WTF Is Going On With The Russian Military?

Reports of Kiev being surrounded have been retracted.

Pittsburg Post-Gazzette

Kyiv is encircled by Russian troops, mayor says, but residents still full of fight​

Associated Press


KYIV, Ukraine — As Russian troops draw closer to the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv’s mayor is both filled with pride over his citizens’ spirit and anxious about how long they can hold out.

In an interview with The Associated Press on Sunday, after a grueling night of Russian attacks on the outskirts of the city, Mayor Vitali Klitschko was silent for several seconds when asked if there were plans to evacuate civilians if Russian troops managed to take Kyiv.

“We can’t do that, because all ways are blocked,” he finally said. “Right now, we are encircled.”



Pittsburg Post-Gazzette

Kyiv is encircled by Russian troops, mayor says, but residents still full of fight​

Associated Press


KYIV, Ukraine — As Russian troops draw closer to the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv’s mayor is both filled with pride over his citizens’ spirit and anxious about how long they can hold out.

In an interview with The Associated Press on Sunday, after a grueling night of Russian attacks on the outskirts of the city, Mayor Vitali Klitschko was silent for several seconds when asked if there were plans to evacuate civilians if Russian troops managed to take Kyiv.

“We can’t do that, because all ways are blocked,” he finally said. “Right now, we are encircled.”




Kyiv mayor says City is surrounded, later walks it back​

by Christopher Hutton, Breaking News Reporter
| February 27, 2022 02:39 PM

Fog of war?

Kyiv mayor says City is surrounded, later walks it back​

by Christopher Hutton, Breaking News Reporter
| February 27, 2022 02:39 PM

Fog of war?

I saw that but how can you back out after saying they were surrounded in interview with the AP?

I think he told the truth about being surrounded and got chewed out over it because come on he is the MAYOR of a 300,000 people city who would know what is going on.
I saw that but how can you back out after saying they were surrounded in interview with the AP?
I think he told the truth about being surrounded and got chewed out over it because come on he is the MAYOR of a 300,000 people city who would know what is going on.
Statement was walked back by mayor’s spokesman, this was notable as well since the mayor made the statement. The walked back position could be about boosting their morale to continue to resist and to fight. I think we have two bad leaders in the mix here but as I mentioned I’m still learning more about Ukraine’s current president and his goals. It’s clear he wants to appear as a steadfast leader stating he will not give Russia an inch of ground. Reportedly the lines were longer going into Ukraine on Friday as opposed to the lines coming out with Ukrainians flooding in to help with the fight. Some have never seen war while others had earlier training. That level of loyalty is admirable, but I hope the talks happen soon and are successful to reduce predicted fatalities.
I saw that but how can you back out after saying they were surrounded in interview with the AP?

I think he told the truth about being surrounded and got chewed out over it because come on he is the MAYOR of a 300,000 people city who would know what is going on.
Let's just put Klitschko in the ring with Putin, winner take all. Easy and without all the death and destruction stuff. Pay per view could even help funnel money to both countries.

Yeah, I know I shouldn't make light of the situation, but the world has gotten so crazy, I just have to sometimes.
Let's just put Klitschko in the ring with Putin, winner take all. Easy and without all the death and destruction stuff. Pay per view could even help funnel money to both countries.

Yeah, I know I shouldn't make light of the situation, but the world has gotten so crazy, I just have to sometimes.
Humor is needed during most conversations, even in serious conversations that show only a glimpse of light ahead. There is light, just not convinced either leader is interested in turning on that light, at this point.

Media presenting facts during this war, as usual, with half-truths only helps those who are manipulating the facts. Certainly not civilians and families with loved ones at risk of losing their lives.

I’m with you though in message, it’s easy to force/send others to die for a national cause, especially if you live on for 40 to 50 more years or so beyond their deaths.
Ukraine president is Jewish. It's doubtful, having Mossad, that they made a mistake at the Jerusalem Post. Other towns are also surrounded, the ones special to the Russian military objective. Kyiv can no longer be said to control Kyiv.
Humor is needed during most conversations, even in serious conversations that show only a glimpse of light ahead. There is light, just not convinced either leader is interested in turning on that light, at this point.

Media presenting facts during this war, as usual, with half-truths only helps those who are manipulating the facts. Certainly not civilians and families with loved ones at risk of losing their lives.

