WTF Is Going On With The Russian Military?

I think what we are seeing right now, is what happens when another country has access to advanced and even cheap drones and quadcopters in order to drop bombs and missles. One drone can destroy an entire column of armored vehicles. The Ukranian army can do this all day long.
"If" these reports are true, it marks the beginning of the end for Putin.
I hope it is true that what the French medias are saying this russian assholes all of them could all go straigh to hell.
Maybe Macaroni will for once not be MOU ( soft ball) and react comme un Coq Français 🐓
I blame Biden (democrats), not Americans.
True, the democrats are to blame because like the old said : "Quand le chat n'est pas là, les souris dansent" that what is happening since Obama went to the white house
Since then all kind shit happen and stop when Trump was at the white house, the DemocRATs should think about this and i ask themself some question about the no good old Xiden who look crazy on TV
I was 1st or 2nd grade and thought it stupid, but just did as I was told like a lil kid will. I had enough realization even at that age to know I was in a 12 ft ceiling room with single pain glass windows from steam heaters (desk level) to the ceiling, the entire length of the room and this wasn't going to save anybody for anything and there was a really close concrete tunnel under the creek outside that would be much safer if somebody was going drop a bomb.
Cooler heads prevailed and this doesn't come remotely close.

As an aside:

Welcome to how 1st and 2nd graders now are gonna think about wearing masks for two years and eating behind flimsy partitions.
The Russians might be a big or well-equipped army but they are also a conscripted army attempting to wage war on a people most soldiers see as brothers. That seems to be presenting a problem. I wonder just how much of a problem it will be if they attempt street fighting on a large scale.
In Kiev the government is handing out brand new AK-47s +ammo to anyone who wants one. They are literally handing them out on street corners for free
and we've been handing out vaccines for 2 1/2 years....
I am still learning more about Ukraine’s current president and his motivations to say much else on the issue.
didn't we have a hand in his nomination?
Do you realize that most war claims from the region with be propaganda?
just as it seems they are from our region....

Ukrainian bandits are in position right on the balconies of a multi-storey residential building.
They also threaten civilians with weapons who are dissatisfied with their use as a "human shield"
Chechen Insurgency War between the Russian Federation and the Chechen Republic lasted 10 years.
I think what we are seeing right now, is what happens when another country has access to advanced and even cheap drones and quadcopters in order to drop bombs and missles. One drone can destroy an entire column of armored vehicles. The Ukranian army can do this all day long.
The Russian tanks & aircraft captured so far are very basic. They don't have GPS, night vision, body armor, advanced weapons or much fuel.

However, the main force have been moving 50km per day way outside the cities to surround them. If Ukraine can get enough advanced weapons & drones before they get surrounded & cut off, Russia will suffer very heavy losses.
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As an aside:

Welcome to how 1st and 2nd graders now are gonna think about wearing masks for two years and eating behind flimsy partitions.
I have 3rd grade granddaughter. She wears a mask to schools now. Not because it is required by the school or board of education, but by her mother. She gets dropped off here, on her mother's way to work for PJ to drop at school. As far is I know she is not eating behind some kind of partition. As far as I can tell, she isn't traumatized. Years from now, she may very well think, "well that was stupid". Coincidentally, she is about the only one in the family that has not had Covid, though we, her mother and teenage sister have all had it.
Unfortunately, Putin will eventually prevail.

But it’s good to see he’s paying a high cost in men and equipment.
The odds are in his favor, but it ain't over til it's over.

The invasion has already gone in a direction that no one expected. Now, the EU has agreed to send weapons and aircraft to Ukraine.

More weapons, more aircraft, more ammo could tip the scales in Ukraine's favor.
Chechen Insurgency War between the Russian Federation and the Chechen Republic lasted 10 years.

The Russian tanks & aircraft captured so far are very basic. They don't have GPS, night vision, body armor, advanced weapons or much fuel.

However, the main force have been moving 50km per day way outside the cities to surround them. If Ukraine can get enough advanced weapons & drones before they get surrounded & cut off, Russia will suffer very heavy losses.
I'm surprised the Russians' night vision capabilities are so poor.

View attachment 608308

The fighting in many parts of Ukraine has been tremendously hard. Ukrainian soldiers have proven themselves incredibly tough and fearless, as have Ukrainian civilians. By now, the videos of Ukrainians driving up to Russian tankers to chastise them for being in the wrong country, or of Ukrainian soldiers casually strolling through automatic weapon fire to level a anti-tank weapon at ranks of Russian vehicles have become so common that they’re like a meme which gets reinforced by the hour.

This video shows Russian forces shooting at a Ukrainian armored carrier outside of Kyiv. The only problem: the carrier is actually a statue in a park. And despite multiple shots from multiple vehicles at close range, they missed.

They did manage to knock down a telephone pole.

Oh, and did I mention 5000 soldiers in Russia are rioting, because they don't want to go into Ukraine? No?

There are thousands of Russian soldiers and thousands of Russian tanks. The thousands of soldiers and tanks haven't a clue.

View attachment 608308

The fighting in many parts of Ukraine has been tremendously hard. Ukrainian soldiers have proven themselves incredibly tough and fearless, as have Ukrainian civilians. By now, the videos of Ukrainians driving up to Russian tankers to chastise them for being in the wrong country, or of Ukrainian soldiers casually strolling through automatic weapon fire to level a anti-tank weapon at ranks of Russian vehicles have become so common that they’re like a meme which gets reinforced by the hour.

This video shows Russian forces shooting at a Ukrainian armored carrier outside of Kyiv. The only problem: the carrier is actually a statue in a park. And despite multiple shots from multiple vehicles at close range, they missed.

They did manage to knock down a telephone pole.

Oh, and did I mention 5000 soldiers in Russia are rioting, because they don't want to go into Ukraine? No?

Shooting at the armored vehicle monument makes sense. The funny part is, they couldn't hit
Why would anyone follow the news? All they do is lie like all leftists.

Not every country follows the US in reporting.

I use Google News to open news sites in Australia, the Uk, Canada, English language press in China, Japan, Philippines,India and others. Reporting in other countries provides information that you often don't see on MSM.

Do you realize that most war claims from the region with be propaganda?

The fact that the CAPITAL city KIEV is surrounded is really bad news for Ukraine and when they run down militarily before the promised foreign aid comes will go down.

Russian doesn't have to invade the whole country to win just beat down the Military and take the Capital is all they need, and they have the Military to do it.

With an armed populace that hates the Russians, Putin's problem will be holding on to the country.

I saw that but how can you back out after saying they were surrounded in interview with the AP?

I think he told the truth about being surrounded and got chewed out over it because come on he is the MAYOR of a 300,000 people city who would know what is going on.

Kyiv has/had a population of some 3 million. You're missing a zero. Given that many of the residents are armed with guns and molotov cocktails, taking Kyiv won't be easy.

Kyiv has/had a population of some 3 million. You're missing a zero. Given that many of the residents are armed with guns and molotov cocktails, taking Kyiv won't be easy.

If they can cut the water supply thats 3 million thirsty Kievians

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