a company to perform a poll the company does not set the guildlines the interest group does. If you want to argu poll results first know the guildlines. Polls showing in faver of immagration was most likly taken in a area saturated with Mexicans. the oldest trick in the book. Keep up the post like what your saying.
I've never seen a creditable poll where 100% of Americans agreed on anything. How about a link to this information?

Mark Sepelsa was the newscaster at that time. Sorry no link.

NBC's Cambell Brown once caught a person who wrote a pro-mexican invasion/immigration book just plain LYING about polls.

Campbell bitch slapped her saying NBC has done all kinds of polls on the immigration subject and Americans always overwhemingly want illegals and their children removed from the US.

The author looked like she was about to cry so Campbell went to a commercial. Lies and LA RAZA.

Bullfighter, what these idiots dont now is how the poll where taken. When an inerest group hires a company to perform a poll the company does not set the guildlines the interest group does. If you want to argu poll results first know the guildlines. Polls showing in faver of immagration was most likly taken in a area saturated with Mexicans. the oldest trick in the book. Keep up the post like what your saying.

Even notice that any publication or report that is positive about the Mexican invasion is almost always written by a Latino? I guess the other races agree with loyal Americans.
Most people thought it was dead in this session. Now, there is a real possible of it passing. Anyone who has bothered to read the bill would see that passing it is right thing to do but I think the Senate is more concerned with sending the correct political message than doing what's right.
It is the wrong thing to do to pass it!!!!

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