I’m with you though in message, it’s easy to force/send others to die for a national cause, especially if you live on for 40 to 50 more years or so beyond their deaths.
One can imagine that the Ukraine President is tripping about the astonishing similarities to stories in the Old Testament.
Yes, a deliberate attack on a civilian is a war crime.
The "announce" was for scaring the timid. If you intended use, would you announce? I would not. Strategic use of no advantage. Tactical low yeild use, would simply destroy the prize as the Ukrainians are too dispersed, and would make a large no travel zone for Russian forces, the wind is more often from the west for 7.5 months (from late August to early April), since most of the fighting is in the East, that puts the fallout on Russia. At one time I could formulate a nuclear downwind message in my sleep. Russians have had training similar to mine. I do not see a good use for an area denial weapon and Ukraine force too dispersed for a point weapon. Use does not favor Russia in this situation and would further complicate Putin's life or what there was left of it.
Yet you don't know if Putin is talking tactical, in theater use.

Hopefully, it's just nuclear 'sabre rattling'.
Yet you don't know if Putin is talking tactical, in theater use.

Hopefully, it's just nuclear 'sabre rattling'.
He's out there, but he is not that far out there. I don't know your age, but I was ordered to hide under desks when we were being specifically threatened with weapons 90 miles off our coast. This is not the same.
He's out there, but he is not that far out there. I don't know your age, but I was ordered to hide under desks when we were being specifically threatened with weapons 90 miles off our coast. This is not the same.
You too?

You do not know what's going on in Putin's head as do I. I wouldn't discount anything.

View attachment 608308

The fighting in many parts of Ukraine has been tremendously hard. Ukrainian soldiers have proven themselves incredibly tough and fearless, as have Ukrainian civilians. By now, the videos of Ukrainians driving up to Russian tankers to chastise them for being in the wrong country, or of Ukrainian soldiers casually strolling through automatic weapon fire to level a anti-tank weapon at ranks of Russian vehicles have become so common that they’re like a meme which gets reinforced by the hour.

This video shows Russian forces shooting at a Ukrainian armored carrier outside of Kyiv. The only problem: the carrier is actually a statue in a park. And despite multiple shots from multiple vehicles at close range, they missed.

They did manage to knock down a telephone pole.

Oh, and did I mention 5000 soldiers in Russia are rioting, because they don't want to go into Ukraine? No?

Our church had prayers for the Ukrainian army. Fuck the Russian pig fuckers.
You too?

You do not know what's going on in Putin's head as do I. I wouldn't discount anything.
OK. I will settle for likelihood. Possible, but highly unlikely. So, not losing any sleep or telling my grandkids to hide under desks.
OK. I will settle for likelihood. Possible, but highly unlikely. So, not losing any sleep or telling my grandkids to hide under desks.
You know, after doing those things, I wondered WTF?

After reading tons of books on nuclear weapons and tactics, I came to the realization our asses were grass. What a crock of bullshit layed upon the people over surviving a nuke attack.

Get your covid shot.....LOL
You know, after doing those things, I wondered WTF?

After reading tons of books on nuclear weapons and tactics, I came to the realization our asses were grass. What a crock of bullshit layed upon the people over surviving a nuke attack.

Get your covid shot.....LOL
I was 1st or 2nd grade and thought it stupid, but just did as I was told like a lil kid will. I had enough realization even at that age to know I was in a 12 ft ceiling room with single pain glass windows from steam heaters (desk level) to the ceiling, the entire length of the room and this wasn't going to save anybody for anything and there was a really close concrete tunnel under the creek outside that would be much safer if somebody was going drop a bomb.
Cooler heads prevailed and this doesn't come remotely close.
You should re-check your CIA-MI6 propaganda, now controlling Western media. This biased media won't report the physical damage to 56 radar stations and communications installations, 27 command posts, nor the videos available on youtube. There were 38 Ukrainian anti-aircraft systems destroyed. Why not request stingers? Obviously the Chechens would be stigmatized with propaganda early on due to their expertise. Izvestia reports that, unlike the effeminate Western media, the other side of the story:

Sbito 3 udarnykh bespilotnkyh letatel'nykh apparata "Bairaktar TB-2" v prigorodakh Chernigova.
Three attack unmanned aerial vehicles "Bayraktar TB-2" were shot down in suburbs of Chernigova.'
(Izvestia, 2022 Feb 27, The Ministry of Defense Announces the Deaths and Wounded of the Russian Military During the Operation to Protect the Donbass)

Give concrete examples of the claimed "CIA-M16 propaganda".

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