WTF Is Going On With The Russian Military?

If we read the English and Russian correctly, Berdyansk is now in the hands of the Russian military.

RIA Novosti 2022 Feb 28 Rossiiskie voiska vziali pod kontrol' Berdiansk (Russian Troops Took Control of Berdyansk)
Agreed, but it appears it is no walk in the park for the Russians, and it's not going to get better anytime soon.
Agreed it seems Putin underestimated Ukraine's ability and willingness to fight they are still outguned and overmatched numbers wise though. How long Ukraine can hold out against this we don't know I also suspect Putin probabaly promised his military a quick and easy victory the longer this drags out his military could tire of the fight and turn on him. These things might decide the outcome more than anything any outside nations including the U.S. do.
Russian military now controls airport near Kherson as well as Genichevsk (Henichesk), in accompaniment to a serious remodeling of the Crimean water system. A port on the Sea of Azov, Mayor Svidlo reports from Berdyansk:

2022 Feb 27 Russian Forces Seize Ukraine's City of Berdyansk: Mayor Svidlo
All the people in the Soviet Union were forced to learn Russian and speak Russian. Speaking their own languages wasn't encouraged. Actual Russians, ethnic Russians comprise 16.7% of the population of the Ukraine.

:link: Putzgruber.
Unless you can prove that you're a scholar in World/Russo History.
Have you been to Kharkiv? Most of the people there speak Russian and many have relatives in Russia. Kharkiv is Eastern Ukraine's biggest city and if you follow the news they are fighting tooth and nail to keep the Russians out:

Why would anyone follow the news? All they do is lie like all leftists.
especially given the Russians outnumber them substantially ....~S~
Yes. This earlier:

A huge three-mile convoy of Russian military equipment has been spotted outside Kyiv. Hundreds of military vehicles ferrying troops, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and artillery were captured in satellite imagery around 40 miles from the capital. The Mayor of Kyiv, the former heavyweight boxing champion Vitali Klitschko, earlier said the city was "completely surrounded" but later withdrew that statement.

Notably the mayor of Kyiv didn’t walk back his statement publicly (tmk) about Kyiv being encircled, but his own spokesperson later said that was only “manipulation” and not true. This particular mayor is a political opponent of Ukraine’s current president. He’s been targeted and raided several times. Hard to determine which one is telling the truth, they cannot both be right.

DailyMail also has aerial footage of the 3 1/2 mile incoming caravan.


A huge three-mile convoy of Russian military equipment has been spotted outside Kyiv. Hundreds of military vehicles ferrying troops, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and artillery were captured in satellite imagery around 40 miles from the capital. The Mayor of Kyiv, the former heavyweight boxing champion Vitali Klitschko, earlier said the city was "completely surrounded" but later withdrew that statement.

A very good friend of ours who goes to medical school with my wife is from Ukraine. Her parents live in Kiev. In Kiev the government is handing out brand new AK-47s +ammo to anyone who wants one. They are literally handing them out on street corners for free.

They are not going to surrender to the Russians.
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You should re-check your CIA-MI6 propaganda, now controlling Western media. This biased media won't report the physical damage to 56 radar stations and communications installations, 27 command posts, nor the videos available on youtube. There were 38 Ukrainian anti-aircraft systems destroyed. Why not request stingers? Obviously the Chechens would be stigmatized with propaganda early on due to their expertise. Izvestia reports that, unlike the effeminate Western media, the other side of the story:

Sbito 3 udarnykh bespilotnkyh letatel'nykh apparata "Bairaktar TB-2" v prigorodakh Chernigova.
Three attack unmanned aerial vehicles "Bayraktar TB-2" were shot down in suburbs of Chernigova.'
(Izvestia, 2022 Feb 27, The Ministry of Defense Announces the Deaths and Wounded of the Russian Military During the Operation to Protect the Donbass)
If Russia had air superiority, you wouldn't see the war fought as it is presently. Thanks for revealing yourself as a Russian patriot.
A very good friend of ours who goes to medical school with my wife is from Ukraine. Her parents live in Kiev. In Kiev the government is handing out brand new AK-47s +ammo to anyone who wants one. They are literally handing them out on street corners for free. They are not going to surrender to the Russians.

I admire people who die on their feet!
If Russia had air superiority, you wouldn't see the war fought as it is presently. Thanks for revealing yourself as a Russian patriot.
Badger will always reveal as an intelligent supporter of Russia and exposer of Western mental pathologies, especially capitalism and religion.
President Biden and Democrats are Americans; so yes, blame America first.

To ‘blame’ President Biden for the invasion of Ukraine is rightwing partisan idiocy.

Putin is alone to blame.
I agree
President Biden and Democrats are Americans; so yes, blame America first.

To ‘blame’ President Biden for the invasion of Ukraine is rightwing partisan idiocy.

Putin is alone to blame.
I agree Putin is to Blame but it didn’t happen and wouldn’t have happened under Trump or under control of Americans.

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